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Item 1

A process of photographing or recording internal structure of the body.

Correct answer: X-ray

Item 2

A set of FOUR photograph is the usual minimum to show a room adequately and many more maybe
made in case of a major crime.

Correct answer: True

Item 3

General views should no longer be taken because it cannot illustrate the general location of the scene
of the crime.

Correct answer: False

Item 4
The photographer should attempt to record all useful information in series of photographs that will help
the viewer to understand the where and how the crime was committed.

Correct answer: True

Item 5

Slow film is better suited for _____ light or daylight conditions.

Correct answer: Bright

Item 6

_____ imaging should be used as supplement to film and not as the only source of images from crime

Correct answer: Digital

Item 7
Refers to a radiant electromagnetic energy that can be detected by the human eye with the speed of
186,000 miles.

Correct answer: Light

Item 8

It is used to change the response of film so that all colors are recorded as approximately the relative
brightness values seen by the eyes.

Correct answer: Filter

Item 9

Another lens aberration in which off-axis light rays focus as different distances when they pass through
different areas of the lens.

Correct answer: Coma

Item 10
Camera should be mounted on a sturdy tripod whenever feasible to prevent camera movement.

Correct answer: True

Item 11

A classification of lens which has variable focal length that can be quickly adjusted to varying subject or
image size.

Correct answer: Zoom Lens

Item 12

Crime scene photographs are designed to provide such views of the area as would have met the eye of
an observer.

Correct answer: True

Item 13
Photographs can be used to corroborate testimony of certain witness and usually add weight and
credibility to their testimony.

Correct answer: True

Item 14

_____ controls amount of light that passes through lens of camera.

Correct answer: Aperture

Item 15

These is the setting of proper distance in order to form a sharp image.

Correct answer: Focusing

Item 16

A type of filter that is being used by professional photographers to eliminate or reduce the aerial haze.
Correct answer: None of the Above

Item 17

This photographic paper is used to reduce or eliminate reflections on highly reflective surfaces.

Correct answer: Silver Chloride

Item 18

The following are factors to be considered in using the shutter speed, except.

Correct answer: None of the Above

Item 19

By combining the settings of _____ speed and _____ size, the amount of light reaching the film is
Correct answer: Shutter, Aperture

Item 20

To obtain best depth of field, use a shorter lens, use smaller aperture opening (f-stop), and increase the
distance from camera to subject.

Correct answer: True

Item 21

Lights which have a ray having a wavelength from 400 to 700 millimicrons are considered as?

Correct answer: Visible Light Rays

Item 22

This is usually found at the lens barrel indicating pre-set distance in feet or in meters. To focus the lens
of the camera, the distance of the object to be photographed is measured, estimated, or calculated.
Correct answer: Both A & B

Item 23

A lens aberration in which light of different wavelength is focused at different distances behind the lens.

Correct answer: Chromatic Aberration c. b. d.

Item 24

It refers to the art or process of producing images of objects upon a surface sensitive to the chemical
action of light.

Correct answer: Photograph

Item 25

A special film for police photography that is the best choice because of the low reflecting power of the
subject against a reflecting background which is low in contrast but high in brightness.
Correct answer: Fast Speed Films

Item 26

Photography affords a permanent visual record of the crime scenes, persons, places and things.
Therefore, standard procedures are indicated in order to obtain the desired result.

Correct answer: True

Item 27

It is used to reduce or eliminate reflections on highly reflective surfaces.

Correct answer: Polarizing Filter

Item 28

The following are ways in determining the correct film exposure, except,
Correct answer: Light Condition

Item 29

This filter is used to change the relative brightness values so that two colors which would otherwise be
recorded as nearly the same will have decidedly different brightness in picture.

Correct answer: Contrast Filter

Item 30

Depth of field refers to area of photograph from foreground to background that is in sharpest focus.

Correct answer: True

Item 31

Close- up photographs should be taken if possible, including all wounds, bruises, discoloration, and
Correct answer: True

Item 32

Refers to the nearest distance at which a lens is focused with a given diaphragm opening, which will
give the maximum depth of field.

Correct answer: Hyperfocal Distance

Item 33

Measuring device such as ruler, yardstick & tape measures can be used to show the relative size of and
distance between objects or the degree of magnification of an enlargement.

Correct answer: True

Item 34

A part of the camera that works in combination with the aperture to control amount of light that enters
camera is the?
Correct answer: Shutter

Item 35

For crime scene investigation, color print film with ISO rating between _____ and _____ generally will
produce satisfactory images.

Correct answer: 100, 400

Item 36

Bodies of victims should be photographed exactly as found, from all angles, and especially from
overhead when this can be done, for identification purposes.

Correct answer: True

Item 37

Shutter is activated by depressing on/off release button of the camera.

Correct answer: False

Item 38

All angles of the scene to be photographed should not obscure any important part of the evidence.

Correct answer: True

Item 39

This is used for projection, printing and enlarging purposes and will give a black tone when properly

Correct answer: Silver Bromide

Item 40

It refers to the distance measured from the optical center of the lens to the film plane when the lens is
focused at infinity position.
Correct answer: Focal Length

Item 41

A permanent record of a crime scene is indispensable to a successful presentation of the case in court.

Correct answer: True

Item 42

Single Lens Reflex cameras are designed to allow photographer to adjust shutter speed .

Correct answer: True

Item 43

The first step in the investigation of any crime is to photograph completely and accurately all the
aspects of the scene before any of the objects of evidence are removed or otherwise disturbed.
Correct answer: True

Item 44

It refers to a lens fault in which light rays are not focused properly thereby degrading the image.

Correct answer: Aberration

Item 45

This is a film that is sensitive to all colors except red.

Correct answer: Orthochromatic Film

Item 46

The following are the disadvantages of using instant films, except,

Correct answer: None of the Above

Item 47

A special type of film that is sensitive to all colors specially to blue and violet.

Correct answer: Panchromatic Film

Item 48

The term crime scene refers not only to the immediate site of the crime, but also to adjacent areas
which may be important in establishing location and surrounding of the immediate site.

Correct answer: True

Item 49

This sensitized material contains minute grains of silver halide suspended in animal gelatin and coated
on celluloid material.
Correct answer: Film

Item 50

This is a device used to block the path of light passing through the lens and exposing the sensitized

Correct answer: Shutter

Item 51

_____ photography allows photographer to light any scene as if it were daylight.

Correct answer: Flash

Item 52

This is a mechanism that measures the angle of the convergence of light coming from a subject as seen
from two apertures.
Correct answer: Range Finder

Item 53

It is a means of determining the field of view of the camera or the extent of the coverage of the lens.

Correct answer: View Finder

Item 54

_____ is instrument that collects reflected light and records it onto light sensitive film or medium.

Correct answer: Camera

Item 55

A lens aberration in which light rays that pass obliquely through the lens are focused.

Correct answer: Astigmatism

Item 56

These is the light gathering power of the lens is expressed in the ƒ-number system.

Correct answer: Relative Aperture

Item 57

It refers to the light sensitivity of the emulsion which is expressed in either ASA number, DIN number or
both given by the manufacturers.

Correct answer: Speed of the Film

Item 58

Definitely required that the view of the exterior of the building when the crime was committed inside
must be photographed.

Correct answer: True

Item 59

State the importance of photography in crime investigation.

Response: To establish a visual record of the crime scene and all its pertinent features, the best
exemplification of the role of photography is the presentation of a logical story.

Item 60

Photographs should be taken progressively as the photographer enters the building or room to avoid
disturbing something that might otherwise remain unnoticed and to maintain continuity.

Correct answer: True

Item 61

Photographs are sometimes unnecessary to corroborate testimony of certain witness and usually add
weight and credibility to their testimony.

Correct answer: False

Item 62

For crime scene investigation, color film is better choice.

Correct answer: True

Item 63

It is a homogeneous medium which absorbs and transmits differentially light rays passing through it.

Correct answer: Filter

Item 64

Photographic paper was categorized according to physical characteristics, below are the physical
characteristics of photographic paper, except,

Correct answer: Odor

Item 65
Recording the date and time of arrival at the scene as well as the time of departure from scene is not
that necessary because it can never help in the investigation.

Correct answer: False

Item 66

Each crime scene has the same features that should be photographed.

Correct answer: False

Item 67

Discuss the procedure of photographing the Crime Scene.

Response: Photographs should be taken directly at right angles, eliminating probable distance
distortions for clear visualization and each part of evidence should be photographed with scale to signify
size and without scale to show relationship with overall scene

Score: not graded yet

Item 68
It refers to the distance measured from the nearest to the farthest object in apparent sharp focus when
the lens is set or focused on a particular distance.

Correct answer: Depth of field

Item 69

There must be a complete photographic coverage of the interior rooms within the crime area, which
show the condition in general and relate the overall scene to specific items and places.

Correct answer: True

Item 70

_____ refers to using the correct combination of camera settings and flash setting to ensure the correct
amount of light reaches the film.

Correct answer: Exposure

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