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Pest Scouting/Pest Survey

Pest survey is to asses pest population and their losses over large area i.e. District, province or country & Pest
scouting is to determine no. of insect pests and their crop loss in a specific crop area i.e. Kanal, Acre etc

Pest Scouting/Pest Survey of Crops

Pest Scouting /Pest Survey of Rabi and Kharif season crops, Vegetables and Orchards are conducts regularly
throughout the year on weekly/ fortnightly basis as under:

 Rabi Crops, Vegetables and Orchards

 Kharif Crops, Vegetables and Orchards
 Economic Threshold Levels of Insect Pests

Types of Pest Scouting/Pest Survey

Two types of survey/ pest scouting are conducted.

Random Survey
 A team of AO (PP) conducts pest scouting 5days/week, ADA(PP) 4days/week, DDA(PP)
 The teams, during survey record observations on the spots randomly in such a way that it represents
the whole area of its jurisdiction.
 At least 5 acres block is selected for pest scouting and all the crops etc sown within that block is pest

IPM Fixed Farm Survey

 For practical demonstration to the farmers for adopting Integrated Pest Management techniques
Two (2) IPM fixed farms will be selected in each tehsil in Cotton & Rice areas one below 12.5 acres
and other above 12.5 acres with the innovative farmers.
 Fortnightly observations are recorded on each crop, vegetable, orchard etc. present in the IPM farms
to find out the population of insect pests or diseases and possibilities of their further spread.

Our Process
Pest infestation /disease incidence is recorded for each crop, vegetable and orchards according to the
prescribed procedure. Prescription slip along with recommendations is provided to the farmers at the spot. The
list of hot spots of pest insects and disease incidence is delivered to the concerned AO/DDOA (Ext.) on the
same day or with in the shortest possible time.
The process of Pest Scouting/Pest Survey on different levels are listed below:

Tehsil Level
 Each Tehsil is divided into Union Councils.
 The team comprising of one AO (PP) and 1-2 Field Assistants/ Pest Surveyors uniformly cover all the
Union Councils of that Tehsil weekly.
 Pest scouting is conducted 5 days/ week and 8-10 spots are covered on daily basis i.e 40-50 spots/
 All crops, vegetables, orchards etc. are pest scouted.

District Level
 The team comprising of one ADA (PP) and 1-2 Pest Surveyors/ Field Assistants is conducting pest
scouting of all field crops, vegetables and orchards highlighting with one star.
 Pest scouting is conducted 4 days/ week and at least 8-10 spots at random / day i.e 32-40 spots/ week
including 15% counter checking of the AOs (PP) under their jurisdiction.
 The team uniformly covers all the Tehsils of the District for every fortnight.
 At district level on weekly basis a list of trained farmers along with their Cell No. and addresses is

Zonal Level
 The Deputy Directors of Agriculture, Pest Warning having their own Pest Scouting/ Monitoring teams
conduct pest scouting of all field crops, vegetables, orchards, under their jurisdiction for 3 days/week.
 At least, 8-10 spots at random / day are pest scouted including 5% counter checking of the ADA (PP)
& AOs (PP). Thus making a total of 24-30 spots/week.

Graphical Pest Situations of Different Crops

Rice Insect Pests
Disease Incidence on Rice Crop
Sucking Insect Pests of Cotton Crop

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