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African Bible College

Department of Mass Communication

290 Basic Electronics

Midterm Examination of Semester II: Year 2

Date: ___________________________ Time: 1:30 Hours

Instructions and Information

 This paper contains two sections: general questions and essay questions.
 Marks for each question are indicated at the tail end of the question.
 Please read each question carefully before attempting.
 Answer all questions on a separate sheet of paper provided.
 Make sure your answers are grammatically correct and written in a readable

1. Distinguish the flow of electrons in a direct current from alternate current

(2 Marks)
In direct current electrons flow only in one direction while in alternate current the
electrons repeatedly flow back and forth
2. Why doesn’t a transformer work in direct current? (2 Marks)
Induction occurs only when there is a change of magnetic field so since DC only
allows direct flow of electrons there is not alternating magnetic field.
3. What is the difference between off-grid and on-grid solar systems? (4 Marks)
Off-grid is a type of system that generates solar energy and store the energy in the
batteries for home use while on-grid system energy generated is incorporated into
the nation’s power grid.
4. What is the function of silicon in a photovoltaic panel? (4 Marks)
It is a semiconductor that keeps electrons from the upper layer (P-type) jumping
into the lower layer (N-type) using a short cut thus connecting to an appliance in
the process.
5. How many ohms are in a resistor with a 2.3M value? (2 Marks)
2,300,000 Ohms

6. A 25 W soldering iron runs on 50 V. How much current does it use? Find your
rating in milliamps. A=Power/Voltage (3 Marks)

A=25/50 which is 0.5A Converting in milliamps =0.5x1000
7. A transformer is used to transform 20V AC to 120V AC. It has 50 primary turns.
How many secondary turns does it have? Given the formula: Vs=Vp x secondary
turns/primary turns (3 marks)
120=20 x st/50
50 x 120 = 20st
St = 300 turns

8. What term is given to a diode which acts as an insulator in a circuit? (2 Marks)

Reverse bias
9. How do you categorize the two leads in polarity? (2 Marks)
Cathode and anode
10. Name the symbol below. How does it function in a circuit? (4 Marks)

Switch and is used to open and close the circuit.

11. What is the importance of a fuse in electrical appliances (2 Marks)

Disconnects the supply of current when it is high.
12. Explain in detail the hydroelectric generation process. (6 Marks)
Water turning turbines.
Kinetic energy converted into electric energy.
Transmitted for consumption through transmission lines.
13. Malawi’s energy sector relies much on biomass energy for consumption, which
takes up over 80%. How can biomass energy be a renewable resource, if managed
correctly? (8 Marks)
Encourage afforestation.
Modern equipment such as cleaner stoves that promote less trees for fuel
Individuals follow a licenced way of charcoal making.
14. Explain the oxidation-reduction cycle principle in a battery. (6 Marks)
The battery has the zinc and copper electrolytes. The zinc oxidizes, which means
it loses electrons which in turn are gained by copper ions in the process called
reduction. The production of hydrogen gas from the process produces electricity.

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