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NAMA : ________________________________

KELAS : ____________

1. Mention 3 things in your classroom!


2. There are ……………. Apple

3. Translate to English!
a. Ayah : …………………….
b. Ibu : ……………………
c. kakek : ………………….

4. The calour of Indonesiam flag I s ………………………………..

5. Grandfather in Indonesian is ………………………………………………………

6. My mother cooking in the ………………………………………………………….

7. This is a …………… (sapi)

8. I Love ……………….. (kelinci)

9. Sinta have twelve pencil. The Indonesian, Sinta mempunyai ….. pencil

10. He ……… four book’s

11. They ……….. five eraser

12. I have two bird’s. Artinya …………………………………………………….

13. Kupu-kupu ing english is …………………………………………………….

14. The colour of banana is ………………….

15. Aldo : Hello, Anita how are you?

Anita : I’m ………….
How about you?
Aldo : I’m fine to thank ……….
Bahasa Inggris, Rabu 20 Maret 2024

1. The colour of aplle is ……

2. The colour of banana is …..

3. This is a …..

4. I have two birds artinya …..

5. Bantal in English is ……

6. My hair is ….. (hitam)

7. Ana : Hai Ani, how are you?

Ani : I’m ……… tahnk you.

8. There are ……….. days in aweek

9. Ten minus two is …

10. This is plate. Plate in Indonesia is …

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