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Jindal Global Business School

End-term Examination

Course Name : Emerging Technology: Impact on Future of Business

Course Code : BS-OMBA-IFB-001
Programme : 1 Year MBA 2023 - Cohort 2
Duration : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 50

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End-term Examination – Spring 2024 Page 1

Attempt All questions.

1. Discuss in detail about any five companies who are actively using AI to improve their customer
experience. Explain how these companies are using AI, and what are the future applications of AI
possible for these companies. (20 marks)

2. Explain how Blockchain technology functions. Discuss in detail about any five companies that are
actively using blockchain technology for enhancing their business performance. (15 marks)

3. Discuss in detail the key characteristics of Internet of Things (IoT). Using the example of a car insurance
company, explain how the company can use IoT to detect and understand customers’ behavioral pattern
and usage behaviour of cars. Also, explain how the insurance company can use this understanding to
vary the insurance premium of customers. (15 marks)

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1. Discuss in detail about any five companies who are actively using AI to improve their customer
experience. Explain how these companies are using AI, and what are the future applications of AI
possible for these companies. (20 marks)
Certainly! Here are five companies actively using AI to enhance their customer experience, along with
explanations of their AI applications and potential future applications:
1. Amazon:
• AI Application: Amazon employs AI extensively across its platform, most notably through its
recommendation engine. The engine analyzes past purchases, browsing history, and other
behavioral data to suggest products relevant to each user. Additionally, Amazon uses AI for
inventory management, forecasting demand, and optimizing logistics.
• Future Applications: Amazon could further personalize its recommendations by incorporating
real-time contextual data such as location or current trends. Additionally, AI-driven customer
service bots could handle queries more efficiently, providing immediate assistance to customers.
2. Netflix:
• AI Application: Netflix leverages AI to personalize content recommendations for its users,
analyzing viewing history, preferences, and ratings to suggest movies and TV shows. It also uses
AI in content creation, such as optimizing thumbnails and even producing original content based
on viewership data.
• Future Applications: Netflix may use AI to enhance content discovery by incorporating more
advanced sentiment analysis and understanding viewer emotions during specific scenes.
Moreover, AI could help in dynamic pricing strategies based on demand and viewer behavior.
3. Starbucks:
• AI Application: Starbucks uses AI in its mobile app for personalized recommendations,
suggesting drinks based on past purchases and preferences. The company also employs AI-
powered predictive analytics to optimize inventory management and staffing levels at its stores.
• Future Applications: Starbucks could explore AI-driven voice ordering systems that learn and
adapt to individual speech patterns for more accurate and efficient ordering. Additionally, AI
could assist in creating personalized marketing campaigns tailored to individual customers' tastes
and behaviors.
4. Google:
• AI Application: Google utilizes AI in various products and services, including Google Search,
Gmail, and Google Maps. Google Search employs AI algorithms to provide more relevant search
results, while Gmail uses AI for spam filtering and smart replies. Google Maps utilizes AI for
predicting traffic patterns and suggesting routes.
• Future Applications: Google could integrate AI more deeply into its suite of productivity tools,
offering intelligent assistants that can schedule meetings, prioritize emails, and automate

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repetitive tasks. Additionally, AI could enhance Google's advertising platforms by delivering
more targeted and personalized ads based on user behavior.
5. Tesla:
• AI Application: Tesla employs AI in its self-driving technology, using neural networks to
analyze sensor data and make real-time driving decisions. The company also utilizes AI for
predictive maintenance, monitoring vehicle performance and identifying potential issues before
they occur.
• Future Applications: Tesla aims to further advance its autonomous driving capabilities through
AI, enabling fully autonomous vehicles that can navigate complex environments with greater
safety and efficiency. Additionally, AI could enhance the overall vehicle ownership experience
by personalizing in-car features and services based on individual preferences and habits.
In the future, these companies are likely to continue leveraging AI to enhance customer experiences through
more personalized recommendations, improved predictive analytics, and seamless automation. As AI
technologies evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative applications across various industries,
ultimately leading to more efficient and satisfying interactions between businesses and their customers.

2. Explain how Blockchain technology functions. Discuss in detail about any five companies that are
actively using blockchain technology for enhancing their business performance. (15 marks)

Blockchain technology functions as a decentralized, distributed ledger system that securely records transactions
across multiple computers in a way that is immutable and transparent. Here's a detailed explanation of how
blockchain works:
1. Decentralization: Unlike traditional centralized systems where data is stored in a single location or
controlled by a central authority, blockchain operates on a decentralized network of nodes (computers).
Each node stores a copy of the entire blockchain, ensuring that no single entity has control over the
entire network.
2. Blocks and Transactions: Transactions are grouped into blocks and added to the blockchain in
chronological order. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, creating a chain of
blocks (hence the name "blockchain"). This cryptographic linkage ensures the integrity and immutability
of the data stored on the blockchain.
3. Consensus Mechanisms: To validate and add new blocks to the blockchain, consensus mechanisms are
used. These mechanisms ensure agreement among network participants on the validity of transactions
and the order in which they are added to the blockchain. Popular consensus mechanisms include Proof
of Work (PoW), Proof of Stake (PoS), and variants like Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) and Practical
Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT).
4. Security and Immutability: Once a transaction is added to the blockchain and confirmed through the
consensus process, it becomes immutable and tamper-proof. Changing any data in a block would require
altering all subsequent blocks, which is computationally infeasible due to the cryptographic hash linkage
between blocks. This feature ensures the security and integrity of the data stored on the blockchain.

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5. Smart Contracts: Blockchain platforms like Ethereum enable the execution of self-executing smart
contracts, which are programmable contracts with predefined conditions. Smart contracts automatically
execute when the specified conditions are met, eliminating the need for intermediaries and providing
transparency and efficiency in executing agreements.
Now, let's discuss five companies actively using blockchain technology to enhance their business performance:
1. IBM:
• Blockchain Applications: IBM offers various blockchain solutions across industries, including
supply chain management, finance, healthcare, and more. IBM's blockchain platform provides
tools for creating and managing blockchain networks, enabling secure and transparent
transactions, supply chain traceability, and efficient data sharing among stakeholders.
2. Walmart:
• Blockchain Applications: Walmart utilizes blockchain technology to enhance food traceability
and safety in its supply chain. Through its partnership with IBM, Walmart implemented a
blockchain-based system for tracking the journey of food products from farm to store shelves.
This system improves transparency, reduces food waste, and enables faster recalls in the event of
contamination or quality issues.
3. Maersk:
• Blockchain Applications: Maersk, the world's largest container shipping company, leverages
blockchain technology to streamline global trade logistics. Maersk partnered with IBM to
develop TradeLens, a blockchain-based platform that digitizes and automates supply chain
processes, including documentation, cargo tracking, and customs clearance. TradeLens improves
efficiency, reduces paperwork, and enhances visibility and collaboration across the supply chain
4. Visa:
• Blockchain Applications: Visa explores blockchain technology for improving payment
infrastructure and cross-border transactions. Visa's B2B Connect platform utilizes blockchain to
facilitate secure and transparent cross-border payments between businesses. By leveraging
blockchain's features, such as immutability and cryptographic security, Visa aims to enhance the
speed, security, and efficiency of international payments.
5. JPMorgan Chase:
• Blockchain Applications: JPMorgan Chase has developed its blockchain platform, Quorum, for
various financial applications, including payment settlement, securities trading, and supply chain
finance. Quorum is based on Ethereum and incorporates privacy features suitable for enterprise
use cases. JPMorgan Chase also launched JPM Coin, a digital currency designed to facilitate
instant payments between institutional clients using blockchain technology.
These companies demonstrate the diverse applications of blockchain technology, ranging from supply chain
management and logistics to finance and payment solutions. By leveraging blockchain's features such as
decentralization, security, and transparency, they aim to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and create new
opportunities for innovation in their respective industries.

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3. Discuss in detail the key characteristics of Internet of Things (IoT). Using the example of a car insurance
company, explain how the company can use IoT to detect and understand customers’ behavioral pattern
and usage behaviour of cars. Also, explain how the insurance company can use this understanding to
vary the insurance premium of customers. (15 marks)

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of interconnected devices embedded with sensors, software,
and other technologies that enable them to collect and exchange data over the internet without human
intervention. The key characteristics of IoT include:
1. Connectivity: IoT devices are connected to the internet, allowing them to communicate with each other
and with central systems or servers. This connectivity enables real-time data exchange and remote
monitoring and control of devices.
2. Sensing and Data Collection: IoT devices are equipped with sensors that collect various types of data,
such as temperature, humidity, location, motion, and more. These sensors continuously gather data from
the environment or the device itself.
3. Data Processing and Analysis: The data collected by IoT devices is processed and analyzed either
locally on the device or in centralized cloud platforms. Advanced analytics techniques, including
machine learning and artificial intelligence, can be applied to derive meaningful insights from the data.
4. Automation and Control: IoT devices can automate tasks and processes based on the data they collect
and analyze. They can also be remotely controlled and managed, allowing for efficient operation and
optimization of systems and processes.
5. Scalability: IoT systems can scale to accommodate a large number of interconnected devices, enabling
the creation of extensive networks and ecosystems that span diverse applications and industries.
Now, let's consider how a car insurance company can leverage IoT to detect and understand customers'
behavioral patterns and usage behaviors of cars:
Example: Car Insurance Company and IoT
1. Data Collection: The car insurance company can install IoT devices, such as telematics devices or onboard
diagnostics (OBD) devices, in customers' vehicles. These devices can collect a wide range of data, including
vehicle speed, mileage, acceleration, braking patterns, location, and even driver behavior (e.g., aggressive
driving, adherence to speed limits).
2. Behavioral Pattern Analysis: The data collected from IoT devices can be analyzed to gain insights into
customers' driving behaviors and usage patterns. For example, the insurance company can analyze data to
identify risky driving behaviors, such as speeding or harsh braking, as well as patterns of vehicle usage, such as
frequent long-distance trips or urban commuting.
3. Risk Assessment and Premium Variation: Based on the analysis of driving behavior and usage patterns,
the insurance company can assess the risk associated with individual customers. Customers exhibiting safer
driving habits and lower-risk usage patterns may qualify for lower insurance premiums, while those with riskier
behaviors may face higher premiums.
4. Personalized Pricing and Policies: IoT-enabled data analytics allow the insurance company to offer
personalized pricing and policies tailored to individual customers' risk profiles. Customers can be incentivized

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to adopt safer driving behaviors through usage-based insurance models, where premiums are determined based
on actual driving data rather than traditional risk factors.
5. Feedback and Incentives: IoT data can also be used to provide feedback to customers on their driving
behaviors and offer incentives for safer driving. For example, the insurance company could offer discounts or
rewards to customers who demonstrate safe driving habits consistently over time.
By leveraging IoT technology to collect and analyze data on customers' driving behaviors and usage patterns,
the car insurance company can gain valuable insights into risk profiles and offer more personalized and
dynamic insurance products and pricing strategies. This not only benefits the insurance company by improving
risk management but also incentivizes safer driving behaviors among customers, leading to enhanced road
safety and reduced accident rates.

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