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Name : Nabila Amanda Putri

Class : LC86
NIM : 2502042782
Exam : English Savvy

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Ladies and gentlemen.
Let me introduce myself. My name is Nabila Amanda Putri, and i am from binus
Today, I want to presentation about summary of my exam. The topic is virtual worlds
for children

A research report says that virtual worlds can be important places where children practice
what they will do in real life. The research was done with children using the BBC's
Adventure Rock virtual world, aimed at those aged 6-12. The children could try all kinds of
things without having to be afraid of the consequences that would follow if they tried them in
the real world. They learned many useful social skills and played around with their identity in
ways that would be much more difficult in real life.
My opinion about topic number 2 is the development of this technology is also very fast,
considering the various benefits that can support our lives, especially in the fields of
education and health, making interesting to be further researched and developed. However,
being wise in using technology is also needed. Parents need to make an agreement with their
child before allowing their child to use technology.

Thank you for your listening and watching, may all those we have share be benifical for
all of us

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