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Name: Trần Đình Dũng

Code: PH49763

Class: SU24_ENT2127.71


My dream job is to become a graphic designer. This profession is sought after in my country,
especially with the digital boom. I am fascinated by the combination of art and technology. My
inspiration comes from everyday images and people turning simple ideas into iconic images.
As a designer, I will have to develop ideas, choose colors and fonts, and turn ideas into
designs. The joy of this job lies in the creative freedom and the ability to influence cognition
and emotions through art. However, it can be demanding with tight deadlines, long working
hours and subjective criticism. My aspiration is to create work that resonates and endures,
leaving a mark in the world of design. What I want from this dream job is a high salary and
flexible working hours. Essential skills include computer skills, creativity skills, design skills.
To prepare for this career, I am committed to constantly learning, honing my skills. I also have
to take extra online courses to gain knowledge.

Name: Trần Đình Dũng

Code: PH49763

Class: SU24_ENT2127.71


Every day I use many technological devices, but my phone is the device I use most often. On
average, I spend about five hours a day on it. Even so, I believe a week without a screen is
necessary for me to disconnect and recharge. During this time, I participate in some indoor
activities such as reading, painting and cooking. I also spend time outdoors such as: going for
walks and playing soccer. Among these activities, I like painting the most. I often draw in the
evenings at home, usually with my sister who shares similar interests. When I paint, I have a
feeling of peace and happiness that is hard to describe. I love this activity the most because it
allows me to express my creativity and relax after a long day in front of a screen. It's a
refreshing change from the digital world and helps me appreciate the beauty of the physical
world around me.

Words: 158

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