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Proximity to competitors: - most service providers will

prefer to locate where competition is minimised.

Proximity to market:
businesses that make large or heavy roducts may be
located close to their customers to keep transport costs
Many service providers have to locate their premises close
Nature of business activity: to their markets, because many services are sold direct to
services -> will have to choose a location consumers.
considering the ease of access and parking Proximity to labour:
facilities. Factors affecting location businesses needing large numbers of workers have to
office - based businesses -> if large numbers of consider wage costs and labour skills -> which may very in
different regions.
people employed -> make sure there is
restaurants, cafes, etc nearby. they have to Proximity to materials:
consider employees and customers, where they businesses that use large amounts of raw materials that
are difficult to transport may choose to locate their
are find the most. locating in a very famous area premises very close to their sources.
will improve business's profile, however costs will some businesses (such as manufacturers or large
be high. supermarkets) require large lands to locate buildings, staff
manufacturing & processing -> the location chose car parks and other facilities -> therefore they look to
by manufacturers may vary. minimise land and property costs, for example, they may
set up where:
agriculture -> most farmers require large areas of
land, however everyone, it depends. - premises are cheap
- business rates are low
Impact of the internet on location decisions: - land has been allocated for
The development of online businesses means business development such as brownfiled
that many entrepreneurs have a lot more flexibility sites - *areas of land taht were once
when choosing a location.
Decisions on Location used for urban development* or green
field sites - * previously undeveloped
They can work from anywhere they have internet, areas of land, usually on the outskirts
and so no need for fixed premises. of towns and cities.*
Influence of legal controls & trade blocs on
location: governments may try to influence business Trade blocs: - group of countries situated in the
location to: same region that join together and enjoy trade free
to avoid congestion where there is already of barriers.
enough or too much development. Many countries use trade barriers (such as tarrifs
minimise the impact businesses might have on - a tax on imports which makes them more
local communities. expensive) to control the level of imports into the
to encourage manufacturers to locate where country.
unemployment is high A business might decide to locate inside a trade
government often use financial incentives to bloc (such as the African Union) -> this will allow
influence. trading from from trade barriers when selling its
attract foreign manufacturers into the country. products to any member of that trade bloc.

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