Paper Presentations: Description

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For this assignment you and a partner will be presenting a research paper in the field of
visualization. Your foremost goal is to educate your classmates on the material in your paper.
Therefore, you must find a way to present the material such that it is approachable and
comprehendible. Demonstrating that you understand the paper, whilst leaving your classmates in
the dust, will not result in a grade that you’ll be happy with.

There are only two firm requirements for this assignment:

1. Your talk must be 7 minutes long (absolutely no longer)

2. Your slides must be sized to 16:9 (Page Setup -> Slides sized for…)

Beyond that, you may use PowerPoint, Prezi, or any other presentation software/strategy that
you’re familiar with. You are also free to include relevant information that is not directly included in
the paper (how influential the paper was, how the technique is used in practice, etc.).

40% Story
• One-sentence takeaway message
• Thorough coverage of paper material
• Overall story arc
• Geared for audience comprehension
30% Slides
• Using visuals over text where possible
• Incremental step-through
30% Execution
• Speak loudly and clearly
• Minimal reliance on slides
• Consistent, well-prepared delivery

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