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SESSION: 2022-23

CLASS: X Question Bank

Class 10 Employability Skills

1 Marker Questions

Instructions: In the Question paper, you will get 6 questions of 1 mark, You have to Answer any 4 out
of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills (1 x 4 = 4 marks).

1. operating system enables multiple users to work on the same computer at different
times or simultaneously.

a) multiprogramming.
b) multiprocessors.
c) multi-user.
d) multi-tasking.

Answer: c. multi-user

2. is a series of postures and breathing exercises practiced to achieve control of body

and mind.

a. Meditation
b. Nature Walk
c. Yoga
d. Physical Exercise

Answer: c. Yoga

3. From the following statements, which one is not correct about the Qualities of an entrepreneur

a. Successful entrepreneurs adapt the habit of hard work from a very early stage.
b. Entrepreneur should not think optimistically about the future of the business.
c. Confident entrepreneur must not deviate from his/her decisions too early in case success is delayed.
d. Entrepreneurs like to function at their own will and rules.

Ans: b

4. To remove the files of temporary folder, we type in Run dialog box after pressing
"Windows button + R" on the keyboard.

a. #temp#
b. %temp%
c. $temp%
d. &temp&

Answer: b. %temp%

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5. is not the quality of self-confident people.

a. Dependent
b. Hard Working
c. Positive Attitude
d. Commitment

Answer: b. Hard Working

6. From the following statements, which one is not the positive impact of Entrepreneurship on society:

a. Stimulates Innovation and Efficiency

b. Creates Jobs and Employment Opportunities
c. Solves the problems of the society
d. Discourages welfare of the society

Answer: d. Discourages welfare of the society

7. Which of the following is NOT a physical sign of stress?

a) Dry mouth
b) Guilt
c) Fatigue
d) Cold hands

Answer: (b) Guilt

8. Having conscious knowledge of your own self, capabilities,bfeelings and one's own character
is called as

a) Self- Awareness
b) Self- Motivation
c) Self- Regulation
d) Self- Assessment

Answer: (a) Self -Awareness

9. Write the full form of GUI.

Answer: Graphical User Interface

10. Give anyone use of anti-virus in computers.

Answer: Use of anti-vires in computer
(a) It can prevent data from getting corrupt.
(b) It is needed for device protection

11. Which of the following is the Managerial function of an entrepreneur?

a) Idea discovery
b) Planning
c) Detailed investigation
d) Assembling the requirements

Answer: (b) Planning

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12. Mr. Mohan is owner of a biscuit factory. He pays his employees on the ist day of every month.
Identity the function of an entrepreneur highlighted in the given statement.

(a) Creates a new product

(b) Manages the business
(c) Takes risk
(d) Divides income

Answer: (b) Manage the business

13. In "ABC" of stress management, "A- Adversity stands for

a. The stressful event

b. The way you respond to the event
c. Actions and outcomes of the event
d. Have a joyful life.

Answer: a. the stressful event

14. Yoga is practiced to achieve control of

a. Muscles
b. Bones
c. Mind
d. Body and mind

Answer: d. Body and mind

15. Which of the following is an example of a mobile operating system?

a. Windows
d. ios

Answer: d. ios

16. By default, Windows 7 has a picture for the desktop background. Name that picture.
Answer: Wallpaper

17. In Which type of entrepreneurship, research is conducted to completely define a specific and core
collective problem?

a. Social
b. Agricultural
c. Small Scale
d. Women

Answer: a. Social

18. Identify the women entrepreneur known as the "Queen of Herbal Beauty Care".

a. Radhika Agarwal
b. Aditi Gupta

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c. Shahnaz Hussain
d. Falguni Nayar

Answer: Shahnaz Hussain

19. If students are unable to meet their assignment submission deadlines then which type of stress may

a) Mental stress
b) Physical stress
c) Social stress
d) Positive stress

Answer: a) Mental stress

20. Where are the Files and folders deleted by the user stored in the computer?

a. Control Panel
b. Recycle Bin
c. Search Box
d. Menu Bar

Answer: b. Recycle Bin

21. Which ancient practice includes a series of postures and breathing exercises practiced to
achieve control of body and mind ?

a) Meditation
b) Physical Exercise
c) Listening music
d) Yoga

Answer: d) Yoga

22. How do Entrepreneurs innovate into the market?

a. by bringing unique and new products and services

b. by doing exercises
c. by contesting elections
d. by wastage of natural resources

Answer: a) by bringing unique and new products and services

23. Which of the following shortcut keys is used to paste a file?

(a) Ctrl + C
(b) Ctrl + P
(c) Ctrl + V
(d) Ctrl + X

Answer: (c) Ctrl + V

24. State any one function of an entrepreneur.

Answer: Managerial functions, Commercial Functions, Entrepreneurial Functions Promotional
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Functions (Any one)
25. The ability to identify and manage one's own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.

(a) Emotional intelligence

(b) Emotional awareness
(c) Emotional feeling
(d) Emotional admiration

Answer: (a) Emotional intelligence

26. Identify the type of motivation, We do things because they make us happy, healthy and feel good

(a) External Motivation

(b) Internal Motivation
(c) Identified Motivation
(d) Interjected Motivation

Answer: (b) Internal Motivation

27. How can an anti-virus protect your device?

(a) It can protect it from over-heating.

(b) It can increase its performance.
(c) It can prevent data from getting corrupt.
(d) It can backup data.

Answer: (c) It can prevent data from getting corrupt

28. What should a strong password consist of?

Answer: Letters, numbers and special characters

29. India needs to change its _marketing approach to modern marketing approach for
developing Tourism.

(a) planning
(b) organizing
(c) traditional
(d) management

Answer: (c) traditional

30. Cooking in a restaurant is an example of which type of

employment? Answer: Wage employment

31. makes Entrepreneurship successful.

a) Independence
b) Marketing and advertising
c) Manufacturing
d) Selling

Answer: Independence

32. Having conscious knowledge of your own self, capabilities, feelings and one's own Character is
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called as

a) Self-Awareness
b) Self-Motivation
c) Self-Regulation

Answer: a) Self-Awareness

33. At the mental level which symptoms may reflect stress

a) Irritation
b) Impatience
c) loneliness
d) All of these

Answer: d) all of these

34. Which button is used to reduce the window to a small icon on the taskbar?

a) Minimize button
b) Restore Down button
c) Maximize button

Answer: a) Minimize button

35. Entrepreneurs need to coordinate and manage work teams

a) Attitude
b) Leadership
c) Approachable,

Answer: b) Leadership

36 can be used to select the entire document.

a) Shift + Home
b) Shift + Ctri + End
c) Shift + Ctrl + Home
d) Ctrl + A

Answer: Ctrl + A

37. Which of the following functions is not performed using a mouse?

(a) Turn on
(b) Hover
(c) Right click
(d) Drag and Drop

Answer: a. Turn on

38. Expand S.M.A.R.T

Answer: Smart, measurable, Achievable, Realistic And Timely

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39. Entrepreneurs can create jobs in the market (True or False).
Answer: True

40. Jyoti works hard to get the best student award at the end of year. What type of motivation is this?

(a) Internal
(b) External
(c) Both internal and external
(d) Intermediate

Answer: (a) Internal

41. Which of the following in NOT a type of motivation?

(a) Internal
(b) Intermediate

(c) External
(d) Extensive

Answer: d. Extensive

42. What are the small pictures on the desktop called?

Answer: Icons.

43. Which one of the following shortcut keys is used for "redo" ?

(a) Ctrl + z
(b) Ctrl + r
(c) Ctrl + v
(d) Ctrl + y

Answer: (d) Ctrl + y

44. Running my business is difficult. But, I am because I know success will come soon.

(a) hardworking
(b) patient
(c) creative
(d) trying new ideas

Answer: (b) patient

45. As more entrepreneurs sell the same product, the price of the product goes

(a) down
(b) high
(c) imbalanced
(d) zero

Answer: (a) down

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46. An image file usually has an extension

(a) .jpj
(b) .exe

(a) (c).ing

(c) .jpg

Answer: (d) .jpg

47. Gathering insights on your personality and work-specific proficiencies is known as

(a) responsibility
(b) self - awareness
(c) adaptability
(d) time management

Answer: (b) self - awareness

48. Ravi works hard to get the best student award at the end of year. What type of motivation is this?

(a) Internal
(b) Intermediate
(c) External
(d) Extensive

Answer: (c) External

49. "High expectations from self can leave one with chronic anxiety and stress, thus leading to
stress". Which kind of stress can be depicted by above statement?

a) Physical
b) Emotional
c) Mental
d) Financial

Answer: c) Mental

50. Which of the following is a valid file extension for Notepad file?

a) .jpg
b) .doc
c) .text
d) .txt

Answer: d) .txt

51. Which of the following is the misconception about being an entrepreneur?

a) Person needs creative mind to start a business.

b) Person needs self-motivation to start a business.
c) Person needs a lot of money to start a business.

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d) Person needs optimism to start a business.

Answer: c) Person needs a lot of money to start a business.

52. includes a series of postures and breathing exercises practiced to achieve control of
body and mind

a) Meditation
b) Physical Exercise
c) Listening music
d) Yoga

Answer: d) Yoga

53. Which of the following is not the quality of entrepreneur?

a) Creativity
b) Self Confidence
c) Avoid taking risk
d) Hard Working

Answer: c) Avoid taking risk

54. Which of the following functions is not performed using a mouse?

a) Boot up
b) Hover
c) Right click
d) Drag and drop

Answer: a) Boot up

55. Psychometric disorder is caused due to

a) Positive stress
b) negative stress
c) low positivity
d) financial stability

Answer: b) Negative Stress

56. Stress is the mental stage which symptom may not reflect stress

a) irritation
b) impatience
c) self-awareness
d) loneliness

Answer: c) Self Awareness

57. An operating system is software that serves as an interface between

a) user and computers

b) server and computer

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c) computer and network
d) computer without CPU

Answer: a) User and computer

58. Which panel allows you to change the setting of the computer?
Answer: d) Control Panel

59. Which of the following statements is not correct about entrepreneurs?

a) Entrepreneurs accentuate economic growth.

b) Entrepreneurs can create jobs in the market.
c) Entrepreneurs identify a need in the market and build a product or service for it.
d) A person needs to have a big business to be called an entrepreneur

Answer: d) A person needs to have a big business to be called an entrepreneur.

60. Which of the following is not the function of an entrepreneur?

a) Risk taking
b) Innovation
c) Management of resources
d) Makes own laws

Ans: d

61. Which of the following is an effect of negative stress?

a) Increase in productivity
b) Good mental health
c) Psychosomatic disorders
d) Emotional stability

Answer: c) Psychosomatic disorders

62. Which of the following characteristics helps an individual to

inculcate discipline that further helps him/her in consistent
efforts to move towards goal?

a) Self-awareness
b) Self-regulation
c) Self-motivation
d) Independence

Answer: b) Self-regulation

63. Name the operating system developed by Microsoft.

a) Windows
b) Disk Operating System
c) Linux
d) Firefox

Answer: a) Windows
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64. Using which of the following can change settings?

a) Search box
b) Recycle bin
c) Control panel
d) Taskbar

Answer: c) Control panel

65. Creation of sustainable solutions for social problems that leads to social change by employing
entrepreneurial mindset, processes and operations can be referred to as

a) Social entrepreneurship
b) Agricultural entrepreneurship
c) Small-scale entrepreneurship
d) Economic entrepreneurship

Answer: a) Social entrepreneurship

66. Identify the commercial function to be performed by an entrepreneur.

a) Innovation
b) Controlling
c) Planning
d) Marketing

Answer: d) Marketing

67. Riyanshi works hard to get the best student award at the end of year. What type of motivation is

a) Internal
b) External
c) Both internal and external

Answer: b) External

68. Which of the following is not promotional entrepreneurial function -

a) Idea discovery
b) Financing
c) Directing

Answer: c) Directing

69. individuals have an inner urge to do something, achieve their goals without any
external pressure. It is a life skill and must be necessarily developed.

a) Self-motivated
b) Self -aware
c) Self -regulated

Answer: a) Self- motivated.

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70. Press to copy the file or the folder.

a) Ctrl + P
b) Ctrl + C

c) Ctrl + V

Answer: b) Ctrl + C
71. Entrepreneurship is a process of

a) Developing business plans

b) Launching and running bussiness using innovation.
c) Both of the above

Answer: c) Both of the above

72. What happens if you leave a device plugged in even after it is charged 100%?

a) It can break.
b) It can stop functioning.
c) It can over-heat.

Answer: c) It can over-heat.

73. Define the term 'emotional intelligence'.

Answer: Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage one's own emotions, as well as the
emotions of others.

74. How does stress management help? Give any one point.
Answer: have a joyful life. / focus and complete tasks on time./ be a happy person as you are stress
free./be more energetic and spend quality time with your friends and family.

75. There are two ways a person can earn a living. What are these?
Answer: 1. Self-employment & 2. Wage employment

76. How to keep the computer screen clean?

Answer: You can wipe the screen with a soft cloth to remove any finger marks.

77. Shahnaz Hussain married at the age of 16 but still she is known as the "Queen of herbal beauty
care", and awarded Padma Shri and the most prominent woman entrepreneur in India. Which quality
of entrepreneur is discussed here?
Answer: Hard Working

78. Name any one mobile operating system.

Answer: Apple iOS / Google Android

79. Which skills are required for self-management?

a) Self- Management
b) Responsibility

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c) Time Management
d) All of these

Answer: d) All of these

80. What should a strong password consist of?

a) Only letters
b) Numbers and special characters
c) Name of a person
d) Letters, numbers and special characters

Answer: d) Letters, numbers and special characters

81. What makes you complete work or studies without others cheering you?

a) Self-Confidence
b) Communication
c) Self- Motivation
d) Self-Esteem

Answer: c) Self- Motivation

82. To cut the file or folder, which shortcut key will you use on the computer?

a) Ctrl + V
b) Ctrl + X
c) Ctrl + P
d) Ctrl + C

Answer: Ctrl + X

83. Ravi's customer comes to his store and starts shouting at him. He does not get angry. He listens to
what his customer is saying. He is .

a) hardworking
b) confident
c) patient
d) trying new ideas

Answer: c) patient

84. Business is a (an) activity.

a) social
b) economic
c) hazardous
d) None of these

Answer: b) economic

85. What is Stress?

Answer: Stress can be defined as our emotional, mental, physical and social reaction to any perceived
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demands or threats.

86. What are the two types of motivation?

Answer: Following are the types of motivation: -

1. Internal motivation
2. External motivation

87. ICT stands for?

Answer: Information and Communication Technology.

88. On a computer, which shortcut key is used to paste a file?

Answer: Ctrl + V

89. What is wage employment?

Answer: Wage employed people are people who work for a person or an organization and get paid
for that work.

90. Define demand?

Answer: Demand means a product or service that people want.

91. Pranjali gets up at 5 am and goes to her badminton classes. Then she comes home and finishes
her homework before going to school. She does this all by herself. No one tells her to do it. This is
an example of

(a) Self-motivation
(b) External motivation
(c) Both self and external motivation
(d) Not any specific type of motivation

Answer: (a) Self-motivation

92. Which of the following can cause stress?

(a) Yoga and meditation

(b) Driving during rush hour
(c) Organized academic life
(d) Enjoying holidays with family

Answer: (b) Driving during rush hour

93. What is the term used when you quickly click the left mouse button twice?

(a) Hover
(b) Drag and drop
(c) Double-clicking
(d) Moving

Answer: (c) Double clicking

94. Ravi learnt that if a laptop gets overheated, the internal parts get damaged. What happens if he
leaves his device plugged in even after it is charged 100%?

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(a) It can break
(b) It can stop functioning
(c) It can overheat
(d) Data can get corrupt

Answer: (c) It can overheat

95. Srishti is a young woman who makes earrings. She buys jute from a farmer and makes earrings
from that. She sees that most women in her village do not work. So, she hires two women to help
her. As her orders increase, she hires three more women to work for her. How was she helping her
village grow?

(a) By selling earrings to women without a job

(b) By purchasing earrings from the local market
(c) By buying jute from the local farmer and by providing jobs to local women
(d) By attracting the women in her village with her creative earrings

Answer: (c) By buying jute from the local farmer and by providing jobs to local women

96. Mary has two people who work for her. Every day, she spends one hour with them to learn about
what they've done that day.

(a) Creates a new product

(b) Divides income
(c) Manages the business
(d) Takes risks

Answer: (c) Manages the business

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2 Marks Questions:

Instructions: In the Question paper, you will get 5 questions of 2 marks, Answer any 3 out of the given
5 questions on Employability Skills (2 x 3 = 6 marks). Answer each question in 20 - 30 words

1. What are the advantages of the ability to Work Independently?

Answer: The advantages of the ability to Work Independently:
i. Ensures greater learning.
ii. Individuals feel more empowered and responsible.
iii. It provides flexibility to choose and define working hours and working mechanisms.
iv. Failure and success of the task assigned are accounted by individuals.
v. Individuals become assets to organizations, groups and nations at large.
vi. It ensures creativity and satisfaction amongst individuals.

2. Name the Stress causal agents.

Answer: The Stress causal agents are: 1. MENTAL, 2. PHYSICAL, 3. SOCIAL, 4. FINANCIAL.

3. What do you mean by Disk Defragmentation?

Answer: A disk defragmentation removes all unnecessary information that slows down the computer.
It should be done at regular intervals which helps the disc space to be used at an optimal level.

4. Explain any two Myths about Entrepreneurship.

Answer: Myths about Entrepreneurship are:
i. The misconception is that every business idea needs to be unique or special. Each entrepreneur saw
customer demand and brought a new idea into their business. A person can take an idea that is
already there in the market and do something different with it.

ii. The misconception we have is that a person needs a lot of money to start a business. Every business
does not need a lot of capital to start. Depending on how much money you have or can borrow, you
can start a business with that much money. Once you make more money, you can put that into your
business to make it bigger.

iii. A misconception we have is that only a person having a big business is an entrepreneur. No
business is big or small. If a person is running a business to fulfill a customer's need, they are an
entrepreneur. Most businesses start small. It becomes big with hard work and creativity.

iv. A misconception we have is that entrepreneurs are born, not made. Only some people have the
talent for doing business. An entrepreneur is a person who does whatever it takes to make the business
successful. Being an entrepreneur starts with a way of thinking. You must believe that anything is
possible and it shall be achieved. It starts with thinking of an idea that you want to work on, making it

(Any two out of four Myths can be explained)

5. Write any four roles of Entrepreneurs.

Answer: Any four roles of Entrepreneurs are:

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 Coordinating role

 Agent's role

 Innovator's Role

 Risk assumption role

 Imitating role

 Capital formation role:

 Employment Generation role

6 Define Stress management.

Answer: Stress Management refers to focusing human efforts for maintaining a healthy body and mind
capable of better withstanding stressful situations

7 Give any two benefits of working independently.


 Ensures greater learning.

 Individuals feel more empowered and responsible.

 It provides flexibility to choose and define working hours and working mechanisms.

 Failure and success of the task assigned are accounted by individuals.

 Individuals become assets to organizations, groups and nations at large.

 It ensures creativity and satisfaction amongst individuals. (any two)

8 What is meant by an Operating system?

Answer: An operating system is a software that serves as an interface between the user and the

9 Mention any two positive impacts of entrepreneurship on society.


. Accentuates economic Growth

. Fosters Creativity
. Stimulates Innovation and Efficiency
. Creates Jobs and Employment Opportunities
. Solves the problems of the society
. Encourages welfare of the society (Any Two)

10 List out any four qualities of an Entrepreneur.

Answer: Qualities of an entrepreneur.
. Hard work
. Optimism
. Independence
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. Energetic
. Self-confident
. Perseverant (* Any four)

11. Define the term "Self-Motivation".

Answer: Self-motivation can be defined as any individual have an inner urge to do something, achieve
their goals without any external pressure/lure for award or appreciation. It is a life skill and must be
necessarily developed.

12. Enlist any two advantages of stress management.

Answer: Stress management can help someone in following ways: (any two)
i. He/she can have a joyful life
ii. He/she can focus and complete tasks on time
iii. He/she can be a happy person as he/ she is stress free.
iv. He/ she can be more energetic and spend quality time with your friends and family

13. Name any two ways by which a computer can get infected with virus.
Answer: A computer can get infected with virus in any of the following ways: (any two)

a. Through infected files

b. Through infected pen drives
c. Through infected
CD-ROMs/DVDROMs d.Through infected
file attachment of emails

14. List any two positive impacts of entrepreneurship on society.

Answer: Entrepreneurship has some positive impact on society as given below: (any two)

i. Highlights economic Growth

ii. Raises Creativity
iii. Encourages Innovation and Efficiency
iv. Generates Jobs and Employment Opportunities
v. Explains the problems of the society
vi. Encourages welfare of the society

15. Elucidate Agricultural Entrepreneurship.

Answer: Agricultural Entrepreneurship- It can be described as entrepreneurship that is primarily
concerned with the sale and production of agricultural inputs and products. Farmers have profited the
most from the increase in agricultural entrepreneurship because it has resulted in low-cost
advancements in farming procedures.

16. State any two qualities of entrepreneurship.

Answer: The two qualities of entrepreneurship are:
. Hard work:
. Optimism
. Independence energetic
. Self -confident
. Perseverant ( any 2)

17. Write any two importance of the ability to work independently

. Answer: Following benefits of working independently advocate
its importance.

. Ensures greater learning.

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. Individuals feel more empowered and responsible.
. It provides flexibility to choose and define working hours and working mechanisms.
. Failure and success of the task assigned are accounted by individuals.
. Individuals become assets to organizations, groups and nations at large.
. It ensures creativity and satisfaction amongst individuals. (any 2)

18. State any two recreational activities which can help individuals transcend to a happier mental
state and help manage stress.

Answer: Recreational activities like watching movies, attending concerts, playing games, involving
in adventure sports, singing, dancing or even sketching can help individuals transcend to a Happier
mental state and help manage stress.

19. Give the meaning of any two Mobile operating Systems.

Answer: The different types of operating systems are as follows:

 Interactive (GUI -based): A graphical user interface is a user - friendly operating system in
which commands can be entered by clicking/double -clicking/right - clicking a mouse.

 Windows operating system is an example of an interactive operating system.

 Single-user, single -task operating system -This type of operating system allows only one user
to do a task on the computer and one thing at a time.

 Single -user, multi -task operating system - This type of operating system is used on Desktop
computers, laptops, where a single user can operate on several programs at the same time. For
example, Windows, Apple MacOS are examples of single-user multi task operating system.

 Multi-user -A multi-user operating system enables multiple users to work on the same
computer at different times or simultaneously.

 Real Time- A real time operating system is used to control machinery, scientific instruments,
like robots, in complex animations and computer controlled automated machines. A real-time
operating system is a computing environment that reacts to input within a specific period of
time. It manages the

 resources of the computer so that any particular operation is executed in the same amount of
time every time it is executed. Windows CE and Lynx OS are examples of real-time operating

 Distributed -A distributed operating system runs on a set of computers that are

interconnected by a network. It combines the different computers in the network into a
single integrated computer and storage location. Windows, UNIX, and LINUX are examples
of distributed operating systems

20. "XYZ was an ambitious woman and wanted to achieve something in her professional career. In her
struggle and fight against all odds, XYZ eventually succeeded in becoming a brand herself."

a. Name the kind of entrepreneurial activity.

b. Write any one step which an entrepreneur takes to build an organisation

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1. Women Entrepreneurship entrepreneurial activity ( 1 mark )

2. An entrepreneur builds the

a. organization by taking various steps such as hiring employees,

b. organizing the factors of production,

c. Sourcing finance et

21. Name the four Stress causal agents.

Answer: Mental, Social, Financial, Physical

22. Stress management is a challenging task. Discuss any two stress management techniques.
Answer: Stress management techniques
. Physical Exercise
. Yoga
. Meditation
. Enjoying
. Going on vacations
. Taking nature walks

23. Name any four mobile operating

systems. Answer: Mobile operating Systems
. Android
. Symbian
. Windows Phone
. iOS

24. What qualities do you think are required to become an ideal entrepreneur? List out any four
of them.
Answer: Qualities of an entrepreneur.
. Hard work
. Optimism
. Independence
. Energetic
. Self-confident
. Perseverant (Any four)

25. Do you think Entrepreneurship provides a positive impact on society? Justify the statement by
providing four positive impacts of Entrepreneurship on society.

Answer: Four positive impacts of Entrepreneurship on society

. Accentuates Economic Growth
. Fosters Creativity
. Stimulates Innovation and Efficiency
. Creates Jobs and Employment Opportunities
. Solves the problems of the society
. Encourages welfare of the society (*Any four)

26. What are the physical signs of stress?

Answer: Answer: Physical signs which may suggest stress are:
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breathlessness, dry mouth, butterflies in stomach, indigestion, nausea, acidity, fatigue, sweaty palms,
cold hands and feet, irritation and hyperactivity etc.

27. What is the Meaning of Stress Management?

Answer: Stress Management refers to focusing human efforts for maintaining a healthy body and
mind capable of better withstanding stressful situations.

28. What is a word processor?

Answer: A word processor is a software that helps you type and work with text on a computer. You can
create a document like, letter, memo, newsletter and save it in word processor.

29. What do you mean by business plan?

Answer: A business plan is a formal statement of a set of business goals, the reasons they are believed
attainable, and the plan for reaching those goals.

30. Write down the benefits of working independently.

Answer: Benefits of Working Independently:

a) Ensures greater learning.
b) Individuals feel more empowered and responsible.
c) It provides flexibility to choose and define working hours and working mechanisms.
d) Failure and success of the task assigned are accounted by individuals.
e) Individuals become assets to organizations, groups and nations.
f) It ensures creativity and satisfaction amongst individuals.

31. What do you mean by Entrepreneur?

Answer: Entrepreneur- A self-employed person who is always trying to make his /her business better
by taking risks and trying new ideas an entrepreneur.

32. Enlist any four monthly maintenance activities of the computer.

Answer: Monthly Maintenance of computer

. i. Transfer photographs to computer and deletes from the drive

. ii. Organise photos into folders or albums
. iii. Clean up the 'Download folder
. iv. Uninstall unused programs and apps
. v. Run disk-cleaner software
. vi. Run full system virus scan

33. What is stress? Enlist few simple stress management techniques.

Answer: Stress: Stress can be defined as our emotional, mental, physical, and social reaction to any
perceived demands or threats.
Simple ways of stress management are:

. Time management,
. physical exercise,
. healthy diet,
. Positive thinking
. organising academic life,
. punctuality in doing work,
. adequate sleep,
. holidays with family and friends,
. discussion with family.
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34. Enlist any four qualities of a successful entrepreneur.

Answer: Qualities of a successful entrepreneur are:

. They are confident. They believe in themselves and their abilities.

. They keep trying new ideas in their business.
. They are patient.
. They are creative and think differently about business ideas.
. They take responsibility for their actions.
. They take decisions after thinking about them.
. They work hard.
. They do not give up when they face a difficulty.

35. Explain as to how you can become responsible consumer and producer.
Answer: We can become responsible about our own environment by :

. Re-using paper, glass, plastic, water, etc.

. taking cloth bags to market carrying fruits and vegetables.
. donate things we do not use such as clothes, books, furniture, food, etc.
. Buy and eat seasonal fruits and vegetables from local growers.
. Repair leaking taps and pipes to avoid wasting water.
. Sort and treat garbage before disposing

36 List any four stress management techniques.

Answer: Time management, Physical exercise and fresh air, Healthy diet, Positivity, Sleep, Holidays
with family and friends

37 Elaborate Drag and Drop method?

Answer: To move an item, you need to click it, and then holding the mouse button down, move the
item to a new location. After you move the item to the new location, you release the mouse button.
This is called drag and drop.

38 Enumerate the qualities of self-motivated

people. Answer: Qualities of self-motivated people

. a. They know what they want from life.

. b. They are focused.
. c. They know what is important.
. d. They are dedicated to fulfill their dreams

39. What are the two ways a person can earn a living?
Answer: 1. self-employment and 2. wage employment

40. List the common functions that all entrepreneurs do.

Answer: Common functions that all entrepreneurs do are: -

. a. making decision
. b. managing the business
. c. divide income
. d. taking risk
. e. creating a new method, idea or product

41. What do you mean by self-awareness?

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Answer: Self-aware means that you can identify your strengths and weaknesses. Self-awareness,
therefore, will help you in converting your weakness into strength and strength into an
exceptional talent

42. Define Entrepreneurship.

Answer: Entrepreneurship is the type of self-employment where one is running a business to satisfy the
needs of people and looking for ways to make the business better to make profits.

43. What is self-motivation?

Answer: Self-motivation is simply the force within you that drives you to do things. Self-motivation is
what pushes us to achieve our goals, feel happy and improve our quality of life. In other words, it is our
ability to do the things that need to be done without someone or something influencing us.

44. What do understand by term backup your data

Answer: Backing up data means to save the information present on your computer on another device,
such as CD/DVD drives or hard disk. Data can be recovered from here in case the computer stops
working completely.

45. In how many ways a person can earn a living. Write the name of the same.
Answer: There are two ways a person can earn a living. 1. self-employment 2. wage employment

46. M have to perform his best in the next cricket match so to get a chance to play for his school at
the national level cricket tournament. He has been anxious (worried or stressed) for the upcoming
match Give him any two benefits of stress management which makes it vital for him to perform.

Answer: Benefits of stress management:

. Improves mood
. Boosts immune system
. Promotes longevity
. Leads to burst of physical strength, which is vital for goal achievement
Complete mental and physical engagement for task accomplishment
. Increases efficiency and effectiveness
. Prevents psychological disorders and behavioral problems

47. How the "Ability to work independently" can be enhanced. Give any two
reasons. Answer:
Self-Awareness Having conscious knowledge of your own self, capabilities, feelings, and one's own
Self-Motivation Individuals have an inner urge to do something and achieve their goals without any
external pressure.
Self-Regulation: Self-regulation guides independent individuals as it helps them consider long-term
consequences .

48. What is a taskbar? Briefly explain.

Answer: The taskbar is the long horizontal bar present at the bottom of the screen. To the left is the
Start button. The right of the taskbar contains the Date/Time. There are icons of active applications
and some shortcuts on the Taskbar.

49. State the concept of small-scale entrepreneurship?

Answer: Starting industries in which manufacturing, trading, providing services, and productions are
done on a small scale or micro scale. These businesses serve as the backbone of many developing
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50. Write a short note on the importance of good communication for an entrepreneur.
Answer: Communication enables the exchange of feelings, ideas, emotions, information, and
knowledge between two or more persons. Have to communicate, in the form of writing, responding,
drafting emails, verbal instruction, discussion, etc. Spends 75%-90% of their work time communicating

51. State any two benefits of working independently.

Answer: Two benefits of working independently: (any two of the following)
. Ensures greater learning.
. Individuals feel more empowered and responsible.
. It provides flexibility to choose and define working hours and working mechanisms.
. Failure and success of the task assigned are accounted by individuals.
. Individuals become assets to organizations, groups and nations at large.
. It ensures creativity and satisfaction amongst individuals.

52. All people look forward to vacations for de-stressing and rejuvenation. State any other two ways by
which people can manage stress.
Answer: Ways for stress management (any two):
. i. Physical exercise - Physical exercise in the form of walking, skipping or any sports relieves stress
by stabilizing mood, improving self -esteem and inducing sleep.
. ii. Yoga - Yoga includes a series of postures and breathing exercises practiced to achieve control of
body and mind.
. iii. Meditation - By meditation, an individual is able to focus his/her mind to achieve a calm mental
state reducing stress.
. iv. Enjoying - Recreational activities such as watching movies, attending concerts, playing games
singing, dancing, sketching etc help individuals transcend to a happier mental state and
help manage stress.
. v. Nature walks - Taking nature walks brings us calmness by allowing our overstimulated minds a
chance to relax and helps us to relax

53. How can a file/folder be copied using a keyboard?

Answer: A file/ folder can be copied using a keyboard by following the given steps:

. a. Select the file or the folder.

. b. Press Ctrl + C to copy the file or the folder.
. c. Open the destination folder.
. d. Press Ctrl + V to paste the copied file.

54. Discuss the role of entrepreneurs as Innovators and as Agents.

Answer: Role of Entrepreneurs as:
Innovators - Entrepreneurs innovate by bringing unique and new products and services into the
market. In many cases, these are improved versions of existing products or services available.
Innovation fuels economic growth and helps to boost global presence of products and services.
Agents - Entrepreneurs act as 'Agents of Change' as they identify opportunities, solve problems, offer
effective solutions, establish enterprises, set up industries and bring positive change for the economy.

55. Give any two reasons as to why an individual should strive for becoming a job creator instead of a
job-seeker and opt for entrepreneurship as his/her career.
Answer: Significance of Entrepreneurship as career: (any two points)

. i. Nurtures development of entrepreneurial skills and capabilities

. ii. Enables the application of an entrepreneurial mindset
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. iii. Develops the ability to handle failure and ambiguity
. iv. Enhances critical thinking and problem-solving ability
. v. Provides early exposure to the real world
. vi. Inspires to think about one's career differently
. vii. Leads to creating a difference in society

56. Give two benefits of working independently.

Answer: Two benefits of working independently
1. Ensures greater learning
2. Individuals feel more empowered and responsible

57. Enumerate four stress-causing agents

Answer: Four stress-causing agents
1. Mental: Students can be left over whelmed if they are unable to handle their assignment submission
deadlines and examinations grades. Overly high expectations from the self can leave one with chronic
anxiety and stress
2. Physical: As children grow up, they may seek more independence, may become critically conscious
of their looks, and have to cope up with hormonal changes. Issues related to the general well-being and
health of an individual could lead to low self-esteem and cause stress.
3. Social: Discord amongst family members, peer pressure for doing things that kids will generally
avoid, maintaining balance in relationships amongst friends, and status show-off may lead to stress at
4. Financial: Youngsters may have aspirational financial stress.

58. List four ways a computer can get infected with virus
Answer: Four ways a computer can get infected with virus are
1. Infected files
2. Infected pen drives
3. Infected CD-ROMs
4. Through infected file attachment of e-mails

59. What are two key problems an entrepreneur may face while running a business?
Answer: Two key problems an entrepreneur may face while running a business
1. Idea: What should my business idea be? How do I know that this idea will work?
2. Money: How much money should be raised to start a business?

60. Mention two positive impacts of entrepreneurship on society.

Answer: Two positive impacts of entrepreneurship on society -
1. Fosters Creativity
2. Solves the problems of the society

61. Write any four tips for practicing effective Time

Answer: tips for practicing effective Time Management:
a. Avoid delay or postponing any planned activity
b. Organise your room and school desk
c. Develop a 'NO DISTURBANCE ZONE', where you can sit and complete important tasks
d. Use waiting time productively
e. Prepare a To-do' list
f. Prioritise
g. Replace useless activities with productive activities

62. Differentiate between two types of motivation.

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Answer: Internal Motivation vs External Motivation

Internal Motivation External Motivation

LOVE We do things because they make us happy, REWARD We do things because they give us
healthy and feel good. For example, When you respect, recognition and appreciation. For
perform on your annual day function and you example, Suresh participated in a 100m race and
learn something new, such as dancing, singing, won a prize. This motivated him to go for practice
etc., you feel good. every morning.

63. Write four methods to take care and maintain the computer.
Answer: Methods to take care and maintain the computer are: -
a. Keeping a device clean.
b. Prepare a maintenance schedule
c. Back up your data
d. Scanning and cleaning viruses
e. Increasing computer performance
f. Removing spam from your computer

64. How does society boost entrepreneurship?

Answer: Entrepreneurs have a positive relationship with society. They make profits through activities
that benefit society. Some entrepreneurs work towards saving the environment, some give money to
build schools and hospitals. This way, the people and area around them becomes better.

65. Mention any two myths about entrepreneurship.

Answer: Myths about entrepreneurship:
a. every business idea needs to be unique or special.
b. a person needs a lot of money to start a business.
c. only a person having a big business is an entrepreneur.
d. entrepreneurs are born, not made

66. Rohan wants to start his own business. Suggest him at least four functions of an entrepreneur.
Answer: The main functions of an entrepreneur are:

1. Decision Making: An entrepreneur must be a good decision taker. His decision can determine
the profit and loss of the company.
2. Division of Income: Income must be divided amongst the different factors of production. Even if
there is a loss, the income must be divided accordingly.
3. Management Control: An entrepreneur must possess good managerial skills to control the activities
of a company.
4. Risk taking and uncertainty: An entrepreneur must have skills to calculate the risk and strength
to face any uncertain situations.

67. What are the factors that affect self-confidence?

Answer: - Factors that affect self-confidence are:-
a) When we think we cannot do a particular work.
b) When we keep thinking of our past mistakes and feel bad about it, instead of learning from them.
c) When we expect to be successful at the first attempt itself and do not try again.
d) When we are surrounded by people who have a negative attitude, which is reflected in their speech

68. Write two characteristics of Entrepreneurship.

Answer: Characteristics of Entrepreneurship: -

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1. Ability to take up risks.
2. Believe in hard work & discipline
3. Financial literacy & money management skills.
4. Effective planning & execution

69. List the steps to search for information using a web browser. Write at least 2 points.
Answer: - To see the information on the various websites, you need an Internet Browser. An Internet
Browser is an application or a software program on your computer or laptop which helps you visit the
various websites. Some examples of browsers are Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet
Searching for information: Do the steps below to search for information on the Internet.
. Open an Internet browser
. Type the topic, on which you want information, in the search box and hit the Enter key.
. The search results having the required information will be displayed.
. Click Firefox icon to open Firefox Mozilla browser and search for information.

70. Describe two stress management techniques.

Answer: Stress Management Techniques: -

a. Physical Exercise - When stress affects the brain, rest of the body also feels the impact.
Physical exercise in the form of walking, skipping or for that matter indulging in any sports has
been found to relieve stress as they stabilize mood, improve self-esteem and induce sleep.

b. Yoga -Yoga is a school of Hindu philosophy reduces stress, which includes a series of
postures and breathing exercises practiced to achieve control of body and mind.

71. Write down the importance of Goal setting in life?

Answer: Following are the importance of Goal setting-
1. Goals allow you to separate out what's important.
2. It helps you to focus on the end result instead of less Important work.
3. This will make you successful in your Career and persona life.

72. Write down the steps for Stress Management?

Answer: There are three steps for Stress management
1. Be aware that you are stressed
2. Identify what is causing you stress
3. Apply stress management methods

73. Write the function of the mouse?

Answer: A mouse is a small device that you can use to move, select and open items on your
computer screen.

74. Write the process of creating a folder on computer.

Answer: To create a folder:
(a) Choose a location where the folder has to be Created for example 'Desktop'.
(b) Right-click and then choose the 'New Folder'.
(c) Type the name of the folder as 'Demo'. Now folder is created

75. Write the functions of an entrepreneur.

Answer: Functions of Entrepreneur are
. 1. Making decisions

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. 2. Making the business
. 3. Taking risks
. 4. Divide income
. 5. Create a new method, idea or product.

76. In SMART goals, what does 'A' stand for? Explain. Answer: In SMART goals, A refers for
Achievable, it means breaking down big goals into smaller parts will make the goal achievable. For
Example Bigger Goal: "I want to become a teacher in my school."
Breaking it into smaller goals:
. Complete higher secondary
. Complete Graduation
. Complete B.Ed.
. Apply for jobs in the teaching field

77. Sameera is always punctual at school. She has a regular schedule that she follows every day. She
plans for study and play time in advance. Enlist the four steps Sameera must have followed for
effective time management.
Answer: The four steps of effective time management which
Sameera must have followed are:

(i) Organise
(ii) Prioritise
(iii) Control
(iv) Track

78. Enlist any two methods to protect our data on the computer.
Answer: Two methods to protect our data on the computer:

. 1. Use passwords to login to your computer.

. 2. Install Anti-virus and Firewall
. 3. Encrypt Data
. 4. Secure sites

79. What do entrepreneurs do when they run their business? Mention any two points.
Answer: They do -

. 1. Fulfill Customer Needs

. II. Use Local Materials
. Ill. Help Society
. IV. Create Jobs
. V. Sharing of Wealth
. VI. Lower Price of Products

80. Raj has a small convenience store in his locality. There are many other convenience stores in the
area. Yet, Raj's store survives the competition and does well. Which stage of an entrepreneur's career
process can you relate this to? Explain.

Answer: This stage is the Survive stage of an entrepreneur's career process. In this stage, even if there
are many entrepreneurs in the market, the new entrepreneur has to remain in a competitive market.

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