Spring 2023 - EDU516 - 1

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Q1: After understanding the concept of “Close Reading” Write down

any ten points for developing a report? Also write down any five
problems that a student can face while doing the Close Reading?

Close reading:
close reading is a method through which we can focus on some main
details of paragraph so we can understand it deeply.
Here are ten points for developing a report:
1. Select a specific topic of subject:
First, we should choose a topic that has specific information, and
we are interested in this topic.
2. Clear the objective of the report:
Secondly, we must define the main object of the report so ww can
stay focused on our topic.
3. Organize exhaustive research:
After selecting the purpose of topic, we must conduct information
which is comprehensive and we can collect information or
knowledge through books, other research, and online websites,
4. Study the information closely:
The information we conduct we must have to read closely so we
can make notes, get ideas, select important points, and highlight the
important topic.
5. Inspect information:
The information we have collected we should inspect or analyze.
We should make arguments on the information we have collected.
Themes, patterns, and characterization will be explored in the texts.
6. Arrange your findings:
All the information we have collected we have to arrange it. We
should organize all of it in topics or heading or subheading.
7. Offer vital understanding:
Provide important insights so the viewpoint of our cleared and
provide some strong or weak points of the argument.
8. Citation referencing:
We can follow the citation site like APA, Chicago-style, GOST,
IEEE, ISO 690, and MLA. We must make sure that we cite every
material properly.
9. Review:
we must look at our report of topic and see if there is anything that
is not correct or find a mistake so we must edit it. And hence we
can revise our report.
We should summarize our findings and then draw a conclusion and
provide suggestions about further research.

problems that a student can face while doing the Close Reading;
1. Understanding concepts:
Close reading always want comprehension. Some time it is
difficult for students to understand the dipper concept because of
difficult language and abstract meaning, difficult words, and
2. Time consuming:
Close reading is time consuming because in close reading we must
read text or passage for several time and then understand the
meaning. Mostly students have a lot of paragraphs, but time is too
3. Information issue:
Sometimes students have lack of prior knowledge and doesn’t
familiar with topic. So, students can find difficulty in
understanding the concept.
4. Analysis ability:
Might be possible that some students are not good in analysis and
don’t know how to summarize it maybe they highlight unnecessary
information or highlight the point that is irrelevant.
5. Can’t find resources:
Sometimes students have limited resources for close reading.
Because of it student might not be able to complete their research.

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