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To Log an IPN Request Type Incident in the Infor Support Portal or Infor Concierge:

1. Go to the Infor Support Portal (formerly Infor Xtreme) and Select Incidents + Add
OR Go to Infor Concierge and select +Add New Incident.

2. If using the Infor Support Portal, select Incident Category: IPN Request and fill in the fields as outlined below but be sure to REPLACE the Product name
in the Summary and Description to be relevant to your request. Other fields default and can be kept as is.

PLEASE NOTE the special instructions for Delivery Partners in the 3rd screen shot below.
If using Infor Concierge fill in the form as outlined below. Other fields default and can be kept as is.
Delivery Partners...Please select Delivery Partner Program in the Product field if IPN Request is not available. Also select “Software Downloads/GDE/Demo
Images”if Infor Hosted CloudSuite Request is not available.

NOTE: For additional information on the process flow that occurs once your Incident is entered, click here.

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