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Animals, which are diverse and fascinating creatures, have been the subject of much

controversy regarding their level of intelligence and behavior. Some people argue that animals
are only capable of acting on instinct, while others believe that animals are intelligent and
capable of unique and complex behaviors. In this essay, we will explore both arguments and
come to a conclusion on this topic. While it is apparent that animals act on instinct, it is also
clear that they have acquired certain unique traits and behaviors that suggest a level of
intelligence beyond their basic instincts.

Animals Act on Instinct. Many people believe that animals are not capable of intelligence and
that all their actions are driven solely by instinct, which can be classified into specific categories
such as feeding, mating, and territorial behavior. For example, a bird that builds a nest is simply
following its natural instincts to create a safe environment for its offspring. However, while it is
true that many animal behaviors can be classified as instinctual, it is important to recognize
that animals also exhibit behaviors that go beyond basic instincts, such as using tools to
achieve a specific goal. Chimpanzees and dolphins, who can use tools, suggest that animals
have a level of problem-solving ability beyond their basic instincts.

Animals Have Unique Traits. Another argument against animal intelligence is that animals do
not possess any unique traits that set them apart from other species. Supporters of this
argument suggest that all animals behave in predictable ways, and that there is nothing
particularly interesting or complex about their behavior. However, there are many examples of
animals exhibiting unique and complex behaviors that suggest a level of intelligence beyond
their basic instincts. Monkeys that use a false alarm call to distract other monkeys while they
steal food is a behavior that suggests a level of cognitive ability that goes beyond simple
instinctual behavior.

In conclusion, while it is true that animals often act on instinct, it is also clear that they can
exhibit unique and complex behaviors that suggest a level of intelligence beyond their basic
instincts. While there may be controversy surrounding the topic of animal intelligence, it is
apparent that animals have acquired certain traits and behaviors that go beyond their natural
instincts. It is crucial to recognize and appreciate the complexity and diversity of the animal
kingdom, which includes species that exhibit remarkable levels of intelligence and unique

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