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Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
BA in English Language (and Teaching)
Professional Practices II: Linguistic Analysis of Business Services Texts II
Lecturer: MSc. Dércio Armando Salomão
Student: Walter Simione da Silva Malambane

The subject of Professional Practices II brings us an opportunity to discuss on matters of
Business & Corporation Documents. On the first lesson we were given an overview to what
we were going to cover during this semester. With that we got an understanding of what to
expect from the subject, the lecturer and what was expected from us the students. The
following report brings to you the reader my viewpoint of how the semester has been covered
so far. This report obeys a Sequence-based organization structure.
1. Documents in Business Corporations
1.1 Meeting Minutes
Meeting minutes are an official record of the discussions, decisions, and actions taken during
a meeting. In class we were brought to the attention of how they serve as a reference for future
meetings and ensure that all participants are on the same page. Not only, key elements in
meeting minutes were also approached such as the date and time of the meeting, names of
attendees and absentees, a summary of discussions, decisions made, action items, and the time
of adjournment. Followed by an assignment and presentation.
1.2 Employment Agreement
During classes, a very important topic for future professionals was presented to us, the
employment agreement. Which is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and
conditions of employment between an employer and an employee. These documents typically
ensures that both parties understand their obligations and rights. An opportunity to write about
the matter was given to us in form of an assignment.
2. Documents in Business Corporations
2.1 Invoice
When it came to the study of invoice, documents issued by a seller to a buyer, detailing the
products or services provided, their prices, the total amount due, and the payment terms. We
were able to understand the different types of invoices, their uses and applications. Another
helpful assignment followed where we gave examples of invoices and presented in class.
2.2 Business Plan
When we talked about business plan, we understood that it is a comprehensive document that
outlines the objectives, strategies, market analysis, financial projections, and operational plans
for a business. It serves as a roadmap for business development and is often used to secure
funding from investors and lenders. We produced a business plan as an assignment.
2.3 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
A formal agreement between two or more parties that outlines the terms and conditions of a
mutual understanding. For a MoU we produced in pairs of two a perspective to how this could
work in a hypothetical situation of two companies binding by their intentions to cooperate and
serve as a precursor to a formal contract with a purpose, responsibilities of each party, and the
duration of the understanding. This was presented as a press conference simulation.
2.4 Invitation Letters
This was the best we have had so far in my opinion. Discussing about invitation letters,
documents which are written to invite individuals or organizations to events, meetings, or
other activities. An interesting assignment followed as we closed on the subtopic.
2.5 Commercial Leases
We know commercial lease are a legal binding contract between a landlord and a business
tenant, outlining the terms for renting commercial property. In class we discussed on the
different situation and scenarios they could apply to and how to properly handle.
2.6 Complaint and Apology Letters
The approach to this subtopic on Complaint letters and Apology letters were assumed to be a
revision from Professional Practices I. So, we were given an assignment to produce
hypothetical situations for a complaint followed by an apology letter.

3. Interview
3.1 Defining Concepts of an Interview
Although an interview is a structured conversation where one party asks questions, and the
other provides answers, commonly used in recruitment to assess candidates' suitability for a
role. A professional should be well acquainted to the role of an interview, by understanding
that it starts from the moment we submit our applications to an open vacancy at a company.
3.2 Addressing the Language Used
The language used in interviews should be professional, clear, and concise. Body language
also is considered part of the job interview, so it should inspire confidence.
3.3 Preparing an Interview Guide
When preparing an interview guide a structured outline of topics and questions to be covered
during it should be addressed. It ensures consistency across interviews and helps interviewers
stay focused. The guide typically includes an introduction, key questions related to the job
role, follow-up questions, and a conclusion.
3.3.1 Organize an Interview
To organize an interview involves setting a date and time, selecting a venue or virtual
platform, and preparing the interview guide. It also includes notifying the candidate and
ensuring that all necessary materials, such as resumes and job descriptions, are available.
3.3.2 Simulate a Job Interview
A job interview simulation involves role-playing the interview process with a colleague or
mentor. This practice helps interviewers refine their questioning techniques and identify areas
for improvement. It also allows candidates to practice their responses and build confidence.
An assignment about interview was given followed by an individual presentation.

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