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Cloud Computing

● Cloud computing is a method where data is stored on remote servers1 and accessed
through the internet
● Local storage refers to a storage device that is connected to the computer

● The three types of cloud storage are:

○ Public Cloud - The customer and the cloud storage provider are different
○ Private Cloud - The customer and the cloud storage provider are a single
○ Hybrid Cloud - Combines both public and private cloud options and allows for
sensitive data to remain private whilst providing public cloud services for less
sensitive information
● Cloud data is duplicated and stored on other servers to ensure data availability during
system failures, upgrades and maintenance periods.

A device or system that provides services or resources over a network
Advantages of Cloud storage
● Scalability
○ As the business requirements change the customer can scale services up or down
to meet their needs
● Cost saving
○ Cloud storage eliminates the need for a business to purchase expensive equipment
for infrastructure and maintenance which can result in significant cost savings
● Accessibility
○ Cloud services are available globally and allow both remote working and data
● Reliability
○ Cloud computing providers offer high levels of uptime 2ensuring that services are
always available for its users
● Storage Space
○ Cloud services can offer an almost unlimited amount of storage
● Backup and recovery
○ If a customers machine or storage device fails, a backup of the data from the
cloud will allow for recovery
● File Synchronisation
○ Files can be synced across multiple devices
● Convenience
○ A user does not need to carry storage devices around with them as all data is
stored on the cloud

Disadvantages of Cloud Storage

● Internet Connection
○ A stable internet connection is required to use cloud storage
● Security
○ Storing data in the cloud may be vulnerable to security breaches3
● Dependency
The amount of time that a system or service is working and available to use
When an entity gains unauthorised access to restricted data
○ The user is dependent on the storage provider for the availability and reliability of
its services
● Ceases to trade/dissolve
○ Should the company dissolve or cease to change, all cloud data may be lost
● Cost
○ As the amount of storage or bandwidth 4required increases, the service may
become expensive over time

The bit rate, which determines how much information can be sent at any one time over an internet

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