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Most people love the idea of traveling. Nowadays, we can travel around the world,
it is not necessary to speak more than one language. There are a lot of people who
travel to China or United states because they want better opportunities. However,
they don’t consider many things before traveling and what the reason is. For that
reason, this essay will discuss the reason why people travel.

First of all, most people travel because it is funny, and they love to meet new
cultures. Being in another country is something incredible because people can
learn about new cultures. Besides, fashion is different in each country. Also,
people can visit new places. For example, Las Vegas. A lot of movies, tv series
shows, and video games tag that place, but they don’t explain anything about its

Second, most people travel because they want a better job opportunity. For
example, my older brother who studied aeronautical engineering at UTP, can’t find
a job here in Perú. Therefore, it is necessary that he travels to another country.
Another example could be Venezuela’s people who come to Perú because their
country is facing up a big challenge.

In conclusion, there are many reasons why people travel, and we must consider
that they can be facing an obstacle, or they may be just having a great time, in
both cases we must respect that. Moreover, we should support them because it
may be our situation.

Coordinating conjunction of adding

Subordinating Conjunction of reason

Subordinating conjunction / trasition of adding

Coordinating and Transition of contrast:

subordinating conjunction of time

transition of effect and result

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