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Section 1:
Blood Pressure Monitoring

Ho Chi Minh City

Semester 2, 2023 - 2024

International University School of Biomedical Engineering

Table of Contents
1 Review 1Pressure Interpretation
1.2 Blood pressure interpretation 1
1.3 NIBP measurement 1
2 Results and Discussion 1
2.1 Manual Blood Pressure monitoring 1
2.2 Blood pressure monitoring with different positions of the hand with BME-IU device 2
2.3 Blood pressure monitoring with different positions of the hand with BME-IU device 3
2.4 Blood pressure monitor testing 3
3 Manual and Laboratory information 4

Medical Instrumentation Laboratory II BM098IU

International University School of Biomedical Engineering

LAB 1: Blood Pressure Monitoring

1 Review
1.1 Generation of Blood Pressure
What is blood pressure?
What is systolic and diastolic pressure?
1.2 Blood pressure interpretation
Distinguish between different blood pressure levels. (Normal, High, High/Normal, and
Very High).
1.3 NIBP measurement
Define the auscultatory method. (Definition, the principle)
Define the oscillometric method. (Definition, the principle, and how to measure)
2 Results and Discussion
2.1 Manual Blood Pressure monitoring
Blood prssure Heart rate
Systolic Diastolic
Student 1

Student 2

Student 3
1.1 Generation of Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the force exerted by your blood against your artery walls. It's crucial for
delivering oxygen and nutrients throughout your body. Blood pressure readings consist of
two numbers:
•Systolic pressure (top number): This measures the pressure when your heart contracts
and pushes blood out to your body.
•Diastolic pressure (bottom number): This measures the pressure between heartbeats,
when your heart relaxes and refills with blood.

1.2 Blood Pressure Interpretation

Here's a breakdown of different blood pressure levels:

•Normal: A healthy blood pressure reading is generally considered to be less than
120/80mmHg. This indicates optimal cardiovascular health.
•Elevated: Blood pressure readings between 120/80mmHg and 129/84mmHg fall into
the elevated category. While not diagnosed as hypertension, it suggests lifestyle
changes might be beneficial to prevent future problems.
•Stage 1 Hypertension: Readings ranging from 130/85mmHg to 139/89mmHg signify
stage 1 hypertension. This indicates slightly high blood pressure and requires lifestyle
modifications or potential medication from a doctor.
•Stage 2 Hypertension: Readings of 140/90mmHg or higher fall under stage 2
hypertension. This requires medical attention and likely medication to bring blood
pressure under control.
•Hypertensive Crisis: Readings exceeding 180/110mmHg signify a hypertensive crisis.
This is a serious condition requiring immediate medical attention to prevent potential
organ damage.
Note: If your blood pressure readings fall outside the normal range, consult a doctor for
proper diagnosis and management.

1.3 NIBP Measurement (Non-invasive Blood Pressure)

There are two main methods for measuring blood pressure non-invasively:
•Auscultatory Method: This traditional method uses a stethoscope and an inflatable
cuff. The doctor listens for tapping sounds (Korotkoff sounds) through the stethoscope
as the cuff pressure is gradually released. Systolic pressure is determined at the first
appearance of the sound, and diastolic pressure is measured when the sounds
•Oscillometric Method: This automated method uses an electronic device to measure
blood pressure. The cuff inflates and deflates, and the device detects pressure
fluctuations in the artery. These fluctuations are converted into systolic and diastolic
pressure readings
Plot a graph illustrating the above table.
What can be observed?
2.2 Blood pressure monitoring with different positions of the hand with BME-IU
Rest After run After rest 5min
#1 – S1 Blood Pressure
Heart rate
#2 – S1 Blood Pressure
Heart rate
#3 – S1 Blood Pressure
Heart rate
#4 – S1 Blood Pressure
Heart rate
#5 – S1 Blood Pressure
Heart rate
#1 – S2 Blood Pressure
Heart rate
#2 – S2 Blood Pressure
Heart rate
#3 – S2 Blood Pressure
Heart rate
#4 – S2 Blood Pressure
Heart rate
#5 – S2 Blood Pressure
Heart rate
Plot a graph illustrating the above table.
What can be observed?
2.3 Blood pressure monitoring with different positions of the hand with BME-IU
Standard position Hands hanging down Hands raised high
Student 1

Student 2
Student 3

Plot a graph illustrating the above table.

What can be observed?
2.4 Blood pressure monitor testing
2.4.1 Pressure Leak Test
Type the testing result
2.4.2 Pressure Relief Test
Type the testing result
2.4.3 Standard simulation
Simulation Value Actual Value Error
#1 – Simulation
Number 1
#2 – Simulation
Number 1
#3 – Simulation
Number 1
#1 – Simulation
Number 2
#2 – Simulation
Number 2
#3 – Simulation
Number 2
Plot a graph illustrating the above table.
What can be observed?
3 Manual and Laboratory information
Developed by Dr. Lê Ngọc Bích, Instructor
Mr. Nguyễn Nhật Minh, Teaching assistant
Room LA1.408 – Medical Design Laboratory
Last updated April, 2024

Medical Instrumentation Laboratory 3 BM095IU

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