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I suppose that the heavy vs.

light force debate put all our force development eggs in the light
will always be a natural by-product of con- force basket. The September 1989 Parameters
strained fiscal resources, but 1 have to wonder contains an article in which the author suggests
why those who choose to advocate dismember- that the heavy forces are a display army, while
ment of heavy forces do so in a darkened room the light guys represent the real fighting army
in the absence of the light of history. Sure, light ("Two Armies," pp. 24-34). "One might well ask
forces are less expensively equipped than why America bothers with an expensive display
heavy, and I grant that light forces are more army at all," the author writes. "Surely five or so
easily deployed to potential or actual hot spots. light infantry divisions could just as easily hold
But don't both forces have sufficient missions the line in Europe, particularly if some of the
to keep them busy - missions that each could money saved by mothballing the heavy force
do better than the other? Missions they must dinosaurs went into fielding of effective antitank
do together? Isn't our Army big enough for weapons. This effort would seem a modest ex-
both? penditure compared to the billions paid out for
current heavy tanks and sophisticated fighting
Can BDU shirts and automatic weapons, no vehicles."
matter how well trained and physically fit their
owners, take and hold ground against an ar- Let's see what the 101st Airborne troopers
mored foe? On the other hand, can a tank com- who were at Bastogne, and the British
pany alone seize a built-up area without getting paratroopers who were in Arnhem think of this.
its butt kicked? Despite arguments to the con-
trary, the answer to these questions is "no." As Colonel Harry Summers wrote in his Sep-
tember 4, 1989, Army Times column (p. 23),
Light forces can handle many of the so-called "The average armored or mechanized division's
low-intensity situations well. But each one has 300 Abrams tanks, 300 Bradley infantry fighting
the potential to reach an intensity with which vehicles, and the self-propelled 155-mm howit-
they can no longer cope. When that happens, zers and multiple launch rocket systems of its
who ya gonna call? division artillery provide an awesome array of
combat power capable of standing toe-to-toe
Combined arms is the key - we've known and slugging it out with any enemy force in the
that for a long time. From its very inception world."
nearly 50 years ago, combined arms has been
the bedrock of the Armored Force, thus the sig- That's what the Army's heavy force, and J n
nificance of the three colors on the triangular the heavy force can do for you. Those who con-
patch: red (artillery), blue (infantry), yellow tinually profess the attitude of "I'd rather be light
(cavalry). than right" to the exclusion of all else need to
wake up and smell the diesel.
Yet, there are always some who don't think
we are needed, some who continually strive to - PJC

By Order of the Secretary of the Army: Official:

General, United States Army Brigadier General, United States Army
Chief of Staff The Adjutant General
I The Professional Development Bulletin of the Armor Branch PB- 17-89-5

Editor-in-Chief Features
5 -
Gorbachev’s Cuts How They Impact on the Armor Force
Managing Editor by Gerald A. Halbert
11 Developing a Tank Autoloader
Commandant by Major John C. Woznick
16 A British Tank Squadron Tries the M1A1
by Major D. I. Viccars
ARMOR (ISSN 0004-2420) is published
bimonthly by the U.S. Army Armor Center, 4401
Vine Grove Road, Fort Knox, KY 40121.
18 Deceptive Maneuver
Disclaimer: The information contained in by Captain (P)James F. Merkel
ARMOR represents the professional opinions of
the authors and does not necessarily reflect the 23 Training for Replacement Operations Warfighting
official Army or TRADOC position, nor does it by Major Jon H. Moilanen
change or supersede any information
presented in other official Army publications.
Official distribution is limited to one copy for
25 Ashby Is Here! ...
each heavy brigade headquarters, armored by Major Patrick J. Cooney
cavalry regiment headquarters, armor battalion
headquarters, armored cavalry squadron head- 31 Tank Thermal Signatures:
quarters, reconnaissance squadron head- The Other Variable in the Gunnery Equation
quarters, armored cavalry troop, armor com- by Stephen P. Rosa and Sergeant First Class Thomas Lindsley
pany, and motorized brigade headquarters of
the United States Army. In addition, Army
libraries, Army and DOD schools, HQ DA and
35 Division Cavalry: The Broken Sabre
MACOM staff agencies with responsibility for ar- by Major General Robert E. Wagner
mored, direct fire, ground combat systems, or-
ganizations, and the training of personnel for 42 Armory Training for Tank Gunnery
such organizations may request two copies by by Lieutenant Colonel Gerald R. Whitfield
sending a military letter to the editor-in-chief.
Authorized Content: ARMOR will print only
and Major Douglas L. Dilday
those materials for which the US. Army Armor
Center has proponency. That proponency in- 44 Creating an Army of Winners
cludes: all armored, direct-fire ground combat by First Lieutenant Jeff Swisher
systems that do not serve primarily as infantry
carriers; all weapons used exclusively in these 47 Commanders and Moral Courage
systems or by CMF 19series enlisted soldiers:
any miscellaneous items of equipment which
by Lieutenant Colonel James E. Swartz
armor and armored cavalry organizations use
excluslvely: training for all SC 12A. 128. and Departments
12C officers and for all CMF-1Sseries enlisted
soldiers: and information concerning the train- Recognition Quiz Anzwers
2 Letters 49
ing, logistics. history. and leadership of armor
and armored cavalry units at the brigadelregi- 2 Contacts 50 Bustle Rack
ment level and below. to include Threat units at 4 Commander’s Hatch 52 Books
those levels. 46 Recognition Quiz
Material may be reprinted. provided credit is
given to ARMOR and to the author, except
where copyright is indicated.

September-October 1Y89, Vol XCVlll No. 5 Dlsiribution Restriction:Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Light ScoMts: the Armor Center is trying to reinvent meant to parallel the M113/M901 mix, but
Reinventing an Infantry Idea? them. the H M M W TOW vehicle just does not
compare with the ITV. The light units are
Dear Sir: Recently, the Cavalry has been fielding supposed to be geared toward a low-inten-
light cavalry troops for the light infantry sity conflict anyway. If the other team
I would like to respond to an article in divisions and brigades. Having transi- used a lot of tanks, the conflict would be
the March-April issue of your magazine, tioned to the new light cavalry troop, I feel a high-intensity war. That TOW would be
titled "New Scout Platoon Concept Will that I am qualified to criticize the TO&E, getting in the way when trying to deal
Test HMMWVs as Stealthy Scouts." organization and doctrine, and competent with guerrillas in forests or other Third
to offer a suggestion to improve the scout World terrain that is not as suited to
The HMMWV or light wheeled vehicle platoon organization. armor warfare as say, Europe. Also, we
scout platoon is not a new concept at all. spend more time training and maintaining
In fact, these scout platoons have been First of all, the TOW is best left to anti- the TOW than scouting. That is what 11Hs
around for at least the last two decades. tank platoons. of which the light infantry are for.
These scout platoons can be found in the brigade has nine. It is virtually useless on Next, the M2 .50 caliber machine gun.
light infantry battalions. It appears as if a scout vehicle. I'm sure the design was This weapon is great on an M113, but

DIRECTORY - Points Of Contact

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Editor-in-Chief Commandant (ATZK-CG)

Major Patrick .I. Cooney 2249 MG Thomas C. Foley 2121
Managing Editor Assistant Commandant (ATSB-AC)
Jon T. Clemens 2249 BG J. B. Taylor 7555
Editorial Assistant Deputy Assistant Commandant (ATSB-DAC)
Vivian Thompson 2610 COL Claude L. Clark , 1050
Contributing Artists Command Sergeant Major
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SPC Jody Harmon 2610 Maintenance Dept. (ATSB-MA)
COL .Tames R. Joy 8346
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PAID SUBSCRIPTIONS: Report delivery problems CSM Donald L. Baker 5150
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MILITARY DISTRIBUTION: Report delivery LTC Ricky M. Rowlett 7809
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should be in the form of a letter to the Editor-in-Chief. COL Eugene D. Colgan 7955


2 ARMOR - September-October 7989

_______ ~_______ ~~~ ~______

when you fire it on the M1025 HMMWV, April issue. I am currently stationed at the I am in the midst of preparing for the up-
all of the brass goes down into the troop NTC in the OPFOR S2 section. Prior to coming rotation in which the new con-
compartment. The M60 machine gun that, I was a crew member aboard a figurations will have their debut. There is
would be an adequate weapon to use. Scout "BRDM" (visually modified HMMWV). no more consternation than a normal
"modern rotation" (Bradleys and Abrams)
The doctrine of FC 17-101 and FC 17- I am gratified to hear than someone is causes. Whether the new configurations
101-1, the Light Scout Cavalry Troop how- aware of the need for "something better" work out or not is anyone's guess, but I
to-operate manual, and ARTEP Mission for the scouts. The Bradley is an excellent would like to wish the scouts of the 24th
Training Plan, is ambiguous and confus- fighting vehicle, but its height and noise ID "good luck."
ing, apparently designed to give com- level make it a poor choice for reconnais-
manders freedom to "task organize" with sance. However, 1 would like to point out RICHARD G. JOHNSTON
many different platoon configurations. some misconceptions about the idea of SGT, HHC, 1-52 In Bn
The configurations are organized around the new "Stealthy Scout" concept. The Ft. Irwin. Calif.
the TOW HMMWV, and as I have already idea of the HMMWV as a recon vehicle
stated, it is not suited to a reconnaissance has been tried before at Fort Lewis, as
role. The proposals in the March-April ar- part of the motorized concept as a whole. Zumbro Is Right
ticle calling for the Stinger missile to be in- The problems that were never alleviated, About Armor's "Achilles Heel"
corporated into a scout platoon also mis- and were shown most convincingly when
ses the mark. Like the TOW, it would take the 9th ID came to be "trained" against Dear Sir:
up training time from scouting to air the OPFOR at the NTC, were the need for
defense. Leave that to the 16s people. If survivability and firepower. A HMMWV- Your May-June issue was bursting with
the task force or brigade commander pure scout platoon relies mainly on its timely, well-articulated and thought-
thought it a good idea to send TOWS or TOW and MK 19 vehicles for overwatch. provoking articles. However, Ralph
Stingers forward with the scouts, he could The TOW. though a good defensive Zumbro's, "Armor's Achilles Heel," and
attach them to the scout platoon as weapon. was never designed to give sup- MG Tait's, "Leadership - Often Studied
needed. That way you have experts in all pressive fire when contact is established. But Seldom Understood," were, in my
fields carrying out the mission. The MK 19 grenade machine gun may be view, the best. Both articles are must read-
the answer to the suppression issue: odds ing for all soldiers in leadership positions
I suggest that the developers of light are, however, it will not eliminate the - at any level - as well as those aspir-
scout platoons adopt the organization and threat. Against a BMP or even a BRDM, ing to be.
doctrine of the light infantry battalion the HMMWV stands little chance of even
scout platoon. The Infantry has years of outrunning contact without some form of Zumbro's clear insight on the "care and
experience here, and their doctrine is immediate and accurate suppressive fire. feeding" of Armor units deployed across
time, if not battle, tested. Perhaps it extended distances is applicable to all
would be best if the light cavalry troop A mixed platoon of HMMWVs and Brad- levels of conflict, and applies equally to
MTO&E was organized with four platoons leys has greater firepower, but at the all members of the combined arms team.
configured exactly like the light infantry same time defeats its purpose of being Hopefully, it will provoke some rethinking
battalion scout platoon. After all, the light "stealthy." What good is it to have excel- and reassessment of the mobility that is
cavalry troops are used in the light in- lent overwatch when everyone kncws required in our combat service support
fantry divisions and brigades. It would be you're there? Unless you can move ex- capabilities at brigade, battalion, and com-
easier for training and evaluation to get all tremely fast over unfamiliar terrain, you pany. Unfortunately, counter to past les-
scout platoons on the same sheet of can expect an artillery barrage to fall on sons learned, we have seen a slow
music, and the infantry scouts are or- your position shortly. erosion over the past ten years in our
ganized the best. ability to provide on-position replenish-
Lastly, a word about the use of the ment of fuel, ammunition, and spare
I also propose the creation of a new HMMWV as a recon vehicle at the NTC. parts.
MOS for these light scout platoons. Caval- These vehicles are visually modified to
ry scouts are trained at Fort Knox and are look like Soviet BRDM-2s. armored recon- The thinking seems to be that it is better
primarily Armor-oriented. When they naissance vehicles. Under the MILES sys- to have the "consumer" come to the
come to a light cavalry troop, they require tem. they carry lasers on the vehicle to "store," than to bring the "store" to the
a lot of retraining. Infantry scouts are replicate 14.5-mm and 7.62-mm machine "consumer." As Ralph Zumbro points out,
trained at Fort Benning to be infantrymen, gun fire: they carry a MILES Dragon to it doesn't work that way in the real world
and by chance. become scouts without replicate the RPG-16. They also carry the of combat!
any formal training as scouts. To alleviate same sensor belts as armored personnel
these two problems. create the MOS 11D, carriers. Their survivability is admirable, MG Tait made a similar comment when
Light Reconnaissance Scout. These and by using the DragonlRPG, they can he stated that the Army cannot be run like
scouts could be used in both the light in- challenge or neutralize armored threats. a major corporation. Yet, there are some
fantry and the light cavalry. The important point here is that this is not who thmk it can, and as the general
a HMMWV doing the mission: rather, fi is points out, those who try, do indeed "run
JOHN A. JETT ______-
an armored recon vehicle. unhappy ships," and, I might add, very in-
SSG, OHARNG efficient and largely ineffective ships over
Cincinnati, Ohio the long term. Could it be that we forgot
In conclusion, while I agree with the to talk to the soldiers when we began to
Flaws Seen premise of a vehicle that is smaller, restructure our TO&Es and reduce our
in Light Scout Concept quieter, and faster, the concept of sur- mobility and robustness in our combat ser-
vivability should not be overlooked. A
Dear Sir: dead scout is no good to anyone, and
I am writing concerning the "New Scout even the best scout will encounter enemy Continued on Page 43
Platoon Concept" article in your March- contact at some time.

ARMOR - September-October 7989 3

u u u -u

MG Thomas C. Foley
Commanding General
U.S. Army Armor Center

It is very high honor to return 1 in chieving

Fort Knox to become the Com- readiness. of this will cause our readers to
mander of the Armor Center, Com- 0 We must develop commis- respond. The resulting dialogue will
mandant of the Armor School, and sioned and noncommissioned benefit our branch. To this end, all
Chief of Armor and Cavalry. I look Armor and Cavalry leaders who are commanders of tank battalions and
forward to this opportunity to serve. tactically and technically competent, cavalry squadrons, at that level and
bold and agressive, ready to take above, will soon receive letters from
These are great limes for Armor risks and seize the initiative; leaders the Chief of Armor and Cavalry
and Cavalry. One has to be excited who will care for their soldiers and soliciting their advice concerning
about the future. After all. ours is lead their units to battlefield suc- matters of importance to our
the branch that has the legacy of a cess. We must also develop our branch. The purpose of all this is to
brilliant band of professionals who leaders so they are ready to assume establish a meaningful dialogue with
have inspired us with their leader- ever higher levels of responsibility. the field, so that we are responsive
ship. They were visionary leaders, not only to your immediate require-
with courage. candor, and commit- 0 We must ensure our organiza- ments, but can get your views and
ment. who forged the thunderbolt, tions are designed against the stand- help in shaping our future.
fought it to victory on the bat- ard of battlefield operational effec-
tlefields of World War 11. and have tiveness, and not efficiency. As part of our dialogue, we will
continued to lead the way in shap- also highlight and reflect on some
ing it into today’s combined arms 0 We must develop armored important anniversaries. This will in-
team. But we must not rest on their weapons systems which capitalize clude the 50th birthday of the Ar-
laurels. We must move ahead in the on the ingenuity and skill of mored Force next July, as well as
face of today’s great challenges - a American soldiers and leaders, the the golden anniversary of the six-
shrinking budget and the growing dictates of our operational con- teen armored divisions and the
perception that the threat has cepts. and our technology. separate tank and tank destroyer
diminished. As the leading pro- battalions that fought in World War
ponent for mobile armor warfare, Whether Active Army or Reserve 11.
we must move out on multiple axes: Component members of Armor and
Cavalry, we must work closely with I am fully confident that, working
We must develop sound the other members of the U.S. together - reflecting on the great
doctrine, tactics, techniques. and Army team, our sister services, and lessons from those who have gone
procedures as the foundation of our allies. We must make the com- before, and realistically assessing
everything else we do. bined arms concept a reality. the challenges of today and tomor-
row - we too will have the
0 We must train proud, dis- In future columns, our intent is to courage, the candor, and the com-
ciplined, confident, and competent take a longer view of trends, mitment to do what is needed.
soldiers ready to light and win. We developments, and outlooks, which
must assist Armor and Cavalry units may help indicate where we should Forge the Thunderbolt!

4 ARMOR - September-October 7989

Gorbachev's Cuts -
How They Impact
On the Armor Force
Tanks will become tractors. Troops will train for the
defensive. Six tank divisions are going home.
The Soviets will retain numerical superiority, but will
lose much of their potential for a surprise attack.

by Gerald A. Halbert

Normally, most tankers cannot get addition. assault-landing and assault- budget for production of arms and
too excited abobt international crossing units will be withdrawn. military equipment.-7 Soviet tank
politics. This is both good and had. Divisions remaining in Eastern production for the years 1983-1987
Tankers get paid to fight, not to be Europe are to be reorganized to be averaged about 3,500 per year? A
diplomats. Yet, in the U.S. Army, more "defensive." The 10,000 tanks reduction of 20 percent would
while we do not want to go to war, withdrawn from units will be reduce production about 700 tanks
our job is to keep the price of going destroyed or converted for civilian annually to 2,800 tanks per year.
to war so high that any enemy wants use.' (While the mind boggles at the Jane's Defence Week& estimates that
to think twice about fighting. civilian use of tank chassis, this idea the Soviets operate about 53,000
is not as far fetched as it seems. The MBTs, of which 30,000 are older
Recently, the President of the USSR has large areas of woodland models, such as the T-54/55 or T-
USSR, Mikhail S. Gorbachev, has and flatland where heavy tractors 62:
changed the Soviet Army in such a would be useful.)
way that, if a war should come, the Perhaps the most significant infor-
Soviet Army will not appear to be Other spokesmen later amended mation about the troop reduction
what it was several years ago. Our Gorbachcv's statement. General and tank withdrawal came from an
tankers ought to know about these Boris Snetkov, Commander in Chief interview with the Soviet defense
changes. (CINC) of the Group of Soviet For- minister, Army General D. T.
ces Germany, later said, "In the h- Yazov, in an Isvest@a interview
On 7 December 1988, Gorbachev ture all the tanks will be sent published in the 28 February 1989
announced at a meeting of the beyond the Urals. Some of them issue. Yazov provided more
United Nations in New York that will be mothballed, and others will detailed information about the
the Soviet Union was going to be used in the national economy reduction than Gorbachev did in
unilaterally reduce the Soviet after modifications."' the initial announcement. The
Armed Forces by 500,000 men. groups of forces in Eastern Europe
10,OOO tanks, 8,500 artillery systems, The cut is not limited to men and will lose 5,300 tanks. The six
800 aircraft, and other combat equipment, but includes a reduction withdrawn tank divisions will dis-
equipment. Six tank divisions are of 14.2 percent in the direct operat- band. Air assault and (presumably)
supposed to be withdrawn from ing costs of the Soviet military, and engineer pontoon regiments will be
central Europe and disbanded. In a 19.5 percent reduction in the removed. The pontoon bridge units

ARMOR - September-October 7989 5

Table 1. Soviet Forces in Eastern Europe Before Withdrawal"

Group Of Number Of
Forces MRD TD ITR ITB Tank Battalions
GSFG 8 11 5 8 181
CGF 3 2 3 41
SGF 2 2 1 2 37
NGF 1 1 1 1 20
Totals 14 16 7 14 279
training regiments, and several
MRD - Motorized Rifle Division more independent battalions will
TD - Tank Division withdraw.I3
ITR - Independent Tank Regiment
If we count just the combat ele-
ITB - Independent Tank Battalion, normally one organic to each MRD in Eastern Europe
ments, this withdrawal almost
NOTE 6fnecessity, all Soviet and Warsaw Pact strength figures are approximate. They amounts to the removal of a tank
represent the best compilation of data available.
army from the GSFG. It does not
equate to the removal of the tank
army because a tank army has many
other units, such as artillery, air
will reduce the Soviet's ability to 25 April 1989 when 31 T-64 tanks defense and other support units,
cross water obstacles while on the were reported shipped to the USSR that remain. Nonetheless, it would
offensive." In addition, individual from Kiskunhalas, Hungary." not be unreasonable to expect that
tank regiments in the groups of for- within the next two to four years
ces will be converted into motorized Of most interest to USAREUR- that the Soviets might remove an
rifle regiments. 7 oriented tankers are the Soviet army headquarters from GSFG. In-
reductions in the Group of Soviet terestingly enough, the Third Shock
Remaining units will be reor- Forces in Germany (GSFG). In Army and 20th Guards Army are in
ganized to look more defensive. The 1989, the 25th Tank Division (20th the central GDR, and normally con-
motorized rifle divisions in GSFG Guards Army [GA]), 32nd Guard sidered to be committed against
and CGF will lose their organic Tank Division (20th GA), two inde- NATO's Northern Army Group,
tank regiment. Each MRD will lose pendent tank training regiments, rather than against the Central
about 40 percent of its tanks. Each and eight independent battalions Army Group, composed of the
tank division in the groups of forces will withdraw." The eight inde- majority of USAREUR and many
will also lose a tank regiment, or pendent battalions are presumably FRG Army units." Because both
about 20 percent of its tanks. A the independent tank battalions of these armies will lose about half
motorized rifle regiment will ap- found in motorized rifle divisions. their combat power, either army
parently replace each tank regi- In 1990, the 7th (3d Shock Army could be deactivated.
ment. [SA]) and 12th Guards Tank
Divisions (3d SA), an independent Many Soviet units opposite
The reorganized divisions will also tank training regiment, an air-as- USAREUR are in the Central
have more antitank and antiaircraft sault brigade, three unspecified Group of Forces (CGF) in Czecho-
assets. Additional minelaying and
engineer obstacle assets will be
added to the units, in addition to in- Table It. Warsaw Pact Forces in Eastern Europe
creased engineer camouflage equip-
ment.8 Other Warsaw
Type Of Warsaw Pact
The unit and equipment Equipment Soviet Pact Total
withdrawals will be in two stages.
The first withdrawals were due to Tanks 41,580 17,890 59.470
start in April 1989," and in fact the ATGM Launchers 8,840 2,625 11,465
first reported withdrawal began on BMPlBTR 45,000 25,330 70,330

6 ARMOR - September-October 7989

Table 111. Soviet Old Divisional Strength2'

Type Number of Tank

Division Tanks BMPS/BTR SP HOW MRL Regiments
MRD 270 680 . 197 18 1
TD 330 255 165 18 3

Table IV. Soviet New Divisional Strength*

These changes will significantly af-

Type Number of Tank fect the force structure. Each
Division Tanks BMPS/BTR SP HOW MRL Regiments Soviet division exchange of a tank
MRD 166 640 197 18 0
TD 277 215 165 18 2
regiment for a motorized rifle regi-
ment will reduce the strength of the
*Calculated by removing independent tank battalion and converting a tank regiment divisions significantly. Soviet tank
from MRD and tank regiment from TD to a motorized rifle regiment with a 40-tank and motorized rifle di\* w o n s were
organized with a mirror image.
Each tank division had three tank
Slovakia. CGF will lose two inde- Anyway you look at it, these are regiments, a motorized rifle regi-
pendent battalions in 1989, and in significant reductions in force that ment, and an artillery regiment, plus
1990 will lose the 31st Tank could potentially be committed supporting units. Each motorized
Division, an air-assault battalion against USAREUR. rifle regiment had three motorized
and an engineer regiment. 15
rifle regiments, a tank regiment, and
How does the reduction compare an artillery regiment. Under the
Although forces in the Southern to thc total number of systems held new concept, each motorized rifle
Group of Forces (SGF) in Hungary hy the Warsaw Pact in Europe? The division will have four motorized
do not directly face USAREUR Soviets are notorious for not releas- rifle regiments, and the tank
units, SGF will lose the 13th Tank ing any data on the actual strength division will have two tank and two
Division in 1989, along with an inde- of their own armed forces, unless at- motorized rifle regiments. Tablc I11
pendent tank traininq6regiment and tributing it to foreign sources, in ef- lists the strengths of old Sovict
air assault battalion. Units from fect saying. we won't tell you how units, while Table IV estimates the
SGF could deploy against Western big our army is, but the West says it strength of the new units.I9
Europe instead of being committed is so big. Under Gorbachev, this
against the Balkans. The Northern has begun to change. In January The Soviet forces left in Eastern
Group of Forces (NGF) in Poland 1989, the Warsaw Pact Defense Europe after the withdrawal will
could commit forces against Ministers Committee released a remain a considerable force, but
USAREUR units deployed in the document comparing the strengths with limited capabilities. Table V
north of the Federal Republic of of the Warsaw Pact and NATO, shows the overall strength of Soviet
Germany. NGF will lose a tank regi- using admitted Warsaw Pact data forces in Eastern Europe after the
ment in 1989, along with an air- for the first time." A portion of withdrawals are completed. The
defense regiment and independent the information is listed in Table 11. 146 tank battalions left represent 52
helicopter regiment. 17 percent of the original strength.

These changes are not limited to

Table V. Soviet Forces in Eastern Europe after units of the Soviet Army in Eastern
Europe. Other Warsaw Pact forces
will be cut back, as will Soviet for-
Group Of Number Of
ces in other areas.
Forces MRD TD ITR ITB Tank Battalions
GSFG 8 7 2 0 90
CGF 3 1 0 20 Bulgaria will reduce it's forces by
SGF 2 1 0 0 24 10,000 soldiers, $00 tanks, and 200
NGF 1 1 0 0 12 artillery systems.'-
Totals 14 10 2 0 146 Czechoslovakia plans to reduce ac-
tive duty personnel by 12,000. The

ARMOR - September-October 7989 7

Table VI. Soviet Forces In Western USSR*
Military Airborne
District MRD TD Divisions Total
Baltic 6 3 1 10
Byelorusslan 3 7 1 11
Carpathian 7 3 0 10
Kiev 4 6 0 10
Moscow 4 2 1 7 1
Totals 24 21 3
*There are other military districts. but their forces are probably committed to other areas.
I the Warsaw Pact. As Table VI indi-
cates, there are 48 divisions avail-
able to reinforce GSFG and CGF?6
The Kiev MD will probably back up the Odessa MD, but could reinforce Soviet forces in Many of these units are kept at a
Germany and Czechoslovakia.
lower state of readiness than those
in Eastern Europe.
number of tank regiments will be active duty, but specific numbers of
reduced, and three combined-arms tanks removed have not been The Soviets recognize that it will
(mechanized infantry) divisions will released. nor the number of units be a challenge to reconfigure their
be reorganized and reduced to a dea~tivated.~~ divisions and revamp their tactics.
cadre status. Eight hundred fifty Army General B. Snetkov, the com-
tanks and 165 armored transporters The Soviets informed the Nor- mander in chief of the Group of
will be gradually eliminated. The wegian government that Soviet for- Soviet Forces in Germany, said in a
military budget would be cut by 15 ces near Norway would be cut by Rcd Star interview of 23 March 1989,
percent by 1 ~ 1 . ' Czechoslovakia
~ about 20,000 men. The 20,000 sol-
has been credited with having five diers would come from the
tank and five motorized rifle Leningrad Military District and the "I have alreadv said that we caiirtot
divisions.'4 This will leave Czecho- Murmansk bases on the Kola Penin- forgo combat capabiliht. Biit the trait-
slovakia with five tank divisions, two sula.30 sitioii of the divisions rciitaiitirtg in
active MR divisions, and three GDR tem-ton?to a defensive stnlchlrc
cadre MR divisions. Three-fourths of the Soviet troops - arid irt this respect the itiiiiiber of
in Mongolia will be withdrawn. tanks will be corisiderablv reduced -
The army of the German More than 260,000 soldiers in the arid the witlidrawal of tactical
Democratic Republic (East Ger- eastern and southern USSR will be iiiiclcar g~.steiitsfrom tlie groiip of for-
many) will be reduced by 10,OOO discharged?' In Mongolia, two tank ccs, together with assaiilt landing arid
men, six tank regiments, and 600 divisions and a motorized rifle assaiilt liver-crossing siibiiriits arid
tanks. For the East Germans, this division \vi11 be w i t h d r a ~ n .That
~~ their aims arid eqiiipnierit, will of
represents a fairly large force cut:- should leave one motorized rifle coiirse require the revision of soiitc
The GDR is generally credited with division in M0ngolia.3~ views on combat training. Tie rediic-
having two tank divisions and four tiori in tlie jorces' ofleitsive potential
MR divisions.'6 This reduction in addition, several motorized in- presiipposes increased atteiitiort to
amounts to a removal of one tank fantry divisions in the USSR will be their training from the point of view
regiment per division. (It is not converted into relatively static of defense.
clear that this is how the cuts will be machine pdartillery divisions,
apportioned.) which have a defensive nature. "Ti'tis task will priiiiarilv be solved
bv ertsiiriiig the qrialitatiw
Hungary announced that the According to the Warsaw Pact, a puranieten of combat readiness. b t
budget would be cut 10-17 per- minimum of 11,901 tanks will be particiilar, with regard to amis, this
cent?' Hungary will reduce its per- removed from the force structure in will be apparent in the increased
sonnel strength by 9,300, tanks by Eastern Europe in the next two itiiiitber of antitank gatenis arid artil-
251, and eliminate 30 BTRs. It will years.35 If completed, this reduction lenp in the reriiairiiiig divisions. Wtli
also remove 180 antitank weapons will reduce the Soviet capability to regard to tactics, greater importarice
from the force structure.'* mount an offensive operation will be attached than before to the en-
without reinforcements. gineer eqriipriteiit of positiorts arid
Poland has been in the process of defense regions. As a whole, tlte em-
reducing the size of the military for There will remain large numbers phasis irr troop trairiirig will be 011 the
the last two years. Fifteen thousand of units in the USSR, available for pefectioit of issues cortitected with
soldiers were to be removed from mobilization and reinforcement of troop defeitse operatioris.r3'

8 ARMOR - September-October 7989

Cuts in Warsaw Pact forces may include bridging units, essential for a surprise attack into Western Europe.

General Snetkov went on to add capability. In fact, if carried out, it develop a modern assault gun. As-
that the planned deactivation of the meets many of the objections the sault guns, by their very nature are
units will affect some of the most West has had about the Soviets' not as "offensive"as normal tanks.
honored Soviet units. One regi- capability to mount offensive opera-
ment, the M. Ye Katukov, the tions. Such a vehicle might be very hard
Chertkovskiy Marshal of Tank to kill. A new assault gun combining
Troops, Twice Order of Lenin, While this capability is reduced, it missile and gun would represent a
Order of the Red Banner, Suvorov, is not totally removed, and Soviet qualitative increase in effectiveness
Kutuzov, and Bogdan Khmelnitskiy forces should be quite capable of over existing systems.
Guards Tank Regiment, the senior mounting counter-offensives. After
guards tank regiment in the Soviet reinforcement. they could, of Even after the announced large
Army, is assigned to one of the course, mount a major attack. An cuts in Soviet forces, they will still
motorized rifle units scheduled for issue that may come up in future have a effective numerical supe-
deactivation. General Snetkov arms reduction talks is the very riority in Eastern Europe for some
recommends that it be transferred utility of the tank and other time to come. Those seeking to off-
to a tank division to preserve the weapons for both offensive and set the Soviet numerical superiority
combat traditions of the unit?* This defensive combat. The Soviets clear- should ponder a statement by Mar-
could pose a problem for those ly realize that while some type of shal of the Soviet Union
monitoring deactivation of the units weapons systems, such as aircraft, Akhromeyev, the former chief of
if many units are exchanged for are for attack, others are defensive, the general staff and now apparent-
other units. yet others can be used for either. ly a special military advisor to Presi-
They do consider the tank to be a dent Gorbachev.
The impact on the NATO tanker "universal weapon," suitable for use
is that the Soviets will have fewer both in attack and in defen~e.3~ Be- ' X t tlie saitte time, as tire stnrcture
tanks, but more infantry, artillery cause the tank is universally recog- of tlte Soviet Aimed FOKCS is itow
and ATGMs. This should result in a nized as a tracked vehicle mounting being given a defensive tltizrst, new
reduced capability to mount offen- a turret with a main gun large ntethods are beirig iirtrodticed to
sive operations. It should significant- enough to kill opposing tanks, it is iiiaiiitaiit ittilitany capacip at a level
ly enhance their defensive possible that the Soviets might wliiclr guarantees tlte coiottny's

ARMOR - September-October 1989 9

seclirici in the event of possible rediic- B. Snetkov. CINC, GSFG, as reprinted in 30"Troops Near Scandinavia To Be Cut
FB1SSOV-89-074. by 2O,OOO," Stockholm Domestic Service
tiorts irt both riiiclear mid coriwritiorr- g ~ dinterview
i ~ with Army General v. in Swedish 1545 GMT 10 March 1989, as
al antis. Under srrcli cimuiistarices, Shabanov in Hungarian, NEPSZABADSA, reprinted on p. 2, FBIS-SOV-89-048. 14
it is of cnicial irtipotlarice that the Budapest, 18 January 1989, as reprinted March 1989.
amis arid the eqiipnierit supplied to on p. 1, FBIS-SOV-89-013, 23 January 3'Yazov interview (see note 6).
1989. See also Moscow TASS Internation- =TASS news release, Moscow TASS In-
(lie Anti! arid the Nmy be ejj2ctive ternational Service in Russian, 1705 GMT,
al Service in Russian report, 0955 GMT,
arid of high qialip, so that tltc 24 April 1989, as reprinted in FBIS-SOV-89- 15 March 1989, as reprinted in FBISSOV-
dderise objectives cart be met with a 078, 29 April 1989. 89450, 16 March 1989.
sittaller riirriiher of weaporis.4 0 "Photograph in The Washinaton Post, %Urban, p. 35.
April 26, 1989, p. A23. 34~azov interview.
"The Militarv Balance, 1988-1989, Inter- 35FBIS-SOV-89-034,p. 8.
Although significant Soviet forces national Institute for Strategic Studies, Lon- %ivision strengths extracted from
will be left in being, these cuts when don, 1989, pp. 30-40. Urban, pp. 48-53.
implemented, will lead to a '2"Tank Unit Withdrawals Revealed," 37"lnterviewwith Army General B. Snet-
signficiant reduction in the Soviet Jane's Defence Weekly, 18 March 1989, p. kov. Commander In Chief of the Group of
472. Soviet Forces in Germany by Colonel A.
ability to wage a ground war I3lbid. Army subordinations from p. 47, Vasilete, Krasnava Zvezda, 23 March
without extensive mobilization. Mark L. Urban, Soviet Land Power, Hip- 1989, p. 2, First Edition. as reprinted on p.
pocrene Books. New York, 1985. 81. FBISSOV-89-056.
Notes "Urban. p. 106. 38FBISSOV-89-056,p. 83.
""Tank Unit Withdrawals," p. 472. 39"lnternational Situation-Questions and
l6lbid. Answers," Moscow Domestic Service in
'"Deputy Defense Minister Comments Russian, 1445 GMT 3 March 1989. as
on Tank Cuts," article, p. 4 in the Bul- reprinted in FBIS-SOV-89-044, 8 March
""Statement of the Warsaw Pact
garian paper Harodna Armiva, 25 January 1989.
Defense Ministers Committee "On the Cor-
1989, quoting Army General Wtaliy 40 MSU Sergey Akhromeyev, "The Soviet
relation of Warsaw Pact and North Atlantic
Shabanov, USSR Deputy Defense Minister Union is Not Lowering Its Guard." Stock-
Alliance Force Strengths and Armaments
for Armaments, as reprinted in FBIS-SOV- holm Svenska Dagbladet, p. 3, in
in Europe and Adjoining Waters," as
89-017, 27 January 1989, p. 1. See also Swedish, 30 November 1988, as reprinted
printed in MOSCOW Pravda, 30 January
the edltorial on p. 15, Aviation Week and on page 119. FBIS-SOV-88-234, 6 Decem-
1989. First Edition. p. 5. as reprinted in
Space, December 12, 1988. FBIS-SOV-89-018. ber 1988.
This editorial is an extract from the
lgDavid C. Isby, Weaoons and Tactics of
December 7, 1988, address to the UN by
the Soviet Army, Jane's. London, 1981.
Mikhail Gorbachev.
pp. 79-81, 109-112.
'Interview with GEN Snetkov. Moscow
?3oviet Militarv Power: An Assessment
TASS International Service in Russian
of the Threat 1988, Government Printing
Mr. Gerald A. Halbert is a
0940 GMT, 17 April 1989. as reprinted in retired Army officer whose
Office, Washington, D.C., 1988, p. 74.
FBIS-SOV-89-074, 19 April 1989.
31nterview with LTG G. A. Stefanovskiy,
"The Militarv Balance, 1988-1989. Inter- last active duty assignment
national Institute for Strategic Studies, Lon- was with the office of the
Deputy Chief of the Main Policial Ad-
don. 1989. pp. 30-40.
ministration of the Army and Navy by Yu.
''Moscow Television Service Program in
Threat Manager, Directorate
Bychkov. "Today We Are Not On Parade," of Combat Developments,
Russian 1135 GMT, 18 February 1989, "In
p. 1-2. Sovietskava Kultura, 23 February the Countries of Socialism," as reprinted U.S. Army Armor Center. Mr.
1989, as reprinted on p. 99,FBISSOV-89-
in FBIS-SOV-89-033.21February 1989. Halbert served with the 8th
045, 9 March 1989.
*%terview with Milan Vaclavik, CSSR
4Saviet Militarv Power 1988, p. 38, US Infantry (Mechanized) Divi-
Ministry of National Defense by S.
Government Printing Office, Washington,
Vtorushin, p. 4, Moscow Pravda, Second sion, 9th Infantry Division,
D.C.. 1988. 40th Armor, 82d and 1Olst
Edition, 9 March 1989, as reprinted in
5"Arms Cut Details Revealed," Jane's
Defence Weeklv, 28 February 1989. p. 279.
FBIS-SOV-89-046. Airborne Divisions, as well
''Urban, p. 118. as I Corps (Group) Head-
'Interview with Army General D. T.
25TASS Agency News Release "GDR's
Yazov, p. 3, Izvestiva, 28 February 1989,
Honecker Announces Unilateral Troop quarters and XVlll Airborne
as reprinted on pp. 14, FBlSSOV-89438, Corps Headquarters. He
Cut," Moscow TASS in English 0629 GMT,
28 February 1989.
'Izvestiya article on p. 3, 27 Feburary
24 January 1989, as reprinted in FBlS also served as the A N desk
SOV-89-016. 26 January 1989. officer in the Office of the
1989, interview with General of the Army
%rban. p. 117.
D. T. Yazov, as reprinted on p. 18, The '"E. Europe Responds to Gorbachev Deputy Chief of Staff for In-
Current Diaest of the Soviet Press, telligence, Headquarters,
Cutbacks." , - J 7
Volume XLI. No. 9 (1989).
January 1989, p. 22. USAREUR. He is currently
'Interview with Army General D. T.
"Araumentv 1 Faktv, No. 6, 11-17 employed by the U.S.
Yazov, p. 3. Izvestiva, 28 February 1989,
February 1989. p. 8. as reprinted in FBlS
as reprinted on pp. 1-4, FBIS-SOV-89-038, Government in central Vir-
28 February 1989. See also interview on
29Moscow Television Service, 18 ginia.
Moscow TASS International Service in Rus-
February 1989.
sian 0940 GMT 17 April 1989 with General

10 ARMOR - September-October 7989

Developing a Tank Autoloader
by Major John C. Woznick

The large-caliber. direct-fire. tank design. A well integrated autoloader Above, the TACOM Tank Test Bed
cannon has developed to the point can minimize turret volume and vehicle has an automatically-
where the introduction of an ani- armor requirements. The automatic loaded overhead gun system.
munition loading system or loading of ammunition reduces
autoloader is becoming an essential workload on the tank and offers the saving personnel and resources. The
requirement. Increases in cannon possibility to reduce crew size. New autoloader handles a 125-mm two-
caliber and chamber volume have technologies in robotics, automa- piece round, which allows them to
led to an increase in the size and tion, electric motors, and sophisti- pack more propellant into a large
weight of tank main gun rounds. cated microprocessor control sys- chamber to achieve high pro,jectile
The current generation of 120-mm tems appear to be applicable to the velocities. The Soviet autoloaders,
tank rounds for the M256 cannon is problem of automatic ammunition therefore, represent an integrated
approaching the limit of the handling. armament system that offers ad-
capabilities of an armor crewman to vantages in survivability and lethality.
load efficiently and safely. Addition- In recent years, several countries
ally, the use of combustible-cased have adopted autoloaders. most Several of our allies have intro-
ammunition has resulted in an in- notably the Soviet Union. The duced or will introduce autoloaders
crease in the fragility of the ammuni- Soviets’ autoloader, with an am- in their next generation of tanks.
tion, which makes proper handling munition magazine below the turret, The French LeClerc tank includes a
an even more critical requirement. allows them to reduce the height of bustle-mounted autoloader capable
their tanks while maintaining maxi- of loading the current generation of
The introduction of the autoloader mum armor protection. They 120-mm tank ammunition. Auto-
can offer positive impacts on system decided to reduce their crew size, loader development programs are
~~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _

ARMOR - Septernber-October 1989 11

also underway in West Germany, bat system that must be optimized current rate of fire with current 120-
the United Kingdom and Japan. In for lethality, mobility, survivability, mm ammunition is one round every
the United States. the Tank Test and sustainability. seven seconds, or 8-9 rounds per
Bed (TTB) and Manned Weapon minute. The autoloader should per-
Station (MWS) programs both in- Design of a system to accomplish form at least as well. However, a re-
cluded autoloaders as part of the required autoloader functions can quirement for a higher rate of fire
system design, and private industry not be done in isolation. Each than necessary will force design
has produced several autoloaders as design decision must be considered decisions that will adversely impact
Independent Research and Develop- in light of its impacts on both the the overall system design. For ex-
ment (IRSrD) projects. functional and combat systems. This ample, a requirement to load at 15
process is complicated by the rounds per minute for a sustained
The autoloader can offer ad- autoloader which is a new element period may require a large
vantages in lethality, survivability of the large-caliber direct-fire sys- magazine immediately behind the
and sustainability, but only if the tem and not a part of an established gun. This may result in a higher sil-
design supports the combat system. design. Systems integration issues houette and the need for increased
There are also penalties and com- will include the ammunition, gun, turret armor, with its associated
promises that must be considered if fire control, and power supply inter- weight penalty. The engineer must
we are t o field an autoloader.. faces. Additionally we must con- strike a balance between a higher
Among other concerns, we must ad- sidcr vehicle space, survivability con- rate of fire and the rclated design
dress safety, reduction of the crew cerns, human engineering, and NBC costs. The exact rate of loading and
and subsequent increase in the protection requirements. The intro- firing will be established by the
workload, and cost of the system. duction of the autoloader can affect threat defeat criteria determined by
Although autoloaders look ever some integration issues; however, the user's analysis.
more attractive and producible, only many will result in design trade-offs
a well thought out design can offer to maximize the efficiency of the Another lethality design goal may
the benefits and avoid the penalties ovcrall systems. be to maximize the number of on-
associated with fielding a new sys- board rounds. As ammunition size
tem. Lethality increases, the number of rounds
might be reduced as space is ex-
Numerous issues are considered in The first requirement in designing hausted. This could occur if increas-
developing the optimum autoload- an autoloader system is to enhance ing the chamber volume of propel-
ing strategy to best support the mis- the lethality of the weapon system. lant (to throw a bigger and/or faster
sion requirements of the combat sys- In the case of the autoloader, projectile) is required to defeat the
tem. We must explore them if the several concerns are paramount. threat. Using the Abrams as a
resulting system is to meet the goals You must first define the bullet. baseline, fewer than 40 rounds
set for the armament system and Recent ammunition lethality im- stowed on the vehicle implies
the combat vehicle. The develop- provements include larger calibers, reduced system lethality.
ment of a successful system will re- combustible cases. and innovative
quire decisions on correct trade-offs warhead and penetrator designs. A The counter-argument is that, if a
that can only be made when the is- future possibility is using separated more lethal round is required to
sues impacting on the development ammunition to increase the cham- defeat the threat target, the loss of
of the autoloader are understood. ber volume of propellant to launch basic load to assure a kill is accept-
What then are the challenges in heavier payloads or attain greater able. This is a trade-off that will be
developing an autoloader for the fu- muzzle velocities. The primary made by the user. It must also be ad-
ture tank? design goal of the autoloader is to dressed by the systems integrator he-
provide safe and efficient handling cause the ammunition must com-
Integration of these more lethal rounds of am- pete for space with other elements
munition. of the system. The autoloader
The autoloader is an integral part design must support the stowage of
of a larger system. First. it is a func- Next, the autoloader must support the maximum number of rounds.
tional part of an armament system, a high rate of fire. The rate of fire is This forces the autoloader
which includes ammunition, gun, a function of the efficiency of the developer to locate the loading
fire control. and crew. Second. the design, and integration with the am- mechanisms so they will not inter-
autoloader is a component in a com- munition, gun and fire control. The fere with ammunition stowage, and

72 ARMOR - September-October 7989

Autoloading turret of the Tank Test Bed Vehicle is suspended in a vibration
testing fixture. Rounds stored vertically in the turret basket can be seen below
the gun.

develop a storage strategy that from positions located throughout quired to meet mobility, transpor-
makes most use of available space. the tank. This approach provides a tability, and maintenance require-
positive impact on lethality at a cost ments.
Given the space and configuration in survivability and manpower.
constraints of the combat vehicle. To reduce the combat system’s sil-
not all rounds may be immediately Survivability houette constrains the location of
available for loading. Replenish- both the autoloader components
ment of the ready magazine(s) may Survivability includes many ele- and the ammunition stowage
be required from non-ready ments - lethality, mobility, configura- (magazines). Additional height also
stowage. This may be done by the tion of the system, and measures to implies additional armor weight. If
crew (as in the LeClerc) or reduce vulnerability, both active and ammunition is stowed high (say, in
automatically (as in the Navy’s passive. The autoloader design must the bustle) the armor envelope is ex-
MK45 5-inch gun), depending on support reducing silhouette, com- tended to protect that ammunition
manpower. configuration, and partmenting the crew from ammuni- and critical autoloader components.
human engineering constraints. tion, armor protection of critical This is a penalty that the vehicle sys-
Some specified number of rounds areas, warhead anti-fratricide tem designer is loath to pay. The
should be in a ready location avail- protection, venting of propellant design goal then shifts to molding
able for automatic loading to sup- fires, and positioning of the ammuni- the autoloader and ammunition
port a sustained rate of fire. In the tion to reduce vulnerability. The stowage into minimum space, and
case of the Soviet tanks. the ready combat system configuration and locating as much of the ammunition
rounds are located in a carousel autoloader design will include these as low in the vehicle as possible.
below the turret floor. Non-ready features, but is also subject to This was the approach taken with
rounds are manually replenished weight and space constraints re- the Tank Test Bed. The crew was lo-

ARMOR - Sepfember-October 7989 13

~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ ~

cated in the hull, and the turret bas- reduction in the onboard load of autoloader is considered an accept-
ket was then used for the ammunition. able loss of the system. The second
autoloader and ammunition storage. is that the autoloader can be ser-
This approach allowed a reduction Another desirable feature is war- viced manually if a failure occurs,
in silhouette. which improved sur- head antifratricide protection. This possibly at some degraded
vivability; but the design precluded involves designing obstacles to the capability, until the system can be
any degraded mode operation and shock waves that cause propagation repaired. The first strategy will be
was heavily reliant on optics and of nearby high-explosive warheads more difficult and costly to achieve.
sensors to maneuver and light the when one is hit. This allows the The second will require that each
tank. blast overpressure and venting sys- possible failure be identified and a
tems to operate, saving the crew backup designed for it. Either
If the ammunition is compart- compartment. This feature may be strategy will have penalties as-
mented. the operation of the built into ammunition stowage sociated with it related to the num-
autoloader must be compatible with mechanisms, the autoloader, or ber or effectiveness of the operation-
the method used. The autoloader both. al systems available.
must have rapid access to the am-
munition, yet minimize the exposure The density of ammunition The materiel developer, based on
of the crew Compartment to the stowage, size and type of warhead, d e s i p analysis and empirical data,
stowage area. Orientation of the am- and the distribution of KE and HE will identify the autoloader’s failure
munition must be considered to min- warheads also has an effect on modes and their effect, and analyze
imize the danger of a high-explosive fratricide. If the autoloader can their criticality. He will then prqject
detonation compromising the com- maintain and control the location how frequent and how severe the
partment. There should be and distribution of ammunition in- failures are likely to be. The end
provision for venting blast overpres- ventory, it can decrease the product will be a subsystem
sure of high-explosive warheads and fratricide hazard. However, an- criticality matrix which will identify
propellant fires. tifratricide materials decrease the priority failure modes and provide
density of ammunition stowage and information on how to design the
complicate the operation of the autoloader to support the system
The use of an autoloader has both autoloader. Survivability has been, reliability requirements. However,
positive and negative impacts on the and continues to be, a primary con- there is an inadequate current data
operation of the ammo compart- sideration in the design of U.S. com- base on autoloader reliability to con-
ment feature. Ammunition will be in bat systems. It involves more than firm the design analysis. Informa-
the gun or in the compartment armor protection. Its impacts on tion will be acquired only as present
without requiring manual contact autoloader design reflect the in- and future autoloader systems are
during the loading operation. Am- tegration issues which establish sys- developed.
munition exposure time and size of tem configuration.
the access door can be minimized. The maintenance concept for the
Sustainability autoloader will also affect systems
However. the penalty is that the ac- design. Maintenance procedures
ceptablc location and configuration The first element of this principle should be designed to occur at the
of the compartment will further is reliability. This has not been an lowest level of support possible.
restrict ammunition stowage and issue in the past, because the Diagnostic techniques have to be es-
autoloader design. (Hull stowage of capabilities of the human loader tablished. Maintenance engineering
ammunition may be more difficult were known. The reliability of the identifies what components will be
to vent without damaging the engine autoloader will have a profound im- classified as repairable, partially
compartment or suspension). pact on the system’s availability. repairable, or non-repairable. The
Another method of increasing sur- (An underlying implication is that system design will have to allow for
vivability is to reduce the demit?, of the autoloader be no less reliable efficient location of maintenance
ammunition stowage, decreasing the than the current loader.) points, and sizing of components
possibility of exceeding the venting and access for autoloader and
ability of the compartment. This Two strategies suggest themselves. magazine removal. However, these
conflicts with the maimurn storage First, that the autoloader be so reli- features cannot compromise the sys-
of ammunition and may cause a able that the infrequent loss of the tem survivability mechanisms

14 ARMOR - September-October 1989

required to efficiently defeat the
threat. The materiel developer then
cost and force struc- uses these requirements as design
goals for the autoloader, and formu-
lates a concept that will support the
The automatically goals.
loaded tank introduces
a new armament sys- The development of the
tem component not autoloader continues to be driven
previously included in by the user's requirements, but the
The autoloader bustle magazine of the MBT- the armor system combat and material developers
70 project, now stored in the Patton Museum. design. This com- must retain a flexibility in approach
ponent replaces func- that can allow the trade-offs that
(armor, compartments. venting). tions previously performed reliably will occur. The prioritization of re-
The system availability requirements and efficiently by man. Man repre- quirements, and consideration of
established by the combat sents a known quantity whose the benefits and the associated
developer's analysis are used to capabilities and limitations have penalties of various autoloader
refine the maintenance concept. been established by experience. The strategies, will define the most effec-
The availability values help the introduction of the autoloader, in tive system design for the
designer to establish mean time be- fact. is necessary because those autoloader developer. The
tween failure (MTBF) and mean limitations are exceeded by the re- developer thus supports the effi-
time to repair (MTTR) goals for quirements of the armament system. cient integration
- of the autoloader
the autoloader subsystem. The main- The designer of an autoloader is into the combat system.
tenance concept and these goals faced with the challenge of replac-
will drive design decisions and ing a "system" that is flexible, reli-
trade-offs that help define the con- able. and able to be reprogrammed
figuration of the autoloader. The or replaced if necessary. The new Major John C. Woznick is a
design of the autoloader can component must also be reliable 1976 graduate of the State
facilitate the rearming of the com- and maintainable. It will have to per- University of New York at
bat system. The autoloader desig- form several distinct operations, Geneseo, with a bachelor's
ners should be sensitive to logistics and must be supportable by Army degree in biology. He was
concerns, and the autoloader and logistics systems. Whether the tank commissioned through OCS
rearm method should be com- can accommodate the loss of a crew- in 1977 and attended the
patible. If the rearm is manual. the member without some loss of Armor Officer Basic Course.
autoloader can be designed to make capability is debatable. The issue He served as a cavalry
the transfer more efficient. A good for the designer is to develop a sup- platoon leader and tank com-
example of this is the design of the portable system which can efficient- pany executive officer in the
MBT-70, which allowed for manual ly load the cannon. 2nd ACR. Following AOAC,
feed of ammunition directly into its he was assigned to the 194th
rotating bustle magazine through a Conclusion Armored Brigade where he
rearm port at the rear of the turret. served as a S2/3,BMO, and
A future armored rearm vehicle The first step in developing the tank company commander. A
might offer the possibility of autoloader is to identify the re- graduate of CGSC and the
automatic transfer of ammunition. If quired capabilities of the system. Materiel Acquisition Manage-
the rearm is to be automatic or These capabilities are established ment Course, he is currently
mechanically assisted, this intro- by the combat developer (user) in assigned to Benet Labora-
duces a new interface requirement response to analysis of required tories, U.S. Army Armament
for the system. A docking method combat effectiveness, including such Research, Development and
and data link might be required to factors as the threat, availability of Engineering Center, where
accomplish the transfer. The ad- applicable technologies, and opera- he is working on the XM91
vantage would be in providing tional and support costs. This Ammunition Loading System
rapid, under-armor, and possibly, analysis results in the definition of (ALS) Program.
NBC-clean rearm for the tank. The critical performance characteristics

ARMOR - September-October 7989 75

As Others See Us...

A British Tank Squadron

Tries the MIA1
by Major D. 1. Viccars, C Sqn., 3d RTR

(Reprinted with permission from TANK, the Royal Tank Regiment Journal)

Soldiers of C Squadron, 3 Royal at 1,800 m, all this with no prior in- some amazingly obvious and simple
Tank Regiment, had a good chance struction! It is therefore a very easy features which make life so much
to take a detailed look at the M l A l tank to fight. Reservists, for ex- easier for the crew. For example,
during a Visit to 2/70 Armor Bat- ample, would have no difficulty at the tracks are tensioned hydraulical-
talion at Grafenwohr. all in climbing in and operating the ly, all the batteries are side-by-side
vehicle efficiently. Fixed ammuni- in a separate armored compartment
This article is not intended as 3 tion is a considerable advantage to next to the engine, and as many as
technical critique of the Abrams; the crews and gives a really fast possible of the oil reservoirs are see-
rather it is compiled from the views loading time. The sighting and firing through plastic, even the road wheel
of 20 soldiers who drove and fired sequence and the gun control equip- hubs! It is also very easy, and quick,
the tank over a two-day period. Ad- ment is again really slick and simple to remove and replace the engine
mittedly, two days is insufficient to to use. There is no complex and transmission.
judge the effectiveness of a main graticule, no ellipse, no autolay, etc.
battle tank; however, it is long All the gunner has to do is lay a In addition, the United States
enough to create an impression ... circle on the target, press one but- maintenance troops have a large
ton on the joystick-type gunner's number of test equipments rapidly
The most impressive part of the control, then immediately press the to isolate and identify the damaged
tank is the turret. It is well laid out, adjacent firing button - shouting component.
the main armament having an ex- "On the way" at the same time!
tremely easy loading and firing se- Sadly though, Abrams does seem
quence and seeming to be very ac- The relief with which British crews to suffer from as many electrical
curate. The author achieved three greeted a simple, clear, gunner's problems as Challenger. In addi-
first-round hits in about 30 seconds, sight had to be seen to be believed. tion, the M l A l is not a vehicle that
against a mover at 1,200 meters, a Automotively, the tank seems easy crews could easily live on. Meals
static target at 1,500 m, and a mover to maintain and repair, and boasts are prepared elsewhere, there is

76 ARMOR - September-October 7989

limited stowage, limited tentage etc. Very easy maintenance. Very limited gun control back-
A summary of our views follows at 0 Rapid engine repair and change. up system, should the main system
the end of this article, though it 0 Batteries stored, all together, fail, but very good emergency firing
must be remembered that these under armor, adjacent to the en- gear.
opinions were formed during a two- gine, therefore easy to change and 0 I t appears that the stub cases
day visit, and more time on the service. left once a round has been fired
vehicle is required t o obtain a 0Clear plastic oil reservoirs for tend to jam in the breech.
detailed comparison. However, the easy level checks, etc., even on the .The gun safety shield is not per-
majority view of the party was that road wheel hubs. manently fitted, but has to be as-
they would prefer to go to war on Hydraulic track adjusters. sembled before firing.
Challenger, rather than Abrams; 0 Short barrel life.
but if the fire and gun control sys- Communications
tem of Abrams was put in Chal- and Crew Arrangements Power Plant and Suspension
lenger, the general belief was that
Challenger would then be outstand- 0 Secure communications to .The hand throttle in the driver’s
ing. platoon/troop level. compartment. We would prefer foot-
0 Well laid out crew stations, espe- operated controls.
Summary of 3 RTR’s Views cially the driver’s. Over-sensitive computer to con-
0 The internal lights are blue, thus trol the engine.
OUR LIKES there is no loss of night vision. .Brakes are, if anything, TOO
0 Excellent crew seats. responsive!
.Turret. Fire Control and Arma- 0 Excellent crewmen’s helmets, 0Poor suspension when com-
ment very comfortable. pared to the excellent system on
0The gun. its sighting and control 0 The very effective heater! Challenger.
equipment. .Very, very thirsty. The ready
Hydraulic gun control equip General reckoner used was 2-1/2 gallons to
meht which is easy to start. quick one mile.
and very responsive, as well as 0 Smooth. wide, warm back decks 0 No generator engine.
being fast. - good to sleep on! 0 Short track life.
0 Stabilized sight. 0 Small. low profile. 0Rear skirting plate allows mud
0The gunner’s graticule - clear, to build up around sprocket, thus
simple and easy! OUR DISLIKES encouraging a thrown track.
0 Good. simple muzzle reference
sight. Turret, Fire Control, Communications
0 Easy. simple fire control orders. and Armament and Crew Arrangements
Firepower - 120-mm smooth-
bore; 2x7.62mm, 1x.50 cal. Commander (apparently) can- 0 Antiquated radio equipment,
0 Fixed ammunition; rapid load- not lay gunner sight onto target. with old audio gear and only one
ing drills. No wiper on gunner’s sights! radio per tank, as a standard kit.
0Ammunition stowage in the tur- Thermal imaging equipment .Limited stowage space, all ex-
ret with built-in “blow-out”panels to very poor in comparison to TOGS. posed to the elements.
vent any explosion out of the tank, (TOGS is the British thermal sight- 0 N o provision to enable crew to
rather than into the crew compart- ing system. -Ed.) live on the vehicle.
ment. 0 I t takes some three hours to 0 N o internal water tank for the
remove the T U . crew.
Power Plant and Suspension 0 High profile, exposed gunner’s 0 No boiling vessel!
sight with large, vulnerable glass 0The heater is located next to the
0 Remarkably quiet engine, with area. driver - it burns his left arm!
rapid acceleration, and very easy to Commander has only limited
operate. control and checks over the gun and
0 Hydraulic hand brake, quick turret. General
and easy. 0 Prone to electrical unreliability
0 Very responsive steering. - especially in the turret. 0 Bad thermal signature.
0 Multi-fuel capability. 0 Armor - we like Chobham!

ARMOR - September-October 7989 77

by Captain (P)James F. Merkel I

The task force commander waited ward security element. Movement With the Army’s revitalization of
impatiently in his TOC as his unit of the enemy’s main body was deception and its associated re-
concluded final preparations of reported. Suddenly, Team A education process, commanders are
defensive positions. After conduct- reported large numbers of tanks in pondering ways to effectively in-
ing intelligence preparation of the its sector, many of which had tegrate this combat multiplier into
battlefield (IPB), his SZ estimated penetrated its defenses into its rear their operations. The Army’s cur-
the enemy would attack with a tank area. As reports continued, the pic- rent doctrine on deception, as ex-
battalion on the northern avenue of ture became clear. The enemy had pressed in FM W-2, Battlefield
approach and a motorized rifle bat- fixed forward defenses with the Deception, October 1985, provides
talion on the southern avenue into motorized rifle battalion, massed some basic doctrinal guidance on
the battalion’s sector. After analyz- the armor battalion and penetrated planning and executing deception
ing the terrain and conducting his the battalion sector along the north- operations, but has little depth in
commander’s estimate, the com- ern avenue of approach. As the bat- terms of practical application. The
mander determined there were two tle progressed, enemy forces manual’s shallowness largely stems
critical choke points, one along bypassed a majority of the task from writing doctrine after nearly a
each avenue of approach, both force’s defenses, penetrating deep @-year void of Army interest and
parallel to one another. In issuing into the rear area (see Figure 2). experience in deception operations.
his guidance, the task force com- Examples of deception operations
mander assigned Teams A and B What went wrong? Initially, the at the strategic and operational
the missions of defending the two situation seemed to be in hand. levels of war abound throughout t h e
choke points, arrayed Team C in How was the commander so history of warfare, but those at the
depth to handle any enemy forces deceived, and his defensive scheme tactical level are woefully few.
leaking through, and kept Team D thrown off balance?
in reserve as a counterattack force But what of those who practice the
(see Figure 1). The plight of the task force com- art of warfare at the tactical. level?
mander in this vignette is not un- Does lack of recorded history mean
Later that night. reports filtered in familiar to those who have fought at that deception isn’t applicable or ap-
of enemy reconnaissance patrols the National Training Center. What plied at the tactical level? Most cer-
along the two avenues of approach. appears to be isn’t always what is. tainly not. Then how does the com-
There were reports of subsequent The enemy‘s scheme of maneuver mander integrate deception into his
probes of defenses at the two choke clearly deceived the task force com- scheme of maneuver? I believe this
points. and between 0430 and 0515, mander and his subordinates, result- will become clearly evident in the
there were reports of movement of ing in a rout. remainder of this article. Before
the forward security elements of the During the course of this article, proceeding further, let’s define
two enemy battalions along their keep this vignette in mind. The deception and further subdivide it
corresponding avenues of approach. focus will not be on the defensive into types.
As the situation developed, defen- tactics employed, but on how the
ses engaged the forward security ele- task force commander fell victim to JCS PUB 1-DOD defines decep-
ments at the two choke points. The deceptive maneuver. His actions tion as “those measures designed lo
battle seemed to be going the way typify those falling victim to decep- mislead erieriiy forces by manipula-
the S2 predicted. As the battle tion. By understanding how one tion, distortion, or falsification of
progressed. Teams A and B initiallv falls victim to stratagem, we may evidence to induce him to react in a
held fast and began attriting the for- learn how to deceive an opponent. manner prejudicial to his interests
~~ ~

78 ARMOR - September-October 7989

Fig. 1 Anticipated Enemy Scheme of Maneuver
(emphasis added)." Note, the act of lorces in a particular manner. The Type) and misleading (M-Type).' A-
misleading the enemy commander stated objective must be within the Type deception increases the am-
(the deception target) is to induce a realm of the enemy's capability and biguity in the victim's mind and
reaction, not to merely convince the target's authority, support the lowers the probability of a correct
him of a particular falsehood. This scheme of maneuver, and be ex- perception by "dilution" or multi-
desired reaction (the deception ob- ploitable by friendly forces. plication of alternatives. Sur-
jective) should be expressed in vivability measures such as
terms of committing, failing to com- Deception can be subdivided into camouflage, employment of multi-
mit, or delaying commitment of his two basic forms, ambiguity (A- spectral decoys as alternative tar-

Fig. 2 Actual Enemy Scheme of Maneuver'

ARMOR - September-October 7 989 79


0 Time of maximum disadvantage

0 Enemy force execution
0 Enemy commander’s decision
0 Enemy Intelligence System
Execution of deception tasks
0 Dissemination of deception plan
gets for enemy gunners, and radio tions of the forward 0 Planning
listening silence fall in this category. security element fur-
Such measures are applicable to ther reinforced his
and should be integrated into all preconception. Until Fig. 3
operations. the time he received
reports of the
A-Type deception measures affect breakthrough, situation reports determine the time of maximum dis-
the enemy commander’s decision from subordinates reinforced his ini- advantage. At what point is the
cycle by depriving him of indicators tial estimate. enemy most vulnerable during the
revealing friendly intentions. Elevat- battle? When do we want his reac-
ing the target’s ambiguity forces him One of the problems in employing tion to occur? Such information will
to react in one of two ways. Am- M-Type deception is the amount of most likely be determined by war-
biguity may cause the enemy com- time required. Time is less critical gaming the battle, analyzing its flow,
mander to delay committing forces in more static scenarios, such as and identifying trigger points keying
to gain a clearer picture of the bat- defenses and pre-hostility deploy- actions affecting the tempo.
tlefield. This essentially reduces his ment. However, once hostilities are
reaction time, shortens his decision initiated and maneuver begins, time Once the time of maximum disad-
cycle and potentially makes him available to present a deception vantage is determined, the enemy
more reactive. Conversely, he may story to the enemy decreases rapid- forces affected by the target’s
risk committing his forces without a ly. The speed of modern weaponry decision must be considered. What
clear understanding of the situation. drastically cuts the time available to size force? If the objective is to
Such a reaction makes the target un- conduct deception operations. As a cause the target to move forces,
predictable and could result in an result, time required to conduct how long will the move take? If the
unexpected andlor undesired enemy deceptive ploys must be reduced to objective is to cause a delay in com-
reaction. a level allowing integration of the mitting an enemy force, such as his
deception into the scheme of reserve, for how long? Time must
Misleading deception, although maneuver. Before 1 can address the also be allowed for the target to
more difficult to employ, is the most problem of time reduction adequate- issue orders and his forces to react
decisive form of deception and ly, one must first understand the to them.
I yields the biggest payoff. M-Type deception time cycle.’
deception reduces the ambiguity in Next we must consider the enemy
the victim’s mind by convincing him The deception time cycle is essen- commander. Is he bold or cautious?
that a particular falsehood is true. tially a variation of the reverse plan- Does he rigidly adhere to doctrinal
His reaction is then based on the ning sequence (see Figure 3). Time principles? How much latitude does
falsehood. If possible, the deception assessment, while critical to all he have in altering his current
should play upon the target‘s operations, is essential to deception course of action? Usually at the tac-
predispositions. planning. tical level, little is known about the
personality of the enemy com-
Returning to our vigiette, the com- Improper analysis of time will mander. Assumptions about him
mander was already predisposed to result in deception events un- must then be based on his doctrinal
believe the enemy would attack synchronized with the flow of the and sociological norms.
along the two avenues of approach battle. This ultimately results in
entering his sector. IPB and his failure of the deception and missing In further considering the com-
analysis supported this. Initial windows of opportunity to decisive- mander, we must consider the
reports received during enemy ly engage the enemy. The first step amount of time he needs to analyze
recon probes and the following ac- in deception time analysis is to the situation, reach a decision, and

20 ARMOR - September-October 7989

"Deceptive maneuver is essentially manewer-
ing forces on the battlefield in such a w f y as to
lead the enemy commander to an incorrect es-
timate of the situation...By causing an incorrect
estimate, we hope to gain a tactical advantage
by throwing the enemy off balance ...'I

formulate and issue orders. At this Deceptive maneuver is a means of weight and are usually the most
point, the enemy's communication reducing the time cycle to a manage- timely. Was additional buildup time
system must also come under able level. other than the execution of the
scrutiny. How long will the com- scheme of maneuver required? No,
mander need to transmit orders to Deceptive maneuver is essentially our commander's estimate of the
his subordinates? What are the maneuvering forces on the bat- situation was based entirely on his
potential disruptions to his C3? The tlefield in such a way as to lead the perception of the enemy's scheme
potential effects of friendly C3 enemy commander to an incorrect of maneuver as it logically unfolded
countermeasures? estimate of the situation, as oc- before him.
curred in the vignette. By causing
For the target to assess the situa- an incorrect estimate, we hope to Note that sources of intelligence
tion and make a decision, he must gain a tactical advantage by throw- other than the HUMINT threat tar-
have information. At this point, we ing the enemy off balance, causing geted by deceptive maneuver usual-
must assess the amount of time re- him to light with forces out of posi- ly require more time for collection,
quired for the enemy to gather infor- tion or poorly deployed. The enemy processing, and analysis. In looking
mation, produce an intelligence commander's incorrect estimate back at the deception time cycle,
product, and provide it to the com- should arise from his analysis of logi- you'll note that deceptive maneuver
mander. Information may come as cal flow of events upon the bat- resulted in information quickly
intelligence summaries from the tlefield. reaching the target. Furthermore,
GZS2 or may be in the form of spot portions of a story portrayed by
reports from subordinate com- Place yourself in the TOC of our deception events targeting enemy
manders. Ideally, specific enemy in- task force commander. As the SIGINT or IMINT collection assets
telligence collection assets should reports from subordinate units may not be detected or may be
be identified as means of channel- trickled in, he began to build a men- misinterpreted by analysts, never
ing deceptive information to the tal picture of what he believed to be reaching the target. By using
enemy commander. the enemy course of action. In his maneuver forces to portray the
mind, he was already predisposed deception story, chances of events
Portraying the falsehood is ac- to what he thought to be the being detected are greatly increased
complished by executing events or enemy's intentions and had so posi- due to the amount of forces in-
deception tasks supporting the tioned his forces. At the point the volved and their close proximity to
deception story. The deception task force commander became con- the enemy.
story is the incorrect estimate of our vinced his perception was accurate,
situation we wish the enemy com- he could have either remained com- Because forces committed to
mander to believe as true. Conduct- mitted to his current course of ac- deceptive maneuver are integrated
ing demonstrations, feints, displays, tion or modified it based on his per- into the overall scheme, time isn't
and other such deceptive events re- ception of the threat - a reaction. wasted portraying static events, such
quires time. We have to determine as displays. Therefore, deceptive
the amount of time needed for units What was the primary source of in- maneuver reduces the time required
to execute the required deception telligence for this reaction? to portray the deception story. Vir-
events. Once the time required to HUMINT reports from subordinate tually all movement and supporting
disseminate the plan is added, what units. Did other forms of intel- actions are purposeful, contributing
remains is available planning time. ligence weigh in? Certainly, but directly to the success of the overall
As evidenced by the deception time reports from subordinate units in scheme of maneuver. As a result,
cycle, conducting deception opera- direct observation andlor contact troops and equipment are not
tions can be rather time consuming. with the enemy carry the most diverted to support isolated decep-

ARMOR - September-October 7989 27

tion events, potentially draining the can't, as competent as he is, magical- tical advantage. To do this, the com-
unit of combat power. The primary ly emplace "gut" feelings that mander must know his enemy. Once
means of portraying the deception maneuver commanders need to the plan is in hand, forces must ex-
story is a series of feints and make quick decisions on the bat- ecute it with the utmost security.
demonstrations by combined arms tlefield. Part of developing these Such a plan, synchronized and ag-
forces maneuvering in close "gut" feelings is to know your op- gressively executed, will greatly in-
proximity to the enemy. Sequencing ponent and how he thinks. crease a unit's chances of both
of supporting events must permit surprising and defeating the enemy.
forces to be shifted and massed Another key to employing decep-
quickly without disrupting the logi- tive maneuver is security. The most
cal flow of the battle. To cut the brilliant maneuver ploys in the Notes
enemy commander's reaction time, world will not survive poor security.
we must keep him deceived as long An aggressive counterreconnais- 'Daniel, Donald C. and Herbig.
as possible. What are the keys to sance plan must be developed and Katherine L. (eds.) Strateaic
making all this work? First, you strictly adhered to, both in the lacti- Deception, New York: Pergamon Press,
must put yourself in the target's seat cal assembly area and enroute to 1982, pp. 5-6.
and look at the battlefield through the objective. Radio silence and
his eyes. Given time, careful recon- other forms of signals security con- 2FM 90-2, Battlefield Deception, Oc-
naissance of an enemy's positions tribute to hiding forces, as do tober 1988, pp. 4-9, 4-10.
may reveal his intentions. Lacking camouflage and proper terrain driv-
time. one must rely on knowledge of ing techniques. To successfullp
threat doctrine and reverse IPB. present a false picture to the enemy
This may seem relatively simple for commander. we must hide our true
peacetime exercises against other intentions.
U.S. forces. We operate from the
same doctrine. learn in the same Although I have geared this article Captain (P) James F.
military schools. and also think rela- toward mechanized forces, the same Merkel was commissioned
tively the same. This isn't true of fundamental principles apply to in Infantry from Texas Chris-
Soviet forces. Not only do they have light forces. I have deliberately tian University in 1979. He is
different doctrine. they also think omitted discussion of deception a graduate of IOBC, IOAC,
differently. Cultural differences devices. such as multispectral CASB, Battle Staff, and the
have produced a different mindset. decoys and communications decep- Batt I ef i eld Deception
The Soviet leader is much more logi- tion equipment. Although they en- Course. He has served in
cal and his solutions must be quan- hance deception operations, most the 7th Infantry Division as a
tifiable. So, what's the answer? units do not have access to them. rifle platoon leader, com-
Know your enemy. Understand the Units must learn to integrate decep- pany XO, support platoon
decision-making process of your tion into their scheme of maneuver leader, and battalion S4;
Soviet counterpart. Understand the without relying on special equip- and in the 82d Airborne
limitations of his authority as a com- ment. Division as G4 operations of-
mander. Don't abdicate your respon- ficer, battalion S1 and rifle
sibility to know your enemy to the The keys to making deceptive company commander. He
intelligence community. Although maneuver work are relatively is currently assigned as
making significant contributions, the simple. One must devise a scheme OIC, Battlefield Deception
G2/S2 won't plan the scheme of of maneuver focused on throwing Element, 8th Infantry
maneuver. More important, he the enemy off balance, gaining a tac- Division (Mech).

22 ARMOR - Sepfember-October 1989

Training for Replacement Operations Warfighting
I by Major Jon H. Moilanen

The key to success in any combat establish a basis for replacement al- shortfalls are trained to the perfor-
operation hinges on the ability to location. The Administration and mance standard. Once all perfor-
sustain weapon systems and Logistics Center coordinates the mance is achieved to acceptable
operators. This staying power is the linkup of operators and equipment. Icvels, maintain individual and
essential mission for the combat ser- The Administration Module incor- group skills through regular exercise.
vice support leader. The on-going porates basic unit directives and
challenge for personnel services reference material. The result is a Training for warfighting does not
leaders and soldiers is to train war- simple system to train subordinate stop here. Cross-training of skills is
fighting skills to standards that suc- leaders and soldiers in garrison or essential. Battle losses of administra-
cessfully support AirLand Battle field environments, and to execute tion personnel must be anticipated.
concept. actual operations. Sustained operations, duty shifts,
and physical-psychological fatigue
Whatever the training exercise, it Within this framework, Die PAC are considerations also. Leaders
is critical to effectively reinforce the Diillbook, provides the fundamental must weave a redundant skill
battlefield through timely replace- drills necessary to accomplish re- capability into managing replace-
ment operations. Unit strength placement operations. The concept ment operations.
maintenance alone is insufficient. reinforces individual skills into a col-
Weapon systems must be manned lective administration effort. The
by trained operators in proper rank PAC and S1 efficiently account for, Evaluations at the NTC identify
and skill to achieve the best unit report status of, and replace soldier recurring problems in effective per-
warfighting performance and mis- requirements. sonnel combat service support.
sion success. Common problems are:
The training technique in the PAC
The Administration Module Diilll7ook is progressive through five 0Battle rosters not kept up to
(GTA-101-2-1) and the Persoititel steps. First, explain the specific date.
Adritiiiisiratiort Center Drillbook (TC drill, its purpose, and performance 0 Incomplete and inaccurate unit
12-16) are aids that can improve standard. Second, conduct a "walk- reports.
combat service support training. through of the drill and 0 Unit commanders not aware of
These tools focus on effective main- demonstrate acceptable perfor- actual unit strength.
tenance of unit personnel strength mance. Third, practice the drill at a 0 Incorrect strength data from
and weapon systems readiness. reduced pace to develop individual subordinate units or to higher head-
With a system to train forecasting. and group proficiency. Provide feed- quarters.
procuring, and assigning replace- back to enhance individual perfor- 0 Non-standard reporting proce-
ments, the S1 and PAC have a mance and teamwork. Fourth, per- dures.
framework for an effective opera- form the drills in "real-time" situa- .Delayed unit reports or no es-
tional aid too. tions and incorporate varied tactical tablished reporting time.
Commander priorities, unit losses, constraints. The final step is formal 0 Commanders not kept informed
and unit reorganization capabilities evaluation and feedback. Training on unit strength and critical losses.

ARMOR - September-October 7989 23

0 Inability to maintain account- magic to the Administration If delays prevent the timely linkup
ability and strength data on cross-at- Module. Capitalize on integrating between the soldier and his unit, en-
tached units. SOPs with simple information dis- sure proper billeting and messing
plays. for the soldier until transportation
Unit SOPs can remedy much of delivers him to his unit.
this information flow problem, and PAC drills practice the execution
can clarify specified or implied mis- of several essential administrative The NTC has identified a recur-
sions of logistical support. A basic actions. The PAC logs unit strength ring principle in CSS operations.
reference library of publications can information and ensures accurate Successful units rehearse service
enhance methods, improvisations, and timely reports. Supervisor support drills thoroughly in their
and planning for operational readi- screening of documents ensures home station training. SOPs func-
ness. quality control. Duplication as well tion well only when practiced often.
as erroneous data are purged from This observation is not surprising.
Administration personnel normally the data base. For example, the
maintain a tactical situation map in PSNCO reviews the Personnel Re- The transition of a training aid for
conjunction with the S4. Training quirements Report to ensure that it wargame simulations or command
opportunities are limitless. Loca- reflects actual needs and not vacan- post exercises to a regular opera-
tions of supported and supporting cies. If a cook is driving a truck, the tional tool in daily garrison or field
units reflect current situations that requirement may be for a truck- operations is a logical progression.
influence service support decision driver, not a cook. Peacetime training procedures of re-
making. Post time-distance factors placement operations should be as
and movement restriction. Incor- One hundred percent accuracy is similar as possible to those proce-
porate proper radio telephone pro- the goal of casualty reporting. Bat- dures for the operational service
cedures and CEO1 into training tle rosters show current require- support plan.
drills. ments. Prepare associated ad-
ministrations such as casualty trans- This article demonstrates the value
Once the Admin-Log Center is or- mittal letters and next-of-kin letters. of a system with simple and effec-
ganized to support the unit, training Keep the executive officer and com- tive training measures. Use the Ad-
scenarios can provide individual mander informed on changes criti- ministration Module, GTA 101-2-1;
and collective experience in cal to unit strength. and TC 12-16, the PAC Drill Book.
problem-solving. Minimum resource They work.
commitment can produce excellent Quality in-processing of replace-
learning. Logistic team leaders such ments is essential to morale and the
as the adjutant, supply officer, sup- fighting spirit of the unit. A positive Major Jon H. Moilanen
port platoon leader, personnel ser- experience upon arrival into the is the squadron XO of 3d
vice sergeant, supply sergeant, and unit sets the theme for soldier per- Squadron, 3d Armored
clerks gain valuable experience in formance. The initial PAC recep- Cavalry Regiment. He
procedural methods and decision- tion must reinforce a success at- received his Regular
making. There is no better prepara- titude, and build confidence in the Army Armor commission
tion for actual employment, than to most important element of combat as a Distinguished
practice with the same tools that power, the soldier. Military Graduate from
will be used in actual operations. the University of Wiscon-
As soldiers arrive from the replace- sin, Oshkosh, and is a
The Administration Module uses ment detachment, process orders CGSC graduate. He has
simple data displays. Battle rosters and records expeditiously. Initiate served in divisional caval-
present name, grade-rank, military normal SIDPERS actions. ry troop command and
occupational specialties, authorized squadron staff with 1st
and assigned personnel strength, The replacement process includes Cavalry Division and 3d
current status, and special remarks. a thorough orientation on unit mis- Armored Division, and
At battalion level, the basic unit for sion, the enemy, and current situa- was a corps G3 plans of-
strength management is the platoon. tion. Unit history and tradition rein- ficer with V Corps. Major
To focus on strength within force the confidence a soldier feels Moilanen was the regi-
platoons improves monitoring cross- in his new unit. He will feel that he mental S4 of 3d ACR
attachment status as teams and task is important and part of a winning when he wrote this article.
forces are organized. There is no team.

24 ARMOR - Septernber-October 7989

Ashby Is Here!...
Turner Ashby's tiny cavalry force
bedeviled 60,000 Federal troops
in fhe Shenandoah Valley,
keeping them from attacking Richmond

by MAJ Patrick J. Cooney

Portrait by SPC Jody Harmon

Spring finally came to the Shenan- of the war. There were initially room; they were learned on horse-
doah Valley. The Confederate sol- fewer than 1.OOO of them, but they back in hurdle races, fox hunts, and
diers of Jackson's command en- would make history by keeping tournaments, activities in which
joyed flowering trees and birdsong 60,000 Union soldiers busy - sol- Turner excelled. These contests
in the warm sunshine. They had diers who would otherwise be at- developed his mastery of horseman-
spent an unpleasant winter at tacking the Confederate capital, ship, audacity, and innovativeness,
Winchester and were ready for Richmond. To accomplish this feat, as well as his ability to think and act
warm, dry weather and the cam- Jackson would need the help of independently.
paign season that came with it. Turner Ashby.
After the death of his father, when
With the Shenandoah Mountains Turner Ashby knew this part of Turner was six years old, Turner
to the west and the Blue Ridge Virginia. He had grown up at "Rose and his brothers, Thomas and
Mountains on the east, farmers Bank" in Fauquier County. As one Richard, helped run the family farm
were busy planting crops in the val- of six children, Turner received his at "Rose Hill." In the late 1850s, rail-
ley's fertile soil - crops that would education from his mother and at road gangs pushed the Baltimore
feed the armies of the South in its Major Ambler's Academy. Like and Ohio Railroad through Fau-
struggle for independence. This N.B. Forrest in the West, he pos- quier County, and their rowdiness
spring of 1862 would not be idyllic, sessed no formal military training, got out of hand. Turner and
though, because Yankees were in but had learned about the War of Richard organized a group of local
the valley, and someone would have 1812 by reading his father's diary. riders to restore order and maintain
to deal with them. His grandfather had fought in the the peace. This group became the
War for Independence, and his nucleus of what was later known as
These gray-clad soldiers, under great-grandfather had fought in the Ashby's Rangers.
the command of Major General French and Indian War. The most
Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson, valuable lessons, ones that would When Ashby received word of
began the spring campaign with serve him well in the coming con- John Brown's raid on Harpers
hopes of victory in this second year flict, were not learned in a class- Ferry, in October 1859, Ashby

ARMOR - September-October 7989 25

The Shenandoah Valley

0 Fredericksburg

called his men to action. They rode partisan border war - raids on speak of his qualities, for already he
to Harpers Ferry, only to find lines of communication and supply is known as one of the best partisan
Brown already in jail. They routes along the Potomac River. leaders in the service. Himself a
remained to perform picket duty Turner, Richard, and their men thorough soldier, he is eminently
along the Potomac River to prevent were among the first to join qualified to command."
any abolitionist attempt to rescue McDonald's new regiment, which
Brown. After Brown's hanging, the became the Seventh Virginia Caval- The Ashbys and their men became
group stayed together as Ashby's ry. This opportunity was what the the scourge of the BStO Railroad
Mountain Rangers. War came to Ashbys had been waiting for. As the and the Chesapeake and Ohio
Virginia in April 1861, when the Ashbys set about their mission of Canal. They cut telegraph lines and
state declared its secession from the disrupting Union lines of com- interrupted east-west traffic by
Union. Angus McDonald, a West munication, McDonald saw im- destroying tracks, bridges and
Point graduate and a veteran Indian mediately the natural leadership docks. Ashby soon added combined
fighter, offered his services to Jeffer- abilities of Turner and wrote to the arms muscle to his cavalry, a three-
son Davis. He received a colonelcy Confederate secretary of war re- gun battery of mobile horse artil-
of cavalry and instructions to form a questing Turner's promotion to lery, commanded by 18-year-old
regiment. McDonald had in mind a lieutenant colonel. "I need not Robert Chew, a VMI graduate. Cap-

26 ARMOR - Septernber-October 7989

“Jackson was a stern dis-
tain Chew’s battery was the first mediately, Jackson and ciplinarian; Ashby was at the
horse artillery unit formed in the Ashby were at odds with other end of the scale, believ-
Civil War. each other. ing that personal example and
leadership made up for,, any
In late summer, during a raid on Jackson was a stern dis- lack of drill and discipline.
the B&O, Richard ran into a ciplinarian; Ashby was at
Federal patrol. In trying to escape, the other end of the scale,
Richard’s horse stepped into a cat- believing that personal ex-
tle guard and threw him. The ample and leadership made up for joined Banks, bringing the Union
Federal horsemen set upon him. any lack of drill and discipline. But strength to a total of 40,000 men.
They shot and bayoneted him Jackson’s cavalry consisted of
several times, leaving him for dead. troops under the command of As the first elements of the Union
Turner found his brother a few J.E.B. Stuart as well as those under forces entered Winchester, they saw
hours later and carried him to a Ashby. Together, Ashby and Stuart Ashby, sitting on his white Arabian
house owned by a grandson of kept a screen flung wide around in the middle of the Loudon Street.
George Washington, where he died Jackson’s positions at Harpers He was the last to leave town,
eight days laler. Contemporaries Ferry. Their mission was to give making certain his soldiers had
said that from that moment on, Jackson warning of any Federal reached the safety of the Con-
Turner had only revenge in his movement in his direction. federate lines. According to one
heart. story, two blue riders rode around
Soon, Jackson tried to unify com- through side streets to cut him off.
From one of Ashby’s officers, mand of all his cavalry under Stuart, Ashby either did not see the
John Estes Cooke, we get a picture but Ashby refused to be subor- maneuver or chose to ignore it be-
of Turner as, “a man rather below dinate to Stuart and threatened to cause he sat there calmly until the
the middle height, with an active resign his commission. Jackson, last possible moment.
and vigorous frame, clad in plain realizing the effect of Ashby’s resig-
Confederate gray. His brown felt nation on the morale of the cavalry, An eyewitness described what hap-
hat was decorated with a black backed down. His position now pened next. “Here was an oppor-
feather; his uniform was almost secure, Ashby responded to Jack- tunity to vent his spleen; and charg-
without decorations: his cavalry son’s orders to gather as much infor- ing the two mounted men, he was
boots, dusty or splashed with mud, mation as possible about the soon upon them. One fell with a bul-
came to the knee; and around his Federal positions across the let through his breast; and coming
waist he wore a sash and leather Potomac. On one occasion, he bor- opposite the other, Ashby seized
belt, holding pistol and saber.” rowed a homespun suit and a him by the throat, dragged him
swaybacked horse and, passing him- from his saddle, and putting spur to
Another observer noted that “As self off as a country veterinarian, his horse, bore him off.‘’
he leaped a stream, both horse and moved freely through the Union
rider moved as one, and the only camps, treating their animals and Jackson moved south, with Ashby
visible movement in the rider was gathering valuable information. screening his rear. Ashby’s mission
the settling of Ashby’s cape as he was now two-fold: he had to prevent
landed on the other side.” Federal forces finally made their the enemy from striking the main
move, crossing the Potomac in late body of Jackson’s army, and he had
Not long after forming the regi- February 1861 and moving south to to keep Jackson informed of the
ment, McDonald’s age and ill health protect the railroad and canal from enemy situation. Jackson needed to
made him turn command over to further harassment. Countermoves know not only that the enemy was
Ashby as lieutenant colonel. by other Confederate forces in the coming, but also the enemy’s
area left Jackson in an exposed posi- strength, his direction, and how
tion at Winchester. He began an or- much time it would take him to get
In November 1861, Jackson, hero derly withdrawal from Winchester there.
of the First Battle of Bull Run, as- in the face of 23,000 men under the
sumed command of the Army of the command of Union General Ashby’s men performed their
Shenandoah. He mustered about Nathaniel Banks. Ashby screened screen with incomparable skill.
4,000 men, 600 of whom were the rear of the army. Another They knew every country road,
Ashby’s. cavalrymen. Almost im- , OO men under General Shields
11O every town and village, and had

ARMOR - September-October 7989 27

friends everywhere. It was the intel-
ligence Ashby provided that
enabled Jackson to make his or-
ganized withdrawal against over-
whelming odds, while planning his
next move.

The Union army followed Jackson

up the valley at a respectful dis-
tance as far as Woodstock, then
sent cavalry to penetrate Ashby’s
screen. Unable to do so, or to lo-
cate the main Rebel force, the
Union cavalry erroneously reported
that Jackson had left the valley, and
Shields returned to Winchester with
his division. Banks began his move
to the east on March 20 to reinforce
McClellan. Jackson could not allow
this to happen. He had orders to
keep as many bluecoats tied up in
the valley as possible. On March 21,
Ashby informed Jackson that the
Federals were turning north and he
was hot on their heels. The next day
Ashby probed the Federal positions
near Kernstown and flushed one
Union regiment of infantry and
some artillery. He told Jackson that
the Federal position was weak. Jack-
son made a 25-mile forced march to
arrive in front of the Union position
at 1p.m. on March 23.

For the first and only time,

Ashby’s intelligence was wrong. It in tying down more than 50,000 wrote, ”It seems that the enterpris-
soon became apparent that the en- Union soldiers. ing and clever Ashby, with his two
tire Federal division was present, light pieces of artillery, was amusing
not the few battalions that Ashby Jackson resumed his movement up himself.... He is light, active, skillful,
had thought. The Yankee force was the valley after Kernstown, free of and we are tormented by him like a
more than twice as strong as Jack- any effective Union pursuit. Jackson bull with a gadfly....Vacillation is
son’s. A vicious battle followed, forc- described Ashby’s value to the our name. We cannot take Jack-
ing the Confederates to retreat and withdrawal. “I retreated in the direc- son.... My admiration and sympathy
leave the field in Union hands. tion of Harrisonburg. My rear go with the gallant Ashby, and the
guard - comprising Ashby’s caval- indefatigable and resolute Jackson.”
Kernstown was a tactical defeat ry, Captain Chew’s battery, and
for Jackson - he lost a quarter of from time to time other forces, was At the end of March, Jackson
his army, but it was an important placed under the direction of Col. withdrew through Harrisonburg to
strategic victory. Banks halted his Turner Ashby, an officer whose Conrad’s Store. Banks again fol-
move eastward, returning to the val- judgement, coolness and courage lowed at a cautious distance.
ley, and Lincoln ordered McDowell eminently qualified him for the deli- During one six-day period, 19,000
to remain at Manassas Junction cate and important trust.” Jackson Federals faced 600 gray cavalrymen
with his force to protect was not the only one who knew across a creek. When Lincoln
Washington. Jackson had succeeded where Ashby was. A Yankee soldier demanded to know what was hold-

28 ARMOR - September-October 7989

ing him up, Banks replied with Kyd Douglas, witnessed what oc- that my cavalry was in place," Jack-
three words that echoed ominously cured: "I observed the Confederate son lamented in his report.
through the halls of Washington: cavalry return and cross the bridge.
"Ashby is here." I knew the Federals were close at While the Union noose tightened
hand. In a few minutes, a heavy dust around the Valley Army, Jackson
Banks sat at Woodstock for two announced their approach, a regi- quietly slipped through it. Ashby
weeks, giving Jackson and Ashby a ment of cavalry in blue, with sabers did such an excellent job of screen-
much-needed chance to rest and glistening in the sun, came galloping ing the army's movements that for
refit. Tales of life in Ashby's cavalry in columns of fours into view, led, ten days in May, Union com-
had spread through the army, and apparently, by an officer on a milk- manders had no idea where the
many soldiers left their units and white horse.... It was Ashby. He Confederates were. Terror took pos-
came to join Ashby, drawn by the seemed to be leading the regiment session of the North. Governors of
taste for glory and the absence of that was after him." thirteen states called on their
drill. This cult of personality swelled militias to come to the defense of
his ranks to more than 2,000 men, Ashby cut down a Yankee who Washington, and Lincoln called for
with only one other field grade of- was upon him, and reached his own more troops. More importantly,
ficer to help Ashby control them. lines, but not before a bullet grazed Jackson had struck a massive blow
When in range of Ashby's piercing his leg and mortally wounded his against McClellan's campaign to
voice on the battlefield, his men horse. Douglas recalled, "The big- take Richmond from the Peninsula.
never failed to follow his com- hearted Cavalier bent over him,
mands, but at any one time, there stroked his mane, stooped down, Of Ashby, Cooke wrote, "On every
might be only about 100 men within and gazed affectionately into his hill, in every valley, at every bridge,
earshot. eyes.... Thus the most splendid he swore to hold his ground or die.
horseman I ever knew lost the most H e played with death and dared it
When there was a lull in the ac- beautiful warhorse I ever saw." everywhere." Douglas recalled that
tion, many went off to enjoy the on the first day of June, "Ashby
hospitality of the local citizens and Up and down the valley they went, called and took supper with us. He
to reap the fruits of their hero Jackson playing a deadly game of was in a placid good humor. He had
status. Additionally, when a Con- cat and mouse with the Federal for- that day received his appointment
federate cavalryman lost his horse, ces, while Ashby screened every as Brigadier General, and it was
there were no reserve mounts, as in movement from the eyes of the hoped that as commander of a
the Union Army. The only solution enemy. They drove the Yankees all brigade, he would expose his person
was to go off in search of another the way back to Harpers Ferry and less recklessly than he had done
horse. On a given day then, Ashhy threatened the Federal lines of com- while a colonel ...."
could count only about half of his as- munication with Washington.
signed strength as present for duty.
On May 25, however, the lack of On June 5, Jackson passed
Concerned about the lack of con- discipline among Ashby's horsemen through Harrisonburg and turned
trol in the cavalry, Jackson at- cost Jackson's army an excellent east toward Port Republic. H e was
tempted to divide the troops be- chance to destroy the Union Army. about to escape once again from the
tween two commanders who would Ashby was on another part of the Union forces closing on three sides.
be subordinate to Ashby. This left battlefield in pursuit of some Ashby maintained constant contact
Ashby commanding in name only, Federal troops when most of his with the enemy. The next day,
and he again threatened resigna- men fell upon the Union supply Fremont, who had come from the
tion. Other officers interceded in trains. Tempted by their first spoils west, closed cautiously on Harrison-
Ashby's behalf, and Jackson can- of war, Ashby's men stopped to burg, and Ashby retired in good
celled the order. plunder the train, instead of exploit- order. Skirmishing was continuous,
ing the tactical situation. while the Federals probed to find a
On April 17, the standdown came weakness. One Union captain, cap-
to an end. Banks moved to seize The Union retreat had turned into tured June 6, confessed that he had
New Market. Ashby, across the a rout, and there was no one avail- saved Ashby's life by deflecting the
river, watched the enemy make his able to pursue them. "Never was rifles of three Union sharpshooters.
move. Jackson's adjutant, Henry there such a chance for cavalry. Oh The captain recognized Ashby and

ARMOR - September-October 7989 29

"Hear ye that solemn word,
Accent of dread...
thought Ashby was too brave a man In his official action report, Ashby our bravest one!
to die that way. Jackson said, "An official Ashby is dead!"
report is not an appropriate
During the afternoon of June 6, place for more than a passing
the skirmishing grew more fierce,
and Ashby sighted Federal troops dead, but the close relations which draw McDowell from Fredericks-
approaching along a road. Ashby General Ashby bore to my com- burg, seize hospitals and supply
quickly organized all the units in the mand ...will justify me in saying that depots at Front Royal, Winchester,
vicinity and drove the Federals as a partisan officer I never knew and Martinsburg, and, surrounded
back. Toward dusk, more Federal his superior. His daring was prover- on three sides by 60,000 men, extri-
troops approached in strength. bial, his power of endurance almost cate a huge convoy without losing a
Ashby planned to stop them with a incredible, his tone of character single wagon. Two days after Ashby
combined force of cavalry and in- heroic, and his sagacity almost intui- was killed, Jackson slipped from the
fantry, but the plan failed when the tive in delving the purposes and valley and joined in the defense of
infantry blundered into an ambush movements of the enemy." Richmond.
and fell apart. Ashby tried to rally
the infantry, but his horse was shot General Robert E. Lee may have A poem by Jackson's sister-in-law,
from under him. He tried again to never met Ashby, but in a letter to Mary Preston, contains these lines.
rally them on foot, yelling, "Charge, the secretary of war he wrote, "I "Hearye that soleitiit word,
men! For God's sake, charge!" The grieve at the death of General Accent of dread...
men responded, and drove the Ashby." In tribute to his reputation, Ashbv oiir bravest one!
enemy back, with heavy casualties. not only his comrades expressed ad- Ashby is dead!"
When the smoke cleared, Ashby lay miration of Ashby. Even his
dead, a bullet through his heart. enemies somehow felt a loss in Turner Ashby rests today in
Only perhaps the death of Jackson Ashby's death. Perhaps the most fit- Winchester's Stonewall Cemetery in
couId have had a greater impact on ting tribute came from the pen of the Valley of the Shenandoah River;
the soldiers of the Army of the an officer on Fremont's staff, who amidst the echoes of bugles and the
Shenandoah. James Avirett, wrote that Ashby was "The brilliant ghosts of his troopers. But he left us
chaplain of Ashby's cavalry, remem- leader of the enemy cavalry, a man a classic study in economy of force,
bered the scene that night: "All worth to them regiments, a blast knowledge of the terrain, and ability
night long, there was a slow current upon whose horn was worth a to see the battlefield that is unsur-
of sorrowful hearts to this spot .... thousand men. When we found the passed in value to today's AirLand
Each felt that he had lost one who brave Ashby was slain, there was no Battle commander.
had honored him with his rejoicing in our camps."
friendship, and affection paid its
tribute in scalding tears. His Ashby was only a man, but he be-
troopers would come in and take came a legend in the valley of the Major Patrick J. Cooney
their last look at their idolized Shenandoah River, the subject of was commissioned in Armor
leader, and then hurry away, while poetry and song. He exhibited the from the USMA in 1974. He
through their sobs might be heard. qualities of medieval knighthood in served in the 1st Training
'Noble Ashby! Gone!"' fighting modern war. Through Bde. and 194th Armored
leadership and personal example, Bde. at Fort Knox; com-
Jackson wrote an order that night he inspired thousands of men to manded HHC, 1st AD; and
to one of his commanders on the fight valiantly for their beliefs, and has served in public affairs
margin of a newspaper. As a contributed to the stories that caval- assignments in 1st AD and
postscript, he wrote, "Poor Ashby is ry life was where the glory lies. USMA. He is a graduate of
dead. He fell gloriously... I know AOB, JMOC, AOAC, CGSC,
you will join with me in mourning Ashby's personal courage and skill and holds a master's degree
the loss of our friend, one of the in the Shenandoah Valley Cam- in journalism from the
noblest men and soldiers in the Con- paign enabled Jackson's army to University of Kansas. He has
federate army." Jackson remained march 170 miles in fourteen days, been editor-in-chief of
beside Ashby's body for several rout an army of 12,500 men, ARMOR since June 1987.
hours, wanting only to be left alone. threaten the North with invasion,

30 ARMOR - September-October 7989

Tank Thermal Signatures m

The Other Variable

In the Gunnery Equation
by Stephen P. Rosa
and Sergeant First Class Thomas Lindsley

Introduction sense of security. The fact is, high gets are going the other way. While
marksmanship scores alone are not specific details in some areas
Recent articles graphically defined a true measure of unit readiness. remain classified (more on that,
the armor/anti-armor question with Thus, in the context of the direct later), it is fair to say that what we
regard to the vulnerability and fire battle with the Soviet Threat, are training for is not, repeat not,
lethality of our current and future we may have put all our eggs in "the what the enemy will show us in bat-
tank systems. However, as the thermal basket." The enemy knows tle.
lethality equation shows: this and is ready to scramble them
for us. Target Signatures
PK = (PD/T*PA/D*PH/A*PK/H)(l)
The Problem The operative phrase today is:
PWH is but part of the process "We will train the way we will fight!"
that kills enemy tanks. In fact. it is The U.S. Army and its principal If the axiom is correct, then there is
the last part - the "end game." We NATO allies have invested heavily no more perfect example of a mis-
must keep the total process in in thermal imaging systems. Virtual- match between peace and war than
focus: many conditions must be ly every first line MBT and ATGM in thermal gunnery. While thermal
satisfied before the "end game" gets system in NATO incorporates an 8- target signatures are hot and getting
played. 14 micron (m) imager of some kind hotter, the Soviets are investing
in its Fire Control System (FCS). heavily to reduce the thermal signa-
Before a particular steel (or This is a justifiable investment in a tures of their vehicles, especially
tungsten, or depleted uranium) technology with obvious force multi- across the frontal arc (the view they
penetrator punches its way through plier potential. will try hardest to present).
X inches of RHA, a trained crew
had to detect, acquire, and hit that Thermal imaging is not without its Current training device specifica-
target. This is the realm of tank gun- limitations, and unfortunately, tions call for a thermal target to
nery, and without a realistic assess- neither the laws of physics nor of present, "a realistic designation of a
ment of our tank gunnery skills, we human nature have heen repealed. threat thermal image by heating to a
cannot properly solve the Our emphasis on the "thermal," and niiriiriiutii of five ( 5 ) degrees Falirett-
armor/anti-armor equation. the way we are currently training to heit above aiiibient temperature and
exploit it, are putting our armored maintain[ing] this temperature until
What would such an assessment force in a precarious position. the target is lowered." (Emphasis
show? There are those who would added). This may have been satisfac-
say things are better than ever - Specifically, the Soviets are well tory for the T-54/55/62 series of
evidence CAT '87, the steadily in- aware of our reliance on thermal im- vehicles, but it is unacceptable
creasing number of crews posting aging and are developing thermal today.
perfect scores on Table VIII, and countermeasures and doctrine to
the recent designation of the ther- defeat it. There is also strong The last unclassified information
mal channel as the primary sight. evidence the Soviets have made sig- on the T-72 thermal signature
nificant progress in reducing the released by the Army Night Vision
However, a closer examination thermal signatures of their vehicles. Sr Electro-Optical Laboratory indi-
shows that these may be misleading Yet, for reasons characteristic of a cates the "delta T," as it is known,
indicators, giving us an unjustified peacetime Army, our gunnery tar- across the frontal arc is only 2.OoC

ARMOR - Septernber-October 7989 37

(3.89). Since the T-72 is a relative- Average AT Over Target
ly old vehicle technologically, as

compared to the T-80 and FST-2. Frontal Arc
we can only presume the Soviet
vehicle signature reduction effort
has progressed since the T-72, put-
ting our training program further
out of touch with reality.

Figure 1 is an attempt to graphical-

ly portray the problem. 2% Across Frontal Arc
f o r Early T-72
There are members of the training
3m'F - - Contlgurations
community aware of and concerned
about this problem. They need our T-SS Tb2 T-72
T-64/80 T-64B18OR FST-2
support, because in order to put Fig. 1 Soviet Tank Systems
more realistic (read, cooler) target
signatures on our training ranges,
we will have to overcome the ob- caking on the tracks and road operational initiative. Now the
vious correlation that hotter targets wheels will mark these mobility cues enemy is on the defensive, in hastily
are more detectable targets, and to some extent (see photo below). prepared positions or worse. What
more detectable targets produce is the thermal signature of a dug-in
better gunnery scores on Tables Even if the mobility "cues" were as T-80?
VI11 and XII. advertised, there is no justification
for inferring the vehicle is similarly The technology to provide more
Some may counter that these "hot" hot across its entire frontal arc. Yet realistic targets exists. The stand-
target signatures do portray the that is exactly how the thermal tar- ards for such realistic signatures
Threat, especially one making an at- gets operate. But are we conducting also exist, believe it or not, in the
tack on our positions. They would a thermal gunnery program classified (the "C" word) thermal
argue that the Soviets prefer pre- designed to counter one scenario - countermeasures requirements for
dawn or early morning attacks, Soviet attacks at dawn? What about new ATGM systems. It is inconceiv-
when target-to-background con- 111 Corps? The 111 ("Mobile") able that the standard imposed on
trasts should be greatest. After all, Corps' mission is to attack to re- testing these ATGM systems should
the enemy will have driven some dis- store the situation and regain the be more stringcnt than that for train-
tance t o the attack, so all the
mobility cues (tracks, road wheels,
exhausts, etc.) should be hot.

Such statements are not fully sup-

ported by the NVSrEOL Infrared
Recognition and Target Handbook,
especially when targets are viewed
at detection and engagement ranges
(1,600 meters plus). These state-
ments do not take into account the
thermal character of composite ar-
mors, and they fail to address
weather effects, atmospheric at-
tenuation. and the diurnal cycle.

In addition, our gunners cannot

count on seeing full frontal views of
attacking enemy tanks. Terrain fea-
tures, foliage and mud or dirt Obscured running gear will reduce Soviet tank thermal signatures.

32 ARMOR - Sepfember-October 7989

ing the crews of our primary anti- would degrade the use of thermal the Soviets are employing them.
armor system, the MtA1, yet that is imagers by either side, which would One such countermeasure of par-
exactly where we are today. suit the Soviets just fine, since we ticular note is the setting of fires all
will be the disproportionately bigger over the battlefield. These fires
Thermal Countermeasures loser. create "hot spots" which, at best, act
to obscure actual targets (by raising
There is a phrase for the target sig- An additional thermal attenuating the background "noise" level and
natures portrayed on our live fire obscurant will be the dust and par- causing our imager detectors to go
ranges - "Parade Ground Im- ticles thrown up by Soviet artillery into saturation) and, at worst, may
agery!" This is due to the fact that fires. Estimates indicate that the draw our fire. Another tactic is the
the Threat vehicles portrayed in the preparatory fires by 152-mm SPAS rediscovery of the use of terrain as
Army Target Catalog are full scale, firing HE will create an obscurant a method for reducing vehicle detec-
clean, and unencumbered by any of cloud so dense it will effectively tability. Army/DIA photos taken in
the intentionaVfield expedient ther- block all visual and thermal signa- April 1988 of a modernized GSFG
mal countermeasures known now to
be part of the Soviet bag of tricks.

Yet one need only view the first

seconds of the USAREUR
DCSINT video on Soviet armor to
see a T-72 camouflaged to the hilt,
on the attack. The natural grass mat-
ting strapped all over the vehiclc
reduces its visual, thermal, and
radar signatures, as the classified
results from the Joint ArmyiAir
Force Top Attack Smart Munitions I
Lests ("Chicken Little") clearly indi-
cate. Again, the Soviets know this.
There have been numerous photos
in the SovietWP open literature
showing the enemy's increasing use
of such camouflage techniques (see A Soviet light armored vehicle dug in and heavily camouflaged
photo at right). The intent is to
obscure the signature of the vehicle ture detection. This is true even for armor unit show 2S1 122-mm SPGs
without impeding its mobility. They what one might consider as the in dug-in overwatch positions.
appear to have succeeded. moist German soils, any time of the Other recently declassified photos
year. show GSFG T-80s dug in during a
Obscurants also must be con- major exercise. Clearly, this use of
sidered. Rumors persist that the Tactics and Training terrain is primarily to reduce a
Soviets have developed an effective vehicle's vulnerability. The Soviets
thermal defeating smoke. The par- As noted earlier, the Soviet leader- have always been good at that. But
ticulars on its delivery and ship is well aware of NATO's invest- there can be no question that by
capabilities are classified, but one ment in thermal imaging. It appears hiding major "cues," such as tracks,
can review the open Western litera- they see this reliance on thermal as engines, exhausts, etc., the Soviets
ture and see similar multi-spectral a potential dependence that they have also reduced the detectability
obscurant smokes advertised. The can exploit. To this end, they are of their vehicles. Again, this may
Soviets are true believers in the use training their assault engineers and have a disproportionate impact on
of smoke, and a thermal obscurant tank crews to use field expedient 111 Corps.
system would be a natural addition thermal countermeasures against
to their inventory. Such a smoke NATO forces. TACOM has docu- Summary
would block the transmission of a mented the potential of such ac-
thermal signature by throwing up tions, and the USAREUR DCS Any one of these factors -- signa-
clouds of heated particulates. It INT video alludes to the fact that ture reduction, thermal counter-

ARMOR - Sepfember-October 7989 33

measures obscurants, tactics/train-
ing - will reduce the effectiveness
of our thermal imagers. But the
Soviets believe in redundancy, and
we must anticipate that the Threat
will use everything at its disposal to
negate NATO's thermal imaging
capabilities. The combination of all
these factors will be devastating.
But none of them are currently fac-
tored into our thermal gunnery
training. h i fact, we are doing worse
than ignoring tlteni, we are cortdtict-
irtg negative training. Table v711 is as
cleait as the d~irh~i snow, and Table Use of foliage can affect both the target's visual and thermal cues.
XU is hiit a Table W I I with three
fiiatds! scores do not reflect true prepared- of Stable Defense: The Theory and Prac-
ness. The Soviets are counting on US tice of a Combined Arms Battle," Soviet
To gauge the full implications of not to meet the test. Military Review, March, 1989.
these facts, we need onlv Notes
paraphrase our initial guidance to:
"We will fight the way we train!" We 'Components of the Lethality Equation,
are not training today to meet as presented in GAO Report GAO/PEMD-
today's Threat, let alone tomorrow's. 87-22 "Anti-Tank Weapons: Current and
Future Capabilities," are as follows: Stephen P. Rosa is Vice
What can be done to remedy the PKill = Probability of kill, given the follow- President, S pecia l
situation? Certainly the technology ing: Products, WI Corporation,
exists to make more realistic targets, PDF= Probability of detecting a target. in Beltsville, Md. He holds
simulate Soviet thermal counter- given a target is present an engineering degree
measures and obscurants, and PP/D= Probability of acquiring that tar- from Columbia University
modify ranges to reflect real world get, given a detection and a master's in business
tactical conditions. The Armor sol- PH/A = Probability of hitting the target, administration from Har-
dier has the skills and human cogni- given it has been acquired vard. He has over 12
tion to meet the challenge. The in- PWH= Probability of a kill, given a hit years experience analyz-
formation regarding the magnitude 2See PM TRADE "Specification for Inter- ing and simulating Threat
of the problem (i.e., Threat signa- im Armor Integrated Thermal Signature thermal signatures. He in-
tures, thermal obscurant smokes, Target (IATST)" #ECRI-lOA, dated 20 vented the Army's Interim
etc.) exists, albeit in classified form. July 1988. Standard Thermal Target
3See NV&EOL "Infrared Recognition System and the M1A1
The question is, are we prepared and Target Handbook," (FOUO), 1982, Multi-Spectral Close Com-
to release that information to the Sections 2.3 and 2.5, in particular. bat Decoy.
armor force in a form they can use 4See "An Important Element of Tactics,"
effectively? Are we prepared to bite an article by Soviet Lt. General L. Sergeant First Class
the bullet on tougher thermal gun- Generalov, First Deputy Commander of Thomas Lindsley has
nery training? the Transcaucasus Military District, in the served as troop master
May 1986 issue of "Voyennyy Vestnik." gunner, C Troop, 1-10
The purpose here is not to 5Numerous photos of interest showing Cav, platoon sergeant and
promote one solution or another. Soviet/WP vehicles on field maneuvers ap- battalion master gunner, 3-
The objective initially is to raise the pear in 'SOLDAT' Magazine. The pictures 66th Armor, at Fort Hood,
level of debate on this issue to bring of the camouflaged BMP and T-72, as and master gunner, 7th
out all the options. well as others, appeared in this Army Training Command.
newspaperhnagazine. He is currently assigned
It will take discipline and commit- 'For more information on Soviet Ther- as a platoon sergeant with
ment from all concerned to accept mal Countermeasures, see "In the Interest the OPFOR at the NTC.
the fact that artificially high gunnery

34 ARMOR - September-October 7989

Division Cavalry:
The Broken Sabre
by Major General Robert E. Wagner

Author's Preface:
This article is from a presentation I delivered at the Armor Conference over four years ago. I realize
that initiatives have been implemented to correct some of the problems, and that others may have been
overcome by events. However, the central issue remains. In spite of the strong leadership and efforts of
the Armor community, the divisional cavalry squadron remains a seriously flawed combat organization.
Once again, we in the Armor community should revisit this issue. The "BrokenSabre"must be reforged.

All of us love to talk about cavalry. dragoons organized to fight Indians criteria are based oii the pririciple of
Cavalry is important because this in- in the swamps?" I submit that this war - Ecoitoiity of Force. Cavalr?)is
stitution represents the fount ol question remains with us today and of force.
art ecoitorit~)
Armor tradition. It is also a com- has confounded the finest minds in
plex and controversial subject, and our Army. We experience in- You can see that when we change
there are as many views on cavalry credible dilficulty in coming to grips or tamper with cavalry, we do so at
as there are members of the Armor with the arm that embodies our great peril. These alterations, if not
Branch. 1 certainly am not going to mounted tradition. This is a serious sound, can jeopardize the Army's
solve cavalry problems during this problem because our AirLand Bat- fundamental mission of winning the
pitch, but I hope some juices start tle doctrine envisions fighting and land battle. Or, to put it crudely,
flowing. winning outnumbered. And fighting when you are fighting a larger guy,
and winning outnumbered ain't for you better get your cavalry out to
Let me start with an old cavalry sissies! Reconnaissance, security, know what he is up to. Not to do so
story. As many of you know, I am a and, most important, economy of would be analogous to fighting a
former commander of the 2d Ar- force, executed by gallant troopers thermal-equipped Mohammed Ali,
mored Cavalry Regiment, our oldest and facilitated by sound organiza- at his best, in a darkened ring.
regiment on continuous active duty. tion, doctrine, and a battle-linked
training discipline are absolute re- Let's take a look at some of the
The Dragoons were formed up in quirements to accomplish our battle fundamental changes in the ar-
1836 for the purpose of fighting the objective. A paragraph from the mored cavalry platoon over the last
Seminole Indians in the Florida preface of FM 17-95 Cavalry, says: 15 years. Figure 1 shows the
Everglades. Naturally, they were Baseline Platoon of 1970-1973. In
equipped with fine horses to ac- Cavali!' oTaniiatioii arid iise (IS- Figure 2, we see that the platoon of
complish this mission. On their first eiiiplijj two essential criteria of bat- 1973-1975 organized a scout section
foray into that hostile land, most of tle. nre first is the need to find the of four M551s and dropped the
those fine beasts were either erterit~~arid dewlop the sihiatiort with M114s. In 1975-1978, the "3 for 5"
devoured by alligators, bitten by the least force possible. Die second platoon was modified; now the
rattlesnakes, or drowned in swamp is the rtccd to provide reaction tiiire platoon lost its rifle squad and mor-
holes. A few were even killed by the arid riianeuver space with a force tar squad and had reorganized its
enemy. This tragic event immediate- tailored to leave the largest possible scout section from M551s to M113s
ly caused a relook at the regiment's residual of cornbat power in the (see Figure 3). In the period 1978
training and its basic 'vehicle.' The ritairt bodv available for iise at tlie through 1980, the platoon lost its
operative question was: "Were these tirile arid place of decision. Dtese M551s and replaced them with four

ARMOR - September-October 7989 35

Baseline Platoon '70-'73

4 PL
~~ _

Main Battle Tanks (see

_ _ _ ~

sion and European slant, because

Figure 4). Figure 5 shows that environment remains vital to
what the J-series platoon
looks like now; the MBTs
have been eliminated and
our security.

First, let's look at the backdrop for

M113 the platoon consists of six these scenarios: They reflect a
Bradleys. maneuver, nonlinear form of war-
fare we term AirLand Battle - not
All I can say is, Wow! a linear, attrition battle. 1 will
describe this concept in a few mo-
In light of these cataclys- ments. The cavalry regiment is
Three for Five '739'75 mic force structure chan- employed elsewhere in these
ges, the operative question sccnarios and is not available for
becomes: "Have we division-level operations. An argu-
broken the sabre?" ment has been made, incidentally,
to justify the emasculation of the
I don't believe we have division cavalry because the regi-
totally shattered the blade. ment would be available for division
The regimental organiza- cavalry missions. For us European
tion remains sound, warriors, this argument is not
though there are some sound. The cavalry regiment ain't
Fig. 2
MI06 problems such as tank/ available to the division com-
scout integration at pla- mander! In fact, combat resources
toon level, and the lack usually go in the other direction.
of transportation for key
Three for Five Modified '75-'78 personnel. I believe, how- Another argument which sup-
ever, that we have broken ported the weak squadron is that
the sabre of division caval- the 20,000-man heavy division could
ry. afford to au_ment the squadron
with heavy forces when necessary.
Let me say at the outset This is now difficult because the for-
that I am going to over- ward brigades have been thinned
state my case on division out under the Army of Excellence
Fig. 3 cavalry. Some of my solu- force structure changes.
~~ will be

MBT Reinstatement '78-'80
labeled as simplis-
tic. My perspec-
tive, however, is
The AirLand Battle is the center-
piece for these scenarios. The con-
cept is designed to fight the total
that of a com- battle with the synchronized execu-
mander and oper- tion of the deep battle, the near
ator, not that of a fight, and the rear area battle. It is
force design expert. aimed at destroying a numerically
superior enemy through the in-
We are going to depth structuring of the battlefield
PSG look at some with fires, obstacles, and maneuver.
division battle sce-
M60s narios where caval- Forces are structured to withstand
ry plays a key role. the initial concussion of attack,
These scenarios shape the enemy into a configura-
Fig. 4 have a heavy divi- tion of wlnerability, and then

36 ARMOR - September-October 7989

J-Series Bradley - 1984



Fia. 5

recover quickly to conduct offensive 0 Abrams-Heavy Forces. De- Again, the battle construct
operations against vulnerable areas ployed initially in depth against the provides a backdrop for the division
to destroy him. This battle places a possibility of a quick breaking at- scenarios I will now describe.
premium on detailed terrain tack. but oriented primarily toward
analysis. cavalry operations such as subsequent offensive operations Covering Force
covering force and economy of when the Bradley and cavalry forces (see Figure 7).
force missions, which allow us time have shaped the enemy into a vul-
and space to mass in the face of nerable target complex. 0 Concept. AirLand Battle struc-
overwhelming numerical superiority. ture as described.
barrier plans synchronized with the 0 Pro-active Counterattacks.
concept of operations, and (Traps). These operations are 0 Disposition. Division cavalry
maneuver. Maneuver, of course, is planned, anticipated operations squadron is deployed forward as
the keystone to AirLand Battle which are executed on a battlefield covering force.
doctrine. It provides the operational that has been carefully structured to
catalyst which swings the initiative ensure destruction of the enemy 0 Function. Early warning, inter-
to our side. Here is how this looks through offensive action. They are diction, develop the situation, attrit
conceptually. (See Figure 6). not simply a reaction to enemy the enemy and allow the division
breakthrough. In fact, the battle is the space and the time to
0Cavalry Covering Force. The conducted deliberately to focus economize its forces and mass at
division cavalry squadron deployed these offensive operations against the critical tactical point of decision
initially well forward in the battle the enemy’s vulnerable areas. in the face of numerical superiority,
area. Cavalry conducts covering
force operations, which allows the
division the space and the time to
economize its forces and mass in AirLand Battle
the face of numerical superiority.
Early warning, economy
0 Bradley-Heavy Forces. De- 0 Withstand concussion
ployed initially forward in the battle 0 Shape to vulnerability
Mass, maneuver, attack.
area behind the cavalry. These for-
ces, in conjunction with the cavalry,
find the enemy, shape him into a
configuration of vulnerabilty, and
then fk him at designated attack
positions. This produces a compres-
sion effect on the enemy’s attacking
formations, which results in a lucra-
tive attack target for the Abrams Fig. 6 U

ARMOR - September-October 7989 37

Covering Force
an absolute essential to success in FLOT

AirLand Battle. Concept: Airland Battle

structure FEBA
Disposition: Cav sqn
0 Force structure requirements. covering force augmented
with air cav and surveillance
The division cavalry squadron in devices
Function: Surveillance. in-
this situation requires three ground terdiction. develop situation,
attrit enemy, allow time
troops because of the width of the Force structure require
ments: three troops, heavy
sector, a heavy combat capability at combat capabilty. air cav.
troop level to light enemy armor,
and air cavalry. The AOE organiza-
tion is deficient in these areas.
- X I

Deep Attack
Fig. 7
(see Figure 8).

0 Concept. AirLand Battle struc-

ture as described.

0 Disposition. Division cavalry

DeeDAttack A -

squadron leads pro-active counterat-


0 Function. Division cavalry

squadron rapidly leads attacking
brigade through terrain, obstacles,
and battlefield debris. This allows
the attacking brigade to maintain of-
fensive momentum. a must in
AirLand Battle if we are to operate
within the enemy’s decision cycle.

0 Force structure requirements.

The division cavalry squadron in Fig. 8
1 pro-active counterattack
Function. Rapidly leads M e
1- s i rbethrough
d terrain and battlefield
A lance devices.

this situation requires three ground

troops to provide offensive depth, a
heavy combat capability at troop Economyof Force
level toofight enemy tanks, and air
cavalry. The AOE organization FEBA
does not lit the bill in this situation

Economy of Force
(see Figure 9)

0 Concept. AirLand Battle struc-

ture as described.

0 Disposition. Division cavalry

squadron occupies economy of
force sector.
0 Function. Division cavalry
Fig. 9
squadron defends economy of force
sector, which allows- armored

38 ARMOR - September-October 7989

Army of Excellence Squadron


brigade to mass in penetration sec- I I

Command and control not under dlvlslon
tor. Without this economy of force Two ground troops no1 adequate
No hard combat capability (tanks)
function. which allows the division Scouts and tanks not lntegraled at platoon
Too few aeroscoullaltack lielicopters
to mass its forces at the tactical
point of decision in the face of Fig. 10
numerical superiority. AirLand Bat-
tle will not work. squadron to be able to cover three squadrons to the reserve com-
avenues of approach and provide ponents or to forward deployed
0 Force structure requirements. basic combat configuration for in- brigades. The assumption is that the
In this situation the division. cavalry depth squadron formations for fight- division commander will somehow
squadron requires three troops be- ing reconnaissance missions. The ini- be able to reconstitute these assets
cause of the width of sectors. a tial Division 86 structure changes in- after deployment through osmosis
heavy combat capability to fight clude brigade scout platoons, and fight them effectively.
enemy tanks. and air cavalry. The squadron sensor platoons. and
AOE organization does not possess troop motorcycle platoons. These Can we retemper the steel of the
these capabilities. forces supposedly offset the need division cavalry squadron? I am a
for a third ground troop. However, neophyte when it comes to the
Now Ict's look at some of the these elements have been mysteries of force design, personnel
faults in the current 2,d cavalry eliminated both from the brigade ceilings, cost, expense, and things
squadron. Consider the battle and the 2x2 squadron organization. like that. In spite of my lack of ex-
scenarios that we have just dis- perience, I have designed a "super
cussed as backdrops for analyzing The squadron needs tanks for squadron" that will do the job: the
this organization. hard coinhat cupabiliy. Deep attack, 3x1 organization. Perhaps it is easy
covering force, economy of force and naive to solve problems like this
As we look at this organization operations, and even pure reconnais- out of blissful ignorance of the big
and consider our doctrine and the sance require armor. Ad hoc aug- constraining picture, but I believe
battle scenarios, the problems be- mentation will not work because of we should always view combat arms
come obvious. (See Figure 10.) the teamwork required in cavalry or- force structure in a battle environ-
ganizations and operations. ment context to avoid the creation
In terms of coriiritarid arid corrtrol, of organizations that are not in
the division cavalry squadron should At the level of the cavalry platoon, synch with our battle doctrine.
be under division control, not under the scouts and tanks are not in-
the control of the combat aviation tegrated. That integration is essen-
brigade. It has been a hard-learned tial for teamwork. This 3x1 organization (See Figure
lession that "we will fight as we have 11) solves the deficiencies discussed
trained;" therefore, we must ensure There are too few scoutlattack in the 2x2 formation. The command
that the squadron trains under the Iielicopters. A 614 mix is just not ade- and control of the squadron is at
control of the headquarters under quate to do the combat tasks that division level, both for training and
which it will fight. this troop may well have to perform. combat. There are three ground
troops to cover three ground
We also need to change the To exacerbate this gloomy situa- avenues of approach. The squadron
squadron stnichire. We need a third tion, we are sending one troop from has a hard combat capability built
ground troop in order for the the FORSCOM division cavalry into integrated platoons, and there

ARMOR - September-October 7989 39


Super Squadron (3x1)




Command and control under division

--- w

Three ground troops 0

0 Hard combat capability
Scouts and tanks integrated at platoon
0 Aeroscouts increased
0 Attack helicopters at divislon
Fig. 11

are adequate aeroscout elements there will never be enough cavalry execution is a result of teamwork, of
for reconnaissance. to go around. This force habitually cavalry c'lart and partaclte operating
will receive the tough missions to against strong odds as a team for
I n force design, there is always a make AirLand Battle work. There- their country, cavalry colors, and
problem of spaces. These spaces fore, let us not emasculate the honor. And country, colors, and
are available in our Army force division cavalry squadron. honor are not things to be trifled
structure because of anomalies in with in a fighting organization. Ad
the mechanized infantry battalion A rebuttal to this statement could hoc, thrown-together, organizations
organization. The Bradley battalion be: "We can reinforce the squadron do not perform this way and could
does not need the antitank company for the contingencies you described confound our efforts to win on the
because of the Bradley's characteris- when necessary; don't touch the 2x2 outnumbered battlefield.
tics (Le., TOWS on each Bradley in organization because it saves spaces
the mechanized rifle companies). and is cheap." Perhaps my solution is too simplis-
Nor is the mechanized battalion's tic. Again, the division cavalry
scout platoon an operational neces- My reply is: "These scenarios are problem cannot be solved here, but
sity because of similar systems in not contingencies. They represent 1 hope I have made the point that
the battalion organization. These habitual missions. Wty reinforce an the division cavalry squadron sabre
numbers more than close the space o~gai~izationwlriclt will alwms re- is broken. As mounted warriors, all
gap and apply the correct bill-payer quire reinforcentents?' Change the of us know that this organization
philosophy to flesh out the division organization; make these "reinforce- must work to make AirLand Battle
cavalry squadron. ments" organic parts of the cavalry an operational reality. The hap-
fighting team. Only a balanced, or- hazard force structure patterns of
The Super Squadron makes a ganic cavalry team with the right the past must stop. Let me offer
statement to us all: In a high inten- mixture of scout vehicles, tanks, in- some recommendations.
sity environment, the heavy division direct fire weapons, and aviation
demands a large, tough, robust fight- can produce the lightning-type tacti- We need to establish a Cavalry
ing outfit. When the bullets are cal execution which must be the Needs and Initiatives Committee
flying in an outnumbered battle, hallmark of cavalry operations. This with strong clout to direct the fu-

40 ARMOR - Septernber-October 7989

must re-examine cavalry doctrine
in the light of AirLand Battle.
What do we want cavalry to do?
Certainly, the division cavalry squadron
must be capable of executing economy of force missions
without dependence on non-organic resources. I'

ture development in this arm. 1 am Collective Training. We need to

not sure there is a clearing house at establish a "training-is-the-battle-
the Armor Center to determine the link" program, which links the caval-
future azimuth of cavalry. The com- ry ARTEP to combat. Training is
mittee would examine regimental the professional link between
cavalry and division cavulry for both peacetime activity and combat
light and heavy divisions. As a first operations, and that link must be
step, the committee must take a highly visible and strongly forged.
hard look at the division cavalry
squadron and fk it. The committee Materiel. We need to start
should address several areas: development on a future cavalry
vehicle. The M3 can be improved,
Doctrine. We must re-examine and at some future point we will
cavalry doctrine in the light of need an entirely new mount.
AirLand Battle. What do we want Major General Robert E.
cavalry to do? Certainly. the Technology. We need to apply Wagner has commanded
division cavalry squadron must be high technology sensor development a tank battalion, a division
capable of executing economy of to au_pent cavalry operations. cavalry squadron, and a
force missions without dependence cavalry regiment. He
on non-organic resources. Logistics. We need to design a sys- served as assistant
tem for squadron support from the division commander for
Force Design. We need to design division DISCOM. maneuver of the 3d In-
a division cavalry squadron that will fantry Division when that
get the job done - not on an ad This list could go on and on. division transitioned to
hoc basis - but with organic These are only some of the key the M1 tank. In Vietnam,
means. areas that a Cavalry Needs and In- he was subsector advisor
itiatives Committee must review. in IV Corps during 1966-
Cavalryman Selection. We need to 67, and province senior
implement a special selection The bottom line is that we must go advisor in I Corps from
process for cavalrymen. \vhich, back to the operative question 1970-1972. Prior to his
among other things. does not accept asked 150 years ago: "Have we or- Vietnam service, he was
Category IV soldiers. 77re irtfartty ganized the 2d Dragoons to fight In- an exchange officer to the
has its elite Ranger bnttnliorts, arid dians in the Florida Everglades?" British Army of the Rhine,
we mist Itair our elite Cavali?, Or, in a more modern vernacular, is commanding a squadron
sqiiadrons. Division Cavalry an effective fight- of the 13/18 Royal Hus-
ing member of the AirLand Battle sars. General Wagner is
Individual Training. We need to team? currently the first com-
design a cavalry track training manding general of ROTC
program that is synchronized to The success of our battle doctrine Cadet Command, based
cavalry's operational functions, sys- demands a correct answer from you at Fort Monroe, Va.
tems. and force structure. - the Armor Community.

ARMOR - September-October 7989 41

Armory Training for Tank Gunnery
by Lieutenant Colonel Gerald R. Whitfield and Major Douglas L. Dilday

A common concern for National proficiency with fire controls and M55. This training technique added
Guard Armor units is how to train crew duties. As a result of this realism and provided a challenge to
and maintain gunnery proficiency, prohlem, A Company decided to en- other crews and units.
given only 39 days a year, plus the hance tank crew training by painting
requirement to execute other "good a large snake-hoard, indoors, on an A portable power supply and slave
ideas'' that are designed to improve interior wall. Using the M55 Laser, cable allow the tanks to maintain
readiness. The 1st Battalion, 632d common manipulation exercises full charge on their batteries, and
Armor of the 32d Separate Infantry were conducted. hut the unit also crews are able to incorporate power
Brigade (M), Wisconsin National added three-dimensional scale tar- or manual mode of fire control
Guard. has developed a way to skin gets to the snake-board. This al- operation. Platoons rotate crews
the cat. lowed for further crew interaction through their assigned tank during
and engagement techniques. the weekend drill.
All line armories in the hattalion
are located three to five hours The scale targets, when glued or As each company painted the
travel time from Fort McCoy, Wis- bracket-mounted to the wall. are snake-board at its armory, it tried to
consin, where the majority of the warmer than the wall surface. As a improve it. C Company wanted a
unit's equipment is stored. Current- result, the crews can use the Tank greater variety of targets, so it
ly. each unit has one tank per Thermal Sight (TTS) of their added a flat two-dimensional target,
platoon maintained at home station M60A3s. When the loader used a heated with small hand-size heating
armories. Due to the limited dummy round, all turret crewmem- pads. The type that hunters use
availability of various training bers became involved. A Tank Crew work well. C Company also incor-
resources (to include time) the Evaluator (TCE) evaluates crew porated two 35-mm slide projectors
crews were suffering from insuffi- duties. fire commands, and records to add vehicle identification to tar-
cient hands-on-training to maintain targets "hit." as determined by the get engagement. Since the TTS will

42 ARMOR - September-October 7989

LElTERS from Page 3
vice support capability .at brigade and
As seen at left, Wisconsin Guardsmen painted a below? I suspect we did.
snake-board on their home armory wall
to supplement range gunnery training. CLARK A. BURNETT
COL (USA, Retired)
Not visible in this view are scale model targets, Enterprise, Ala.
two-dimensional outline targets, and slide projector
images used to enhance realism. "The APFT regularly
A generator powers the tank. reminds me of where I fit ..."
Dear Sir:

CPT Schweppe's thoughts on Army

not pick up the slide projections, This type of training has proved ex- fitness and combat readiness in last
month's ARMOR caught my attention
the gunncr must use a normal tremely bcneficial to the Mobiliza- for many reasons. Among them are
daylight sight, and with two projec- tion-Day soldier. It provides not his and General Grey's quoted
tors, a multiple engagement is only actual hands-on-training, but remarks which downplay correlations
presented. Crews have to engagc also improves the soldiers' between soldier physical "readiness"
and performance in the proven and
correctly and properly identify the familiarity within their crew assign- economical APFT. England's Royal
target. Vehicle recognition is thus in- ments. The end result for the "Will Marines were practicing General
corporated into the training. Do" Battalion was lower opening Grey's advice when 1 was training with
times and attainment of the them in 1983. We routinely performed
the fireman's carry with our buddies in
The snake-hoard with add-on tar- published standard lor qualification PT sessions. Sometimes we did this in
gets is standard across the battalion. on TT VIII. "fighting gear", sometimes in shorts
and Adidas. The difference was that
rifles and boots slowed us down a bit.
Also not surprisingly, the top per-
formers in push-ups, sit-ups, and run-
Lieutenant Colonel Gerald R. Major Douglas L. Dilday ning were those same top performers
Whitfield joined the Wisconsin entered the Army as an in the gamut of more grueling tests -
National Guard in 1956 as a Armor Officer in 1974 after not because we had been practicing
basic infantryman. He served graduating from Central the fireman's carry in our spare time,
but because we took pride in whatever
with 32nd Infantry Division Michigan University. He has we did.
during the Berlin Mobilization been a support platoon
in 1961. After serving with leader, cavalry platoon 1 remain uncertain with segregating
Company D, 2-128 Infantry, he leader, squadron motor of- terms like "corporate fitness'' and sol-
dier "athletes". Do they fit on a con-
applied for OCS. He received ficer, company commander, tinuum somewhere between Olympic
his commission from the Wis- and S3, serving in several champion and couch potato? Where
consin Military Academy. LTC Armor and Cavalry units in do we draw the line? The APFT regular-
Whitfield's following assign- Germany and CONUS. He ly reminds me where I fit and confirms
ments include assistant plan- also served in various opera- what 1 have known for years: If you
work a muscle, feed a muscle, and
ning and training officer in the tional staff assignments at rest a muscle, its efficiency improves.
G3, State Headquarters; and division, corps, and army This law, or something like it, must
troop commander, 105th Cav. level. He has completed exist somewhere in the annals of
After branch transfer from Armor Basic and Advanced science, but 20th Century Americans.
civilian and military, still have trouble
Armor to Infantry, he served Courses and the Motor Of- with at least one of its components. I
as battalion S2, 2-127 Infantry ficer's Course, and is a recent know CPT Schweppe would like to put
Battalion; brigade S2, 32nd graduate of C&GSC. He was the infantry in rucksacks one day and
SIB; battalion S3, 2-127 In- assigned as the Army Advisor judo gees the next. Let's include good
ideas like this, as appropriate, to al-
fantry Battalion, which in- to the 1-632d Armor, 32d ready successful training programs,
cluded a deployment exercise Separate Infantry Brigade, and continue to monitor physical fit-
for Reforger 86, followed by as- Wisconsin Army National ness/ readiness, or whatever we're call-
signment as battalion XO. He Guard when he co-wrote this ing strength, stamina. and spirit
nowadays, with the APFT.
branch transferred back to article. He is presently as-
Armor to assume his present signed to the USACACDA JAMES H. GILLISON
assignment as commander of Threat Directorate, Fort CPT. IN
1-632d Armor Battalion. Leavenworth, Kan. APMS, Loyola U.
Chicago, 111.

ARMOR - September-October 7989 43

an Army of Winners
by First Lieutenant Jeff Swisher

In 1988, the Detroit Pistons won better tlinii rlie

the NBA Eastern Division and went 110n1t. do
on to play the Los Angelcs Lakers hioldreds of yer-
in the NBA Championship. After cent better.''
the divisional game, the Boston Cel-
tics passed on some valuable advice, Soldiers who
"Don't be content just making it to are trained as
the Championship. Go out there to winners will
win!" The Pistons did not under- raise the perfor-
stand the value of the advice and mance level in
lost in 1988. However, in 1989 when a unit. The
they faced the Lakers again for the basic reason for
championship, the words rang true, this is in the
and they won. What was the dif- process of creat-
ference between the two years? 111 ing winners, which I will discuss many things that make him want to
1989, the Pistons had a hiintirig later. Briefly, challenging goals are be a winner. He sees high standards
desire to win! established. As lower goals are met, of discipline, training, and perfor-
higher goals are established. By mance that he must meet. He sees a
We must instill this same burning reaching and setting higher goals, system in place to help him reach
desire to win in our soldiers. For standards of performance also in- those standards. He sees the esprit
the Army, the ultimate goal in war crease. The other reason for in- de corps the unit possesses. Most
is to win, and in our profession, creased performance is that soldiers soldiers seek a unit like this. The sol-
there may not be a next year to try with a winning attitude will want to dier is like the new draft choice of
again. As D.M. Malone puts it, in do better. They will want to win! the Detroit Pistons. He is happy to
Small Unit Lcudcrship, "That's be- Winning in these terms means being be on a championship team, and he
cause the first battle oT that next successful or reaching the goal set will work harder to make the squad
come-as-you-are war, due to its in- for them. and not to let his teammates down.
tensity, could well be the only bat-
tle." We must adopt Vince Lombar- As all the soldiers strive to ac- Now that we've seen the benefits
di's attitude, "Winning's not every- complish the goals set for them, of a winning organization, we must
thing; it's the only thing!" We must esprit de corps develops in the unit. discuss the steps in developing the
make winners out of soldiers. The Unity is a logical product of soldiers winning spirit. There are four steps
purpose of this article is to describe faced with common goals, which in creating a winner. The first step
for you how a winning attitude can can't always be reached without the is to show the soldier what a winner
greatly enhance your unit and how help of a squad or platoon. By com- is. The second step is goal setting.
to make winners out of your soldiers. bining individual goals, the unit The third step is his performance
meets its goals. As the soldiers see and feedback on the task. The final
A winning attitude in a unit gives their performance and that of thc action is to reward his accomplish-
three advantages. First, it raises the unit increase, their enthusiasm will ment of the goal.
level of performance by the unit. grow. Unity and enthusiasm in a
Second. it builds esprit de corps. unit is (*spit de corps. It is that When developing a winning spirit
Finally, winning perpetuates win- simple. in an individual, we must first show
ning. him what a winner is. Show your sol-
In their book, A Passion For EvceI- The final benefit of creating win- dier how to walk, talk, and act like a
Icnce, Ton1 Peters and Nancy Aus- ners is that winning attitudes create winner. The best way t o accomplish
tin say this about winners: "Win- more winners. The new soldier this is to lead by example. Reflcct a
ners... don't do onlv a parciit or t u 7 0 entering a company of winners sees positive attitude, show pride in your

44 ARMOR - September-October 7989

work, and display responsibility for tion. Had the Pistons won the 1988 guides the soldier to goal ac-
your actions. Establish high per- Championship by forfeit, it is doubt- complishment. When the soldier ac-
sonal standards, but most impor- ful they would have had the strong complishes the goal, he is a winner!
tant, treat others like successful desire to win in 1989. Therefore, the However, the work of the leader is
people - like winners. soldier should have to work to still not over. He must recognize the
achieve his goal, and the goal must accomplishment and reward the sol-
Certain groups in the Army do a be attainable. There is no reason to dier. The reward may be as simple
good job of teaching the winning at- set a soldier up for failure. The pur- as a pat on the back, a good coun-
titude. The Airborne, Ranger. and pose is to raise his level of perfor- seling statement, or recognition at a
Cavalry units come to mind im- mance through his training and in- formation, but the leader must
mediately. When a private greets still in him the desire to win through provide a reward. Passiort for Escel-
you with "Airborne!," he says more his accomplishment of the goal. Suc- leitce calls this process "celebrating"
than "Good Morning." He tells you cess will encourage him to work for winners. The celebration, no mattcr
that he is part of a special organiza- the next goal. Failure will only dis- how big or small, builds pride in the
tion and that he himself is special. courage him. soldier. It also shows other soldiers
However. all too often. units stop at that there is value in winning. This
this first step. They develop an at- Oncc goal-setting is complete, the pride and the knowledge that hc ac-
titude. but they fail to go on and blood. sweat. and tears of the win- complished his goal givc the soldicr
develop winners. You must go ning process begins. This is when greater job satisfaction. The in-
beyond the attitude to the next step. we train the soldier. The training is creased satisfaction makes it more
which is goal setting. tough and realistic. The standards likely for the soldier to work hard in
need to increase to evcntually reach the future.
Leaders, down to the lowest level, the standards of the goal. Drills
should sit down with soldiers to list must be repeated again and again. Now you have a winner, and the
goals. The goal-setting session process of goal-setting starts again.
should be one-on-one. The leader The leader offers the soldier con- What have you gained? Well you
and the individual must agree on stant feedback during the training now have a better unit, because at
the goals, and the leader should proccss. Feedback is essential be- the very least a single soldier im-
write the goals down to refer to cause it hclps the soldier improve proved himself. Combine the perfor-
them later. The leader should dis- on his weaknesses. It also lets the mance of all of the soldiers. and
cuss professional goals, unit goals, soldier know where he stands in your unit's performance increases.
and pcrsonal goals with the soldier. relation to his goal. Training The unit continues to develop esprit
The professional goals are in- without feedback is like thc Pistons de corps as everyone joins the
dividual tasks the soldier should ac- playing the Lakers, and no one bandwagon to accomplish their
complish to help him be a better sol- keeping score. The soldier never goals and be celebrated as a winner.
dier. An example is scoring an 85 knows if hc won, lost, or how well Finally, you instilled a desire to win
on the next SUT test. The unit goals he playcd the game. - a desire to be successful - in
show the soldier how his work fits the unit. The desire, once lit, will
in the organization. For example, he Focus the feedback on the task not easily disappear. And if the
has a goal to qualify with his crew and not on the individual. When the time ever arises when your men
on Tank Table VIII. This helps the leader tells a soldier. "You screwed enter the battlefield where they
unit goal of qualifying every crew in up," the soldier becomes defensive. must win, the desire and confidencc
tank gunnery. Finally the soldier Once this happens, the lesson is will be present in each of them to
should list some personal goals. lost. When the feedback focuses on keep them going. They will be win-
These could include getting an as- the task, the soldier will concentrate ners.
sociate's degree or taking his family on the lesson. Also, make feedback
to see Disneyworld. The soldier's timely and constant. Telling the Pis-
First Lieutenant Jeff Swisher
personal goals are listed also be- tons the score of the game after it's
is a 1985 West Point graduate.
cause they play an important part in over does little to help their perfor-
He has served as a tank
the soldier feeling of success. mance. Likewise, to critique a sol-
platoon leader, mortar platoon
dier on his marksmanship just
leader, and XO with 5-68
Every goal should be challenging before he goes to qualify is too late.
Armor. He is currently as-
and attainable. A goal which a sol- Give the feedback when he is train-
signed to 24th Infantry
dier can accomplish immediately ing so he can make improvements.
Division, Ft. Stewart, Ga.
does little for him or the organiza- The leader, by providing feedback,

ARMOR - September-October 7989 45

Soviet Vehicle
Compiled by Craig Hughes


- - ' 4.

46 ARMOR - September-October 7989

Commanders and Moral Courage
I by Lieutenant Colonel James E. Swartz

From the beginning of armed con- setting. Toward that end, this article Hays and Thomas suggest that
flict, commanders and their soldiers is directed. moral courage can be found in five
have pondered deep within them- distinct settings. These include
selves whether they might assemble It long has been part of the reporting to others, making recom-
that inexplicable combination of military lexicon that commanders mendations and decisions, following
ferocious audacity, confidence in should accept what is now widely illegal or immoral orders, applying
self and in others, and training known as the "harder right" rather situational ethics, and avoiding
preparation that might win the day than the "easier wrong,'' but all-too- blame."
on the next battlefield. frequent accounts say that the
fastest way to the top of the military Reporting to Others
History, of course, is replete with pyramid is to "avoid controversy or
accounts of wartime courage, from to "keep your nose clean." Commanders owe it to themselves,
Alexander the Great's Macedonian to their soldiers, and to their supe-
victories over the Persians to Han- In short, conventional wisdom says riors to offer not only an accurate
nibal's Carthaginian victories that commanders should refrain representation of the facts, but also
against Rome, to more current ex- from making the tough decisions, a complete one. Thus, it is just as
amples, like the Soviets' gritty not make waves, and punch their morally wrong to tell half the story,
defense of the Dzerherzinsky Trac- ticket for the next assignment up however truthfully, than to lie out-
tor Works at Stalingrad or the line. right. But during the Vietnam War,
MacAuliffe's stand with the lOlst for example, it became expedient to
Airborne Division at Bastogne. inflate body counts to legitimize bat-
tlefield successes.
For most, these displays of bat- Perhaps such wisdom is correct. This only harms the Army, as
tlefield courage have earned them Consider the case of General- Hays and Thomas explain:
accolades, promotions, and awards feldiiiarscltall Erwin Rommel, cer-
and decorations for valor. But tainly one of Germany's most gifted "Manytimes it requires cortsiderable
courage owes no boundaries to tacticians, who argued that com- moral coiirage to repoiz facts wliicli
places of battle, though history's manders should have "a certain inde- tliirs indicate poor pe$ointance by
focus perhaps rightfully .has pendence of mind that might help tlie ritaker of the report. It also re-
directed us there. mold the next generation of Ger- quires considerable coiirage to report
man leaders.' to a senior coriiniaiiderfacts lie does
Indeed, although military com- not want to hear, ei'eit if t l i q are
manders at all levels can learn much Rommel's candor - his forthright ....
tnie evey iriacciirate or urttnie
from wartime accounts of pliysical recommendations that frequently report weakens the ntilitan) stmenire,
courage that fill our libraries, it is conflicted with those of Adolf Hit- damages its efficiency, arid makes tlie
all the more likely that they shall ler - were morally courageous, but system iiiore siisceptible to siib-
face a multitude of questions involv- in the end, such views cost Rommel seqieiit and even greater faisifca-
ing moral courage in a peacetime his life. tiorts iriacciiracies.t 3

ARMOR - September-October 7989 47

"While it is clear that the
Recommendations "Rock of Chickamauga" in the offenses at Bergen-Bel-
and Decisions bloody victory near Chattanooga. sen are by no means the
equal of North's trans-
Here is the category in which Following Illegal gressions, the defense is
many commanders buckle to do or Immoral Orders equally thin according to
what is safe, rather than what is law."
morally right. Too often a senior Perhaps the easiest of the five
commander will be told what he points to avoid, commanders have
wants to hear or what is safe. rather at times contended that they should character. On these occasions lie
than what he should hear. no mattcr not be punished for foolish deeds riiiist starid OII Itis piiriciyles, for
how painful. This quality of "telling because they were following their su- tlicse are tlie crucial episodes that
it like it is" becomes more difficult. periors' orders. This was the lame detertiiiiie the won11 oj' a man. . . .the
of course, as one rises in rank and excuse Nazi zealots gave at the officer who sacrifices his iritegr?v
responsibility. lengthy Nureniburg Trials, and by sacrifices all; he will lose tlie rexpect
various members of the America1 arid tnist of tltose he seeks to lead,
Consider the case of Union Major Division after the My Lai mas- arid he will degrade the repritatiori of
General George H. Thomas, who sacres. Most recently, retired his profession. Tlie good repute of
made the harder recommendation Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel the officer corys is a wsponsibilip
at the risk of his career. In January Oliver North gave this excuse for shared bv each oficer.6
of 1862, at Mill Springs, Kentucky. his dealings with foreign arms
Thomas won perhaps the most sig- dealers against government Then there is the situation con-
nificant Northern victory to that policies. While it is clear that the of- fronting commanders, such as this
date. His fortunes rising in fenses at Bergen-Belsen are by no one: One Army post required all
Washington, Thomas was vrdercd means the equal of North's lrans- commanders to sign a statement
to takc the place of his superior, gressions, the defense is equally thin that their outbound soldiers had in-
Major General Don Carlos Buell, according to law. deed cleared the post library. At
who was misperceived as ordering a least one commander balked, sign-
retreat in that region. Thomas Situational Ethics ing for his dozens of men, even
declined the command, contending though he could not confirm the ac-
that Buell had in fact ordered an ad- This principle applies throughout tion rendered by his signature.
vance and was gaining ground. our lives, whether dealing with Situational ethics? No - lack of
Thus, Thomas' sense of ethics, jus- property, money, or people. moral courage. The commander
tice, and loyalty to his commander Lieutcnant General (Ret.) Julius Be- should have fought to change a
put his own career in peril. cton, then VI1 Corps commander, poor Army policy, even if it was the
said it best when hc told students at unpopular thing to do.
When Major General William S. the United States Army Command
Rosecrnds succeeded Buell a month and General Staff College in 1970. Avoiding Blame
later, Thomas again courageously "Integrity is non-neg~tiable."~
pointed out that such an order There is an exception to every
would tie invalid because the incom- A more complete view toward rule, and brutal honesty knows its
ing Army of the Ohio commander situational ethics was rendered by bounds as well. The military code
would be junior in rank to him. former Army Chief of Staff William expects commanders to assume
President Lincoln fvred the situation C. Westmoreland, who wrote a per- blame even if they are blameless.
by backdating Rosecrans' promo- sonal letter to every officer in the This is one lesson this writer
tion date - a certain message that Army. It said in part: learned the hard way. There is an
he did not appreciate Thomas' bru- unwritten rule that requires com-
tally frank recommendations. -I I want to riialie it clear bqvoiid aiiy manders to assume responsibility
pestion that absolute inrepin, of an for everything a unit does or fails to
In the end, however, history sided ujjicer's word, deed, arid signahire is do. Thus, it is better to say "I
with Thomas, as it has with Rom- a niatter that peniiits no coni- screwed up," even though you were
mel. Rosecrans served with little dis- promise. Iiievitab@, in the hinitoil of not directly involved, rather than,
tinction in the western theater; the times, even1 officer will be con- "Our S4 shop dropped the ball on
Thomas went on to glory as the frorited bv sihiatiorls whicii test his that one." That, too, is a part of

48 ARMOR - September-October 1989

~ ~ ~~

moral courage. In the end, the com- never be seen. It is there, perhaps,
mander dropped the ball for not as- that only the Commander will know
suring that his S4 section was he chose the difficult and unpopular
functioning properly. decision because in his heart it was
the right thing to do.
Various German generals and his-
torians write of the Feltlkm, the
model commander, a man with the Endnotes
courage of his convictions, no mat-
ter how unpopular. in addition to 'B.H. Liddell Hart, (Ed.), The Rommel
his tactical genius. American writers Papers (New York: Harcourt, Brace. Lieutenant Colonel James
generally agree. Coloncl (Ret.) 1953). p. 518. E. Swartz commands 1-185
Dandridge Malone studied officer *Samuel H. Hays and William N. Armor, California Army Na-
efficieiicy reports from a variety o f Thomas. Takinq Command (Harrisburg, tional Guard. Previous as-
western nations. His conclusion was Pa.. Stackpole. 1967), pp. 55-56. signments have been as S3,
that moral courage was a common 31bid. 4-112 Armor; XO, 6-68
attribute for officers to seek.' 4Martin Blumenson and James L. Armor; and Assistant G3,
Stokesbury. Masters of the Art of Com- 40th Infantry Division: 111
Courage is a clear-cut entity on mand (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1975). Corps; and Northern Army
the battlefield. As a bosun's mate p. 158. Group, FRG. A 1980 honor
noted alter a bayonet attack in the 'Speech. United States Army Com- graduate of CGSC, he holds
South Pacific, "Freedom is what mand and General Staff College, Ft. an MMAS degree from that
makes us fight, and courage keeps Leavenworth, Kan., November 1979. institution along with a Ph.D.
us from running away."' But some- 'Edward M. Flanagan Jr., Before the from the University of Iowa.
times. courage away from the bat- (San Francisco: Presidio, 1985), p.
tlefield - in the day rooms and 111.
headquarters where commanders 'Roger H. Nye. The Challenge of Cam-
are paid to make the difficult calls mand (Wayne, N.J., Avery, 1986), p. 23.
- that's where courage is even
more difficult. There. it is not 'lbid.. p. 81. Also see C.A. Leader, "Risk Courage," Illustrated Marine Corps
monitored. It is there that it may Aversion and the Absence of Moral Gazette, 67 (August 1983), pp. 65-69.

Recognition Quiz Answers

1. T-55. The T-55 medium tank has mounts a 73-mm smoothbore gun and there are several design differences.
five road wheels on each side of the a 7.62-mm coaxial machine gun. The Those features peculiar to the T-64 in-
chassis. with a space between the first BMP has the range and speed to keep clude six small, stamped road wheels;
and second road wheels and no return up with the fast-moving tanks it normal- four track-return rollers; a 12-tooth drive
rollers. The T-55 has a low silhouette hull ly follows in offensive formations. sprocket; double-pin, rubber-bushed
with a dome-shaped turret mounted over track: and linear-type shock absorbers.
the third road wheel. The main arma- 3. T-72. The T-72 has six, large, die- Other notable features include the gun-
ment is a 100-mm rifled cannon with a cast. rubber-coated road wheels and ner's IR searchlight mounted to the left
bore evacuator at the muzzle. An three track-return rollers. The tank has a of the main gun and a newly-designed
upgraded version of the tank. seen here, larger engine compartment than the T- 12.7-mm. AA machine gun on the com-
includes a "strap-on" laser rangefinder, 64, and its radiator grille is near the rear mander's cupola with fixed mount. A
crosswind sensor, and a warning device of the hull. The gunner's IR searchlight crewman can fire this machine gun but-
that alerts the crew when it is being sits on the right of the main gun. The toned up.
lased. 12.7-mm NSV AA machine gun has a
rotating mount and cannot be fired 6.BMP-1
2. BMP-1. The BMP is a fully ar- from within the tank.
mored, amphibious, infantry combat This month's quiz was compiled by
vehicle. Its low silhouette hull has a 4. T-55. Craig M. Hughes of the Threat Division,
sharp, sloping front with a conspicuously DCD, AV 464-4757 or commercial (502)
ridged surface. A centrally located. ex- 5. T-64. The T-64 and T-72 medium 624-4757. Threat Division encourages
tremely flat, truncated cone turret tanks are similar in appearance, but comments, questions, and suggestions.

ARMOR - September-October 7989 49

The Bustle Rac

Cam0 Covers Are Coming

For Soft-Top Vehicles
Ever wonder why the Army goes to and honors those selected to command lation is then responsible for sending the
great length to paint its combat vehicles our soldiers. soldier a welcoming packet, which acts as
in camouflage schemes, while the ubiqui- his notification of his future unit. To re-
tous canvas tops on jeeps and trucks are Scouts Returning to States quest a specific unit or regimental
still plain green? We camouflage BDUs, Sought for Airborne Training preference, coordinate through your local
and they're cloth, aren't they? MILPO or PSC.
The Army is asking cavalry scouts who
In fact, for several years now, are nearing the end of their tours over- Enlisted Career Guide
camouflage experts at the Ft. Belvoir seas to volunteer for airborne training and Was Delayed in Publication
Research. Development, and Engineering assignment in the 82d Airborne Division,
Center have been wondering about the Fort Bragg, N.C., and the Joint Readiness The Armor Enlisted Professional Develop-
same thlng. and they're about to do some- Training Center, Fort Chaffee, Ark. ment Guide, which was due out in June,
thing about It, according to a recent news was delayed and is scheduled to be avail-
release from the Center. The problem has Interested scouts are asked to apply at able this month.
been that it just isn't as easy to print an ef- their local personnel offices at least six
fective camouflage pattern on the vehicle months prior to stateside rotation. AR 614- The guide provides commanders,
soft tops and cargo covers as on BDUs, 200 lists the criteria for airborne ap- NCOs, and soldiers easy-to-read, straight-
which are much smaller. plicants. forward guidance on professional develop-
ment within Career Management Field 19.
Criteria Changin for Initial distribution will be at the bat-
Using the same pattern as t h i t on the
BDUs would result in patterns repeating
themselves too often on the larger sur-
Bradley Master unner School talion/squadron level, and the guide will
NOT be available through the AG Publica-
faces. What's more, the patterns have to In October, the prerequisites for attend- tion system.
merge with the vehicle's existing ing Bradley Master Gunner School will
camouflage pattern to be most effective. change. Soldiers must now be in the Local commands are authorized to
grades E-5(P) through E-7, have a GT reproduce the guide locally, if needed.
Now a computer-controlled process has score of 100 or better, and be qualified as Some copies may be available through
been developed to do the printing and instructor-operators on the Unit Conduct Army Wide Training Support.
coating, and to ensure that the canvas pat- of Fire Trainer.
tern mates with the vehicle's existing pat- Commanders need to pay special atten-
tern when installed. The new tops will be Soldiers interested in attending must tion to Chapter 4, which has specific infor-
introduced sometime in the next year. submit DA Form 4187 with UCOFT certifi- mation on changes in the Excellence in
cate of training attached. They must volun- Armor Program. For more information,
teer and be recommended by their bat- call CPT Lucier or MSG Merder, AV 464-
USAARMS' C&S Department talion or squadron commanders. This let- 5155/3188 or commercial (502) 624-
Seeks Photos of Armor Leaders ter of recommendation should also accom- 5155131aa.
pany the Form 4187.
The Command and Staff Department,
USAARMS, has established a photo dis- Only E8s and Above Should Publisher Seeks Contributors
play of current commanders of tank and Call for Pinpoint Assignments For Korean War Reference
cavalry battalions, squadrons, brigades,
and regiments at Boudinot Hall. Soldiers often call the Armor Branch, Garland Publishing, Inc., of New York is
Total Army Personnel Command, when preparing a compact encyclopedia cover-
The department requests that all com- they come down on levy for overseas as- ing the Korean War, and is seeking con-
manders send an 8-by-lbinch signment. They want to know about their tributors of articles ranging from 50 to
photograph of themselves in uniform to pinpoint assignment, the unit they will ul- 5,000 words.. Articles would concern
the Professional Development Division, timately join overseas. military engagements, air operations,
USAARMS, ATTN: ATSB-CS-PDD-T, Fort weapons and technology, diplomacy, per-
Knox, Ky., 40121-5211, if they have not al- According to TAPA, pinpoint asslgn- sonnel issues, psychological operations,
ready done so. ments are only requested and verified for armistice negotiations, etc.
E8 and above. E l s through E7s are
The so-called "Stud Wall" provides stu- placed on requisition to the 21st Replace- Further information is available from Dr.
dents, faculty, and guests the opportunity ment Detachment, which later assigns Stanley Sandler, 507 S. 5th Street, Spring
to put faces and names with their units, them to their new unit. The gaining instal- Lake, N.C., 28390.
~ ~~

50 ARMOR - September-October 7989

Laser protection
is included in new
Former Armor-Cavalry Advisors M22 binoculars.
Seek to Form an Association What seems to be
Army veterans who served as Armor and
a "third lens" is ac-
Cavalry advisors to the Republic of Viet- tually the lens cap
nam are hoping to form an association, assembly.
with plans for a reunion, if there is suffi-
cient interest.

The idea grew out of correspondence be-

tween Kenneth P. Lord. a former advisor,
and COL Ray Battreall, former editor-in-
chief of ARMOR Magazine. Lord, now the The Army's new M22
S3 of an MP Reserve unit in Gaithersburg, binoculars, with lens
Md., is organizing the effort.
caps and filters. Bin-
In addition to reuniting old comrades, ocular tubes are made of
the organization would attempt to capture high-strength plastics cov-
the vast amount of historical knowledge ered in rubber.
these advisors could contribute. Despite
the recent flood of Vietnam history, little
has been said about the advisors, Lord New Plastic Binoculars Include
noted, Rangefinder Reticle, Laser Filters
For further information, contact Kenneth Soldiers are very happy with the new M22 binoculars now trick-
Lord, 5352 Anchor Court, Fairfax, Va.
22032. ling into the field, according to the Army's Armament Research,
Development & Engineering Center, which fielded the replacement
Army Awards R&D Contract of the old M19 metal binoculars.
For Tank Radar Warning Device
No negative comments have been received from units in Korea,
The Army is considering adding radar West Germany, Fort Sill, Fort Bragg, and Fort Hood, where the
warning detection equipment to main bat-
tle tanks and has awarded a $1 million
new binoculars were first fielded. The new glasses have been in
contract for development of the demonsta- production since 1988. About 23,000 had been shipped to the field
tion model, according to a report in by July.
Jane's Defence Weekly.
Esssentially a militarized version of the West German Steiner
The magazine quoted a spokesman for Optic 7x50, the M22s are made of lightweight, temperature-resis-
the Army's Communications and tant, and unbreakable fiber-reinforced polycarbonate. The 3.5-
Electronics Command as saying that
there were no immediate plans to add the
pound binoculars also incorporate special filters to protect the eyes
receiver to any specific vehicle. At this from lasers. A horizontal and vertical reticle allows the binoculars to
stage, it is purely an R&D program, ac- be used as a rangefinder if the target width is known.
cording to the report.

Jane's noted that current Soviet antitank

missiles are wire-guided, manual com- Czechs Begin Deactivation
mand to line-of-sight, or semiautomatic Of Tank Regiment Pages Transposed
command to line-of-sight. The report
The Czechoslovakian news service
In HMMWV Story
speculated that the receiver may be in
development anticipating introduction of a reports that the army has begun disman-
tling a tank regiment stationed at Ceske Because of a layout error in our
radar-guided ATGM on the new Mil-28
Budejovice, in Southern Bohemia. last issue, the story, "HMMWVs
Havoc attack helicopter.
A radar warning receiver would give and Scouts: Do They Mix?" a p
The regiment was eliminated from the peared with pages out of normal
crews time to take countermeasures, in-
Czech Army's active combat forces as of order. Facing pages 34 and 35
cluding the launch of decoys. Several na-
tions among them France, Israel, Italy, August 1. It is believed to consist of T- and 36-37 were reversed.
Japan, and the UK - have tested laser 54/55-series tanks. "The tanks will be liqui-
Our apologies go to our readers
warning receivers, and Israel has fielded dated, the materials stored, and the troops
transferred, either to the reserve forces or and to Major Barry Scribner, the
the first such device on the new Merkava
to new army construction units," according author.
3 model. These systems might be adapt-
able to radar warning, too, Jane's to the news service. (See story on page 5 -
reported. of this issue. -Ed.)

ARMOR - September-October 7989 57


Light tanks knocked out in the Lang Vei

batfie. The photo above shows burned-
out tank hull with turret at left of hull.

Book Review: "Tanks in the Wire"

New Vietnam Book

RecountsRare Encounter
With Enemy Armor

Tanks in the Wire, by David B. hearts of infantrymen everywhere. The rivalries which cost American lives; of
Stockwell, Daring Books, Canton, Ohio, multinational defenders of Lang Vei Spe- America's allies - the Vietnamese, Lao,
205 pages. cial Forces Camp were momentarily mes- and Montagnard codefenders of Lang Vel
merized -there were TANKS in the wire! - whose character and actions even
One of the major stories to come out of today remain so inscrutable to those who
Vietnam in 1968 was the siege of the Captain David Stockwell's account of fought side-by-side with them, and finally,
Marine garrison at Khe Sanh. The images these remarkable events capsulizes much of an enemy whose fanatical courage in
of Marines pinned down by massive artil- of what was good and what was bad in the face of massive firepower has to bring
lery barrages and unseen hordes of NVA the American experience in Southeast a grudging admiration.
regulars filled America's living rooms. Asia. Tanks in the Wire recounts the
Veterans spoke of similar experiences in events leading up to, during, and after the The armor battle at the Lang Vel Special
World War II and Korea. battle at Lang Vei Special Forces Camp, Forces Camp does not match the hlstori-
when the North Vietnamese Army first cal significance of Yorktown, Gettysburg.
All the while, one of the most significant used tanks - 11 Soviet-made PT-76 am- or the Falaise Gap. But in the tradition of
events of the war was unfolding just five phibious tanks. (Some accounts contend Valley Forge, St. Vith, and the Pusan
miles away. Saigon scoffed, and even these were Chinese-built Type 63% a Perimeter, it is a story of American sol-
local commanders were skeptical, but the similar but not identical amphibious light diers fighting against the odds. Tanks in
rumors and reports of the presence of tank. Ed.) Moreover, he tells of incredible the Wire does their bravery justice.
enemy armor on the Khe Sanh plateau bravery by honest men against even more
piled in as January ended, and the Tet incredible odds; of commanders too far
holiday began. Finally, out of the early away from or too high above the sound of DONALD C. SNEDEKER
morning darkness of the 7th of February the guns to believe those who were in the LTC, Cavalry
came the noise that struck fear into the battle's cauldron; of petty inter-service

52 ARMOR - September-October 7989

carefully examines why one campaign
made a difference while the other failed.

The simplistic answer was that Johnson

was unwilling to unleash air power's full
potential because of political considera-
tions, that China or the Soviets would
enter the war on the side of the North.
While Nixon did give the Air Force plan-
ners more latitude, by then the internation-
al situation had changed, and both China
and the Soviets were not thought likely to
intervene. But there was another dif-
ference: by the time Nixon ordered the
first "Linebacker" strike, the nature of the
conflict in South Vietnam had changed,
too. Larger forces, the regulars from North
Air Force Phantom with precision-guided GBU-15 under the wing. Vietnam, had begun trying to fight a more
conventional war, and this requited a
supply system far more intense than the
rice and bullets that sustained the Viet
Two Air Campaigns in Vietnam: Cong in earlier days, when the average
guerilla fought only one day in thirty. This
Why One Worked meant more intensified logistics. and sud-
denly, there were the kind of targets that
and the Other Didn't suited the Air Force doctrine.

This is an important book for Army

The Limits of Air Power, by Mark ments well beyond the FLOT, the mission fighters. Just as it is important for Armor
Clodfelter. The Free Press, New York, called interdiction. The third mission, officers to follow doctrinal changes in
1989. 297 pages. $22.95. counter-air, is simply the control of the air other Army branches, it is equally impor-
space over the battlefield, both close-in tant to understand the thinking of the blue-
The current debate over the future of the and deep, that allows CAS and interdic- suiters who control the battlefield's third
Air Force close air support mission is 4 k n ,:c-+pxeed unimpeded. the "top dimension.
being closely watched by soldiers who cover" that makes it all possible.
will require this support in combat. Armv JON CLEMENS
Times. and similar Army-oriented publica- The dangerous missions of AirLand Bat- Armor Staff
tions, cover the issues in the debate: tle have quickened interest in Air Force
Should the stress be on immediate air strategy among Army leaders. It is more
support at the FLOT or directed at the critical than ever that the Air Force "be
enemy's rear and supply trains, hoping to there." ARMOR Policy
affect the battle that has yet to develop?
Should the aircraft be slow, big-payload, Mark Clodfelter's new book on the ef- On "Shotgunning"
long-loitering. but more vulnerable A-10s. fects of bombing North Vietnam is a good
or more survivable fast-movers like the basis for understanding not only how the TRADOC's Professional Bulletin policy
proposed A-167 The May-June 1988 issue Air Force thinks, and why, but also on discourages the reprinting of the same
of ARMOR even had an "open letter" from how successful its doctrine emerged in article in more than one of the branch
Air Force General Robert D. Russ, com- the kind of low-intensity war we're most publications. In some cases, authors
mander of the Tactical Air Command, likely to fight. Clodfelter, an associate have submitted copies of the same story
reassuring the Army that "our commit- professor of history at the Air Force to several TRADOC bulletins, both
ment to the 1946 agreement to support Academy. examines "Rolling Thunder," planned to use them, and problems
the Army remains carved in granite." the early bombing of the North under have developed after considerable work
President Johnson. and "Linebacker," the was done on the stories.
Combat arms officers and NCOs tend to air campaign waged by President Nixon
think of air support in close-in terms: is later in the war. Our policy is to accept stories only on
there going to be an aircraft available an exclusive first-print basis. We ask all
when my battalion runs into trouble? Can "Rolling Thunder" didn't work; "Lineback- prospective contributors to Inform us if
he find the target in this mess? Can he er" was devastating. Both were air interdic- the story has been submitted elsewhere.
stick around for a while? tion campaigns based on the lessons of
WWll and Korea. They were tactical in na- ARMOR will continue to reprint, with
But this is only a third of the Tactical Air ture, intended to slow the rate of infiltra- permission, a few selected articles from
Command's mission, so-called close air tion into South Vietnam by stopping the military magazines when the source
support, or CAS. A second mission is to flow of logistics, a key doctrinal goal of Air magazines are not readily available to
destroy supply trains and stop reinforce- Force strategy since WWII. The author the field.

ARMOR - September-October 7989 53


This 24-by-27-inch poster of the Soviet BTRBO armored personnel carrier is

the latest in a series on Soviet tanks, armored vehicles, helicopters, and
ATGMs to be produced by Threat Division. Directorate of Combat Develop- PIN o65863-OoO
ments, Fort Knox. Units may request copies by phoning Army-Wide Training US. Government Printing Office 1989
Support Branch at AV 464-AWTS or 502-624-AWTS 748-050l89-5

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