Multiple Choice Questions - Idioms

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1. The energetic child couldn’t sit still during the class, constantly fidgeting in his seat as if he had _____ in
his pants.

A. ants B. butterflies C. elephants D. snakes

2. After hearing her strange and nonsensical explanation, her friends joked that she must _____ in the

A. have bats B. see ghosts C. keep birds D. smell roses

3. In the class, he is considered the teacher’s _____ because he receives special attention and favouritism
from the teacher.

A. allies B. friend C. companion D. pet

4. After forgetting their anniversary. John found himself _____ with his wife for the rest of the weekend.

A. in the doghouse B. on cloud nine C. in the limelight D. on top of the world

5. Don’t miss this year’s best deal! The sale will start on Thursday, and the store opens at 5:00 a.m. The early
bird _____ !

A. catches the snail B. catches the worm C. catches the prey D. catches the bug

6. The old man’s stories about meeting aliens and travelling through time were dismissed by the young
listeners as mere _____ tales.

A. ox-and-hen B. hen-and-ox C. cock-and-bull D. chickens-and-buffaloes

7. The saying “Don’t ____ “ advises against making major changes to a plan or situation in the middle of it.

A. alter horse in midstream B. change horse in midstream

C. sell horse in midstream D. feed horse in midstream

8. While visiting a foreign country, it’s often wise to follow the local customs and traditions. After all, _____.

A. in Cairo do as Egyptians do B. in Paris as French do

C. in Rome do as Romans do D. in Athens do as Greeks do

9. Despite their valiant efforts, trying to repair the old car proved to be _____ due to its irreparable

A. a lost cause B. a worthwhile endeavour

C. a temporary setback D. a successful project

10. Sarah nervously agreed to go on a _____ set up by her friend, hoping to meet someone special despite
the uncertainty of the situation.

A. online date B. speed date C. group date D. blind date

11. In every group, there's always one person who can be relied upon to be kind, helpful, and genuine-a true

A. lovely cherry B. good egg C. wonderful strawberry D. great ovum

12. With overwhelming evidence and a clear confession from the suspect, it was determined to be _____
for the detective to solve the crime.

A. an open-and-shut case B. a never-ending investigation

C. a complex mystery D. a tangled web

13. The idea of starting a business with no prior experience might seem like _____ but sometimes risks can
lead to great success.

A. a well-thought-out plan B. a kick in the light

C. a shot in the dark D. a calculated risk

14. When it comes to the company's decision-making process, the CEO is considered the "_____," holding
significant influence and power.

A. big cheese B. bad apple C. good eye D. top dog

15. Instead of buying a custom-tailored suit, Tom opted for a more affordable _____ option from the
department store.

A. off-the-peg B. off-the-hook C. off-the-record D. off-the-chart

16. Losing the championship game by a single point was like a _____ to the team, motivating them to train
even harder for next season.

A. punch at the face B. pat on the back C. kick in the pants D. shot in the trousers

17. The retiring executive was offered a generous _____ as a token of appreciation for his years of
dedicated service to the company.

A. diamond handshake B. bronze fist bump

C. silver high-five D. golden handshake

18. Running to catch the train, Mark had a _____ as he narrowly avoided colliding with the closing doors.

A. quick escape B. fast getaway C. close shave D. narrow shave

19. After the failed investment, all their savings went _____ leaving them in a financial crisis.

A. down the drain B. through the tunnel C. up the hill D. across the bridge

20. Due to his involvement in the vandalism incident, the student was put _____ by the school for a period
of time.

A. in suspension B. on probation C. in detention D. in jail

21. The young children listened in awe as their grandmother told them a fascinating _____ about a
magical forest creature they had never heard of before.

A. short anecdote B. tall story C. tell tale D. long fable

22. Throughout the project, the supervisor always favoured Alex, considering him the _____ of the team.

A. blue-eyed boy B. black sheep C. green thumb D. red herring

23. After missing breakfast and having a rough morning, Sarah felt _____ for the rest of the day.

A. out of sorts B. down in the dumps C. in the pink D. in the black

24. The young lady was known for her _____ demeanour, always adhering to the highest standards of
etiquette and behaviour.

A. neat and tidy B. spick and span C. prim and proper D. laid-back

25. Whenever I talked about his past life, he would go _____.

A. beetroot B. green C. bananas D. pale

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