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International Journal of Impotence Research (2003) 15, Suppl 7, S44–S45

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Chapter 12
Penis enlargement: current status
Reporters and participants of the 1st Latin American Erectile Dysfunction Consensus Meeting

International Journal of Impotence Research (2003) 15, Suppl 7, S44–S45. doi:10.1038/sj.ijir.3901137

Introduction  significant shortenings due to Peyronie’s disease,

 severe epispadias and hypospadias,
 partial sequels from surgical or trauma amputa-
Not rarely do men associate their virility to the size tions,
of their penis and its erectile capacity. The psycho-  micropenis, and
logical trauma triggered by dissatisfaction about  sequels from penile infections.
one’s penis size originates in many cases in child-
hood, from comparing one’s own penis with other Enlargement techniques used:
children’s the same age or from parents’ anxiety  section of the suspensory ligament of the penis,
with regard to their children’s genitalia. Penis forward extension of the organ and refixation,
hypoplasia, as a negative sign of sexual identity,  lipectomy or liposuction of prepubic fat,
can cause an important psychological impact.  zetaplasty or VY plasty of the prepubian regions
What is observed in the physician’s daily office skin fold,
practice is that most patients complaining about a  skin flap rotation from the lower abdomen to the
small penis have the sexual organ within the penis, and
measurements deemed normal for an adult male.  muscle–cutaneous flaps for penile reconstruc-
Some are obese individuals with their penis par- tions.
tially covered with prepubic fat; others are tall, with
a proportionally small penis. The increasing infor- All of the above-mentioned methods provide a
mation disclosed in the media on techniques for a 1–2 cm lengthening, however, only when the penis
possible penile enlargement causes an increasing is in the flaccid state, and no gain in the erect state
number of men to seek doctors, wishing to enlarge has been reported.
their sexual organ. In the reconstruction surgeries this augmentation
may be greater, not preserving the physiological
erection, and they are usually performed in patients
Penile anthropometry who have undergone amputation or mutilation.

Papers in the literature show that an adult male’s Complications

penis is on average 8.5–9.4 cm long, in the flaccid
state, and 12.9–14.1 cm long, in erection,3,4 depend- Lengthening surgeries are followed by a high rate of
ing on the anthropometrical techniques used. Some complications:
authors characterize an adult ‘micropenis’ as being
shorter than 4 cm in the flaccid state or 7.5 cm in the  Following sectioning of the suspensory ligament,
erect state.3,4 Those patients could be offered some if not duly refixed, the penis may drop and, even
type of surgical correction. Penile measurement is if rigid, it points downwards, with loss of the
taken from the pubis to the tip of the glans with the erection angle.
organ stretched. The patient should be examined  Penile scar retractions following zetaplasty or VY
both in the upright position and lying down to better plasty.
have his prepubic fat assessed.  Penile ‘scrotalization’ with an inadequate esthetic
outcome, causing a ‘dog ears’— shaped penis.
 Hypostasis, infections, abscesses, fistulas and
Surgical indication chronic edema.

Currently, the penile enlargement surgery may be Extensors

indicated in some situations, in which the penis
functional restoration is sought:
A few penile enlargement-oriented devices are
 bladder exstrophy, available on the market. There is no scientific
Chapter 12
Penis enlargement: current status
evidence on the efficacy or safety of those techni- 4 Sociedade Brasileira de Urologia. II Consenso Brasileiro de
ques. Disfunção Erétil. Reunião de Diretrizes Básicas em Disfunção
Erétil e Sexualidade. BG Cultural: São Paulo, 2002.
5 Bondil P et al. Clinical study of the longitudional deformation
of the flaccid penis and ofits variations with aging. Ein Urol
Conclusions 1992; 21: 284.
6 Torres LQ, Guilhermino DA. Comparative study between the
length of the stretched penis and in erection state. J Urol 1999;
161: 273 (abstract 1056).
Despite particularly appealing, penile esthetic aug- 7 Long DC. Elongation of the penis. Chin J Plast Surg Burns
mentation surgeries fail to provide a satisfactory 1990; 6: 17.
outcome and are followed by a high rate of 8 Ross H, Lissoos L. Penis lengthning. Int J Aesthetic Restorative
complications. As a result, surgeries for purely Surg 1994; 2: 89.
esthetic purposes should not be performed. 9 Santucci RA, Berger RE. ‘Finger trap’ penile lengthning after
partial penectomy by multiple incisions in the tunica
albuginea. J Urol 1995; 1541: 530.
10 Alter GJ. Augmentation phalloplasty. Urol Clin N Am 1995;
22: 887–902.
References 11 Alter GJ. Penile enhancement. In: Advances in Urology.
Mosby-Year Book: Chicago, 1996, pp. 225–254.
12 Alter GJ. Reconstruction of deformities resulting from penile
1 Da Ross C et al. Caucasian penis: what is normal size? J Urol enlargement surgery. J Urol 1997; 158: 2153–2157.
1994; 151: 323A (abstract 381).. 13 Hinderer UT, Espinosa JF. New technique of penis lengthning
2 Wessells H, Lue TF, McAninch JW. Penile length in the with girth augmentation in constitutional penile hypoplasia or
flaccide and erect states: guideli-nes for penile augmentation. in hypospadias. Cir Plast Ibero-Am 1997; v XXIII: 151–160.
J Urol 1996; 156: 995.
3 Sociedade Brasileira de Urologia. I Consenso Brasileiro de
Disfunção Erétil. BG Cultural: São Paulo, 1998.

International Journal of Impotence Research

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