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##### The branch of lexicology that is devoted to the study of meaning is known as …

????? Semasiology
????? Onomasiology
????? Semantic
????? Polysemy
????? Paronymy
##### Semasiology studies the change in … which words under go?
????? meaning
????? word
????? morphemes
????? quality
????? sentence
##### Concept is …..
????? a category of human cognition.
????? a category of human quality.
????? a category of human noise.
????? a category of human communication.
????? a category of human voice.
##### The interrelation of linguistic signs with categories and phenomena outside the
scope of language is comprised in ……
????? meaning
????? word
????? morphemes
????? quality
????? sentence
##### The functional approach maintains that the meaning of a linguistic unit may be
studied through …..
????? its relation to other linguistic units
????? its correlation to other linguistic units
????? its version to other linguistic units
????? its similarity to other linguistic units
????? its connection to other linguistic units
##### Word meaning is ……
????? homogeneous
????? heterogeneous
????? complex
????? Semantic
????? Polysemantic
##### The component of meaning recurrent in identical sets of individual forms of
different words is …..
????? grammatical meaning
????? lexical meaning
????? phonetic meaning
????? pragmatic meaning
????? complex meaning
##### The component of meaning proper to the word as a linguistic unit is…..
????? lexical meaning
????? phonetic meaning
????? pragmatic meaning
????? complex meaning
????? grammatical meaning
##### The component of the lexical meaning which makes communication possible is
????? denotative meaning
????? phonetic meaning
????? pragmatic meaning
????? complex meaning
????? grammatical meaning
##### One of the objective semantic features proper to words as linguistic unit and
forms part of the connotational component of meaning. It is……
????? emotive charge
????? word changing
????? morpheme charge
????? emotive quality
????? sentence charge
##### The smallest two-facet language unit possessing path sound-form and meaning
is…. .
????? the morpheme
????? the theory
????? the word
????? the word combination
????? the sentence
##### The semantic component that serves to distinguish one word from all others
containing identical morphemes is ….
????? differential meaning
????? lexical meaning
????? phonetic meaning
????? pragmatic meaning
????? connotative meaning
##### The main criterion in morphological motivation is …. .
????? relationship between morphemes
????? relationship between words
????? change in semantic structure
????? relationship between sentences
????? relationship between word combinations
##### Morphological motivation is ….. .
????? relative
????? complex
????? semantic
????? co-relative
????? linguistic
##### A direct connection between the phonetically structure of the word and its
meaning is ….
????? phonetic motivation
????? morphological motivation
????? syntactic motivation
????? lexical motivation
????? grammatical motivation
##### The relationship between the central and the coexisting meaning of a word is … .
????? semantic motivation
????? cognitive motivation
????? syntactic motivation
????? lexical motivation
????? grammatical motivation
##### Change of meaning is effected through association between ...
????? the existing meaning and the new
????? the cognitive meaning and the new
????? the existing meaning and the last
????? the lexical meaning and the new
????? the comparative meaning and the new
##### The factors causing semantic changes may be subdivided into …. .
????? extra linguistic and linguistic
????? intro linguistic and linguistic
????? linguistic
????? mono-semantic and linguistic
????? extra linguistic
##### Mono-semantic word are word having ____
????? one meaning
????? two meanings
????? three meanings
????? no meaning
????? extra meaning
##### If polysemy viewed _______ word may retain its previous meaning or meanings
and at the same time acquire one or several new ones.
????? diachronically
????? mono-chronically
????? poly-chronically
????? semantically
????? morphologically
##### Synchronically polysemy is understood as …
????? the coexistence of various meanings of the same word at a certain historical
????? the coexistence of various words of the same word at a certain historical period
????? different languages which are similar or identical in lexical meaning
????? identical in sound form but different in meaning
????? the cooperation of various meanings of the same word at a different historical
##### The words of different languages which are similar or identical in lexical
meaning are … .
????? correlated words
????? learned words
????? archaic words
????? borrowed words
????? synonyms
##### Words identical in sound form but different in meaning are…… .
????? homonyms
????? learned words
????? archaic words
????? opposites
????? synonyms
##### Words homonymous in all their forms are… .
????? full homonyms
????? homographs
????? homophones
????? opposites
????? synonyms
##### Lexical homonyms differ in
????? lexical meaning
????? phonetic meaning
????? pragmatic meaning
????? connotative meaning
????? denotative meaning
##### Derivational affixes serve
????? to form different words
????? to form similar words
????? to form prefixes
????? to form conjunctions
????? to combine word combinations
##### Affixation, word-composition and conversion are
????? principal and productive ways of forming new words
????? functional way of forming new words
????? semantic way of forming new words
????? ways of combining new sentences
????? principal and productive ways of forming new sentences
##### What is shortening?
????? a significant subtraction in which part of the original word is taken away
????? a significant subtraction in which part of the last word is taken away
????? a part of the original word is taken away
????? some word is taken away
????? a positional variant of a morpheme occurring in a specific environment
##### Semantically morphemes are classified as
????? root and affixational morphemes
????? suffix and affixational morphemes
????? prefix and affixational morphemes
????? affixational morphemes
????? root
##### What is an allomorph?
????? a positional variant of a morpheme occurring in a specific environment
????? a significant subtraction in which part of the original word is taken away
????? principal and productive ways of forming new words
????? a positional variant
????? a positional variant of a word
##### Lexicography deals with
????? the theory and practice of compiling dictionaries
????? a positional variant of a word
????? a positional variant of a morpheme occurring in a specific environment
????? the theory
????? practice of compiling dictionaries

##### What does Lexicology ,a brunch of linguistics study?

????? It is the study of words.
????? It is the study of sentences.
????? It is the study of definitions.
????? It is the study of aspects.
????? It is the study of sounds.
##### What is the name of the area of lexicology specializing in the semantic studies of the
????? It is called semantics.
????? It is called phraseology.
????? It is called grammar.
????? It is called semasiology.
????? It is called sociolinguistics.
##### What do we mean by extern al structure of the word?
????? We mean its lexical meaning.
????? We mean its lexico-grammatical structure.
????? We mean its morphological structure.
????? We meanits semantic structure.
????? We mean its linguistic structure.
##### On what level is the word studied in its relationships with other words the vocabulary
????? It is studied on the simple level.
????? It is studied on the historical level.
????? It is studied on the modern level.
????? It is studied on the syntagmatic level.
????? It is studied on the paradigmatic level.
##### What is the smallest meaningful unit of speech?
????? The smallest meaningful unit of speech is a stem.
????? The smallest meaningful unit of speech is a word.
????? The smallest meaningful unit of speech is a sound.
????? The smallest meaningful unit of speech is a morpheme.
????? The smallest meaningful unit of speech is a root.
##### Which words do we call homonyms?
????? Homonyms are words which are identical in writing.
????? Homonyms are the words which are identical in pronunciation.
????? Homonyms are the words which are identical in speaking.
????? Homonyms are the words which are identical in sound and spelling.
????? Homonyms are the words which are identical in their meaning.
##### What is the leading semantic component in these mantic structure of the word?
????? The leading component is termed connotative component.
????? The leading component is called componential analysis.
????? The leading component in the word is termed transformational component.
????? The leading component is termed denotative component.
????? The leading component is called simple component.
##### Metaphor,metonymy,hyperboleare....
????? types of grammar change.
????? types of literary change.
????? types of semantic change.
????? types of general change.
????? types of morphological change.
##### By borrowing(or loan-word)we mean a word which came...
????? into the vocabulary of one language from another language.
????? into the vocabulary of many languages from one language.
????? into the stock of words of different languages from any foreign language.
????? into the vocabulary of one language from 2or3other languages.
????? into the vocabulary without any changes.
##### The conversion,derivation and compositionare....
????? the productive ways of word-building.
????? the productive ways of producing new words.
????? the productive ways of forming new meanings.
????? the productive ways of developing the language.
????? the productive ways of forming the vocabulary.
##### All morphemes are subdivided into two large classes:....and....
????? stems and roots.
????? roots and suffixes.
????? suffixes and affixes.
????? roots and affixes.
????? prefixes and affixes.
##### The process of affixation consists in coining a new word by....
????? deriving words from different languages to some root morpheme.
????? adding a suffix to some root.
????? adding a stem to some root.
????? adding an affix to some root.
????? adding some endings to some root.
????? Derivation.
????? Composition.
????? Affixation.
????? Conversion.
????? Formation.
##### This type of word-building consists in producing a new word by combining two or
more stems.
????? It is conversion.
????? It is composition.
????? It is affixation.
????? It is derivation.
????? It is shortening.
##### What three aspects of composition are there in the English language?
????? They are grammar,neutral and syntactic.
????? They are syntactic,morphological and linguistic.
????? They are simple,neutral and morphological.
????? They are compound,simple and neutral.
????? They are neutral,morphologyical and syntactic.
##### WhatarethefourtypeswhichrepresentthemainstructuraltypesofModernEnglishwords?
????? rootwords,derivatives,compound sand international words.
????? rootwords,derivedwords,loan word sand shortenings.
????? rootwords,derivedwords,compound sand shortenings.
????? compounds,shortenings,homonym sand root words.
##### Whatisthecommonwordforsuchtermsas"setexpressions,fixedword-groups,setphrases"?
????? Collocation.
????? Unit.
????? Phraseological unit.
????? Phrase group
????? Simple group
##### What is the basis of the traditional and oldest principle for classifying phraseological
????? It is based on the irassociations.
????? It is based on the irlinguistic characteristics.
????? It is based on these mantic principle.
????? It is based on their structural characteristics.
????? It is based on their original content.
##### There are words which are avoided because they....
????? are considered too simple.
????? are considered delicate.
????? are considered rude and impolite.
????? are considered ridiculous.
????? are considered funny and foolish.
##### How do we call the process of development of a new meaning?
????? We term it ''similarity".
????? We term it "transference".
????? We term it "semantic process".
????? We term it "association".
????? We term it "slang".
##### Contracted words are produced in two different ways: the first is to make a new word
from a syllable of the original word. What is the second?
????? to make a new word from the root of the original word.
????? to make a new word from the last letter sofa word-group.
????? to make a new word from the stem of the word.
????? to make a new word from the initial letter sofa word group.
????? to make a new word from the affixes of the original words.
##### What do we understand by etymological doublets?
????? Doublets are the words with the same source but different in phonemic shape.
????? These are words which have the same meaning but differ in phonemic shape
????? These are words which originated from the same source,but differ in phonemic shape
and in meaning.
????? Such words which are the same in phonemic shape but differ in meaning.
????/ Doublets are words which have the same phonemic shape and meaning.
##### There are three types of synonyms: ideographic, stylistic and absolute.What is a stylistic
????? It differs in shades of meaning.
????? It differs in stylistic characteristics.
????? It coincides in all their shades of meaning.
????? It has the same concept but differs in meaning.
????? It has the same stylistic characteristics.
##### Can we define the language spoken in the USA as an American language?
????? We define it as an American language.
????? We define it as one of the dialects of the English language.
????? We define it as an independent language.
????? We define it as a different kind of the English language.
???// We define it as a regional variety of the English language.
##### To which parts of speech do most antonyms belong?
????? They mostly belong to verbs.
????? They mostly belong to nouns.
????? They mostly belong to adverbs.
????? They mostly belong to adjectives.
????? They mostly belong to verbs and nouns.
##### What is the general tendency with the English vocabulary at the modern stage of its
????? To increase the total number of its meanings.
????? To involve the appearance of its new meanings.
????? To develop the semantic structure of a word.
????? To narrow the total number of its meanings.
????? To add new words to the English vocabulary.
##### What are syntagmatic relationships based on?
????? They are based on the basis of its vocabulary.
????? They are based on the linear character of speech.
????? They are based on the basis of its grammar structure.
????? They are based on the basis of its morphological structure.
????? They are based on the basis of its lexical structure.

##### ... are expressions that are seen as offensive and are therefore often
????? taboo
????? paronyms
????? lemma
????? eponym
????? creole
##### ... is the vocabulary available to a native speaker or a learner for encoding
purposes such as speaking, writing or translating from the native into a foreign language; it
is considerably smaller than passive vocabulary associated with decoding tasks such as
listening and reading.
????? active vocabulary
????? phraseological unit
????? dictionary information
????? onomatopoeia
????? semasiology
##### ... is a stereotyped expression mechanically reproduced in speech.
????? cliche
????? cognate word
????? creole
????? ameloration
????? paronyms
##### ... is a word in all its meanings and form, i.e. a word as a structural
element of language.
????? lexeme
????? prefix
????? lemma
????? dialekt
????? synchronic
##### ... is a word formed by taking the initial letters of the words in a phrase
or title and pronouncing them as a word.
????? acronym
????? paronyms
????? homonyms
????? cognate word
????? semiotic phraseology
##### ... is a speech variety appropriate to a particular speech situation (e.g.,
formal versus casual).
????? register
????? prefix
????? abbreviation
????? epithet
????? colligation
##### ... denotes a group of words which exists in the language as a
ready-made unit, has the unity of meaning, the unity of syntactical function
????? word- group
????? concordance
????? conversion
????? discource
????? conversation
##### ... is the adaptation of borrowed words to the system
of the receiving language in pronunciation, in grammar and in spelling.
????? assimilation of borrowings
????? affixation
????? etymological dictionary
????? corpus- oriented lexicography
????? the defining vocabulary
##### ... is a lexical item that was previously widely used but has survived
only in a particular dialect.
????? archaism
????? euphemism
????? morpheme
????? cognate word
????? neologism
##### ... is the meaning of the formal membership of a word
expressed by the word's form. i.e. the meaning of relationship manifested not in the
word itself but in the dependent element which is supplementary to its material part.
????? grammatical meaning
????? semantic narrowing
????? grammatical valency
????? active vocabulary.
????? vocabulary control movement
##### ... is a variant of a morpheme
????? allomorph
????? homographs
????? semantics
????? pejoration
????? diachronic
##### ... is the relative freedom with which affixes can
combine with bases of the appropriate category
????? productivity
????? pejoration
????? combinability
????? inflection
????? injerection
##### ... is a manner of pronunciation of a language.
????? accent
????? cognate word
????? semantics
????? dialect
????? creole
##### ... is the form to which an affix is added
????? base
????? lexeme
????? polysemy
????? etymon
????? basic
##### ... are words identical in pronunciation and spelling
????? homonyms proper
????? variants of english
????? homophones
????? collocation
????? denotation
##### What are hybrids?
????? words made up of elements derived from two or more different languages;
????? words made up of elements derived from two languages;
????? words made up of elements derived from different languages;
????? words made up of elements derived from one different language;
????? words made up of elements derived from two or more similar languages;
##### Semasiology is the branch of Lexicology that deals with
????? the study of word meaning;
????? the study of word history;
????? the study of word building;
????? the study of word origin;
????? the study of word quality;
##### Free word-groups are
????? words put together to form lexical units;
????? words put together to form grammatical units;
????? words put together to form morphological units;
????? words put together to form phonetic units;
????? words put together to form different units;
##### Perfect homophones are
????? words identical in spelling and sound-form but different in meaning;
????? words identical in pronunciation and sound-form but different in meaning;
????? words identical in spelling;
????? words different in meaning;
????? words different in spelling and sound-form;
##### Which of the following compounds are non-transparent?
# center-forward, woman-doctor, eye-specialist
##### Metonymy is based on
????? contiguity of meaning;
????? similarity of meaning;
????? quality of meaning;
????? feature of meaning;
????? difficulties of meaning;
##### What is a phraseological unit?
????? functionally and semantically inseparable word-groups;
????? functionally and semantically inseparable words;
????? functionally and semantically inseparable morpheme-groups;
????? semantically inseparable word-groups;
????? functionally inseparable word-groups;
##### The selection of lexical units, arrangement and setting of the entries is one of the
main problems in
????? lexicography;
????? morphegraphy;
????? phonography;
????? serigraphy;
????? logosgraphy;
##### The main types of dictionaries are
????? general and special;
????? general and smart;
????? bestseller and special;
????? professional and special;
????? general, mixed and special;
##### Synonyms for the word “to hope” is
????? to expect, to look forward, to anticipate;
????? to expect, to look for, to anticipate;
????? to explain, to look forward, to anticipate;
????? to escape, to look for, to anticipate;
????? to appear, to look for, to anticipate;
##### The following words dormitory, fall elevator, apartment are typical for
????? American English;
????? British English;
????? Standard English;
????? Just English;
????? Normal English;
##### Red tape, mare's nest are
????? phraseological fusions;
????? lexical fusions;
????? morphological fusions;
????? phrase fusions;
????? logical fusions;

##### Which of the following words have derived stems?

????? beautiful, girlish, activate;
????? beauty, girlish, activate;
????? beautiful, girlish, active;
????? beautiful, girl, activate;
????? beauty, girl, active;
##### Varieties of the English language peculiar to some districts and having no
normalized literary form are
????? local dialects;
????? regional dialects;
????? various dialects;
????? mixed dialects;
????? different dialects;
##### The words glamour, kilt, raid, came into English from
????? the Scottish dialect;
????? the Irish dialects;
????? the British dialects;
????? local dialects;
????? regional dialects;
##### Which of the following words is the case of a metaphor?
????? the bonnet of the car;
????? the bonnet of the house;
????? the bonnet of the dog;
????? the bonnet of the school;
????? the bonnet of the book;
##### Which of the following homonyms are partial?
????? match (n) -match (v);
????? came (n) -came (v);
????? go (n) -go (v);
????? sit (n) -sit (v);
????? make (n) -make (v);
##### Which of the given words stand for the American variant of the word “flat”?
????? apartment;
????? flower;
????? face;
????? book;
????? beauty;
##### Which of the following words are homonyms proper?
????? bank (n) – bank (n)
????? came (n) -came (v);
????? go (n) -go (v);
????? sit (n) -sit (v);
????? make (n) -make (v);
##### Dictionaries of toponyms are
????? special dictionaries;
????? general and smart dictionaries;
????? bestseller and special dictionaries;
????? professional and special dictionaries;
????? general, mixed and special dictionaries;
##### Metaphor is a transfer of name based on
????? the association of similarity;
????? the cory of similarity;
????? the feature of similarity;
????? the face of similarity;
????? the date of similarity;
##### Which of the following synonymic groups belong to total (complete or absolute
synonymy) ?
????? functional affix, inflection, flexion;
????? functional suffix, inflection, flexion;
????? functional affix;
????? inflection, flexion;
????? prefix, inflection, flexion;
##### Homographs are
????? words identical in spelling, but different both in their sound-form and meaning;
????? words identical in pronunciation and sound-form but different in meaning;
????? words identical in spelling;
????? words different in meaning;
????? words different in spelling and sound-form;
##### Compound derivatives contain
????? not less than two free morphemes and one bound morpheme;
????? not less than three free morphemes and one bound morpheme;
????? not less than one free morphemes and one bound morpheme;
????? not less than ten free morphemes and one bound morpheme;
????? not less than eight free morphemes and one bound morpheme;
##### Sources of synonyms are
????? all the above mentioned cases;
????? all the above mentioned forms;
????? all the above mentioned numbers;
????? all the above mentioned voices;
????? all the above mentioned tenses;
##### Phraseology studies
????? free word-combinations and phraseological units
????? free word-combinations and morphological units
????? free words and phraseological units
????? free word-combinations
????? words and phraseological units
##### Check for the synonyms to the word «to look»
????? to see, to gaze, to blame;
????? to make, to go, to blame;
????? to take, to get, to blame;
????? to work, to go, to write;
????? to give, to gaze, to make;
##### What common element do the words cities, tables, relations have?
????? the grammatical meaning of plurality;
????? the grammatical meaning of case;
????? the grammatical meaning of quality;
????? the morphological meaning of plurality;
????? the lexical meaning of plurality;
##### Complete the following idiom of comparison «as busy as ...»
????? as busy as a bee;
????? as busy as a fly;
????? as busy as a butterfly;
????? as busy as a bird;
????? as busy as a tree;
##### Long-legged, left-handed, sky-colored are
????? compound derivatives;
????? single derivatives;
????? free derivatives;
????? mixed derivatives;
????? fixed derivatives;
##### Glossaries are
????? unilingual books that give definitions of terms;
????? unilingual books that give sources of terms;
????? unilingual books that give spelling of terms;
????? unilingual books that give features of terms;
????? unilingual books that give difficulties of terms;
##### -er, -dom, -ness, -ation are
????? noun-forming suffixes;
????? verb-forming suffixes;
????? adjective-forming suffixes;
????? adverb-forming suffixes;
????? word-forming suffixes;
##### A proverbs is
????? a short familiar saying expressing some well-known truth;
????? words consisting of at least two stems which occur in the language as free forms;
????? words coinciding in all their shades of meaning and in all their stylistic
????? words identical in their sound -form or in graphic form or in both, but different in
????? the connection between the different in meaning;
##### Morphemes occur as
????? constituents of sentences;
????? sources of sentences;
????? differences of sentences;
????? features of sentences;
????? copies of sentences;
##### «Has been» in the following sentence «She had to be satisfied with the role of a
has been» is the result of
????? conversion;
????? hyperbole;
????? metonymy
????? comparison
????? etymology
##### Sound imitation, reduplication, clipping, abbreviation are
????? minor types of word making;
????? major types of word making;
????? various types of word making;
????? minor types of words;
????? minor types of morphemes;
##### Affixation is the formation of words
????? by adding derivational affixes to stems;
????? by adding derivational suffixes to stems;
????? by adding derivational prefixes to stems;
????? by adding derivational roots to stems;
????? by adding derivational stems;
##### A list of words in which the entry words are arranged in alphabetical order
starting with their final letters are
????? reverse dictionaries;
????? special dictionaries;
????? general and smart dictionaries;
????? bestseller and special dictionaries;
????? professional and special dictionaries;
##### What are derivational compounds?
????? compound words that have affixes;
????? compound words that have prefixes;
????? compound words that have roots;
????? compound words that have suffixes;
????? compound words that have morphemes;
##### Jargonisms are
????? words used within a particular social group and bearing a secret and cryptic
????? words different in sound-form and characterized by semantic polarity of
denotational meaning;
????? words consisting of at least two stems which occur in the language as free forms;
????? words coinciding in all their shades of meaning and in all their stylistic
????? words identical in their sound -form or in graphic form or in both, but different in
##### What are antonyms?
????? words different in sound-form and characterized by semantic polarity of
denotational meaning;
????? words consisting of at least two stems which occur in the language as free forms;
????? words coinciding in all their shades of meaning and in all their stylistic
????? words identical in their sound -form or in graphic form or in both, but different in
????? the connection between the different in meaning;
##### Structurally morphemes fall into
????? free, semi-free, bound, semi-bound morphemes;
????? free, semi-free morphemes;
????? semi-bound morphemes;
????? free and mixed morphemes;
????? semi-free, semi-bound morphemes;
##### Check for the type of word-formation in the following words: UNO, NATO,
laser, radar
????? shortening;
????? a metaphor;
????? hyperbole;
????? metonymy
????? comparison
##### What are compound words?
????? words consisting of at least two stems which occur in the language as free forms;
????? words coinciding in all their shades of meaning and in all their stylistic
????? words identical in their sound -form or in graphic form or in both, but different in
????? the connection between the different in meaning;
????? the connection between the structural pattern of the word and its meaning;
##### Absolute (or complete synonyms are:
????? words coinciding in all their shades of meaning and in all their stylistic
????? words identical in their sound -form or in graphic form or in both, but different in
????? the connection between the different in meaning;
????? words consisting of at least two stems which occur in the language as free forms;
????? the connection between the structural pattern of the word and its meaning;
##### What is motivation?
????? the connection between the structural pattern of the word and its meaning;
????? words identical in their sound -form or in graphic form or in both, but different in
????? the connection between the different in meaning;
????? words coinciding in all their shades of meaning and in all their stylistic
????? words consisting of at least two stems which occur in the language as free forms;
##### "head of a cabbage" is
????? a metaphor;
????? hyperbole;
????? metonymy
????? comparison
????? etymology
##### What are homonyms?
????? words identical in their sound -form or in graphic form or in both, but different in
????? the connection between the different in meaning;
????? words coinciding in all their shades of meaning and in all their stylistic
????? words consisting of at least two stems which occur in the language as free forms;
????? the connection between the structural pattern of the word and its meaning;
##### Which of the these proverbs expresses best the idea of the following situation?
"Very soon after his father's death Mike's mother died and he became an orphan."
????? It never rains but it pours.
????? A bad penny always turns up
????? A barking dog never bites
????? A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
????? A cat may look at a king
##### Classification of phraseological units cannot be based on
????? only on the structural principle;
????? only on the functional principle;
????? only on the mixed principle;
????? only on the importance;
????? only on the place;
##### Words borrowed from one language into several other languages are called
????? international;
????? dependent;
????? single;
????? mixed;
????? global;
##### The following words pyjamas, khaki, mango, bungalow which became
international came from
????? India
????? German
????? Russian
????? Latin
????? French
##### An exaggerated statement not meant to be understood literally but expressing an
intensely emotional attitude of the speaker to what he is speaking about is called
????? hyperbole;
????? metonymy
????? comparison
????? etymology
????? antonym
##### Which of the following words are native English?
????? empty, ask, belly;
????? story, phone, cello;
????? cake, phone, drink;
????? story, phone, pen;
????? show, teacher;
##### Which of the following phraseological units is a phraseological collocation?
????? to bear malice;
????? to see the tree;
????? to make a cake;
????? to read a book;
????? to go through the stage;
##### Which of the following words is the case of an initial clipping?
????? story, phone, cello;
????? empty, ask, belly;
????? story, phone, pen;
????? show, teacher;
????? cake, phone, drink;
##### What is the meaning of "-scribe" in the words "transcribe, subscribe, describe,
????? write;
????? read;
????? see;
????? translate;
????? make;
##### Complete the similar “as graceful as a…”
????? swan
????? butterfly
????? fly
????? animal
????? place
##### Define the etymology of the word “kindergarten”
????? German
????? Russian
????? Kazakh
????? Latin
????? French
##### Complete the comparison “to swear like a …”
????? sailor
????? maker
????? teacher
????? parent
????? sea
##### Define the nature of the semantic change in “diesel”:
????? metonymy
????? comparison
????? etymology
????? antonym
????? Glossary
##### The smallest two-facet language unit possessing path sound-form and meaning
is…. .
????? the morpheme
????? morphological
????? the word
????? phonological
????? semantic
##### The semantic component that serves to distinguish one word from all others
containing identical morphemes is ….
????? differential meaning
????? same meaning
????? opposite meaning
????? similar meaning
????? without meaning
##### The main criterion in morphological motivation is …. .
????? relationship between morphemes
????? relationship between phonology
????? relationship between morphology
????? relationship between
????? relationship between words
##### Morphological motivation is ….. .
????? relative
????? different
????? similar
????? same
????? opposite
##### A direct connection between the phonetically structure of the word and its
meaning is …. .
????? phonetical motivation
????? morphological motivation
????? phonological motivation
????? lexicological motivation
????? grammatical motivation
##### The relationship between the central and the coexisting meaning of a word is … .
????? semantic motivation
????? phonological motivation
????? phonetical motivation
????? morphological motivation
????? morpheme motivation
##### Change of meaning is effected through association between …… .
????? the existing meaning and the new
????? word and sentences
????? old and new
????? new word
????? old word
##### The branch of lexicology that is devoted to the study of meaning is known as ….
????? Semasiology
????? morphology
????? lexicology
????? semantic
????? phonological
##### Semasiology studies the change in … which words under go?
????? meaning
????? words
????? sentences
????? word combination
????? phonetic
##### Concept is …..
????? a category of human cognition.
????? a category of human language
????? a category of human rights
????? a category of human emotion
????? a category of humanism
##### Meaning comprises ….
????? the interrelation of linguistic signs with categories and phenomena outside the
scope of language
????? meanings
????? translation
????? sentences
????? words
##### The functional approach maintains that the meaning of a linguistic unit may be
studied through …..
????? its relation to other linguistic units
????? its relation to other words
????? its relation to sentences
????? its relation to other linguistic words
????? its relation to other linguistic sentences
##### Word meaning is ……
????? homogeneous
????? mixed
????? fixed
????? defferent
????? similar
##### The component of meaning recurrent in identical sets of individual forms of
different words is …..
????? grammatical meaning
????? phonetical meaning
????? morphological meaning
????? lexical meaning
????? semantical meaning
##### The component of meaning proper to the word as a linguistic unit is…..
????? lexical meaning
????? semantical meaning
????? morphological meaning
????? phonetical meaning
????? grammatical meaning
##### Homographs are
????? words identical in spelling, but different both in their sound-form and meaning
????? a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase
in the same language
????? words are different meaning
????? same meaning
????? opposite meaning
##### Which of these nouns are derived from verbs?
????? a break, a catch, a jump;
????? a frozen ,a cute ,a huge
????? a see , a variety, a complex
????? a word , a complete , a jog
????? work , match , white
##### Compound derivatives contain
????? not less than two free morphemes and one bound morpheme;
????? not less than one free morphemes and one bound morpheme
????? not less than three free morphemes and one bound morpheme
????? not less than five free morphemes and one bound morpheme
????? not less than four free morphemes and one bound morpheme
##### Sources of synonyms are
????? all the above mentioned cases;
????? in different cases
????? mixed cases
????? fixed cases
????? similar cases
##### The branch of lexicology that is devoted to the study of meaning is known as ….
????? Semasiology
????? morphology
????? lexicology
????? morpheme
????? grammar
????? semantic
##### Semasiology studies the change in … which words under go?
????? meaning
????? translation
????? pronounce
????? without meaning
????? pronounciation
##### Concept is …..
????? a category of human cognition.
????? a category of human language
????? a category of human rights
????? a category of human emotion
????? a category of humanism
##### Meaning comprises ….
????? the interrelation of linguistic signs with categories and phenomena outside the
scope of language
????? understanding
????? translating
????? meanings
##### The branch of lexicology that is devoted to the study of meaning is known as …
????? Semasiology
????? semantic
????? morphology
????? phonetic
????? lexicological
##### Concept is …..
????? a category of human cognition.
????? a category of human rights
????? a category of human speech
????? a category of humanism
????? a category of human

##### Meaning comprises ….

????? the interrelation of linguistic signs with categories and phenomena outside the
scope of language
????? exical units and the vocabulary of a language
????? the interrelation of stylictic signs
????? the study of the nature, functions and structure of stylistic devices and
with the investigation of each style of language
????? deals with segmentation of words into morphemes
##### The functional approach maintains that the meaning of a linguistic unit may be
studied through …..
????? its relation to other linguistic units
????? its relation to other words
????? its connection to other grammatic units
????? its morphological structure
????? its meaning
##### Word meaning is ……
????? homogeneous
????? antonyms
????? homonymous
????? formation of nouns
????? paronyms
##### The component of meaning recurrent in identical sets of individual forms of
different words is …..
????? grammatical meaning
????? lexical meaning
????? lexical and grammatical meaning
????? denotative meaning
????? connotative meaning

##### The component of meaning proper to the word as a linguistic unit is…..
????? lexical meaning
????? stylistic meaning
????? ideographic meaning
????? grammatical meaning
????? transferred meaning

##### The component of the lexical meaning which makes communication possible is

????? denotational meaning
????? connotational meaning
????? lexical meaning
????? denotative and connotative meaning
????? linguistic meaning
##### One of the objective semantic features proper to words as linguistic unit and
forms part of the connotational component of meaning. It is …
????? emotive charge
????? euphemism
????? contiguity of referents
????? non-variability of context
????? the word-combination
##### The smallest two-facet language unit possessing path sound-form and meaning is
????? the morpheme
????? word-building
????? the emotive charge
????? the functional approach
????? the word-combination
##### The semantic component that serves to distinguish one word from all others
containing identical morphemes is ….
????? differential meaning
????? phonetical meaning
????? morphological meaning
????? lexical and grammatical meaning
????? the existing meaning
##### The main criterion in morphological motivation is ….
????? relationship between morphemes
????? relationship between relative words
????? relationship between dialects
????? relationship between synonyms
????? relationship between functional words
##### Morphological motivation is ….
????? relative
????? function
????? combinative
????? structure
????? word building
##### A direct connection between the phonetically structure of the word and its
meaning is …
????? phonetical motivation
????? relative motivation
????? stylistic motivation
????? lexical motivation
????? practical motivation
##### The relationship between the central and the coexisting meaning of a word is … .
????? semantic motivation
????? polysemantic motivation
????? phonetical motivation
????? relative motivation
????? morphological motivation
##### Change of meaning is effected through association between …… .
????? the existing meaning and the new one
????? the semantic meaning
????? the non- existing meaning
????? the polysemantic meaning
????? the different meaning
##### The factors causing semantic changes may be subdivided into ….
????? extra linguistic and linguistic
????? linguistic
????? stylistic
????? extra grammatical
????? compounding
##### Monosemantic word are word having
????? one meaning
????? two meaning
????? five meaning
????? three meaning
????? seven meaning
##### The words different languages which are similar or identical in lexical meaning
are … .
????? correlated words
????? monolingual words
????? alternation words
????? cognate words
????? monosemantic words
##### Words identical in sound form but different in meaning are……
????? homonyms
????? omonyms
????? morphemes
????? allomorphs
????? affixes
##### What does the native element of the English vocabulary consist of?
????? Indo-European and Germanic elements;
????? Indo-European and Latin elements;
????? Indo-European and Roman elements;
????? Latin and Germanic elements;
????? Latin and Greek elements
##### Define the type of the compound word “good-for-nothing”:
????? morphological
????? grammatical
????? syntactical
????? computational lexicology
????? semantical
##### Complete the simily “as graceful as a…”
????? swan
????? flower
????? brilliant
????? gold
????? rose
##### Define the etymology of the word “kindergarten”
????? German
????? Latin
????? Greek
????? English
????? Roman
##### Complete the comparison “to swear like a …”
????? sailor
????? woman
????? dog
????? lion
????? girl
##### Define the nature of the semantic change in “diesel”:
????? metonymy
????? epithet
????? metaphor
????? simile
????? allusion
##### Define the nature of the semantic change in “the teeth of a saw”:
????? metaphor
????? epithet
????? personification
????? metonymy
????? simile
##### Define the type of word-building in the word “lady-killer”:
????? composition
????? synonym
????? morpheme
????? metaphor
????? loan
##### Define the type of word-building in the word “a find”:
????? conversion
????? allusion
????? composition
????? metaphor
????? affixation
##### Define the type of informal word “pal”:
????? colloquial
????? literary
????? slang
????? paradigmatic
????? technical
##### Define the type of the borrowing “phenomenon”:
????? loan proper
????? paradigmatic
????? syntagmatic
????? conversion
????? colloquial
##### Define the type of the phraseological unit “to meet the necessity”
????? phraseological combination
????? root changing
????? assimilation
????? morphological combination
????? conversion
##### Define the type of informal word “thou”:
????? archaic
????? loan
????? colloquial
????? technical
????? native
##### Complete the simily “as cunning as a …”
????? fox
????? bird
????? wolf
????? cat
????? monkey
##### Complete the simily “as wise as an …”
????? owl
????? man
????? father
????? scientist
????? politician
##### Complete the simily “as gentle as a …”
????? dove
????? me
????? bear
????? polite
????? human
##### Complete the simily “as red as a …”
????? beetroot
????? fire
????? bull
????? sun
????? rose
##### Complete the simily “as fat as a …”
????? pig
????? cow
????? poriidge
????? cat
????? fish
##### Complete the comparison “to get along like a …”
????? million dollars
????? single
????? flower
????? day
????? donkey
##### Give a homonym to “hair”
????? hare
????? hera
????? haer
????? heir
????? hairs
##### Give a homonym to “higher”
????? hire
????? high
????? highest
????? the higher
????? the high
##### Define the etymology of the word “ballet”
????? French
????? Italian
????? English
????? Spanish
????? German
##### Define the etymology of the word “major”
????? Latin
????? Greek
????? Roman
????? English
????? French
##### Define the etymology of the word “blitzkrieg”
????? German
????? Italian
????? French
????? Mexican
????? English
##### Define the etymology of the word “bronco”
????? Spanish
????? Italian
????? German
????? English
????? Japanese
##### Conversion is a word-building process in which words are built
????? by means of changing the paradigm;
????? by means of correlation
????? by means of changing roots
????? by means of changing the syntagmatically
????? by means of affixation
##### The synonyms of the word “to look“ are..
????? to stare, to gaze
????? to see, to view
????? to watch, to find
????? to share, to catch up
????? to carry, to buy
##### Metaphor is a transfer of name based on
????? the association of similarity;
????? the association of difference
????? relation between sentences
????? paradigmatic and syntagmatic connection
????? the meaning of word
##### Which of the following synonymic groups belong to total (complete or absolute
????? functional affix, inflection, flexion;
????? root changing
????? opposite in meanings
????? verbs
????? slang words
##### Which of these nouns are derived from verbs?
????? a break, a catch, a jump;
????? a watch, a look, a play
????? a drink, a run, a look
????? a bring, a give, a catch
????? to wait, to make, to leave
##### Compound derivatives contain
????? not less than two free morphemes and one bound morpheme;
????? only one morpheme
????? only one bound morpheme
????? two bound morphemes
????? two bound morphemes and one morpheme
##### Sources of synonyms are
????? all the above mentioned cases;
????? similar in meaning
????? same definition
????? one meaning
##### Phraseology studies
????? free word-combinations and phraseological units:
????? sentences
????? words
????? meaning of the word
????? word combinations
##### Check for the synonyms to the word «to look»
????? to see, to gaze, to blame
????? to watch, to show
????? to see, to know
????? to speak, to cry, to blame
????? to chew, to blame
##### What common element do the words cities, tables, relations have?
????? the grammatical meaning of plurality.
????? the meaning of singularity
????? the same meaning
????? the opposite meanings
????? morphemes
##### The component of meaning recurrent in identical sets of individual forms of
different words is …..
????? grammatical meaning
????? semantical meaning
????? lexical meaning
????? morphological meaning
????? denotational meaning
##### The component of meaning proper to the word as a linguistic unit is…..
????? lexical meaning
????? grammatical meaning
????? morphological meaning
????? semantical meaning
????? denotational meaning
##### The component of the lexical meaning which makes communication possible is
????? denotational meaning
????? similar meaning
????? lexical meaning
????? grammatical meaning
????? morphological meaning
##### One of the objective semantic features proper to words as linguistic unit and
forms part of the connotational component of meaning. It is……
????? emotive charge
????? semantics
????? lexicography
????? etymology
????? morphemes
##### The smallest two-facet language unit possessing path sound-form and meaning
is…. .
????? the morpheme
????? the root
????? the correlation
????? the foundation
????? the semantics
##### The semantic component that serves to distinguish one word from all others
containing identical morphemes is ….
????? differential meaning
????? similar meaning
????? semantic meaning
????? grammatical meaning
????? denotational meaning
##### The main criterion in morphological motivation is …. .
????? relationship between morphemes
????? relationship between words
????? relationship between sentences
????? relationship between phonemes
????? relationship between word combinations
##### Morphological motivation is …..
????? relative
????? meaning
????? base
????? root
????? word
##### A direct connection between the phonetically structure of the word and its
meaning is. .
????? phonetical motivation
????? grammatical motivation
????? paradigmatic motivation
????? linguistic motivation
????? semantic motivation
##### The relationship between the central and the coexisting meaning of a word is … .
????? semantic motivation
????? phonetical motivation
????? paradigmatic motivation
????? grammatical motivation
????? linguistic motivation
##### Change of meaning is effected through association between …… .
????? the existing meaning and the new
????? the grammatical meaning and the new
????? the phonetical motivation
????? the semantic motivation
????? the paradigmatic motivation
##### The factors causing semantic changes may be subdivided into …. .
????? extra linguistic and linguistic
????? linguistic and semantic
????? phonetic and grammatical
????? linguistic and morphological
????? linguistic and grammatical
##### Monosemantic word are word having …
????? one meaning
????? some meanings
????? opposite meanings
????? existing meaning
????? grammatical meaning
##### A brunch of linguistics which studies the words is ….
????? lexicology.
????? phraseology
????? terminology
????? syntagmatic
????? paradigmatic
##### All morphemes are subdivided into … large classes:
????? 2
????? 3
????? 4
????? 5
????? 6
##### Words different in their outer aspects but identical or similar in their inner aspects
are called
????? Synonyms
????? Homonyms
????? antonyms
????? homographs
????? Homonyms
##### Words of the same category of parts of speech which have contrasting
meanings are called ….
????? Antonyms
????? Homonyms
????? synonyms
????? homographs
????? Homonyms
##### Words similar in spelling but different in meaning and pronunciation are ....
????? Homographs
????? Homonyms
????? synonyms
????? antonyms
????? Homonyms
###### Words different in meaning but identical in sound and spelling or both in sound
and spelling are ….
????? Homonyms
????? Homographs
????? Homographs
????? synonyms
????? antonyms
##### Words with the same spelling, but different in pronunciation are called
????? Homographs
????? Homonyms
????? synonyms
????? antonyms
????? Homonyms
##### Words, which are different in meaning, but identical in spelling are …
????? Homographs
????? Homonyms
????? synonyms
????? antonyms
????? Homonyms
##### Which of the following words are synonyms
????? to surprise- to astonish –to amaze
????? to yell- to manufacture
????? to glitter- to bellow
????? to shiver- to roar
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are synonyms
????? to yell- to bellow- to roar
????? to yell- to manufacture
????? to glitter- to bellow
????? to shiver- to roar
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are synonyms
????? to flash- to blaze- to gleam
????? to yell- to manufacture
????? to glitter- to bellow
????? to shiver- to roar
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are synonyms
????? to glisten- to sparkle – to glitter
????? to yell- to manufacture
????? to glitter- to bellow
????? to shiver- to roar
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are synonyms
????? to shimmer- to glimmer- to glitter
????? to yell- to manufacture
????? to glitter- to bellow
????? to shiver- to roar
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are synonyms
????? to astound- to astonish –to amaze
????? to yell- to manufacture
????? to glitter- to bellow
????? to shiver- to roar
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are synonyms
????? to shout- to yell- to bellow
????? to yell- to manufacture
????? to glitter- to bellow
????? to shiver- to roar
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? lavatory- washroom- powder room
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? restroom- retiring room- comfort station
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? ladies` room- gentlemen`s room- w.c.
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? public conveniences- Windsor castle- retiring room
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? lavatory- ladies` room- powder room
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? pregnant- in an interesting condition- in a delicate condition
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? in the family way- with a baby coming- expecting
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? in an interesting condition- with a baby coming- expecting
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? in the family way- with a baby coming- pregnant
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? trousers- unmentionable- inexpressibles- indescribables
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? trousers- unwhisperables- you-must`n-mention`ems
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? drunk- intoxicated-under the influence
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? tipsy- mellow- fresh
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? high- merry- flustered
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? overcome- full- drunk as a lord
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? drunk as an owl- boiled- fried
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? tanked- tight- stiff
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? pickled- soaked- three sheets to the wind
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? high as a kite- half seas over- full
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### A brunch of linguistics which studies the words is ….
????? lexicology.
????? phraseology
????? terminology
????? syntagmatic
????? paradigmatic
##### All morphemes are subdivided into … large classes:
????? 2
????? 3
????? 4
????? 5
????? 6
##### Which of the following words are synonyms
????? to surprise- to astonish –to amaze
????? to yell- to manufacture
????? to glitter- to bellow
????? to shiver- to roar
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are synonyms
????? to yell- to bellow- to roar
????? to yell- to manufacture
????? to glitter- to bellow
????? to shiver- to roar
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are synonyms
????? to flash- to blaze- to gleam
????? to yell- to manufacture
????? to glitter- to bellow
????? to shiver- to roar
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are synonyms
????? to glisten- to sparkle – to glitter
????? to yell- to manufacture
????? to glitter- to bellow
????? to shiver- to roar
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are synonyms
????? to shimmer- to glimmer- to glitter
????? to yell- to manufacture
????? to glitter- to bellow
????? to shiver- to roar
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are synonyms
????? to shiver- to shudder- to shake
????? to yell- to manufacture
????? to glitter- to bellow
????? to shiver- to roar
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are synonyms
????? to produce- to create – to fabricate
????? to yell- to manufacture
????? to glitter- to bellow
????? to shiver- to roar
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are synonyms
????? to manufacture- to produce- to make
????? to yell- to manufacture
????? to glitter- to bellow
????? to shiver- to roar
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are synonyms
????? angry- furious- enraged
????? to yell- to manufacture
????? to glitter- to bellow
????? to shiver- to roar
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are synonyms
????? fear- terror- horror
????? to yell- to manufacture
????? to glitter- to bellow
????? to shiver- to roar
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are synonyms
????? to astound- to astonish –to amaze
????? to yell- to manufacture
????? to glitter- to bellow
????? to shiver- to roar
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are synonyms
????? to shout- to yell- to bellow
????? to yell- to manufacture
????? to glitter- to bellow
????? to shiver- to roar
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? lavatory- washroom- powder room
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? restroom- retiring room- comfort station
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? pregnant- in an interesting condition- in a delicate condition
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? in the family way- with a baby coming- expecting
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? in an interesting condition- with a baby coming- expecting
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? in the family way- with a baby coming- pregnant
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? trousers- unmentionable- inexpressibles- indescribables
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? trousers- unwhisperables- you-must`n-mention`ems
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? drunk- intoxicated-under the influence
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? tipsy- mellow- fresh
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? high- merry- flustered
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? overcome- full- drunk as a lord
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? drunk as an owl- boiled- fried
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? tanked- tight- stiff
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? pickled- soaked- three sheets to the wind
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which of the following words are euphemisms
????? high as a kite- half seas over- full
????? restroom- retired
????? public conveniences- expecting
????? unmentionable- delicate
????? to produce- to flash
##### Which words do we call synonyms?
????? Synonym is a word that has the same meaning or a close meaning to another word.
????? Synonym are words which are identical in sound and spelling, or, at least, in one of
these aspects, but different in their meaning
????? Synonym are the words of the same category of parts of speech which have
contrasting meanings
????? Synonym are words or a word group which is specifically by a particular branch of
science, technology, trade or the arts
????? Synonym are informal words that are used in everyday conversational speech
##### Which of these categories sometimes described as words with dual characteristics?
????? Synonyms
????? Homonyms
????? Antonyms
????? Homophones
????? Homographs
##### How many types of synonyms in classification system of V.V. Vinogradov’s?
????? Three types
????? two types
????? ten types
????? eight types
????? four types
##### “He gazed at her” find denotation from some of the numerous synonyms for the
verb to look?
????? He looked at her steadily and attentively; probably with admiration or interest.
????? He looked at her angrily, furiously
????? He looked at her briefly and turned away
????? He tried to see her better, but something prevented: darkness, fog, weak eyesight
????? He looked at her with tenderness
##### What types of synonyms were defined in academician V.V. Vinogradov’s
classification system?
????? ideographic, stylistic, absolute.
????? polysemantic, ideal, semantic;
????? common, bilingual, formal;
????? stylistic, colloquial, slang ;
????? absolute, semantic, formal;
##### Which synonym group may be defined as the connotation of attendant features?
????? pretty, handsome, beautiful.
????? to stroll- to stride- to trot- to pace-to swagger-to stagger-to stumble;
????? to like-to admire-to love-to adore-to worship;
????? well-known – famous-notorious-celebrated;
????? child-baby-toddler-infant;
##### In the group of synonyms to stare- to glare- to gaze- to glance- to peep-to peer, all
the synonyms denote a lasting act of looking at somebody or something except
one. Which of them describes a brief, passing look?
????? Glance
????? glare
????? gaze
????? peep
????? peer
##### Which group of synonyms is the connotation of degree?
????? to surprise- to astonish- to amaze- to astound.
????? to stare- to glare- to gaze- to glance;
????? alone-single-lonely-solitary;
????? well-known – famous-notorious-celebrated;
????? child-baby-toddler-infant;
##### How many types of connotations are there?
????? IX
????? II
????? VII
????? V
????? VIII
##### Which group of synonyms is the emotive connotation?
????? alone-single-lonely-solitary.
????? to surprise- to astonish- to amaze- to astound;
????? well-known – famous-notorious-celebrated;
????? to stare- to glare- to gaze- to glance;
????? child-baby-toddler-infant;
##### Which group of synonyms is the evaluative connotation?
????? Well-known – famous-notorious-celebrated
????? alone-single-lonely-solitary
????? child-baby-toddler-infant
????? to surprise- to astonish- to amaze- to astound
????? to stare- to glare- to gaze- to glance
##### Synonym group: to tremble- to shiver-to shudder-to shake is related to
????? Emotive connotation
????? evaluative connotation
????? connotation of degree
????? connotation of manner
????? stylistic connotation
##### Which connotation conveys the speaker’s attitude towards the referent, labeling it
as good or bad?
????? Evaluative connotation
????? emotive connotation
????? connotation of manner
????? stylistic connotation
????? connotation of degree
##### Which synonym group are differentiated not only by the connotation of
intensity, but also by the connotation of the manner?
????? to like-to admire-to love-to adore-to worship.
????? well-known – famous-notorious-celebrated;
????? child-baby-toddler-infant;
????? alone-single-lonely-solitary;
????? to stare- to glare- to gaze- to glance;
##### Which words do we call synonyms?
????? Synonym is a word that has the same meaning or a close meaning to another word.
????? Synonym are words which are identical in sound and spelling, or, at least, in one of
these aspects, but different in their meaning
????? Synonym are the words of the same category of parts of speech which have
contrasting meanings
????? Synonym are words or a word group which is specifically by a particular branch of
science, technology, trade or the arts
????? Synonym are informal words that are used in everyday conversational speech
##### Which synonym group is denote different ways and types of walking, encoding in
their semantic structure the length of place, tempo, gait and carriage,
purposefulness or lack of purpose?
????? to stroll- to stride- to trot- to pace-to swagger-to stagger-to stumble.
????? child-baby-toddler-infant;
????? to like-to admire-to love-to adore-to worship ;
????? alone-single-lonely-solitary;
????? well-known – famous-notorious-celebrated;
##### What types of synonyms were defined in academician V.V. Vinogradov’s
classification system?
????? ideographic, stylistic, absolute.
????? polysemantic, ideal, semantic;
????? common, bilingual, formal;
????? stylistic, colloquial, slang ;
????? absolute, semantic, formal;
##### Which of these categories sometimes described as words with dual characteristics?
????? Synonyms
????? Homonyms
????? Antonyms
????? Homophones
????? Homographs
##### Which synonym group may be defined as the connotation of attendant features?
????? pretty, handsome, beautiful.
????? to stroll- to stride- to trot- to pace-to swagger-to stagger-to stumble;
????? to like-to admire-to love-to adore-to worship;
????? well-known – famous-notorious-celebrated;
????? child-baby-toddler-infant;
##### Which connotation is subject to further classification, namely: colloquial, slang,
dialect, learned, poetic, terminological, archaic?
????? Stylistic connotation
????? emotive connotation
????? connotation of degree
????? connotation of manner
????? evaluative connotation
##### Which verbs differentiated by connotations of duration and manner?
????? to peep and to peer.
????? to love and to like;
????? pretty and handsome;
????? to surprise and to astonish;
????? child and baby;
##### What connotations differentiate the verbs to peep and to peer?
????? Connotations of duration and manner
????? connotation of degree and manneer
????? stylistic connotation
????? evaluative connotation and duration
????? connotations of emotive and attendant
##### Which group of synonyms is the emotive connotation?
????? alone-single-lonely-solitary.
????? to surprise- to astonish- to amaze- to astound;
????? well-known – famous-notorious-celebrated;
????? to stare- to glare- to gaze- to glance;
????? child-baby-toddler-infant;
##### Which words do we call synonyms?
????? Synonym is a word that has the same meaning or a close meaning to another word.
????? Synonym are words which are identical in sound and spelling, or, at least, in one of
these aspects, but different in their meaning
????? Synonym are the words of the same category of parts of speech which have
contrasting meanings
????? Synonym are words or a word group which is specifically by a particular branch of
science, technology, trade or the arts
????? Synonym are informal words that are used in everyday conversational speech
##### Which of these categories sometimes described as words with dual characteristics?
????? Synonyms
????? Homonyms
????? Antonyms
????? Homophones
????? Homographs
##### Who defined classification system for synonyms?
????? V.V. Vinogradov
????? V.K. Muller
????? V.D.Arakin
????? A.I. Smirnitsky
????? Norman French
##### How many types of synonyms in classification system of V.V. Vinogradov’s?
????? Three types
????? two types
????? ten types
????? eight types
????? four types
##### “He gazed at her” find denotation from some of the numerous synonyms for the
verb to look?
????? He looked at her steadily and attentively; probably with admiration or interest.
????? He looked at her angrily, furiously
????? He looked at her briefly and turned away
????? He tried to see her better, but something prevented: darkness, fog, weak eyesight
????? He looked at her with tenderness
##### What types of synonyms were defined in academician V.V. Vinogradov’s
classification system?
????? ideographic, stylistic, absolute.
????? polysemantic, ideal, semantic;
????? common, bilingual, formal;
????? stylistic, colloquial, slang ;
????? absolute, semantic, formal;
##### Which synonym group may be defined as the connotation of attendant features?
????? pretty, handsome, beautiful.
????? to stroll- to stride- to trot- to pace-to swagger-to stagger-to stumble;
????? to like-to admire-to love-to adore-to worship;
????? well-known – famous-notorious-celebrated;
????? child-baby-toddler-infant;
##### In the group of synonyms to stare- to glare- to gaze- to glance- to peep-to peer, all
the synonyms denote a lasting act of looking at somebody or something except
one. Which of them describes a brief, passing look?
????? Glance
????? glare
????? gaze
????? peep
????? peer
##### Which group of synonyms is the connotation of degree?
????? to surprise- to astonish- to amaze- to astound.
????? to stare- to glare- to gaze- to glance;
????? alone-single-lonely-solitary;
????? well-known – famous-notorious-celebrated;
????? child-baby-toddler-infant;
##### How many types of connotations are there?
????? IX
????? II
????? VII
????? V
????? VIII
##### Which group of synonyms is the emotive connotation?
????? alone-single-lonely-solitary.
????? to surprise- to astonish- to amaze- to astound;
????? well-known – famous-notorious-celebrated;
????? to stare- to glare- to gaze- to glance;
????? child-baby-toddler-infant;
##### How many types of synonyms in classification system of V.V. Vinogradov’s?
????? Three types
????? two types
????? ten types
????? eight types
????? four types
##### Which group of synonyms is the evaluative connotation?
????? Well-known – famous-notorious-celebrated
????? alone-single-lonely-solitary
????? child-baby-toddler-infant
????? to surprise- to astonish- to amaze- to astound
????? to stare- to glare- to gaze- to glance
##### Synonym group: to tremble- to shiver-to shudder-to shake is related to
????? Emotive connotation
????? evaluative connotation
????? connotation of degree
????? connotation of manner
????? stylistic connotation
##### Which connotation conveys the speaker’s attitude towards the referent, labeling it
as good or bad?
????? Evaluative connotation
????? emotive connotation
????? connotation of manner
????? stylistic connotation
????? connotation of degree
##### Which synonym group are differentiated not only by the connotation of
intensity, but also by the connotation of the manner?
????? to like-to admire-to love-to adore-to worship.
????? well-known – famous-notorious-celebrated;
????? child-baby-toddler-infant;
????? alone-single-lonely-solitary;
????? to stare- to glare- to gaze- to glance;
##### Which words do we call synonyms?
????? Synonym is a word that has the same meaning or a close meaning to another word.
????? Synonym are words which are identical in sound and spelling, or, at least, in one of
these aspects, but different in their meaning
????? Synonym are the words of the same category of parts of speech which have
contrasting meanings
????? Synonym are words or a word group which is specifically by a particular branch of
science, technology, trade or the arts
????? Synonym are informal words that are used in everyday conversational speech
##### Which synonym group is denote different ways and types of walking, encoding in
their semantic structure the length of place, tempo, gait and carriage,
purposefulness or lack of purpose?
????? to stroll- to stride- to trot- to pace-to swagger-to stagger-to stumble.
????? child-baby-toddler-infant;
????? to like-to admire-to love-to adore-to worship ;
????? alone-single-lonely-solitary;
????? well-known – famous-notorious-celebrated;
##### What types of synonyms were defined in academician V.V. Vinogradov’s
classification system?
????? ideographic, stylistic, absolute.
????? polysemantic, ideal, semantic;
????? common, bilingual, formal;
????? stylistic, colloquial, slang ;
????? absolute, semantic, formal;
##### Which of these categories sometimes described as words with dual characteristics?
????? Synonyms
????? Homonyms
????? Antonyms
????? Homophones
????? Homographs
##### Which synonym group may be defined as the connotation of attendant features?
????? pretty, handsome, beautiful.
????? to stroll- to stride- to trot- to pace-to swagger-to stagger-to stumble;
????? to like-to admire-to love-to adore-to worship;
????? well-known – famous-notorious-celebrated;
????? child-baby-toddler-infant;
##### Which connotation is subject to further classification, namely: colloquial, slang,
dialect, learned, poetic, terminological, archaic?
????? Stylistic connotation
????? emotive connotation
????? connotation of degree
????? connotation of manner
????? evaluative connotation
##### Which verbs differentiated by connotations of duration and manner?
????? to peep and to peer.
????? to love and to like;
????? pretty and handsome;
????? to surprise and to astonish;
????? child and baby;
##### What connotations differentiate the verbs to peep and to peer?
????? Connotations of duration and manner
????? connotation of degree and manneer
????? stylistic connotation
????? evaluative connotation and duration
????? connotations of emotive and attendant
##### “He gazed at her” find denotation from some of the numerous synonyms for the
verb to look?
????? He looked at her steadily and attentively; probably with admiration or interest.
????? He looked at her angrily, furiously
????? He looked at her briefly and turned away
????? He tried to see her better, but something prevented: darkness, fog, weak eyesight
????? He looked at her with tenderness
##### What connotation differentiate the adjectives pretty, handsome and beautiful?
????? connotations of attendant featues.
????? connotation of duration;
????? stylistic connotation
????? emotive connotation
????? evaluative connotation
##### Who defined classification system for synonyms?
????? V.V. Vinogradov
????? V.K. Muller
????? V.D.Arakin
????? A.I. Smirnitsky
????? Norman French
##### Which words do we call synonyms?
????? Synonym is a word that has the same meaning or a close meaning to another word.
????? Synonym are words which are identical in sound and spelling, or, at least, in one of
these aspects, but different in their meaning
????? Synonym are the words of the same category of parts of speech which have
contrasting meanings
????? Synonym are words or a word group which is specifically by a particular branch of
science, technology, trade or the arts
????? Synonym are informal words that are used in everyday conversational speech
##### Which verbs differentiated by connotations of duration and manner?
????? to peep and to peer.
????? to love and to like;
????? pretty and handsome;
????? to surprise and to astonish;
????? child and baby;
##### In the group of synonyms to stare- to glare- to gaze- to glance- to peep-to peer, all
the synonyms denote a lasting act of looking at somebody or something except
one. Which of them describes a brief, passing look?
????? Glance
????? glare
????? gaze
????? peep
????? peer
##### From which language was borrowed the word “to die”
????? scottish
????? english
????? russian
????? Scandinavian
????? polish
##### What is the meaning of the Old English word deor?
????? A certain kind of beast
????? a kind of deer
????? a bear
????? a dear
????? none of them
##### Find the correct word of OE period, which means “swindler, scoundrel”.
????? theom
????? kurel
????? knafa.
????? foreal
????? none of them
##### "I am" is reportedly the shortest sentence in the English language. Could it be that
"I do" is the longest sentence? (George Carlin). This Offer applies to
????? Homographs.
????? Homonyms
????? Antonyms
????? Paronyms
????? Homephomes
##### Homonyms
##### Two words that are spelled the same and sound the same, but have different
????? Word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another lexeme(word or
phrase) in the same language..
????? A word that means the opposite of another word
????? Words that are pronounced or written in a similar way but which have different
lexical meanings
????? Words that are spelled the same but have different meanings.
????? Words that are spelled the same but have different meanings.
##### Find a pair of homonymy words "write"
????? Words that are spelled the same but have different meanings.Right//
????? Might
????? Knight
????? Night
????? Written
##### I hope you are not _(a)_ to me.
????? Telling a lie
????? Being in a horizontal position
????? Being in a vertical position
????? Look at
????? Tiny amount
##### Two or more words identical in sound-form but different in meaning,
distribution and (in many cases) origin are …
????? homonyms
????? Antonyms
????? Synonyms
????? Homephomes
##### When two or more homonyms can originate from different meanings of
the same word when, for some reason, the semantic structure of the word
breaks into several parts, this type of formation of homonyms is called …
????? sound-imitation.
????? borrowing
????? split of polysemy
????? word-building
????? shortening
##### By their graphic and sound-form there may be …
????? Lexical.
????? grammatical
????? Theoretical
????? lexico-grammatical
????? Lexico-theoretical
##### Each of two or more words having the same spelling or pronunciation but different
meanings and origins are:
????? Homonyms.
????? Synonyms
????? Antonyms
????? Paronyms
????? Homephomes
##### "plane, plain " are words of:
????? Homonyms?
????? Synonyms
????? Antonyms
????? Paronyms
##### the third type of homonyms is called :
????? Homographs.
????? Homephomes
????? Heteronyms
????? Homoforms
????? Homephones
##### In old English the Verb "to write" had the form:
????? Writan.
????? Right
????? Writing
????? Written
????? Writted
##### words that are spelled the same but have different meanings.
????? Homographs.
????? Homonyms
????? Antonyms
????? Paronyms
????? Synonyms
##### words that sound alike but have different meaning
????? Homonyms.
????? Antonyms
????? Paronyms
????? Synonyms
????? Homephomes
##### "I am" is reportedly the shortest sentence in the English language. Could it be that
"I do" is the longest sentence? (George Carlin). This Offer applies to
????? Homographs.
????? Homonyms
????? Antonyms
????? Paronyms
????? Homephomes
##### Homonyms
Two words that are spelled the same and sound the same, but have different meanings.
????? Word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another lexeme(word or
phrase) in the same language..
????? A word that means the opposite of another word..
????? Words that are pronounced or written in a similar way but which have different
lexical meanings
????? Words that are spelled the same but have different meanings.
????? Words that are spelled the same but have different meanings.
##### Find a pair of homonymy words "write"
????? Words that are spelled the same but have different meanings.Right//
????? Might.
????? Knight
????? Night
????? Written
##### I hope you are not _(a)_ to me.
????? Telling a lie…
????? Being in a horizontal position
????? Being in a vertical position
????? Look at
????? Tiny amount
##### Borrowed words are adjusted in the ….. main areas of the new language system.

????? Three
????? four
????? five
????? six
????? seven

##### The Norman borrowings have for a long time been fully adapted to the phonetic
system of the…..

????? English Language

????? Latin language
????? Greek language
????? French language
????? Italian language

##### Parisian borrowings even the ones borrowed as early as the …

????? 15 th c.
????? 16 th c
????? 17 th c
????? 18 th c
????? 19 th c

##### Grammatical adaption consists in a complete change of the former paradigm of the
????? Borrowed word
????? slang
????? jargon
????? irony word
????? english word

##### The Russian noun пальто was borrowed from …. early in the 19 th c.

????? French.
????? Latin
????? Germanic
????? Italian
????? European

##### The Russian noun пальто was borrowed from French early in the ….

????? 19thc.
????? 20 th c
????? 21 th c
????? 22th c
????? 23th c

##### By semantic adaption is meant adjustment to the system of meanings of the …..
????? Vocabulary
????? word
????? rules
????? stages
????? purpose

##### The first space flight by…

????? Yury Gagarin

????? Tom Hardi

????? Brad Pitt
????? Maria Pei
????? Sam Huston

##### When the first space flight by Yury Gagarin?

????? In 1961
????? in 1962
????? in 1963
????? in 1964
????? in 1965

##### Shirt is a native word , and skirt is a …..

????? Scandinavian Borrowing

????? Italian borrowing
????? Germanic borrowing
????? Latin borrowing
????? French borrowing

##### Such words as these two originating from the same etymological source, but
differing in phonetic shape and in meaning are called…
????? Etymological Doublets
????? borrowed words
????? International words
????? Italian pronunciation
????? Translation-loans

##### The term loan-word is equivalent to….

????? Borrowing
????? longing
????? translation
????? word
????? loan
##### The centre of gravity of borrowed words in the stylistic classification is
represented by ….
????? Two groups
????? three groups
????? four groups
????? five group
##### Two words that are spelled the same and sound the same, but have different
????? Word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another lexeme(word or
phrase) in the same language..
????? A word that means the opposite of another word..
????? Words that are pronounced or written in a similar way but which have different
lexical meanings
????? Words that are spelled the same but have different meanings.
????? Words that are spelled the same but have different meanings.
##### Find a pair of homonymy words "write"
????? Words that are spelled the same but have different meanings.Right//
????? Might.
????? Knight
????? Night
????? Written
##### I hope you are not _(a)_ to me.
????? Telling a lie…
????? Being in a horizontal position
????? Being in a vertical position
????? Look at
????? Tiny amount
##### By etymology of words is understood….

????? Their Origin

????? Their looking
????? Their tribes
????? Their borrowings
????? Their elements

##### The first century B.C.Most of the territory now known to us as Europe is
occupied by …
????? The Roman Empire.
????? The Germanic Empire
????? The British Empire

????? The Italian Empire

????? The American Empire
##### When A.D.Several of the Germanic tribes migrated across the sea now known as
the English Channel to the….

????? British Isles.

????? Sweden
????? America
????? France
????? China

##### Show Celtic words….

????? Bald, down, glen, druid, bard, cradle

????? river, water, pen, pencil
????? sailor, moon, hat, nun
????? nonna, presbyter, candela
????? bishop, monachus, schola

##### The names of the rivers Avon, Exe, Usk, Ux originate from...

????? Celtic Words

????? Latin words
????? Scandinavian words
????? Germanic words
????? Italian words

##### What language was the official language of the Christian church?

????? Latin Language

????? Germanic language
????? Italian language
????? Chinese language
????? French language

##### Certain English words changed their meanings under the influence of ….

????? Scandinavian Words

????? Latin words
????? Germanic words
????? French words
????? Italian words

##### What epoch can well be called eventful not only in national, social, political and
human terms, but also in linguistic terms?

????? 1066.
????? 1067
????? 1068
????? 1069
????? 1070

##### This period was marked by significant developments in science, art and culture.

????? The Renaissance Period.

????? The Romantism Period
????? The Enlightenment Period
????? The Period of the Battle of Hastings
????? The Europian period

##### In the Renaissance period French borrowings came from the Parisian dialect of
French and are known as ….

????? Parisian Borrowings

????? French borrowings
????? Italian borrowings
????? Greek borrowings
????? European borrowings

##### Examples of Parisian borrowings…

????? Regime, routine, police, machine, ballet, technique.

????? Piano, violin, opera, alarm, colonel
????? State, government, council, power
????? Army, war, soldier, officer, battle
????? Pupil, lesson, library, science, pen

##### Phenomenon, philosophy, method, music, etc.were borrowed into English from

????? Latin.
????? Greek
????? French
????? Italian
????? Scandinavian

##### Examples of Norman French borrowings…

????? Pupil, lesson, library, science, pen, pencil.

????? Table, ate, saucer, river, uncle
????? Major, minor, filial, moderate, intelligent
????? Elect, create, align, manifest
????? Illusion, picture, Apple, physics

##### By the Indo-European element are meant words of roots common to all or most
languages of the….

????? Indo-European Group

????? Latin group
????? French group
????? Scandinavian group
????? Italian group

##### The Germanic element represents words of roots common to all or most…..

????? Germanic Languages

????? Scandinavian language
????? Italian language
????? Eurasian language
????? Latin language

##### These words stand quite alone in the vocabulary system of Indo-European

????? Bird, boy, girl, lord, lady, woman, daisy

????? boat, ship
????? winter, spring, summer, autumn
????? green, blue, grey, white, small, thick, high, old
????? see, hear, speak, tell, say, answer, make

##### The Norman culture of the 11 th c. was certainly superior to that of the …

????? Saxons.
????? Jutes
????? German
????? Latin
????? French

##### Distance and development are identified as borrowings by …

????? French Suffixes

????? Scandinavian suffixes
????? Italian suffixes

????? Latin suffixes

????? ermanic suffixes
##### Skin and sky are identified as borrowings by

????? Scandinavian.
????? French
????? Italian
????? Germanic
????? Latin

##### Borrowed words are adjusted in the ….. main areas of the new language system.

????? Three
????? four
????? five
????? six
????? seven

##### The Norman borrowings have for a long time been fully adapted to the phonetic
system of the…..

????? English Language

????? Latin language
????? Greek language
????? French language
????? Italian language
##### Parisian borrowings even the ones borrowed as early as the …
????? 15 th c.
????? 16 th c
????? 17 th c
????? 18 th c
????? 19 th c
##### Grammatical adaption consists in a complete change of the former paradigm of the
????? Borrowed word
????? slang
????? jargon
????? irony word
????? english word
##### The Russian noun пальто was borrowed from …. early in the 19 th c.
????? French.
????? Latin
????? Germanic

????? Italian
????? European
##### The Russian noun пальто was borrowed from French early in the ….
????? 19thc.
????? 20 th c
????? 21 th c
????? 22th c
????? 23th c
##### By semantic adaption is meant adjustment to the system of meanings of the …..
????? Vocabulary
????? word
????? rules
????? stages
????? purpose
##### The adjective gay was borrowed from….
????? French.
????? Latin
????? Germanic
????? Italian
????? Latin
##### The adjective nice was a French borrowing meaning … at first.
????? Silly
????? good
????? very nice
????? red
????? famous
##### Many of international words are of Latin and …. Origin.
????? Greek.
????? Scandinavian
????? French
????? Italian
????? Germanic
##### The first space flight by…
????? Yury Gagarin
????? Tom Hardi
????? Brad Pitt
????? Maria Pei
????? Sam Huston
##### When the first space flight by Yury Gagarin?
????? In 1961
????? in 1962
????? in 1963
????? in 1964

????? in 1965
##### Shirt is a native word , and skirt is a …..
????? Scandinavian Borrowing
????? Italian borrowing
????? Germanic borrowing
????? Latin borrowing
????? French borrowing
##### Such words as these two originating from the same etymological source, but
differing in phonetic shape and in meaning are called…

????? Etymological Doublets

????? borrowed words
????? International words
????? Italian pronunciation
????? Translation-loans
##### The term loan-word is equivalent to….
????? Borrowing
????? longing
????? translation
????? word
????? loan
##### The centre of gravity of borrowed words in the stylistic classification is
represented by ….
????? Two groups
????? three groups
????? four groups
????? five groups
????? six groups
##### What language was the official language of the Christian church?
????? Latin Language
????? Germanic language
????? Italian language
????? Chinese language
????? French language
##### Certain English words changed their meanings under the influence of ….
????? Scandinavian Words
????? Latin words
????? Germanic words
????? French words
????? Italian words
##### What epoch can well be called eventful not only in national, social, political and
human terms, but also in linguistic terms?
????? 1066.
????? 1067
????? 1068

????? 1069
????? 1070
##### These words stand quite alone in the vocabulary system of Indo-European
????? Bird, boy, girl, lord, lady, woman, daisy
????? boat, ship
????? winter, spring, summer, autumn
????? green, blue, grey, white, small, thick, high, old
????? see, hear, speak, tell, say, answer, make
##### The Norman culture of the 11 th c. was certainly superior to that of the …
????? Saxons.
????? Jutes
????? German
????? Latin
????? French
##### Distance and development are identified as borrowings by …
????? French Suffixes
????? Scandinavian suffixes
????? Italian suffixes
????? Latin suffixes
????? Germanic suffixes
##### Skin and sky are identified as borrowings by
????? Scandinavian.
????? French
????? Italian
????? Germanic
????? Latin
##### Borrowed words are adjusted in the ….. main areas of the new language system.
????? Three
????? four
????? five
????? six
????? seven
##### The Norman borrowings have for a long time been fully adapted to the phonetic
system of the…..
????? English Language
????? Latin language
????? Greek language
????? French language
????? Italian language
##### Parisian borrowings even the ones borrowed as early as the …
????? 15 th c.
????? 16 th c
????? 17 th c

????? 18 th c
????? 19 th c
##### Grammatical adaption consists in a complete change of the former paradigm of the
????? Borrowed word
????? slang
????? jargon
????? irony word
????? english word
##### The Russian noun пальто was borrowed from …. early in the 19 th c.
????? French.
????? Latin
????? Germanic
????? Italian
????? European
##### The Russian noun пальто was borrowed from French early in the ….
????? 19thc.
????? 20 th c
????? 21 th c
????? 22th c
????? 23th c
##### By semantic adaption is meant adjustment to the system of meanings of the …..

????? Vocabulary
????? word
????? rules
????? stages
????? purpose
##### The adjective gay was borrowed from….
????? French.
????? Latin
????? Germanic
????? Italian
????? Latin
##### The adjective nice was a French borrowing meaning … at first.
????? Silly
????? good
????? very nice
????? red
????? famous
##### The term loan-word is equivalent to….
????? Borrowing
????? longing

????? translation
????? word
????? loan

##### The centre of gravity of borrowed words in the stylistic classification is

represented by ….

????? Two groups

????? three groups
????? four groups
????? five group
###### If viewed structurally, words appear to be divisible into smaller units which are
????? morphemes.
????? words
????? meanings
????? word-building
????? several affixes
##### By ______ are understood processes of producing new words from the resources
of this particular language.
????? word-building.
????? structural type
????? process
????? several affixes
????? new words
##### Together with borrowing, word-building provides for enlarging and enriching the
vocabulary of the language.

????? vocabulary of the language.

????? structural type
????? process
????? several affixes
????? new words

##### in Modern English, has been greatly enlarged by the type of word-building called
????? conversion.
????? word-structure
????? process
????? several affixes
????? new words
##### Another wide-spread word-structure is a compound word consisting of two or
more stems (e. g. dining-room, bluebell, mother-in-law, good-for-nothing). Words
of this structural type are produced by the word-building process called

????? composition.
????? word-structure
????? process
????? several affixes
????? new words

##### The somewhat odd-looking words like flu, pram, lab, M. P., V-day, H-bomb are
????? shortenings, contractions or curtailed words.
????? composition
????? word-structure
????? process
????? several affixes
##### The somewhat odd-looking words like flu, pram, lab, M. P., V-day, H-bomb are
called shortenings, contractions or curtailed words and are produced by the way of
word-building called

????? shortening (contraction).

????? derived words or derivatives
????? meanings
????? words
????? derived
##### The four types (root words, derived words, compounds, shortenings) represent the
main structural types of Modern English words, and conversion, derivation and
composition the most productive ways of

????? word-building.
????? conversion
????? word-structure
????? process
????? several affixes
##### The process of ______consists in coining a new word by adding an affix or
several affixes to some root morpheme.
????? affixation.
????? word-building.
????? conversion
????? word-structure
????? process

##### _______ is part of the word consisting of root and affix

????? Stem .
????? borrowed
????? ffixation
????? word-structure
????? process
##### Lexicology is the part of linguistics that studies
????? the vocabulary of a language.
????? borrowed
????? ffixation
????? word-structure
????? process
##### The somewhat odd-looking words like flu, pram, lab, M. P., V-day, H-bomb are
called ….
????? shortenings.
????? borrowed
????? ffixation
????? word-structure
????? process
##### The word is ….
????? a speech unit used for the human communication.
????? composition
????? word-structure
????? process
????? several affixes
##### The word "ungentlemanly" consists of … morphemes.
????? five
????? 2
????? 1
????? 8
????? 12
##### The word "fruitfulness" consists of... morphemes.
????? three
????? 5
????? 8
????? 6
????? 7

##### Which of the following words have derived stems

????? beautiful, girlish, activate.
????? composition
????? word-structure
????? process
????? several affixes
##### Which of the following words are blendings
????? smog, brunch, slanguage.
????? words
????? meanings
????? word-building
????? several affixes
##### Choose the suitable prefix to the word "legal"
????? il-
????? pot
????? tan
????? ret
????? so
##### Choose the verb - forming suffix.-
????? ate.
????? op
????? go
????? me
????? wer

##### Choose the suitable prefix to the word ; justice';

????? in.
????? ir
????? tip
????? top
????? re
##### Choose the suitable prefix to the word "mobility"
????? im-
????? tip
????? ret
????? top
????? sor

##### Colloquialisms, slang and dialect words constitute

????? informal.
????? formal
????? creative
????? literary
????? business
##### Choose the line with the homographs
????? bow – bow.
????? car
????? swim
????? shine
????? scar

##### Choose the line where all the words have American spelling.
????? humor, theater, program, thru.
????? car
????? swim
????? shine
????? scar
##### Choose the suitable prefix to the word "button"
????? un-
????? tip
????? ret
????? top
????? sor
###### If viewed structurally, words appear to be divisible into smaller units which are
????? morphemes.
????? words
????? meanings
????? word-building
????? several affixes
###### Morphemes do not occur as free forms but only as constituents of
????? words.
????? meanings
????? affix
????? process
????? classes
###### Morphemes possess meanings of their
????? own.
????? meanings
????? affix
????? process
????? classes

###### All morphemes are subdivided into two large classes:

????? roots (or radicals) and affixes.
????? derived words or derivatives
????? meanings
????? words
????? derived
###### Words which consist of a root and an affix (or several affixes) are called
????? derived words or derivatives.
????? roots (or radicals) and affixes
????? Word-Building
????? new words
????? structural type
##### Words which consist of a root and an affix (or several affixes) are called derived
words or derivatives and are produced by the process of word-building known as
????? affixation (or derivation).
????? structural type
????? new words
????? Word-Building
????? meanings
##### By ______ are understood processes of producing new words from the resources
of this particular language.
????? word-building.
????? structural type
????? process
????? several affixes
????? new words
##### Together with borrowing, word-building provides for enlarging and enriching the
vocabulary of the language.

????? vocabulary of the language.

????? structural type
????? process
????? several affixes
????? new words

##### in Modern English, has been greatly enlarged by the type of word-building called
????? conversion.
????? word-structure
????? process
????? several affixes
????? new words
##### Another wide-spread word-structure is a compound word consisting of two or
more stems (e. g. dining-room, bluebell, mother-in-law, good-for-nothing). Words
of this structural type are produced by the word-building process called

????? composition.
????? word-structure
????? process
????? several affixes
????? new words

##### The somewhat odd-looking words like flu, pram, lab, M. P., V-day, H-bomb are
????? shortenings, contractions or curtailed words.
????? composition
????? word-structure
????? process
????? several affixes
##### The somewhat odd-looking words like flu, pram, lab, M. P., V-day, H-bomb are
called shortenings, contractions or curtailed words and are produced by the way of
word-building called

????? shortening (contraction).

????? derived words or derivatives
????? meanings
????? words
????? derived
##### The four types (root words, derived words, compounds, shortenings) represent the
main structural types of Modern English words, and conversion, derivation and
composition the most productive ways of

????? word-building.
????? conversion
????? word-structure
????? process
????? several affixes
##### The process of ______consists in coining a new word by adding an affix or
several affixes to some root morpheme.
????? affixation.
????? word-building.
????? conversion
????? word-structure
????? process

##### _______ is part of the word consisting of root and affix

????? Stem .
????? borrowed
????? ffixation
????? word-structure
????? process
##### Lexicology is the part of linguistics that studies
????? the vocabulary of a language.
????? borrowed
????? ffixation
????? word-structure
????? process
##### The somewhat odd-looking words like flu, pram, lab, M. P., V-day, H-bomb are
called ….
????? shortenings.
????? borrowed
????? ffixation
????? word-structure
????? process
##### The word is ….
????? a speech unit used for the human communication.
????? composition
????? word-structure
????? process
????? several affixes
##### The word "ungentlemanly" consists of … morphemes.
????? five
????? 2
????? 1
????? 8
????? 12
##### The word "fruitfulness" consists of... morphemes.
????? three
????? 5
????? 8
????? 6
????? 7

##### Which of the following words have derived stems

????? beautiful, girlish, activate.
????? composition
????? word-structure
????? process
????? several affixes
##### Which of the following words are blendings
????? smog, brunch, slanguage.
????? words
????? meanings
????? word-building
????? several affixes
##### Choose the suitable prefix to the word "legal"
????? il-
????? pot
????? tan
????? ret
????? so
##### Choose the verb - forming suffix.-
????? ate.
????? op
????? go
????? me
????? wer

##### Choose the suitable prefix to the word ; justice';

????? in.
????? ir
????? tip
????? top
????? re
##### Choose the suitable prefix to the word "mobility"
????? im-
????? tip
????? ret
????? top
????? sor

##### Colloquialisms, slang and dialect words constitute

????? informal.
????? formal
????? creative
????? literary
????? business
##### Choose the line with the homographs
????? bow – bow.
????? car
????? swim
????? shine
????? scar

##### Choose the line where all the words have American spelling.
????? humor, theater, program, thru.
????? car
????? swim
????? shine
????? scar
##### Choose the suitable prefix to the word "button"
????? un-
????? tip
????? ret
????? top
????? sor

##### Lexicology is …
????? The study of words.
????? Characterized by stability of structure
????? Called semantics
????? Informal word
????? Characterized by stability of articulation

##### The area of lexicology specializing in the semantic studies of the word is called …
????? Semantics.
????? Lexicology
????? Formal style
????? Stylistics
????? Paradigmatic level
##### Semantics is the study of …
????? Meaning.
????? Synonym
????? Word building
????? Language
????? Word formation

##### What are the main problems of lexicology (by G. B. Antrushina)?

????? The problems of word-building.
????? The problems of meaning
????? The problems of translations
????? The problems with synonyms
????? The problems with meaning

##### Modern approaches to lexicological problem are characterized by 2 different level

of study: …
????? Syntagmatic and paradigmatic levels.
????? First and second levels
????? Informal and formal
????? Functional and syntagmatic levels
????? Functional and paradigmatic levels

##### What is phraseology (by G. B. Antrushina)?

????? Is the branch of lexicology specializing in word-groups which are characterized by
stability of structure and transferred meaning
????? is studied the word in its relationships with other words
????? is branch of morphology
????? is a speech unit used for the purposes of human communication
????? is the branch of lexicology specializing by word formation
##### On the …, the semantic structure of the word is analyses in its linear relationships
with neighboring words in connected speech.
????? Syntagmatic level
????? paradigmatic level
????? semantics
????? lexicology
????? unit of communication

##### The branch of linguistics which specializes in the study of meaning?

????? Semantics
????? paradigmatics
????? stylistic
????? morphology
????? lexicology
##### The branch of linguistics which specializes in the study of word?
????? Lexicology
????? phonetics
????? stylistic
????? morphology
????? semantics

##### The branch of linguistics which specializes in the study of meaning is called
????? Semantics
????? paradygmatics
????? lexicology
????? stylistics
????? morphology
##### Who put it in The Study of Language, "Semantics is 'language' in its broadest, most
inclusive aspect. Sounds, words, grammatical forms, syntactical constructions are
the tools of language. Semantics is language's avowed purpose"
????? Mario Pei.
????? German Paul
????? Rasmus Rask
????? Lev Sherba
????? Dmitriy Likhachev
##### The modern approach to semantics is based on the assumption that the inner form
of the word (i. e. its meaning) presents a structure which is called the ... structure of
the word.
????? Semantic
????? lexicological
????? phonetic
????? grammatical
????? morphological
##### A word having several meanings is called
????? polysemantic.
????? synonyms
????? learned
????? archaic
????? semantic
##### The ability of words to have more than one meaning is described by the term...
????? Polysemy
????? semantics
????? syntegmatic
????? variety
????? coloqualisms
##### Polysemy becomes increasingly important in providing the means for enriching
the ...
????? Vocabulary
????? meaning of the word
????? grammatical structure
????? word-building
????? sentence coloring
##### How much levels is necessary to distinguish when analysing the semantic structure
of a polysemantic word?
????? Two
????? five
????? one
????? three
????? six
##### Each separate meaning seems to be subject to structural analysis in which it may be
represented as sets of ...
????? semantic components.
????? structural components
????? linguistic components
????? grammatical components
????? lexical components
##### One of the modern methods of semantic research is?
????? Componential Analysis
????? structural analysis
????? linguistic analysis
????? stylistic analysis
????? phonetic analysis
##### A monosemantic word is a word with?
????? One Meaning
????? different meanings
????? no correct answer
????? stylistic meaning
????? semantic meaning
##### The leading semantic component in the semantic structure of a word is usually
????? Denotative.
????? paradygmatic
????? monosemantic
????? stylistic
????? semantic
##### The denotative component expresses the ….. content of a word
????? Conceptual
????? paradygmatic
????? monosematic
????? stylistic
????? semantic
##### The denotative component of the word “notorious”
????? Widely Known
????? Natural
????? Alone, without company
????? Selfish
????? No correct answer
##### The denotative component of the word “to glance”
????? To Look
????? To develop
????? To create
????? To clarify
????? To show
##### To give a more or less full picture of the meaning of a word, it is necessary to
include in the scheme of analysis additional semantic components which are
termed …?
????? Connotations.
????? homonyms
????? coloring
????? colloquial
????? slangs
##### A powerful preventative against any misunderstanding of meanings is …?
????? Context
????? grammar
????? phonetics
????? speech patterns
????? sentence order
##### A studying the word's linear relationships with other words in typical contexts is
????? Combinability
????? word derivation
????? semantics
????? conversion
????? affixation

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