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ARW2- Unit 5Longevity

- I have studied all the
careers that I like.
administration, pastry)
-I managed to be a great
teacher, marketer,
business administrator
-It got boring after several
-People have a better
quality life. Marriage
- people have destroyed I could be married and
the environment fulfilled many goals with
my husband
- I look good and safe
I married with my true
-My children is growing love at 30
with a bad atmosphere.
I helped him to live longer
-People die everyday in like me
my life in 2175

-Scientists have created
Family new devices
-I can meet my granpchild. - There are many robots
- I can spend time with my that can help you to clean
family. your home.
- I can teach my children a -Scientists have done
lot of things. vaccines
-scientists have discovered
new treatment for serious
A. Hook
The future is now, and we have not realized yet

B. Thesis statement (topic sentence + the controlling idea)

things have changed significantly from 2020 to 2175 throughout my life and, in this
process, I have had positive and negative experiences . (Thesis statement + the
controlling idea)


A. TOPIC SENTENCE 1: First, I noticed that there is a balanced percentage of positive and
negative experiences of being alive this year (topic sentence) For example, if they
lived longer, they would be able to get married as much as they can, they would
receive a lot of proposals. (supporting details)

B. TOPIC SENTENCE 2: If they have a longer life, they can study a lot of things
(topic sentence). For example, I have the fortune to see 3 of my 20 grandchildren
sleeping quietly every weekend (supporting details)

C. TOPIC SENTENCE 3: However, not everything is possible, I can say that I had lived
negative moments in my life, especially when pandemic started in 2020 (topic
sentence). I lost many relatives I could not be indifferent about that situation
(supporting details)

In brief, most of the things that we experienced and knew from the past have changed
inevitably through time.

The future is now, and we have not realized yet. I got up rapidly because I heard a
strong sound. I opened my eyes, it is a chilly evening, Opening the door of my awesome
bedroom, I noticed that everything was different. The lovely sunset that was a ball of fire
was not there. Instead, the moon which was a silver alarm clock ticking was sticking out in
my room, the sky was darkened to a faint violet, I could not see the stars. There is no clean
air to breathe, it is worrisome. Was it because of the contamination? I do not know what
exactly happened in the world, but things have changed significantly from 2020 to 2175
throughout my life and, in this process, I have had positive and negative experiences

First, I noticed that there is a balanced percentage of positive and negative experiences
of being alive this year. A positive example of a positive thing that I am experiencing this year is
that I have the fortune to see 3 of my 20 grandchildren sleeping quietly every weekend, but
that makes me feel a little sad. I start crying when I remember the day they were born. It is
also during these decades that I remember the time when my life was full of happiness.

many scientists have been creating new vaccines, cures and they also have discovered
new treatments for serious diseases. They also created new devices even though some people
did not agree, but it was inevitable because technology advance more each day. Scientists
have been showing that they are shining stars. I even donated some money for this purpose.

However, not everything is possible, I can say that I had lived negative moments in my
life, especially when pandemic started in 2020. I lost many relatives I could not be indifferent
about that situation. That was me, a man who was shy and scared dared to help people during
quarantine by donating things to poor people. If I had not done that, more people would have
died from lack of food. As my father used to say: "Sometimes life is like a hare. It runs fast to
win, and that's when you decide if you will run fast too or slow while you're listening to your
heart to be happy."

Besides, insufferable people are using these devices with bad intentions. Moreover,
abortion and suicide have become more common because some of these devices are created
to commit this act, so citizens are not fear of seeing people die. The fact that the smell of
blood became something common is terrible because children grow up with that.

In brief, most of the things that we experienced and knew from the past have changed
inevitably through time.

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