English Rhymes A To Z

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See an ant, so small, so quick,

Carries a crumb, so big, so thick!

Crawls on ground, in a long line,

Taking food, back to their dine.

Sweet home, deep under the ground,

Working hard, with very gentle sound.

Busy friends, they help each other,

Strong and small, like no other!

Little legs that never tire,

Off they go, to find some more fire!


Red and round, a yummy sight,

Apples hanging, oh so bright!

Pick them up and give it all a shake,

Hear the seeds go, pitter-patter, wake!

Take a bite, it's sweet and good,

Apple juice, so yummy from the woods!

Skin is red, the flesh is white,

Makes a healthy snack and a quick yummy bite!

The core goes round, with seeds inside,

Let's plant them to watch them grow big and wide!

Sun and rain will help them sprout,

Little apple trees, all around spout!

Green and small, they'll turn to red,

More yummy apples overhead!


Big brown bear, so furry and strong,

Sniffs the air, all day along.

Looks for berries, red and sweet,

A yummy treat, that can't beat!

Climbs a tree, way up high,

Honeycomb there, way up in the sky!

Licks the comb, with happy hum,

Sticky face, but oh so fun!

Sleeps now when winter's cold,

Sleeps in den, safe and bold.

Dreams of spring, and sunshine bright,

Waking up, with all his might!

Cubs come out, small and sweet,

Mama bear, can't so beat!

Teaches them, how to climb and play,

Happy bears, all through the day!


Fuzzy bunny, hops so high,

Wiggles nose and winks an eye.

Whiskers twitch, ears stand tall,

Looking out, for one and all.

Cottontail goes up and down,

Hopping fast, all through the town.

Little nose, sniffs the air,

Carrots yummy, everywhere!

Digs a hole, warm and deep,

Cuddles close, where babies sleep.

Shiny eyes, peek out to glee,

Three or four, for you and me!

Nibbles grass, so green and sweet,

Jumping high, on tiny feet.

Tummy full, time to play,

Fluffy bunny, brightens your day!


Soft and white, or brown and round,

Bread is yummy, makes a crisp sound.

Toast it up, or eat it plain,

Spread some butter, to grab a healthy gain!

Slice it thin, for a yummy treat,

Peanut butter makes it, ‘oh so sweet!

Make a sandwich, with cheese so bright,

Lunchtime fun, a happy bite!

Tear a piece, for little birds,

Sharing kindness with happy words.

Crumbs can fall, don't you fret,

Birdies loves their best yummy bet!

Bread comes fresh, from the bakery door,

Makes a sandwich, we want some more!

Fuel for fun, and growing tall,

Bread makes a happy snack for all!


Soft and white, or black as night,

Cats mew, with all their might.

Paws so soft, that

they tiptoe near,

Whiskers twitch, with pointy ear.

See it climb, a scratching post,

Claws so sharp, but loves you most.

Curls up tight, in a ball of fluff,

Purrs so loud, soft and gruff.

Likes to chase, a ball of string,

Makes it jump, with happy spring.

Laps up milk, from a tiny dish,

Washes face, with a gentle wish.

Sleepy eyes, start to close,

Yawns a big one, time for doze.

Dreams of fish, and feathery toys,

Our cuddly cat, brings so much joy!


Frosted top, so sweet and bright,

Cake for you, a yummy sight!

Candles lit, one, two, three,

Sing a song, for all to see!

Layers stacked, so tall and round,

Chocolate chips, can all be found!

Vanilla scent, fills the air,

Birthday treat, a happy share!

Icing swirls, in rainbow hues,

Makes a smile, for me and you!

Blow out candles, with all your might,

Make a wish, and hold it tight!

Take a bite, it's soft and sweet,

Sharing cake, I bet it’s so neat!

Frosting drips, a sticky mess,

But don't you worry, it's the best!

Leftovers saved, in a plastic tub,

Yummy cake, for another grub!

Happy birthday, let's all cheer,

Cake and fun, throughout the year!


Wagging tail, says hello,

Fuzzy friend, loves to go!

Walks on leash, short or long,

Sniffs the ground, all day long.

Big brown eyes, full of glee,

Fetches ball, so happily!

Barks a loud, or playful woof,

Shiny coat, so soft and smooth.

Eats his kibble, in a bowl,

Laps up water, takes control!

Buries bone, in the dirt so deep,

Then digs it up, with a happy leap!

Loves a hug, and belly rub,

Loyal friend, gives lots of love!

Takes a nap, in sun so bright,

Dreams of treats, with all his might!

Plays with you, all through the day,

Doggy friend, in every way!

Makes you laugh, with silly bark,

Happy dog, leaves his mark!

yellow beak, and fluffy wings,

Little duck, on water, sings!

Paddles fast, with tiny feet,

Looking round, for yummy treat.

Dives in deep, for fishy bite,

Then quacks out loud, with all its might!

Feathers smooth, like fluffy down,

Swims with friends, all around the town.

Webbed feet splash, on water bright,

Sunshine warms, with golden light.

Hides in reeds, for quick peek-a-boo,

Mama duck, watches close, it's true!

Little ducklings, follow mama near,

Learning fast, to have no fear.

Waddle waddle, in a line so sweet,

Quacking fun, can't be beat!

Growing strong, with every day,

Soon they'll fly, and soar away!

Happy ducks, in sunny skies,

Quacking loud, with happy cries!


Big grey ears, that flap so wide,

Elephant walks, with giant stride.

Trunk so long, it sniffs the air,

Finds some grass, for a yummy share!

Tusks so white, strong and tall,

Sprays water so high, for a call.

Wrinkled skin, so soft and thick,

Wades in mud, with happy flick!

Trumpets loud, a happy sound,

Friends all near, can all be found.

Baby elephant, small and sweet,

Holds on tight, with tiny feet.

Walks in line, a family grand,

Strong and gentle, through the land.

Eats and plays, all through the day,

Elephants are here to stay!

White and oval , in a carton so neat,

Eggs for breakfast, is a very big feat!

Crack it open, with gentle care,

Yellow yolk, and white make a best pair.

Scrambled soft, or fried so bright,

Yummy eggs, make mornings light.

In a cake, they help it rise,

Fluffy treats, for a big price!

Hens lay eggs, in a cozy nest,

Baby chicks, soon will be our guest!

Crack and hatch, with fluffy peep,

Tiny beaks, ready to eat.

Eggs can roll, with a little push,

But be careful, don't make a mush!

Paint them bright, for Easter fun,

Hiding eggs, for everyone!

Omelet, quiche, or sunny side up,

Eggs in so many ways to sup!

So next time you're feeling hungry,

Eggs for breakfast, oh so yummy!


See a fish, swimming so fast,

Silvery scales, that shimmer and last!

Fins so quick, a flick of the tail,

Through the water, they never fail.

Bubbles rise, to the bright blue sky,

Little fish, swim way up high.

Schooling together, a shimmering sight,

Shiny scales, catching sunlight.

Open wide, a tiny mouth,

Gobbles food, from north to south.

Seaweed snacks, and yummy shrimp,

Keeping healthy, with a happy jump!

Sharp little teeth, in a row so neat,

Nibbling plants, a fishy treat!

Hides in rocks, for a quick peek-a-boo,

Playing games, in the ocean blue.

Big or small, with stripes so bright,

Fishy friends, are a joyful sight!

Swimming free, in the ocean deep,

Happy fish, secrets they keep!

Conclusion: We learned all about fish today! Can you name some of the things fish like to eat?


Fruits are yummy, so good to eat,

Healthy snacks, can't be beat!

Red and round, or yellow and bright,

Full of vitamins, a yummy bite!

Apples hang from tall green trees,

Sweet and juicy, a gentle breeze.

Bananas grow in bunches high,

Peel the skin, and wave goodbye!

Strawberries red, like tiny hearts,

Full of flavor, right from the start!

Oranges round, with skin so bright,

Squeeze them tight, for juicy delight!

Grapes so small, in purple bunches,

Pop them in your mouth, for yummy munches!

Watermelon, big and round,

Juicy treat, on the playground!

Fruits come in all shapes and sizes,

Healthy choices, with happy prizes!

So next time you're feeling peckish,

Grab a fruit, for a yummy finish!

Conclusion: We learned all about different fruits today! What color is your favorite fruit?


Look up high, on a grassy hill,

See the goats, with a happy thrill!

Hoofs so strong, they climb and leap,

Over rocks, where the grass is deep.

White or brown, with fluffy coats,

Chewing leaves, and bleating notes.

Long beard wags, as they munch and play,

Happy goats, throughout the day.

Horns so small, on top of their head,

Butting heads, in a game instead!

Swinging tails, and ears that flop,

Funny goats, never want to stop!

Eating grass, a healthy treat,

Milk they give, so yummy and sweet!

Cheese is made, from their creamy milk,

A yummy snack, so soft and silky!

Baby goats, called little kids,

Skip and jump, with happy bids!

Following mama, close and tight,

Staying safe, in the morning light.

Goats are fun, and full of cheer,

Climbing high, with no fear!

So next time you see a grassy hill,

Look for goats, with happy will!

Conclusion: We learned all about playful goats today! What sound do goats make


Girls are strong, with a happy smile,

They can run and jump for a little while!

Hair so long, or short and bright,

Wearing dresses, or jeans so tight.

Playing games, with friends all near,

Building castles, with lots of cheer!

Swinging high, on a sunny day,

Laughing loud, in a playful way.

Drawing pictures, with crayons neat,

Singing songs, so very sweet!

Reading books, with words so new,

Learning lots, there's so much to do!

Girls can be doctors, or teachers wise,

Helping others, with gentle eyes.

Building rockets, that fly so high,

Reaching for dreams, way up in the sky!

Girls are kind, with hearts so true,

Sharing toys, with me and you!

Helping others, in any way,

Making the world, a brighter day!

Conclusion: Girls can be anything they want to be! What do you like to do when you play?


Hats come in all shapes and sizes,

Keeping heads warm, with happy prizes!

Wooly hats, for winter's chill,

Keeps us snug, safe from the hill.

Baseball caps, with brims so wide,

Shade our eyes, when we go outside!

Party hats, with colors bright,

Sing and dance, with all our might!

Sunhats floppy, with ribbons tied,

Protect our skin, when we go outside!

Cowboy hats, for a western scene,

Giddy up, on a grassy green!

Beanies warm, for little ears,

No more shivers, or wintery tears!

Bucket hats, with a floppy rim,

Looking cool, with a happy whim!

Hats with pompoms, so soft and round,

Bouncing high, with a happy sound!

Birthday hats, with candles lit,

Make a wish, and don't forget!

Wear a hat, when the sun is bright,

Keeps us safe, with all its might!

So many styles, to choose from you see,

Find your favorite, for you and me!

Conclusion: Hats come in so many styles! What kind of hat do you like to wear?


Big brown horse, with a whinny loud,

Neighs hello, from a happy crowd!

Shiny coat, so smooth and strong,

Muscles rippling, all day long.

Hooves so big, they stomp and pound,

Galloping fast, across the ground!

Manes and tails, so long and flow,

Waving high, in a gentle blow.

Horses wear, a saddle high,

Take us riding, way up in the sky!

Hold on tight, with happy glee,

Horses take us, where we want to be!

Horses eat, from a bale of hay,

Crunch and munch, all through the day!

Drink from troughs, with a happy slurp,

Staying cool, with a happy chirp!

Horses strong, help us pull the cart,

Carrying things, right from the start!

Horses gentle, and kind and true,

Lots of love, for me and you!

See them race, with a mighty stride,

Fast as lightning, side by side!

Horses whinny, with all their might,

Winners cheer, with happy sight!

Conclusion: We learned all about horses today! What sound do horses make?


Tiny baby, so soft and new,

Eyes so bright, a pretty blue!

Cuddles tight, in mommy's arms,

Safe and warm, with no alarms.

Little fingers, curl and grasp,

Learning new things, ever so fast!

Gurgling sounds, and happy coo,

Talking soon, me and you!

Milk so yummy, in a bottle bright,

Drinking slow, with all their might.

Burps and yawns, a sleepy sigh,

Time for bed, with a gentle cry.

Diapers changed, with love so true,

Clean and comfy, just for you!

Rocking chair, a gentle sway,

Dreams of milk, all through the day.

Crawling soon, exploring near,

Curious eyes, with no fear!

Giggles loud, with happy glee,

Learning to grow, for you and me!

Infants precious, a gift so sweet,

Cuddles, kisses, can't be beat!

Growing strong, with every day,

Happy infants, light our way!

Conclusion: We learned all about babies today! What sounds do babies make?


Clothes come in all shapes and styles,

Keeping us comfy, for happy miles!

T-shirts cool, for sunny days,

Jeans so comfy, in lots of ways.

Dresses twirl, with colors bright,

Looking fancy, with all our might!

Pajamas soft, for bedtime snuggles,

Dreaming sweet dreams, with happy buggles.

Sweaters warm, when the wind blows cold,

Hats and mittens, to keep us bold!

Socks so soft, on little feet,

Shoes that tie, or sandals sweet.

Different clothes, from all around,

Make the world a colorful ground!

Saris bright, with patterns bold,

Dhotis wrapped, stories untold.

Kimonos flow, with gentle grace,

Kilts so proud, with a happy face!

Clothes can tell us, where we're from,

Sharing cultures, have lots of fun!

Conclusion: Clothes come in so many styles! What's your favorite outfit to wear?


See a box, with colors bright,

Juice inside, a yummy sight!

Apple juice, or orange too,

Full of vitamins, good for you!

Straw so bendy, poke it in,

Hear it slurp, with a happy grin!

Take a sip, so sweet and cool,

Refreshes you, after playing pool.

Red and purple, orange and green,

So many flavors, a joyful scene!

Pour it slow, in a little cup,

Don't spill it out, that's a big sup!

Made from fruit, all mashed and pressed,

Nature's goodness, you can't be stressed!

Ice cubes clink, in a sunny day,

Juice so cold, keeps the heat away!

Breakfast time, or afternoon snack,

Juice is yummy, there's no turning back!

Healthy drink, with a happy smile,

Makes you strong, for a little while!

Conclusion: We learned all about yummy juice today! What's your favorite flavor?


Blue and strong, with pockets deep,

Jeans are comfy, for you to leap!

Climb and crawl, on the playground bright,

Knees won't scrape, with all their might.

Buttons click, and zippers zip,

Getting dressed, with a happy flip!

Belt so cool, with a buckle shine,

Holding tight, a perfect line.

Denim rough, but soft and warm,

Perfect pants, to weather a storm!

Grass stains green, and dirt so brown,

Jeans can handle, any town.

Painting messy, or playing ball,

Jeans take bumps, and never stall!

Slide down slides, with a happy shout,

Jumping high, what's all about?

Sharing toys, with friends so near,

Jeans don't rip, with never a fear!

Wash them clean, in soapy suds,

Ready for fun, in happy buds.

Jeans come in all shapes and styles,

Skinny or wide, for happy smiles!

Pick your favorite, a perfect fit,

Jeans are comfy, can't be beat!

Conclusion: We learned all about jeans today! What other clothes do you like to wear with your jeans?


See a kite, so high up in the sky,

Strings so long, way up they fly!

Red and blue, or yellow bright,

Dancing high, with all its might.

Wind blows strong, it pulls the string,

Kite goes higher, on joyful wing!

Run and hold, with happy feet,

Up it goes, a soaring feat.

Dips and dives, in the blue so wide,

Like a bird, it wants to ride!

Tail so long, it swishes free,

Happy kite, for you and me!

Diamond shape, or a funny face,

Kites can fly, in any space!

Make your own, with paper bright,

Draw a picture, with all your might.

Decorate it, with ribbons too,

Let the wind blow, way up and new!

Hold it tight, don't let it go,

Kites are fun, in a gentle blow.

So next time there's a windy day,

Fly a kite, and shout hooray!

Reach for dreams, so high and bright,

Kites can fly, with all their might!

Conclusion: We learned about kites today! What colors would you use to decorate your kite?


Jingle jangle, in a bunch so bright,

Keys unlock doors, with all their might!

Shiny metal, with teeth so small,

Fits in the lock, to stand so tall.

Big and heavy, for the front door wide,

Smaller keys, for places to hide!

Car keys beep, with a happy sound,

Starting the car, to drive around.

Mommy's purse, with a zipper tight,

Keys inside, to keep things right!

Daddy's pocket, a jingling tune,

Unlocking treasures, under the moon.

Keys can open, a box of toys,

Secrets hidden, for girls and boys!

Piano keys, so black and white,

Make music play, with all their might.

Hold them tight, don't lose a one,

Keys unlock fun, for everyone!

Be careful not to put them in your ear,

Keys are special, to have them nearby!

So next time you see a jingling ring,

Keys unlock joy, the happy things!


See a lemon, bright and round,

Yellow skin, a happy sound!

Pick it up, it feels so cool,

Not for snacks, follow the rule!

Sniff the rind, a citrusy scent,

Makes you pucker, with a happy dent!

Lemons grow, on a tall green tree,

Sunshine makes them, happy and free!

Squeeze it tight, but be so slow,

Juice comes out, watch it go!

Sour and tart, not for your cup,

But for cleaning, it picks things up!

Cut it open, in half so neat,

Seeds inside, a tiny treat!

Lemon water, mixed just right,

Sipping slow, with all your might!

Makes us healthy, keeps us strong,

Lemons help us, all day long!

Yellow sunshine, in a tasty bite,

Lemons make things, oh so bright!


See a lamp, with shade so bright,

Lights up dark, with gentle light.

Turn the knob, a twist so small,

Darkness fades, and shadows fall.

Bulb inside, so warm and white,

Chases away, the lonely night.

Standing tall, or short and round,

Lamps bring light, with happy sound.

Reading books, with pictures neat,

Lamplight helps, with all its feat!

Playing games, with blocks so high,

Lamplight shines, so you can spy!

Nightlight glows, a friendly face,

Keeping monsters, out of place!

Soft and gentle, on the wall,

Lamplight whispers, not to fall.

Living room, or bedroom bright,

Lamps bring cheer, with all their might!

Colorful shades, for you to see,

Lamps add fun, happily!

Turn it off, when the sun comes high,

Lamps rest now, until you cry!

Sleepy time, with gentle light,

Lamps say goodnight, with all their might!


Round and bright, in the night sky,

Moon looks down, with a gentle eye.

Silvery glow, on a bed of black,

Twinkling stars, join the happy track.

Made of rock, so far away,

Shines with light, borrowed each day!

Sunbeams bounce, a magic trick,

Moon reflects, with a happy flick.

Astronauts brave, in a rocket tall,

Flew to the moon, and had a ball!

Planted a flag, so red and white,

Moon adventures, what a sight!

Moon can change, a shape so neat,

Full and round, a yummy treat!

Crescent thin, a happy smile,

Winking down, for a little while.

Sleepy time, with moon so bright,

Stars say hush, with all their might.

Sweet dreams fly, on silver rays,

Moon whispers goodnight, in many ways!

Mango round, so yellow bright,

Hangs from tree, with all its might!

Skin so smooth, a green so cool,

Sweet surprise, inside the pool.

Pick it down, with gentle care,

Yellow flesh, so yummy there!

Slice it open, with a happy grin,

Golden sunshine, tucked within.

Seed so big, and hard and round,

Plant it deep, in fertile ground!

Little sprout, will soon appear,

Mango magic, growing near!

Sweet and juicy, a summer treat,

Mango smiles, can't be beat!

In a smoothie, or sliced so neat,

Mango goodness, can't be beat!

Ice cream cold, or in a pie,

Mango flavor, reaches high!

Sticky fingers, don't you fret,

Mango fun, we won't forget!

From the seed, to a yummy bite,

Mango magic, takes flight!

Tropical treat, for you and me,

Sweetest fruit, from a mango tree!


Up high in a tree, with leaves so green,

See a nest, a feathery scene!

Made of twigs, and softest down,

Cozy home, in a happy town.

Mama bird, with feathers bright,

Sits on eggs, with all her might!

Keeping warm, with gentle wing,

Little chicks, soon they will sing!

Crack and hatch, with fluffy peep,

Tiny beaks, ready to eat!

Worms and bugs, a yummy treat,

Mama bird finds, can't be beat!

Growing fast, with every day,

Learning to fly, in a playful way!

Flapping wings, and wobbly flight,

Nest too small, time to take flight!

So next time you see a tree so tall,

Look for a nest, before you fall!

Birdie babies, safe and sound,

Happy chirps, all around!

See the noodles, long and thin,

Swirling round, a happy din!

White or yellow, in a bunch so neat,

Ready for lunch, a yummy treat!

Boiling pot, with water hot,

Noodles in, with a happy plot!

Stir them slow, don't let them stick,

Cooking noodles, with a happy flick.

Drain the water, in a colander bright,

Noodles cool, with all their might!

Yummy sauce, so red and sweet,

Noodles love it, can't be beat!

Slurp them up, with a happy smile,

Noodles wiggle, for a little while!

Cheesy noodles, or with veggies green,

Noodles yummy, on the happy scene!

Chopsticks hold, or use a fork,

Noodles fun, for every fork!

Eating slow, don't make a mess,

Noodles happy, put them to the test!

So next time you're feeling hungry,

Noodles waiting, oh so yummy!

Soup or stir-fry, a perfect bite,

Noodles for lunch, with all their might!

Round and bright, a happy sight,

Orange hanging, oh so tight!

Peel it open, with gentle care,

Orange slices, waiting there!

Orange skin, so bumpy too,

Juicy goodness, just for you!

Pop a slice, in your little mouth,

Sweet and tangy, from the south!

Section by section, a juicy treat,

Sunshine flavor, can't be beat!

Seeds so white, you can plant them low,

Watch an orange tree, begin to grow!

Squeeze it tight, for yummy juice,

Refreshing drink, a happy truce!

In a smoothie, or a citrus pie,

Oranges bring sunshine, way up high!

Vitamin C, to keep you strong,

Oranges help you, all day long!

A healthy snack, so bright and round,

Oranges make happiness abound!

Big brown eyes, that blink so slow,

Owl awake, when night winds blow!

Feathers soft, in shades of gray,

Hoots and whistles, through the day (change "day" to "night" for accuracy).

Wise old owl, in a hollow tree,

Sees the world, for all to see!

Head turns round, with swivel might,

Following sounds, throughout the night.

Sharpest eyes, can see so clear,

Catching mice, without a fear!

Silent wings, they make no sound,

Hunting softly, all around.

Big white beak, and tiny claws,

Grabs its prey, with happy paws!

Swallows whole, then hoots with glee,

Nighttime hunter, happy and free!

Babysitting owls, in a cozy nest,

Fluffy owlets, they love the best!

Learning to fly, with wobbly wings,

Hooting lessons, the night wind sings.

So next time you hear a hooting sound,

Look for owls, that fly around!

Wise and silent, in the dark night,

Owls are cool, with all their might!

Furry friends, with wagging tails,
Our pet dogs, on happy trails!

Meow, meow, meows, a purring sound,

Our cuddly cats, can always be found!

Furry bunnies, hop and hide,

Tiny noses, wiggle wide!

Feathery friends, with chirps so sweet,

Parakeets sing, on tiny feet!

Fishy friends, in bowls so bright,

Swim and wiggle, with all their might!

Scales so shiny, fins that glide,

Watching fish, makes us happy inside!

Hamsters small, with wheels that spin,

Running fast, to win, win, win!

Turtles slow, with shells so strong,

Carry their home, all day long!

Pets are friends, they love to play,

Cuddle close, at the end of the day!

Lots of love, and happy wags,

Our furry friends, leave happy brags!


See a parrot, bright and bold,

Feathers colorful, a sight to behold!

Red and green, or yellow and blue,

Parrots talk, just like me and you!

Swinging high, in a golden cage,

Cracking nuts, they love to engage!

Seeds and fruit, a yummy treat,

Parrots chatter, with happy feet.

Mimicking sounds, with voices clear,

"Hello" they say, to banish fear!

Learning words, with a happy chirp,

Parrots talkative, never a slurp!

Climbing ladders, with beaks so strong,

Hanging upside down, all day long!

Playing tricks, with a happy squeak,

Parrots are funny, for a little peek!

Smart and playful, a feathered friend,

Parrots bring joy, that never ends!

So next time you see a parrot bright,

Say hello, with all your might!


Soft and cozy, squares so bright,

Grandma's quilt, keeps us warm at night!

Patches sewn, with love so true,

Stories hidden, just for you!

Red and blue, and green and white,

Each square a picture, oh so tight!

Flowers bloom, and animals roam,

Quilt adventures, waiting for home!

Granny squares, and flying geese,

Diamond shapes, to bring us peace.

Stitches tiny, in a happy row,

Quilt keeps us snug, from head to toe.

Folded neat, on Grandma's bed,

Unfold the squares, stories are said!

Pirates sailing, on the deep blue sea,

Quilt adventures, waiting for me!

Cuddling close, with a happy sigh,

Grandma's quilt, makes tears go dry.

Love and warmth, in every stitch,

Quilt magic, with a happy switch!

So next time you feel a little cold,

Wrap up tight, in the stories told!

Grandma's quilt, with love so deep,

Cozy comfort, for a happy sleep!

Que- Barbecue

Sunshine bright, and a gentle breeze,

Time for barbecue, under the trees!

Yummy smells, and sizzling sound,

Hot dogs cooking, all around!

Hamburger’s grilling, with a happy sizzle,

Buns so soft, with a happy drizzle!

Ketchup, mustard, and relish too,

Barbecue feast, just for you!

Corn on the cob, with butter so bright,

Sweet and juicy, a yummy bite!

Potato salad, in a bowl so cool,

Refreshing treat, following every rule!

Hot dogs dancing, in a happy flame,

Hamburgers sizzling, whispering your name!

Plates piled high, with yummy treats,

Barbecue fun, can't be beat!

Family gathered, with smiles so wide,

Laughter and stories, side by side!

Full and happy, at the end of the day,

Barbecue memories, here to stay!

Tiny birds, with little crests,

See the quails, in fluffy nests!

Brown and white, like speckled eggs,

Hiding low, where the tall grass begs.

Running fast, on tiny feet,

Peeping loud, a happy feat!

Baby chicks, so soft and new,

Follow mama, with a happy hue.

Seeds they eat, and bugs they find,

Busy birds, of every kind!

In the fields, they like to roam,

Hiding safe, from a far off home.

Whistle calls, a happy sound,

Quails know secrets, all around!

Shy and gentle, quick as can be,

Quails are fun, for you and me!

Warm sunshine, makes them sing,

Quails bring joy, on tiny wing!

So next time you see a field so green,

Look for quails, a happy scene!


Wiggly nose, and fluffy ears,

See the rabbit, hopping near!

Cottontail white, a bouncing ball,

Hopping high, with a happy sprawl.

Brown or white, with fur so soft,

Nibbling carrots, oh so oft!

Hiding low, in a burrow deep,

Safe and cozy, while others sleep.

Whiskers twitch, and eyes so bright,

Watching out, with all their might!

Long jump leap, a happy dash,

Through the grass, with a happy splash.

Big ears listen, for every sound,

Safety first, all around!

Burrowing deep, when danger calls,

Safe and hidden, within the walls.

Sniffing noses, for yummy treats,

Clover patches, and garden eats!

Baby bunnies, with eyes so blue,

Hopping after mama, me and you!

Rabbits cute, with gentle soul,

Happy friends, to make us whole!

So next time you see a field so green,

Look for rabbits, a joyful scene!


Round and soft, a yummy sight,

Breakfast rolls, so warm and light!

Golden brown, from the oven's heat,

Buttery smell, oh so sweet!

Sesame seeds, or poppyseed too,

Pick your favorite, just for you!

Slice it open, with a happy grin,

Melted butter, seeping in!

Honey or jam, a yummy spread,

Makes your taste buds, jump right ahead!

Ham or cheese, a perfect pair,

Rolls for breakfast, beyond compare!

Tear and share, with friends all near,

Rolls bring joy, and banish fear!

Dip them in soup, for a happy dunk,

Rolls are yummy, from every chunk!

Easy to hold, in little hands,

Rolls are fun, for snacking bands!

Leftover rolls, can make a toast,

Yumminess never, wants to boast!

So next time you see a bakery bright,

Pick some rolls, with all your might!

Soft and delicious, a happy treat,

Rolls are yummy, can't be beat!


See the sun, up in the sky,

Shiny bright, way up high!

Yellow rays, warm and so neat,

Melts the snow, on the winter street.

Sunbeams dance, on the playground green,

Making puddles, sparkle and sheen!

Flowers open, with happy smiles,

Sunshine kisses, for a little while.

Birds sing loud, with a happy chirp,

Waking up the whole wide world!

Sunshine helps, the plants to grow,

Tall and strong, in a happy row.

Beach day fun, with sand so bright,

Sunscreen on, for a happy sight!

Building castles, by the seashore,

Sunlight glistens, evermore.

Sunglasses cool, to shade your eyes,

Sun shines down, from way up high!

Ice cream melting, with a happy drip,

Sunshine fun, with a happy flip.

Sun goes down, at the end of day,

Stars come out, in a milky way!

Moonbeams glow, with a gentle light,

Sun says goodnight, with all its might!

See a pot, on the stove so hot,

Soup inside, bubbling a lot!

Chicken noodle, or tomato bright,

Warm and yummy, a happy sight!

Vegetables chopped, in pieces small,

Swimming round, with a happy sprawl!

Carrots and peas, and green beans too,

Soup is healthy, just for you!

Letters in the alphabet soup,

Can you find them, with a happy scoop?

S for spoon, and B for bowl,

Soup time fun, to make you whole!

Bread so soft, for dipping fun,

Soaking up soup, until it's done!

Slurp it slow, don't make a mess,

Soup is yummy, put it to the test!

Broccoli trees, and noodle strands,

Soup adventures, in happy lands!

Full and happy, at the end of play,

Soup warms you up, in a yummy way!

See a tiger, stripes so bold,

Orange fur, a story untold!

Big and strong, with a mighty roar,

King of the jungle, and that's for sure!

Whiskers twitch, and eyes so bright,

Watching prey, with all their might!

Silent steps, they stalk the ground,

Hunting games, with a happy sound.

Sharpest claws, and teeth so white,

They pounce and play, with all their might!

Stripes like fire, a danger sign,

But tigers are graceful, truly divine.

In the tall grass, they sleep all day,

Cooling off, in a shady way!

Waking up, when the sun goes down,

Tiger time, prowling all around.

Baby cubs, with playful paws,

Learning secrets, from mama's claws!

Roaring loud, with a happy squeal,

Tiger cubs, for you to reveal!

So next time you see a picture bright,

Of a tiger, with stripes so white,

Remember the king, of the jungle scene,

A mighty hunter, so proud and keen!

Round and red, a happy sight,

Tomato growing, oh so bright!

On the vine, it hangs so high,

Ready for picking, by and by.

Green at first, then turns so red,

Juicy goodness, inside its head!

Slice it open, with a happy grin,

Seeds so tiny, tucked within.

In salads cool, or on a slice,

Tomatoes yummy, oh so nice!

Ketchup sweet, or salsa bright,

Tomatoes flavor, takes flight!

Pizza topping, round and red,

Melted cheese, on top instead!

Soup so yummy, with a happy slurp,

Tomatoes make it, never a curp!

Healthy snack, for you and me,

Tomatoes grow, on a happy tree! (Change "tree" to "vine" for accuracy)

Vitamin A, to keep you strong,

Tomatoes help you, all day long!

So next time you see a color bright,

Red and round, a yummy sight,

Pick a tomato, take a bite,

A juicy treat, with all its might!

Rain falls down, a pitter patter,

Need an umbrella, that won't shatter!

Open wide, with a happy snap,

Keeps us dry, from head to lap.

Red or blue, or yellow bright,

Rainbow colors, a happy sight!

Dots and stripes, or plain and neat,

Pick your favorite, on the street.

Hold it tight, with a little hand,

Walking slow, across the land!

Puddles splash, with a happy sound,

Umbrella keeps us, safe and sound.

Raindrops slide, off the silky top,

Underneath, we make a happy hop!

Wind may blow, but don't you fret,

Umbrella strong, won't get wet!

Sunshine peeks, the rain is done,

Fold it up, with lots of fun!

Drying raindrops, with a happy sigh,

Umbrella friend, keeps us dry!


Uncle comes, with a smile so wide,

Bringing toys, for you to ride!

Big strong arms, for a happy hug,

Uncle's here, for a playful tug!

Funny jokes, and silly sounds,

Uncle makes you, jump right off the ground!

Building blocks, so tall and high,

Uncle helps you, reach for the sky!

Reading books, with pictures bright,

Uncle whispers, stories through the night!

Playing games, with cards so neat,

Uncle teaches, how to win and not be beat!

Magic tricks, with a happy wink,

Uncle's magic, makes your heart sink!

(Then makes it jump with a happy surprise!)

Uncle's fun, in a sweet disguise!

Cookies warm, and milk so white,

Uncle brings treats, with all his might!

Singing songs, and dancing too,

Uncle's happy, just like you!

See you soon, with a happy wave,

Uncle's love, you can always save!

Waiting here, for the next big play,

Uncle's love, brightens up your day!

Round and smooth, with a happy grin,

See a vase, holding flowers in!

Pretty colors, red and blue,

Flowers happy, in a vase brand new!

Water clear, to keep them bright,

Sunshine smiles, with all their might!

Roses red, or lilies white,

Vases hold them, with all their might.

On the table, or by the door,

Vases bring beauty, wanting more!

Birthday flowers, a happy sight,

Vase holds them, through the day and night.

Hold it tight, don't tip it over,

Flowers fall, oh what a bother!

Gentle touch, with a happy smile,

Vases hold beauty, for a little while!

Decorate it, with paint so bright,

Sparkles and dots, a happy sight!

Your own creation, standing tall,

A special vase, to hold them all!

So next time you see a flower fair,

Look for a vase, to show you care!

Pretty blooms, in a happy hue,

Vases hold beauty, just for you!

See the veggies, green and bright,

Growing tall, with all their might!

Carrots orange, like the sun,

Healthy snacks, for everyone!

Cucumbers cool, and green beans too,

Crunchy bites, just for you!

Peas so tiny, in a pod so round,

Pop them open, with a happy sound!

Tomatoes red, and peppers sweet,

Yummy flavors, can't be beat!

Broccoli trees, with florets small,

Good for you, to stand up tall!

Broccoli crowns, and cauliflower white,

Veggies happy, shining bright!

Corn on the cob, with butter so neat,

Sweet and juicy, can't be beat!

Spinach leaves, and lettuce green,

Salad bowls, a happy scene!

Healthy choices, every day,

Veggies help us, work and play!

So next time you see a plate so bright,

Fill it up, with veggies light!

Colorful, crunchy, a yummy treat,

Veggies make you strong, can't be beat


See a car, with wheels so round,

Goes vroom vroom, all around town!

Big and red, or small and blue,

Cars have wheels, that take you too!

Trucks so tall, with wheels that spin,

Hauling toys, or things right in!

Beep beep beep, a happy sound,

Trucks on wheels, all around town.

Bikes so bright, with two big wheels,

Pedal fast, with happy feels!

Ring the bell, with a happy ding,

Bike wheels take you, where you want to sing!

Scooters zoom, with wheels that glide,

Kick and push, with a happy stride!

Helmets on, for safety first,

Scooter wheels, quench your thirst (change "thirst" to "fun" for better flow)

for fun!

Whirling toys, with wheels that spin,

Pulling them, with a happy grin!

Wagons full, of teddy bears,

Wheels take us, everywhere!

See the train, with wheels so strong,

Carrying people, all day long!

Chugga chugga, down the track,

Train wheels take you, way on back!

So next time you see a thing that rolls,

With wheels so round, to reach its goals!

Big or small, they take us far,

Wheels make journeys, near and far!

Water- Melon

Round and green, a summer sight,

Watermelon waits, with all its might!

Heavy friend, we lift with care,

Stripes so cool, a happy pair!

Slice it open, with a happy grin,

Red and juicy, tucked within!

Seeds so black, you can spit them out,

Watermelon fun, with happy shout!

Sweet and cold, a yummy treat,

Summer snack, can't be beat!

Juicy dribbles, on your chin,

Watermelon fun, lets the fun begin!

In a bowl, or on a stick,

Watermelon goodness, makes you slick!

Sharing slices, with a friend,

Watermelon fun, that never ends!

Keeps you cool, on a sunny day,

Hydrates you, in a playful way!

Watermelon magic, a summer delight,

Sweet and refreshing, with all its might!

Christmas Time

Sparkle lights, on the tree so tall,

Christmas time, is here for all!

Red and green, and silver bright,

Shiny ornaments, a happy sight!

Santa Claus, with a big round belly,

Coming soon, with a happy jelly!

Bringing toys, in a sack so red,

For good girls and boys, in their bed!

Stockings hung, by the chimney high,

Hoping Santa, won't pass you by!

Milk and cookies, a yummy treat,

For Santa's tummy, oh so sweet!

Singing carols, with a happy tune,

Christmas joy, comes as a boon

Wrapping paper, in colors bright,

Shaking presents, with all your might!

Snowflakes falling, white and light,

Christmas magic, fills the night!

Building snowmen, tall and round,

Christmas fun, all around!

So next time you see a Christmas tree,

Remember joy, for you and me!

Family close, with love so true,

Merry Christmas, happy for you!

Box and Fox

See a box, with colors bright,

Open wide, with all your might!

What's inside? A surprise to see,

Maybe a toy, just for you and me!

Cardboard strong, with flaps that fold,

Perfect box, for stories untold!

Draw a picture, with happy glee,

Turn the box, into a work of art, you see!

Stack them high, for a wobbly tower,

Boxes tumble, in the happy hour!

Crawl inside, for a cozy den,

Box adventures, never end!

But wait! A flash of fur so red,

A sneaky fox, peeks out instead!

Bushy tail, and eyes so bright,

Mr. Fox, likes boxes too, with all his might!

He scurries in, and hides away,

Playing games, throughout the day!

Boxes for toys, and boxes for fun,

Fox and you, together as one!


See the sun, so big and bright,

Shines with yellow, day and night!

Warm and sunny, makes us smile,

Yellow sunshine, for a little while.

Ducks so cute, with fluffy wings,

Yellow beaks, where happiness sings!

Waddling along, by the pond so cool,

Yellow feathers, following every rule.

Bananas long, a yummy treat,

Peel the skin, a yellow feat!

Sweet and creamy, a happy bite,

Yellow goodness, morning, noon, or night.

School bus big, with wheels so round,

Takes us places, all around town!

Stop sign red, but the bus is bright,

Yellow bus, takes us home at night.

Daffodils bloom, in early spring,

Yellow petals, a happy thing!

Blossoms open, with a cheerful grin,

Yellow flowers, let the fun begin!

Chicks so soft, with fluffy down,

Yellow feathers, all around town!

Following mama, in a happy line,

Yellow chicks, a joyful sign.

Honeycomb sweet, a beehive’s treat,

Golden yellow, can't be beat!

Busy bees, buzzing all around,

Yellow honey, the best you've found!

So next time you see a color bright,

Sunshine yellow, with all its might!

Look and smile, with happy glee,

Yellow brings sunshine, just for you and me!

See a yo-yo, round and small,

Up and down it goes, with a happy sprawl!

String so thin, held in your hand,

Yo-yo magic, at your command!

Flick your wrist, and watch it fly,

Up it goes, way up high!

Sleeping yo-yo, at the top so neat,

Tug the string, for a happy feat!

Down it whirls, with a gentle hum,

Yo-yo magic, makes your heart jump!

Catching it, with a happy grin,

Yo-yo fun, lets the fun begin!

Walking the dog, a fancy trick,

Yo-yo magic, makes your finger click!

Up and down, and looping low,

Yo-yo skills, for you to show!

Red or blue, or green and bright,

Yo-yo colors, a happy sight!

Practice makes perfect, with a happy sigh,

Yo-yo tricks, reach for the sky!

Keep it spinning, don't let it fall,

Yo-yo fun, for one and all!

Show your friends, and make them smile,

Yo-yo magic, for a little while!


See the zoo, with gates so wide,

Animals waiting, inside, inside!

Monkeys swing, with happy glee,

Long arms reaching, up in the tree!

Giraffes tall, with necks so long,

Eating leaves, with a happy song!

Stripes so black, and spots so white,

Giraffes munch, with all their might.

Lions roar, with a mighty sound,

King of the jungle, all around!

Big and strong, with a furry mane,

Lion naps, in the sunny lane.

Penguins waddle, black and white,

Dipping low, in the water so bright!

Flipping and flopping, with happy feet,

Penguins swim, a joyful feat.

Elephants big, with trunks so long,

Spraying water, with a happy song!

Wrinkly skin, and tusks so white,

Elephants trumpet, with all their might.

Snakes so long, with slithering scales,

Hiding low, where the jungle trails!

Flicking tongues, with eyes so bright,

Snakes are cool, with all their might.

So next time you hear a happy roar,

Head to the zoo, and see some more!

Animals waiting, for you to see,

Zoo adventures, for you and me!

Zipper Fun

Jacket open, buttons too slow,

Zip it up, with a happy "whoosh, go!"

Teeth so tiny, slide in a line,

Zipper magic, makes it all just fine!

Shoes so cool, with laces so bright,

But zippers faster, with all their might!

Pull it up, with a happy grin,

Shoes all snug, let the fun begin!

Backpack big, for toys and treats,

Zipper closes, all the yummy sweets!

Monkey backpack, with a happy face,

Zipper keeps things, in its happy place!

Sleeping bag, for cozy nights,

Zip it up, and cuddle tight!

Stars and moons, on the soft blue hue,

Zipper magic, sees you through!

Pencil case, with colors bright,

Zipper keeps them, out of sight!

Crayons, markers, all in a row,

Zipper magic, lets the colors flow!

So next time you see a zipper near,

Pull it up, with a happy cheer!

Fast and easy, a happy feat,

Zipper magic, can't be beat!

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