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Deep insights on your holistic profile and
recommended career paths according to
your strengths.

Name: Rajveer Vora

College: NA
College Discovery Report

Your Orientation Style

What is Orientation Style?

Orientation style identifies what an individual is driven by. Understanding the orientation style will help you with
career decision based on your dominant style of interaction with the surroundings.

Your Dominant Style Your Secondary Style

Informative Orientation Creative Orientation

The scores obtained on this style inventory indicate The scores obtained on this style inventory indicate
that you are information-oriented and like to operate that you seek novelty and like to work with your ideas.
with information, machines, instruments, books & You are curious to understand the know-how of things
gadgets. Your style indicates that you are assertive and and their functioning. You wish to have your own ways
believe in doing things rather than talking about them. of doing things with unique ideas. You like to feel free
You have an inquisitive, scientific and mechanical bent to create, discover and synthesize new products from
of mind. You may like to read, gather knowledge, solve abstract notions and concepts. You may prefer to work
problems and perform research & experiments. You in unstructured situations where you can experiment
may be observed as intellectual, precise and scientific with your intuitive ideas. You may be observed as
in the workplace. independent, original and expressive at the workplace.

Your Orientation Style

Informative 9

Creative 4

People 4

0 3 6 9
College Discovery Report

Your Interest
What is Interest?

Understanding your Interest will help you identify what work areas excite you and helps you identify career options
which are personally rewarding. Interest assessment explores your interest across multiple career options to find the
right match which shall keep you engaged.

Your Dominant Interest Areas

Design Engineering, Marketing Science & Maths Actuarial

Information & Sciences

Your Interest

Applied Arts 5

Commerce & Management 3

Defense Services 1

Design 7

Distribution & Logistics 5

Education Training & Social Services 4

Engineering, Information & Technology 6

Entrepreneurship 4

Finance & Accounting 4

Governance & Administration 2

Health, Medicine & Fitness 4

Hospitality 2

Actuarial Sciences 6

Legal 3

Marketing 6

Media & Communication 2

Performing Arts 2

Sales 2

Science & Maths 6

Social Sciences & Humanities 3

0 3 6 9
College Discovery Report

Your Personality
What is Personality?

Understanding your Personality will help you identify your consistent behavior patterns. Every individual is different
due to their unique blend of attributes. Personality assessment identifies what career options suit your style and
match your personal attributes.

Your Dominant Personality Traits

Decision Making Locus of Control Moral Conformity


Your Personality

Locus of Control 9

Resilience 7

Integrity 5

Moral Conformity 9

Agreeableness 4

Extraversion 3

Team Work 2

Decision Making Capacity 9

Enterprising 7

Intense Pursuit 2

Enthusiasm 2

Organizational Skills 8

Perfectionism 4

Perseverance 8

Practical 7

0 3 6 9
College Discovery Report

Your Personality in Detail

Locus of Control 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Locus of Control is the individual's perception of the You emphasize on building your destiny through your
power they have over events that happen in their lives. persistence and perseverance. Belief in your abilities and
People with this trait believe that they have control over skills enables you to shine in different situations and
their own destiny and are convinced about their own makes you an enterprising person. You like to take
skills responsibility, work in a team, manage people, influence
others and set a path for attaining your goals. Your
strong perception towards yourself is contagious and it
places you on a higher pedestal in others viewpoint

Development Plan

You have scored well in this trait

Resilience 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Resilience is the ability to pursue chosen path despite You show courage, high level of adaptability, and
stress, high- risk status, challenges and hardships enhanced power of endurance under challenging
circumstances. You stick to your chosen path, even
though it may involve some amount of risk. You are
confident to face and overcome all kinds of challenges
and hardships and have the ability to bounce back. This
quality further strengthens your relationship with others
and makes your life enriching as well as meaningful

Development Plan

You have scored well in this trait

College Discovery Report

Your Personality in Detail

Integrity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Synonymous with honesty, principles, sincerity, scruples; Your score indicates that on one hand you perceive set
integrity means being honest and living by universal norms as important and on the other hand you
principles of right and wrong sometimes don't give that much importance to it. You
can compromise on your set standards and integrity.
Personal gains may prove to be more important for you
and you may be ready to compromise on your set rules
and norms. You often face conflicts to decide between
right and wrong

Development Plan

Think of working on following strategies to improve on your integrity levels:

Right vs. Wrong Dilemma: You should learn how to develop the difference between right and wrong and how you can
deal with conflicting situations.
Place a rule book in your life: Start afresh with new norms in your life. Begin with simple tasks and complete them on
set timelines and gradually move to the bigger tasks. Give importance to set rules and strictly follow those rules. Be
aware of your decisions and recognize your mistakes and try to not repeat them in future.
Accept ups & downs: You should have courage to accept your failures along with appreciations for the achievements
regardless of the person providing the feedback.

Moral Conformity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Moral conformity implies standing by your principles & You can quickly analyze the demands and gravity of the
code of conduct rather than matching attitudes, beliefs, situation and take appropriate decisions keeping in mind
and behaviors to group norms so as to fit into the group the principles of morality and interest of the society. Your
decisions are based on fact and reasoning and not on
emotions. Your decisions are not influenced by group
pressure and you stand by your principles of right &
wrong. You can easily withstand the group pressure if it
goes against your notion of morality

Development Plan

You have scored well in this trait

College Discovery Report

Your Personality in Detail

Agreeableness 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Agreeableness is the ability to sympathize with others, You are not very optimistic about human nature. You
trust them and be warm, concerned and cooperative believe that excepting few, people are generally not
towards them trustworthy, considerate or cooperative. You believe that
self-interest should take precedence over the social
interest in most situations. You may find it hard to
genuinely empathize with most people. You easily get
into conflicts with others and may find it difficult to
maintain social harmony

Development Plan

You can increase your agreeableness level by using following strategies:

Try to see things from perspective of others: This will help you better understand the behavior of other people and
also the reasons why they behave in certain ways. Also check on how you would have reacted in a similar situation.
Accept that all people are different: Rather than competing with others and suspecting their intentions, it is better
you understand that everyone is unique. This will help you to accept different viewpoints and also maintain social
Different people different voices: Everyone has a point of view which needs to be respected. Listening to these voices
will help you to sympathize with them

Extraversion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Extraversion is the ability to talk easily to others, assert You prefer to spend time alone rather than being part of
viewpoints and prefer working in groups, rather than any social gathering. You find it very hard to approach
working alone strangers. You prefer working alone rather than in a
group. Expressing opinions in the presence of others is
very difficult for you

Development Plan

You can look to increase your extraversion level by using the following strategies -:
Developing interpersonal skills: Try to communicate with people around you. This might be difficult at first, but you
can keep trying and soon you will learn how to initiate a conversation and how to go about the whole process of
communicating and sharing your views.
Find social activities you enjoy: Sign up for hobby classes or volunteering activities or associate with new groups of
people. Its easier to connect with people if you have a shared interest.
College Discovery Report

Your Personality in Detail

Team Work 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Team work implies including not only your views but also You find it difficult to work in a team. You prefer to work
the views of others while working towards a common individually. Your ability to work collaboratively within a
goal. It involves working collaboratively with people and group of people in order to achieve a goal is low. You
maximizing the team output disregard the views of others while making decisions.
You find it very difficult to communicate effectively with
others. Due to this, you may be unable to form good
relations with others in your team

Development Plan

Your scores indicate that you need to put some effort to develop your ability to work collaboratively within a group of
people in order to achieve a goal. You can do this by:
Be an active listener: Developing listening skills will help you to understand others viewpoints, provide you with
learning opportunities and will also minimize misunderstandings. Wherever warranted, you need to express your
views to others.
Add humor: Adding humor in your day-to-day dealings with others will help you to keep a sense of perspective and
will also work as a great bonding tool.
Group activity: You need to try and engage yourself in more group activities wherein coordination and cooperation
with members of the team will help achieve the common objective

Decision Making Capacity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Decision making capacity is the tendency to choose You have skills that enable you to take the decisions at
effectively from alternatives through reasoning and the appropriate time. By anticipating future perspective,
critical thinking you are able to take decisions at the earliest possible.
You evaluate the pros & cons of a situation and look for a
logical approach towards decision making. High decision
making capacity makes you capable to learn from the
past difficulties and apply those learning in the future

Development Plan

You have scored well in this trait

College Discovery Report

Your Personality in Detail

Enterprising 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Enterprising is being assertive, confident, high on risk- You are a people's person and like to work with others,
taking capacity, and having the ability to persuade others influence and even persuade them. You are a risk taker
and rely on your experience and intuition to work with
things. You are highly energetic, sociable and
adventurous in nature. Your confidence and
assertiveness makes you stand out in difficult situations.
Whenever given an opportunity, you try to learn and
develop new skills

Development Plan

You have scored well in this trait

Intense Pursuit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Synonymous with dedication, devotion & zeal; intense You find it very difficult to focus your attention towards
pursuit is having a clear intention, aim, interest, one task. Due to this, you are unable to complete the
commitment and strong desire to pursue on a chosen tasks and tend to leave them mid way. You also tend to
path skip to new tasks one after another and finally end up
completing none of them. You easily get distracted when
faced with challenges, especially with early failures or
setbacks in the pursuit of your goals. You also are quick
to see how others or environment have sabotaged your
efforts and in such circumstances you feel like a victim

Development Plan

You can develop intense pursuit by following strategies:

Writing it down: This is as simple as it sounds. Have well defined time bound goals. Also make a “To Do” list on daily
basis, to make sure that things are getting done.
Prioritizing your work: You have to make a clear distinction about what is important & what just seems to be
important. Focus your energy on what is critical and needs to be done.
Take responsibility for your goals: Rather than making excuses for incomplete tasks, take up responsibility and make
efforts to complete them. It will be difficult for you to pursue your goals, unless you take responsibility
College Discovery Report

Your Personality in Detail

Enthusiasm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Synonymous with vitality, spiritedness & vigor, You tend to accept things as they are, without trying to
enthusiasm is having abundant or intense energy and question them. You avoid new experiences and do not
curiosity to gather knowledge have much inquisitiveness to learn about new things.
Your stress levels increase whenever you have to face
some new situation. You prefer to have a set routine
without any need to make adjustments; as you find it
difficult to adapt yourself to new surroundings

Development Plan

You can increase your enthusiasm by using following strategies:

Develop a sense of humor: People with high enthusiasm, have a contagious sense of humor. Sulking about your life
will further lower your spirits. Start looking at your problems as opportunities for new learning and experiences. When
engaged in heated arguments, try to use humor to lighten the situation.
Start questioning: You need to question the various happenings around you. This will help you to make efforts to seek
answers to those questions. Do not hesitate to question and remember that nobody knows everything.
Healthy Lifestyle: If you are exhausted, with too much work, it is impossible to radiate enthusiasm. Take frequent
breaks between your work schedule and have adequate sleep at night. Take a balanced diet along with physical
workout on regular basis

Organizational Skills 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Organization skill is the ability and style of an individual You have the capacity to act in a responsible manner.
to structure plan and meet their goals in a systematic You achieve high standards and work in an ethical
manner manner with respect to any task taken by you. The
reason that you achieve high standards is that you have
an enhanced ability to use your time, energy, and
resources in an effective manner. You work in a very
systematic way, and have a high ability to structure, plan,
and meet your goals

Development Plan

You have scored well in this trait

College Discovery Report

Your Personality in Detail

Perfectionism 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Perfectionism is the desire to strive for flawlessness and Your score stands for an average desire to strive for high
set high standards of excellence standards of excellence. This indicates that you
sometimes complete tasks without giving much attention
to minute details. You usually don't look for faults or
shortcomings in your own actions as well as that of
others and accept them with ease. Due to this, you
compromise on the standards of excellence. You don't
feel the sense of responsibility while working on a task.
Due to this, the quality of your work may suffer at times

Development Plan

You need to develop a sense of high standards of excellence. You can do this by-:
Detailing: Break down a task into smaller steps and pay attention to minute details in every step. You can reward
yourself for successfully completing every step with perfection.
Evaluate your performance: Be honest while evaluating your performance and work on the areas wherein
improvement seems necessary.
Set high standards: You should make an attempt to set high standards of excellence for yourself. This will motivate
you to work hard and ultimately perform better

Perseverance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Perseverance is the determination of an individual to You show a high degree of determination towards
complete a task, irrespective of the obstacles achievement of a goal and strong endurance to
overcome the challenges. Your dedication towards the
goal persists irrespective of engaging with difficulties
such as discouragement, failure, opposition, and
rejections. You continue working towards the job despite
the delays in success. You have good level of self-
confidence and a natural urge towards hard labor

Development Plan

You have scored well in this trait

College Discovery Report

Your Personality in Detail

Practical 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Synonymous with pragmatic, real & hands-on; practical is You tend to give more importance to actions and do not
being more concerned with practice than theory rely on theoretical information alone. You understand
that the key to efficient working is in bridging the gap
between theory and practice. You acknowledge that it is
important to have a realistic approach and develop
functional relationships. You believe in gaining hands on
experience and then using it in your personal as well as
professional life

Development Plan

You have scored well in this trait

College Discovery Report

Your Aptitude
What is Aptitude?

Understanding your Aptitude will help you explore your innate strengths. Every individual has a unique area of
expertise and their own forte. Aptitude assessment predicts what is your innate ability and potential and helps you
find career options that are in sync with your aptitude.

Your Dominant Aptitude Strengths

Mechanical Abstract Logical


Your Aptitude

Abstract 9

Verbal 6

Logical Reasoning 9

Creative 5

Spatial 8

Language Usage 8

Numerical 8

Info Tech 8

Mechanical 9

Perceptual 8

0 3 6 9
College Discovery Report

Your Aptitude in Detail

Abstract 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Ability to work with new concepts, abstract ideas & Your score indicates that you are skilled at working with
recognizing patterns and similarities new concepts, abstract ideas and recognizing patterns
and similarities between them. High abstract aptitude
enables you to analyze and understand non-verbal or
visual information. It also means that you are able to
easily recognize the similarities and differences between
ideas, or concepts which are not necessarily related

Development Plan

You have scored well in this trait

Verbal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Ability to comprehend words and sentences and deduce You have an average ability to understand the
meaningful relationship from them relationship between words and have a limited ability to
convey the required information. You possess an average
level of verbal skills like spell words correctly, use correct
grammar, understand word meanings, and interpret
word relationships. You are often, though not always,
able to correctly analyze and understand textual

Development Plan

You can use the following strategies to improve your verbal skills:
Reading: You can start reading and analyzing texts, articles and newspaper columns. Challenge yourself with more and
more complex material and continue even though you seem to be making little progress because over time, it will
show results.
Drawing conclusions and inferences: Try to deduce relationships among various components of the reading material.
Try to look for relationships and patterns, drawing conclusions and making inferences.
Memorizing word-meanings: Consciously memorizing word-meanings regularly will also help in broadening your
vocabulary base.
College Discovery Report

Your Aptitude in Detail

Logical Reasoning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Ability to identify and isolate components of an You are capable of effectively identifying various
argument to arrive at a complete inference and reach a components of argument and isolating them to arrive at
conclusion a complete inference and a consolidated conclusion. You
are confident of figuring out relationships among
unorganized or seemingly unrelated stimuli. You are
good in information processing and have an eye for

Development Plan

You have scored well in this trait

Creative 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Ability to develop novel and diverse ideas and solutions Your responses indicate that you have an average
for a given problem capacity to develop new and diverse ideas and solutions
for a given problem. Your creative aptitude enables you
to find unique ways of finding solutions to problems in
most but not all cases. At times you are tempted to use
out-of-the-box solution but usually tend to follow the
conventional way of thinking

Development Plan

Adopting following interventions will aid you in developing a creative way of thinking:
Openness to new experiences: You require an open minded approach and willingness to explore new ideas around
you. Constant exposure to creative ideas and information enables an individual to develop an aptitude for creativity.
Constant Experimenting: Experimenting and modifying ideas will train you to have an open mind, which in turn, will
stimulate creative thinking. Try and absorb newer ideas in your surroundings from all possible sources.
Generate ideas in a group setting: Surround yourself with creative people. Generate and discuss diverse ideas as
much as possible, and with as many people as you can.
College Discovery Report

Your Aptitude in Detail

Spatial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Ability to manipulate shapes in two dimensions or to You are skilled at mentally visualizing and manipulating
visualize three-dimensional objects presented as two- objects in three-dimensional space. You are able to
dimensional pictures effectively visualize and mentally rotate objects
presented to you in two-dimension. This means you can
easily rotate an image or object in your mind without
actually turning or rotating them. This enables you to
mentally re-arrange objects even without physically
touching them

Development Plan

You have scored well in this trait

Language Usage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Ability to understand and use words along with the You have a high capacity to understand and use words
grammatical rules and structures to produce meaningful- along with the grammatical rules and structures to
novel sentences produce meaningful and complex sentences. You have a
high ability to detect errors in grammar, punctuation,
and capitalization and are able to formulate diverse
combinations of words and sentences

Development Plan

You have scored well in this trait

College Discovery Report

Your Aptitude in Detail

Numerical 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Ability to quickly grasp mathematical functions and to You are skilled at making use of numbers and numerical
use them to analyze and solve mathematical problems operations rapidly and accurately. You have the capacity
to quickly grasp mathematical functions and to use them
to analyze and solve mathematical problems with high

Development Plan

You have scored well in this trait

Info Tech 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Ability to grasp and use principles and concepts of You have a very good understanding of the principles
technology and computer programs to solve problems and concepts of technology. Your responses indicate that
you have high awareness about the basic computer
programs and its applications. You are quite comfortable
when it comes to dealing with computer software. Your
awareness about latest technologies and software is also
very high. You are extremely comfortable when it comes
to learning about the working of new gadgets or

Development Plan

You have scored well in this trait

College Discovery Report

Your Aptitude in Detail

Mechanical 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Ability to grasp and use mechanical concepts and You have a natural understanding of forces and
principles to so solve problems dynamics. You have good knowledge and understanding
of mechanical and other physical principles. You are very
perceptive of basic mechanical principles, simple
machines, tools, electrical, and automotive facts. You are
analytical and receptive as you can see a number of
forces and factors operating within a problem at any
given time

Development Plan

You have scored well in this trait

Perceptual 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Ability to accurately and quickly compare similarities and You are quite capable of working with rapid speed and
differences among sets of pictures, patterns, objects, accuracy in tasks which do not necessarily require high
letters or numbers. intellectual activity. You take less time to respond to
external stimuli of varied nature like pictures, patterns
and objects. You can swiftly perceive a whole stimulus
when parts of it are missing. You are effective where a
quick and precise decision is required

Development Plan

You have scored well in this trait

College Discovery Report

Your Emotional Quotient

What is Emotional Quotient?

Understanding your Emotional Intelligence will help you understand your effectiveness in social situations.
Emotional Intelligence assessment identifies how well do you recognize and handle your own emotions and
interpersonal relationships.

Your Dominant Emotional Quotient Strengths

Emotional Self Emotional

Awareness Regulation

Your Emotional Quotient

Conflict Management 5

Empathy 5

Pro Social Behavior 4

Emotional Regulation 8

Emotional Self Awareness 8

Emotional Self Efficacy 7

Motivation 7

0 3 6 9
College Discovery Report

Your Emotional Quotient in Detail

Conflict Management 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Ability to resolve You have difficulty in changing your stand and in controlling your emotions under
conflicts through pressure. You often fail to notice the non-verbal signs, and usually take people's word at
negotiations face value. You see conflict situations as unpleasant and unrewarding. You believe that
people seek their self interest in conflict situations. You fail to appreciate the humor in
important matters being discussed. You believe that compromise is sign of a weakness
and do not prescribe to the statement, that people should be forgiven without paying the
price for their mistakes. You feel inadequate at times with regard to the issues that arise
in a conflict situation

Development Plan

You can improve conflict management by using the following strategies

Wait and watch: You can choose to wait for a few days, if you find conflict is beyond your control at present. Waiting
for a few days often allows you to come up with appropriate strategies to resolve the conflict. This strategy can diffuse
the tense situation.
Working with a role model: You can greatly improve your conflict management skills by working with a person who is
good at resolving conflict. By observing how this individual deals with various challenges in the conflict management
situations, your self-belief in regard to developing these skills would increase.
Right preparation: You can increase your confidence in resolving conflict by thorough preparation. This means you
collect all the evidence pertaining to the issue involved. Preparing extensively would make you realize the loopholes,
which you can overcome in advance.

Empathy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Perceiving and being You have some difficulty in understanding and responding to the feelings and emotions
aware about emotions of others. This also indicates that you find it difficult to form a good rapport with the
of others, including people around you. You are somewhat uncomfortable with people sharing their feelings
being sensitive to a with you and as a result you are unable to form close relationships.. Not only do you have
diverse population difficulty with others' emotive sharing, you also find it hard to understand and accept
your own emotions. At times, this may make it difficult for you to respond to others with
an appropriate emotional response

Development Plan

Empathy is an important social skill. It is an essential ingredient to succeed in careers as well as relationships. You can
improve your empathy by using the following strategies:
Be self-reflexive: Be in touch with your own feelings. Being in touch with your own emotions helps in understanding
and responding to the feelings of others.
Communicate effectively: For this, you may need to develop your communication skills so that you are able to clearly
indicate your understanding of the other person’s emotional experience.
Use humour to ease the situation: However it is important to not sound too casual or seem like you are taking the
situation lightly.
College Discovery Report

Your Emotional Quotient in Detail

Pro Social Behavior 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Having the motivation Your score means that although you do like to help others but not at a cost to yourself.
to help others without There are instances where you help but the reasons are not always altruistic. Your
any personal gain prosocial behaviour may be motivated by egoism, long term gains, or social approval. You
are sometimes plagued by moral dilemmas where your own interests may be in conflict
with the needs of the others. You may find it difficult to put the interest of others before
your own. Your prosocial behaviour is often motivated by extrinsic rewards and fear of

Development Plan

Helping others in distress is a social duty and responsibility. Researchers have suggested that five things must happen for
a person to take action. These key things are:
Notice what is happening around you: you can keep yourself alert so as to notice things happening and avoid being
self absorbed.
Interpret the event appropriately as to whether it is an emergency or not: you can make a realistic assessment of
the situation to see whether there is actually a need for assistance.
Experience within yourself a sense of social responsibility: you can use the norm of social responsibility which
supports helping those who are less fortunate.
Assess whether you have the skills to help or not: after assessing the situation, you can see whether you possess the
skills needed to help in that particular situation.
Make a conscious decision to extend your help: after appropriate assessment of the situation, make a conscious
effort to help in whichever way you can.

Emotional Regulation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Managing one's You are able to manage your constructive as well as destructive emotions exceedingly
constructive as well as well. You respond to ongoing situations with the range of emotions that are socially
destructive emotions acceptable and sufficiently flexible. You can come with spontaneous reaction to varied
well. Ability to manage situations as well as have the ability to delay spontaneous reaction as and when needed.
stress, anger and You can easily focus on the task assigned and have the ability to suppress inappropriate
anxiety behavior under instruction. You can modulate anxiety as per the requirement of the task
performed and are not overwhelmed by it. You don't give in easily to pressure and are
able to assert yourself whenever the situation demands. You can intuitively decipher the
emotional strategies appropriate for a given situation and can direct emotions towards
creative endeavors

Development Plan

You have scored well in this trait

College Discovery Report

Your Emotional Quotient in Detail

Emotional Self Awareness 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Being aware of and You understand and recognize your own emotions very well. You are able to understand
recognize one's own the feelings associated with the emotions that you experience, and also understand what
emotions you think and do as a result of those feelings. This quality of high emotional self-
awareness helps you understand the reasons for your actions, because it is these
emotions that actually drive your behavior. This gives you greater control over the
decisions you make. You are not carried away by your negative emotions. You have the
ability to deal with the potentially destructive emotions quickly and prevent them from
harming you or others

Development Plan

You have scored well in this trait

Emotional Self Efficacy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Belief in one's capability You have a strong belief in your potential to understand and deal with your own
to understand and deal emotions. Your perceived capacity to deal with negative emotions is high. Also, you
with one's emotions strongly believe in your ability to understand and regulate your emotions. You believe
that you have control over your emotions. This enables you to manage them internally by
solving problems in difficult situations, without being affected by them. You also take
ownership of your emotions and clearly understand that they reflect your personal and
subjective experience

Development Plan

You have scored well in this trait

College Discovery Report

Your Emotional Quotient in Detail

Motivation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Having achievement You find it easy to set goals and achieve them. You can easily initiate and sustain a task
drive, optimism, and you find important and meaningful. You face challenges & think positively in the direction
being committed to of overcoming them. You are flexible in your approach and as a result you are able to
one's values, needs and achieve most of your goals. You have a wide range of strategies to lift your morale when
goals you are feeling low. When a problem seems overpowering, you see it as a challenge,
which allows you to come up with a right strategy to solve that particular problem. You
are also able of focus on the task and avoid all distractions which are a hindrance to the
goals you are seeking

Development Plan

You have scored well in this trait

College Discovery Report

Your Dominant Style

Informative Creative
Orientation Orientation

Your Dominant Interests

Design Engineering, Marketing Science & Maths Actuarial

Information & Sciences

Your Dominant Personality

Decision Making Locus of Control Moral Conformity


Your Dominant Aptitude

Mechanical Abstract Logical


Your Dominant Emotional Quotient

Emotional Self Emotional

Awareness Regulation
College Discovery Report

Career Match with Computer Application & IT

Your Match with Computer

Application & IT






0 20 40 60 80 100

In today's techno-savvy world, no industry survives without adopting the latest technology & hence graduates in the
field of computer applications are always in demand. Bachelors in the computer application is a mainstream career
option and a very sought-after course amongst students. A degree in computer application creates substantial scope
for an excellent career.

Entry to premier colleges requires students to pass an entrance exam. Considering the fast pace growth of this
sector, lots of students are pursuing this career path thus making it increasingly competitive. Graduates in this field
need to constantly upgrade their skill set to keep up with the rapidly changing technology. For a career in Computer
Application one can do BCA, a three year bachelor program and follow it up with MCA, a masters program. While its
imperative to have Mathematics at 10+2 level, it's also recommended that the candidate chooses a combination of
Science (Physics, Chemistry, Maths) with Computer Science as it increases the odds of grasping concepts faster.

While demand for Computer Application Graduates is becoming sector agnostic, companies like Accenture, TCS,
TechMahindra, IGATE and StartUps like Flipkart & UBER continue to be the top recruiters.

Trending fields: Web/ Mobile Design Engineer, Web/ Mobile App Developer, UI/UX Designers, Technical Writers

Read more about Computer Application & IT >

College Discovery Report

Career Match with Physical Science

Your Match with Physical Science






0 20 40 60 80 100

Physical Science deals with the study of nature and the properties of the non-living matter and energy. It
encompasses wide variety of fields such as astronomy, earth sciences, geology, physics, chemistry and
oceanography. The researchers in this field, design and conduct experiments to collect the observable physical
evidence of the natural phenomenon.

More and more people are trying to get in the field of physical sciences for research purposes. Physical Science
graduates can even join IIT through GATE exam. Physical Science is also an optional in civil service main exam.

Candidate should have Science (Physics, Chemistry) and Mathematics at 10+2 level to take up any physical science
career field at undergraduate level.

Top job recruiters' include- BHABHA ATOMIC RESEARCH CENTRE, IISER, DRDO, Indian Institute of Science etc.

Trending fields - Environmentalist, Astronomy, Space Researcher

Read more about Physical Science >

College Discovery Report

Career Match with Engineering

Your Match with Engineering






0 20 40 60 80 100

Engineering is one of the most versatile degrees spanning multiple domains ranging from aerospace to automobiles
to healthcare to business & many more. Engineers are at the center of innovation and one of the most sought after
professionals in the country. They provide technological solutions to the problems, issues and ideas that affect every
area of our lives and are responsible for technological advancements. Depending upon one's interest, one can
specialize in multiple fields of engineering such as Electronics, Computer Science, Mechanical, Civil & Aerospace
amongst others.

With increasing competition in the field, huge numbers of engineering colleges have mushroomed across the
country. However, competition for the premier colleges remains extremely high.

A four year Bachelor's degree in Engineering can be quite rewarding if completed from the marque colleges of the
country. In order to build a career in Engineering and Technology, one should have a combination of PCM (Physics,
Chemistry and Mathematics) at the 10+2 level.

An engineering degree from the coveted colleges opens doors for some of the top companies in the world like
Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft amongst others recruiters.

Trending fields: Computer Science Engineering, Electronic & Communication Engineering, Sound Engineering, Marine

Read more about Engineering >

College Discovery Report

Career Match with Actuarial Sciences

Your Match with Actuarial Sciences






0 20 40 60 80 100

Actuaries are among the highest paid professionals today. Actuarial Sciences are often called financial astrologers
applying statistical methods and mathematical skills to determine level of risk in finance, insurance and other
professions. Endless opportunities, assurance of high salary and high job security are some of the reasons why
actuarial sciences is emerging to be a sought after career option. An actuary may specialize in health insurance, life
insurance, property and casualty insurance or pension and retirement benefits. It is a field that requires intense
numerical and statistical knowledge.

An actuary has a fellowship of bodies like Actuarial Society of India (ASI) Mumbai/ Institute of Actuaries London.
Many universities also offer graduate degrees such as B.Sc. in Insurance, or in Actuarial Science and post graduate
degrees like M.B.A. in Actuarial Science, or Diploma Courses in Actuarial Science.

Top recruiters in this sector include Insurance Companies, Banking Companies, Government Bodies & Consulting

Trending Field: Health Insurance, Life Insurance

Read more about Actuarial Sciences >

College Discovery Report

Career Match with Design

Your Match with Design






0 20 40 60 80 100

Career in design is for people who have a creative outlook and are able to form innovative connections between
colors, shape, materials and textures. Designers are required in nearly every field whether in designing cars, clothes,
buildings, products, logos, theatre sets, merchandise sets, landscapes etc. While most indulge in computer-aided
designs, a basic fine art is also intrinsic to designing.

Design has wide variety of sub fields including graphic designing, fashion designing, interior designing, web
designing, set designing, industrial designing, visual merchandise designing etc. Each of these categories requires a
domain specialization. One can select their area of specialization on the basis of their interest, skill and aptitude.
Most institutes have an entrance exam for admission and competition for the premier institutes like NID and NIFT is
quite high.

In order to build a career in design one should have a bachelor's or master's degree in the particular field.

Designers can find jobs in Fashion Houses, Media Houses, Automobile Industry, Technology Firms, Web Designing
Firms etc. A lot of designers also pursue their career as a Freelancer.

Trending Field: Graphic Design, Fashion Design, Animation & Graphics

Read more about Design >

College Discovery Report


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