Role Play 2

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Role play

N : Sorry, My name is Jackson. I’m a Business Expert. I have an appointment to hold a

training course by the invitation from The Department Of Human Resources.
A : Nice to meet you Mr. Jackson. Welcome to our company. My name is Emma. I’m a
Human Resources Assistant.
I will take you to the waiting room. Please follow me.
N : Ok. Thanks


A : So, how was your journey?

N : There was a lot of traffic.
A : Would you like a drink?
N : Yes please, Can I get some coffee?
A : Of course.


K : OMG what happened?

Calling to M

K : Hello Jayda , can you spare a moment to come in the meeting room.
M : Yes sure, I’m on my way.

At Meeting Room

M : I’m coming!
K : There is a problem about presentation files that cannot be opened.
M : OK Let me check.
M : Oh! I found out the source of problems. There is some technical issues. But I need
some time to fix them.
K : OK I’ll be back.

K —> Waiting room เจอ Jackson

K : Good morning Mr.Jackson. It’s nice to finally meet you in person.

N : Nice to meet you too. Amy
K : Everything is okay?
N : Yeah It’s great.
K : Today I’m going to be your assistant. If you have any problems you can tell me.
N : That sounds great!
ฉาก A มาหา M

A : Are you finished?

M : Yes, I am. Can you ask HR that is she already?

A ไปถาม HR

Knock Knock!
A : Are you prepared?
HR : Give me 10 minutes.

A ก2บมาบอก M

A : She will be ready for the meeting in 10 minutes.

N&K เ4นมาใน meeting room

N : Is there any trouble?
M : A bit of, but everything has been well set and are ready to be used by clicking the
presentation files on the desktop.

HR มา meeting room

K : Mr. Jackson, she is a Human Resources Manager. Her name is Beauty.

N : It’s great to see you sir. My name is Jackson.
HR : Welcome Mr. Jackson. Don’t waste time. Let’s start!

N พ8เ9น
N : all right before I start, I'll tell you little bit about myself and my organization. My
name's Jackson and I run the star school of business
Last year i was promoted to this position :ง;อนห<า I worked as a business assistant for
3 years
At the moment I’m a business expert I will be a part of the planning and business
development of your organization better. Please trust because I have done this countless
Over the next week. I will be supervising the course and answering any questions. So
now, let me introduce you to my training course.
พม : Wow, that's very interesting, you speak well, I'm impressed and hope that our work
will go well. If there is a transfer in the future, I hope to work together again. My assistant
has already booked a restaurant. Would you like to have dinner together?
N : That's good, I’m free in the evening and I'm looking for dinner.
พม : Great, so I'll be the one to pay for this meal.

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