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weekly assignment

# 3062, sec 32 A, CHD Road ,LDH, PH. 8566941605 Class-XII

Topic -Current Electricity

1. Why is the potentiometer preferred to a voltmeter for measuring emf of a cell? 1

Ans : Emf measured by the potentiometer is more accurate because the cell is in open circuit
giving no current.

2. Why copper is not used for making potentiometer wires? 1

Ans : The resistivity of copper increases with the rise in temperature, hence, it is not preferred.

3. Plot a graph showing the variation of resistance of a conducting wire as a function of its radius, 1
keeping the length of the wire and its temperature as constant.
Ans :

4. V–I graph for a metallic wire at two different temperatures T1 and T2 is as shown in the figure. 1
Which of the two temperatures is higher and why?

Ans : Since, resistance = slope of V-I graph. In the figure, the slope of T1 is large, so T1

represents the higher temperature as the resistance increases with the temperature for a

5. You are given three constantan wires P, Q and R of length and area of cross-section (L, A), 1
respectively. Which has highest resistance?

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Ans :

Hence, Q has the highest resistance.

6. Two wires of equal length, one of copper and the other of manganin have the same resistance. 1
Which wire is thicker?

Ans :

As the resistivity of manganin (ρ2) is greater than the resistivity of copper (ρ1). So, the
manganin wire is thicker.

7. In an experiment on meter bridge, if the balancing length AC is x, what would be its value, when 1

the radius of the meter bridge wire AB is doubled? Justify your answer.

Ans : At the balance point, we have

As R1 and R2 remain the same, then x will also remain the same. It will not depend upon
the diameter of the wire.

8. State the condition for maximum current to be drawn from a cell. 1


Ans : I= ; when the external resistance, R = 0 (i.e. cell is short-circuited), then the

maximum current will be drawn from a cell.

9. A car battery is of 12 V. Eight dry cells of 1.5 V connected in series also give 12 V, but such a 1

combination is not used to start a car. Why?

Ans : Dry cells used in series will have high resistance (=10 Ω) and hence provide low current,
while a car battery has low internal resistance (0.1 Ω) and hence gives high current for

the same emf, needed to start the car.

10. Graph showing the variation of current versus voltage for a material GaAs is shown in the figure. 1
Identify the region of
(i) negative resistance,
(ii) where Ohm’s law is obeyed.

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Ans : (i) DE is the negative resistance region.
(ii) Ohm’s law is obeyed in the region AB.

11. Define the term ‘electrical conductivity’ of a metallic wire. Write its SI unit. 1

Ans : Electric conductivity (σ) is defined as the reciprocal of electric resistivity.


Its SI unit is Ω–1 m–1, mho m–1 or siemen m–1.

12. When electrons drift in a metal from lower to higher potential, does it mean that all the free 1
electrons of the metal are moving in the same direction?

Ans : No. As the collision is a random process, the electrons cannot get deflected in the same


13. A steady current flows in a metallic conductor of non-uniform cross-section. Which of these 1

quantities is constant along the conductor: current, current density, drift speed and electric field?

Ans : Current, because in series, the current is same throughout the wire.

14. The electron drift speed is estimated to be only a few mm s–1 for currents in the range of a few 1
amperes? How then is current established almost the instant a circuit is closed?

Ans : It is the electric field which spreads throughout a circuit with speed of light. At every
point, a local electron drift is induced by the field. This way, the current attains its steady
value almost instantaneously.

15. Show variation of resistivity of copper as a function of temperature in a graph. 1


Ans :

16. The plot of the variation of potential difference across a combination of three identical cells in 1
series, versus current is as shown here. What is the emf of each cell?

Ans :

17. Two similar wires of same length and same area of cross-section but of different material, having 1
resistivity ρ1 and ρ2 are connected end to end (in series). Calculate the effective resistivity of their
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Ans :
In series, R = R1 + R2

18. Two similar wires of same length and same area of cross-section but of different material having 1
resistivity ρ1 and ρ2 are connected side by side i.e. in parallel. Calculate the effective resistivity of
their combination.

Ans :

19. Out of V – I graph for parallel and series combination of two metallic resistors, which one 1

represents parallel combination of resistors? Justify your answer.

Ans : The resistance of parallel combination is less than of series combination of a given
set of resistors. Hence, B represents a parallel combination, since is more.

Hence, the resistance, i.e. is less.

As slope of A < slope of B and resistance (R) =

Hence, B will represent the parallel combination.

20. The plot of the variation of potential difference across a combination of three identical cells in 1
series, versus
current is shown below. What is the emf and internal resistance of each cell?

Ans : When I = 0, E = V
Thus, emf of each cell = = 2V

21. Sketch a graph showing variation of resistivity of carbon with temperature. 1

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Ans : The variation of resistivity of carbon with temperature is shown in figure.

22. Explain the term ‘drift velocity’ of electrons in a conductor. Hence obtain the expression for the 2
current through a conductor in terms of ‘drift velocity’.

Ans : Drift velocity: Refer to Point no. 2 [Important Terms, Definitions and Formulae] Consider
a conductor of length l, area of cross-section A and having number density of free

electrons n.

On establishing the potential difference across the conductor, suppose the electrons drift

from lower potential to higher potential side with velocity . The volume of the
conductor covered by an electron in unit time is
V = vdA
LA …(i)
[ Volume = Al and l = vd × t, t = 18 l = vd]
Electrons occupying the volume in unit time is
N = nvdA …(ii)
Thus, the charge flow through any cross-section of the conductor in unit time is
q = envdA …(iii)

According to the definition, the electric current is the rate of flow of charge through any
cross-section of the conductor. Hence,
I= ( t = 1 s)
I = envdA …(iv)

23. Plot a graph showing temperature dependence of resistivity for a typical semiconductor. How is 1

this behaviour explained?

Ans : In case of semiconductors, n (no. density of free electrons) increases with temperature.
Therefore, resistivity decreases. The decrease in resistivity due to increase in n

dominates the increase in resistivity due to decrease in

Therefore, the resistivity of semiconductor decreases with the increase in temperature.

24. Define mobility of electron in a conductor. How does electron mobility change when (i) 2
temperature of conductor is decreased and (ii) applied potential difference is doubled at constant

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Ans : Mobility is defined as the positive value of drift velocity per unit electric field applied.

Therefore, the mobility (i) increases with the decrease in temperature and (ii) remains

25. Nichrome and copper wires of same length and area of cross section are 2
connected in series, current is passed through them why does the nichrome
wire get heated first?

Ans : As, in series, H ∝ R [where H = Heat produced and R = resistance] and the
resistance of nichrome wire is more than the resistance of copper wire of same
dimensions. Hence, the nichrome wire will heat up more.

26. A cell of emf E and internal resistance r is connected to two external resistances R1 and R2 and 2

a perfect ammeter. The current in the circuit is measured in four different situations :
(i) without any external resistance in the circuit,
(ii) with resistance R1 only,

(iii) with R1 and R2 in series combination, and
(iv) with R1 and R2 in parallel combination.
The currents measured in the four cases are 4.2 A, 1.05 A, 0.42 A, 1.4 A but not necessarily in that

order. Identify the currents corresponding to the four cases mentioned above.
Ans : (i) Without any external resistance, the current will have maximum value.
I = 4.2 A
(ii) When only resistance R1 is joined in the circuit, the current further gets reduced.

I = 1.05 A

(iii) In series combination, an equivalent resistance (R1 and R2) is maximum. So, current
in the circuit is least.
I = 0.42 A

(iv) In parallel combination, an equivalent resistance (R1 and R2) is lesser than the least
resistance of the combination. So current will have the greater value.

I = 1.4 A

27. State the two Kirchhoff ’s rules used in electric networks. How are these rules justified? 2

Ans : Kirchhoff’s Rules:

(i) Junction rule: At any junction, the sum of the currents entering the junction is equal
to the sum of currents leaving the junction.

(ii) Loop rule: The algebraic sum of changes in potential around any closed loop
involving resistors and cells in the loop is zero.
Junction rule obeys the law of conservation of charge, as at any junction, there is no
accumulation of charge while loop rule obeys the law of conservation of energy. At any
instant of time, the total energy supplied by cells is equal to the total energy consumed
by resistors.

28. Five identical cells, each of emf E and internal resistance r, are connected in series to form (a) 2
an open (b) a closed circuit. If an ideal voltmeter is connected across three cells, what will be its

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Ans : (a) In an open circuit, the electric current = 0
The reading of ideal voltmeter = 3 E [ In series, V = Eeq – Ireq, and I = 0]
(b) In a closed circuit, the reading of ideal voltmeter = 0.

29. For two nichrome wires connected in series with a battery, how does the ratio of 2
drift velocity of electrons in them depend on their (a) lengths and (b) diameters.

Ans :

30. A cell of emf E and internal resistance r is connected across a variable resistor R. Plot a graph 2

showing variation of terminal voltage V of the cell versus the current I. Using the plot, show how the
emf of the cell and its internal resistance can be determined.

Ans : We know that E = V + Ir or V = E – Ir
An intercept of the graph on Y-axis gives the value of emf E of the cell.
A slope of the lines gives the value of internal resistance.

31. State the principle on which the working of a meter bridge is based. Under what condition is the 2
error in determining the unknown resistance minimised?

Ans : Meter bridge is based on the principle of Wheatstone bridge.

An error, in determination of resistance, can be minimised by adjusting the balance point
near the middle of the meter bridge.

32. Calculate the resistance across the points M and N in the given figure. 2

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Ans : In this case, points A and N are at same potential, but points M and B are at different
potentials. The above circuit can therefore be redrawn.

33. If a wire of resistance R is stretched to n times, without affecting resistivity, and then it is cut into 2
n equal parts. Now, all the parts are connected in parallel, what will be the new resistance?

Ans :
Original resistance =
On stretching, volume (V) remains the same.

When its length is increased to nl.

When, this wire is cut into n equal parts, then the resistance of each part

Now, all n resistors of resistance nR each, are connected in parallel, then combination
resistance =

34. Define drift velocity. Write its relationship with relaxation time in terms of the electric field 2
applied to a conductor.
A potential difference V is applied to a conductor of length L. How is the drift velocity

affected when V is doubled and L is halved?

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Ans : Drift velocity It is an average velocity of electrons moving through
any cross-section of a conductor under the influence of an external electric field.

where г is the relaxation time.

As V is doubled and L is halved,

The drift velocity will get four times.

35. Define relaxation time of the free electrons drifting in a conductor. How is it related to the drift 3

velocity of free electrons? Use this relation to deduce the expression for the electrical resistivity of
the material.

Ans : Relaxation time is the duration for which an electron drifting through a conductor
does not suffer any collision.

Relation between drift velocity of free electrons and relaxation time

where E is the electric field across the conductor drifting the electrons.

We have the relation

where V is the potential difference and l is the length of the conductor.

Substituting the value of vd from equation (ii) in equation (i), we get


ρ is called the resistivity of the material of the conductor

36. Plot a graph showing the variation of current density (j) versus the electric field (E) for two 3

conductors of different materials. What information from this plot regarding the properties of the
conducting material, can be obtained which can be used to select suitable materials for use in
making (i) standard resistance and (ii) connecting wires in electric circuits?
Electron drift speed is estimated to be of the order of mm s–1. Yet large current of the order of few
amperes can be set up in the wire. Explain briefly.

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Ans :

At a constant temperature, the slope of the lines gives the conductivity.

(i) To make a standard resistor, we use a material A having the low conductivity.
(ii) For connecting wires, we use a material B of high value of the conductivity.

Just because of the high electron number density (~ 1029 m–3), a large amount of
current can be established in a conductor

37. A cell of emf ε and internal resistance r is connected across a variable load resistor R. Draw the 3
plots of the terminal voltage V versus (i) R and (ii) the current I.
It is found that when R = 4 Ω, the current is 1 A and when R is increased to 9 Ω, the current

reduces to 0.5 A. Find the values of the emf e and internal resistance r.
Ans :

Given: R1 = 4 Ω, I1 = 1 A, R2 = 9 Ω, I2 = 0.5 A

ε = I(R + r)
ε = 1 × (4 + r) = 4 + r ...(i)
When R is increased then ε = 0.5(9 + r) = 4.5 + 0.5 r ...(ii)
From equations (i) and (ii), we get

4 + r = 4.5 + 0.5 r ⇒ 0.5r = 0.5 ⇒ r = 1 Ω

ε = 1 × (4 + 1) = 5 V

38. A number of identical cells, n, each of emf E, and internal resistance r connected in series are 3
charged by a dc source of emf E′, using a resistor R.
(i) Draw the circuit arrangement.
(ii) Deduce the expressions for (a) the charging current, and (b) the potential difference across the
combination of the cells.

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Ans :


(ii) (a) Expression for charging current

Net resistance of the circuit, Req = R + nr
Total emf of the cells, Et = nE
Effective emf = E′ – nE
Charging current, I =
(b) Potential difference across the combination of cells
V = nE – I (nr) V = n(E – Ir)

39. In the given circuit in the steady state, obtain the expressions for 3

(a) the potential drop
(b) the charge and
(c) the energy stored in the capacitor, C.

Ans : (a) Net emf of the circuit, ε = 2V – V = V
Net resistance, Req = 2R + R = 3R
Current in the circuit, I =

Potential difference across BE, VBE = 2V – I × 2R = 2V – × 2R− =

Potential difference across capacitor, VC = V–V=

(b) Charge on the capacitor, Q =


(c) Energy stored in the capacitor, En = CV2 = C


40. A potential difference V is applied across a conductor of length L and diameter D. How are the 3
electric field E and the resistance R of the conductor affected when (i) V is halved (ii) L is halved (iii)
D is doubled. Justify your


Ans : The electric field , therefore, the electric field will be (i) halved, (ii) doubled and

(iii) remained same.

Also, the resistance R = therefore, the resistance R will be (i) remained

same (ii) halved, and (iii) th of the original value.

41. Two cells of emfs ε1, ε2 and internal resistances r1 and r2 respectively are connected in parallel 3
as shown in the figure.
Deduce the expression for
(i) the equivalent emf of the combination,
(ii) the equivalent resistance of the combination, and

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(iii) the potential difference between the points A and B.

Ans :

As the cells are in parallel, the potential difference across the cells is same,
i.e. V1 = V2 = V

(i) The expression for the equivalent emf of the combination
(ii) Expression for the equivalent resistance of the combination
(iii) Expression for the potential difference between the points A and B.

42. (a) Define the term ‘drift velocity’ of charge carriers in a conductor. Obtain the expression for the 5
current density in terms of relaxation time.
(b) A 100 V battery is connected to the electric network as shown. If the power consumed in the 2 Ω

resistor is
200 W, determine the power dissipated in the 5 Ω resistor.

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Ans : Drift velocity: Refer to Point no. 2 [Important Terms, Definitions and Formulae]
Let A be the area of cross-section of a wire and n be the number of free
electrons per unit volume. If vd be the average drift speed of the electrons
along the wire, then the number of electrons passing in time t through the
cross-section of the wire will be given by nAvd. If e is the charge on each
electron, the charge q passing in time t through the cross-section of the wire
will be given as

where j is the current density.

(b) Power disspated in 2 Ω resistance = 200 W (given)

Voltage drop across 2 Ω, i.e. V = 2 × 10 = 20 V


43. (a) State, with the help of circuit diagram, the working principle of a meter bridge. Obtain the 5
expression used for determining the unknown resistance.
(b) What happens if the galvanometer and cell are interchanged at the balance point of the bridge ?

(c) Why is it considered important to obtain the balance point near the midpoint of the wire?

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Ans : (a) The metre bridge is based on the Wheatstone bridge principle.
The connections are made as shown in the figure. A resistance R is introduced from the
resistance box and the key K is closed. The jockey is moved on the wire to the point
where there is no deflection in the galvanometer. In such a case points B and D are at
the same potential. The point D is called the null point.

Let, in this position, AD = L cm and DC = (100 – L) cm. Therefore, the resistance of AD,
i.e. P ∝ L and resistance of DC, i.e. Q ∝ (100 – L), hence

In a balanced state, by the Wheatstone bridge principle, we have

Substituting equation (i) in equation (ii), we have

Rewriting equation (iii), we have
(b) There is no change in the position of the balance point if the galvanometer and the
cell are interchanged.
(c) It is important to get the balance point near the mid-point of the wire because then the
resistances in the four arms of the bridge are of the same order. The sensitivity of the
bridge is maximum and the resistance is determined move accurately.

44. Estimate the average drift speed of conduction electrons in a copper wire of cross-sectional area 4
1.0 × 10–7 m2 carrying a current of 1.5 A. Assume the
density of conduction electrons to be 9 × 1028 m–3.

Ans : Given: A = 1.0 × 10–7 m2, I = 1.5 A, n = 9 × 1028m–3


We know that

vd = 0.1041 × 10–2 = 1.041 × 10–3 m/s


45. Current flowing through a wire varies with time t in second as 1

I = (2t + 4) A
How much charge passes through a cross-section of the wire in 2s?

Ans :

46. A straight line plot showing the terminal potential difference (V) of a cell as a function of 4
current (I) drawn from it is shown in the figure.

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Using this plot, determine (i) the emf, and (ii) internal resistance of the cell.

Ans : We know that E – V = Ir

(i) Clearly, where I = 0, E = V = 1.4 V (from the graph)
(ii) Also, when V = 1.2 V, I = 0.04 A

47. State Kirchhoff ’s rules. Use these rules to write the expressions for the currents I1, I2 and I3 in 4
the circuit diagram shown below.

Ans : Kirchhoff ’s junction rule: At any junction of several circuit elements, the sum of currents
entering the junction is equal to the sum of currents leaving it.
Kirchhoff ’s loop rule: The algebraic sum of potential drop around any closed loop
involving resistors and cells is zero.

According to the Kirchhoff ’s junction rule,


According to the Kirchhoff ’s junction rule,

I3 = I1 + I2 ...(i)

Consider the loop FCDEF,

3I2 – 4I1 = 1 ...(ii)
Consider the loop FCBAF,
3I2 + 2I3 = 3 ...(iii)
3I2 + 2(I1 + I2) = 3

5I2 + 2I1 = 3 ...(iv)

On solving equations (i), (ii) and (iv), we get

48. State Kirchhoff ’s rules. Apply these rules to the loops PRSP and PRQP to write the expressions 4
for the currents I1, I2 and I3 in the given circuit.

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Ans : According to the Kirchhoff ’s junction rule,
I3 = I1 + I2 ...(i)
From the loop PRSP, 20I3 + 200I2 = 5 ...(ii)
From the loop PRQP, 20I3 + 60I1 = 4 ...(iii)
Substituting equation (i) in equations (ii) and (iii), we get
20(I1 + I2) + 200I2 = 5 ⇒ 20I1 + 220I2 = 5 ⇒ 4I1+ 44I2 = 1 ...(iv)

20(I1 + I2) + 60I1 = 4 ⇒ 80 I1 + 20I2 = 4 ⇒ 20I1 + 5I2 = 1 ...(v)
On solving equations (iv) and (v), we get

49. Find the value of the unknown resistance X, in the following circuit, if no current flows through 4
the section AO. Also calculate the current drawn by the circuit from the battery of emf 6 V and
negligible internal resistance.


Ans : The circuit can be rearranged as in the figure.

As no current flows through the section AO. This is a balanced wheatstone bridge.

50. A potential difference of 2 V is applied between the points A and B as shown in the network 4
drawn in the figure.

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(i) equivalent resistance of the network across the points A and B, and
(ii) the magnitudes of currents flowing in the arms AFCEB and AFDEB.

Ans :

(i) The network given in the question can be redrawn as shown here.

Clearly, it is a balanced Wheatstone bridge. Hence, the equivalent resistance of the
network between A and B is the parallel combination of two resistors of value 4 Ω each,
or the equivalent resistance is 2 Ω.

(ii) With a potential difference of 2 V applied between A and B, the current in arm AFCEB

Similarly, current in arm AFDEB = 0.5 ampere.

51. Consider a current carrying wire current I in the shape of a circle. Note that as the current 1
progresses along the wire, the direction of j (current density) changes in an exact manner, while the
current I remain unaffected. The agent that is essentially responsible for is
(a) source of emf.
(b) electric field produced by charges accumulated on the surface of wire.
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(c) the charges just behind a given segment of wire which push them just the right way by
(d) the charges ahead.

Ans : (b) Current density j changes due to electric field produced by charges accumulated on
the surface of wire.

52. Two batteries of ε1 and ε2 (ε2 > ε1) and internal resistance r1 and r2 respectively are connected 1
in parallel as shown in figure.

(a) The equivalent emf εeq of the two cells is between ε1 and ε2, i.e. ε1 < εeq < ε2.
(b) The equivalent emf εeq is smaller than ε1.

(c) The εeq is given by εeq = ε1 + ε2 always.
(a) εeq is independent of internal resistances r1 and r2.

Ans : (a) The equivalent emf of this combination is given by

53. For a cell, the graph between the potential difference (V) across the terminals of the cell and the 1
current (I) drawn from the cell is shown in the figure.

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The e.m.f. and the internal resistance of the cell are
(a) 2V, 0.5 Ω (b) 2V, 0.4 Ω
(c) > 2V, 0.5 Ω (d) > 2V, 0.4 Ω

Ans : (b) E.m.f. is the value of voltage, when no current is drawn from the circuit so E = 2 V.
Also r = slope = = 0.4 Ω

54. When there is an electric current through a conducting wire along its length, then an electric field 1
must exist
(a) outside the wire but normal to it.
(b) outside the wire but parallel to it.
(c) inside the wire but parallel to it.
(d) inside the wire but normal to it.

Ans : (c) Electric field parallel to wire inside creates potential difference and electrostic force on


55. A wire is stretched so as to change its length by 0.1%, the percentage increase in its resistance 1

will be ___________.

Ans : LA
56. The current in the given circuit will be ________. 1

Ans :

57. Which of the following characteristics of electrons determines the current in a conductor? 1
(a) Drift velocity alone.
(b) Thermal velocity alone.
(c) Both drift velocity and thermal velocity.
(d) Neither drift nor thermal velocity.

Ans : (a) Drift velocity is the average uniform velocity acquired by free electrons inside a metal
by the application of an electric field which is responsible for the current through it.

58. Kirchhoff’s junction rule is a reflection of 1

(a) conservation of current density vector.
(b) conservation of potential.
(c) the fact that the momentum with which a charged particle approaches a junction is unchanged
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(as a vector) as the charged particle leaves the junction.
(d) the fact that there is no accumulation of charges at a junction.

Ans : (d) Junction rule: Algebraic sum of the currents flowing towards any point in an electric
network is zero, i.e. charges are conserved in an electric network.
The proof of this rule follows from the fact that when currents are steady, there is no
accumulation of charges at any junction or at any point in a line.

59. Ohm’s law is true. 1

(a) For metallic conductors at low temperature.
(b) For metallic conductors at high temperature.
(c) For electrolytes when current passes through them.
(d) For diode when current flows.

Ans : (a) Because with rise in temperature, the resistance of a conductor increases, so the
graph between V and i becomes non-linear.

60. Kirchhoff’s first law, i.e. Σi = 0 at a junction is based on the law of conservation of __________. 1

Ans : charge

61. Kirchhoff ’s second law is based on the law of conservation of ___________. 1
Ans : energy

62. Ohm’s law is obeyed by many substance, but one can’t say that it’s a fundamental law of nature. 5
It’s a basic law regarding flow of the current which defines resistance as constant of proportionality.
The dependence of R was also discussed by Ohm’s law. The potential applied across a conductor

and current through it was also one of the important point discussed in this law.

(i) What will be resistance across a slab if area is doubled?

(a) Resistance will be doubled.


(b) Resistance will be halved.

(c) No change

(d) Resistance will be zero.

(ii) On what factor does the resistance depends on?


(a) Material only.

(b) Dimension of conductor only.

(c) Material and dimension both.


(d) None of these.

(iii) How does the current density varies if area is doubled?

(a) j becomes half.

(b) j will be doubled.

(c) j doesn’t vary.

(d) j is only depend on current.

(iv) How does resistivity change with temperature?

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(a) Increases linearly

(b) Decreases linearly

(c) First increases and then decreases.

(d) None of the above.

(v) What can you say about the relation between V and I from Ohm’s law?

(a) V depends on I linearly.

(b) V depends on I non-linearly.

(c) V doesn’t depend on I.

(d) Can’t say.

Ans :

(i) (b) Resistance will be halved. = R

(ii) (c) It depends on what material is used and also the dimension.

(iii) (a) j =
(iv) (a) It increases linearly with temperature.

(v) (b) V is not linearly dependent on current.

63. When a conductor does not have a current through it, its conduction electrons move randomly, 5
with no net motion in any direction. When the current flows through the conductor, these electrons
actually still move randomly, but now they tend to drift with the drift speed vd. The drift speed is very
less as compared to speeds in random thermal motion.

(i) A steady current I flows through a metallic conductor whose area of cross-section (A) increases
continuously from one end to the other. The drift velocity of free electron (vd) as a function of A will be:




(ii) For Ohm’s law is obeyed, then what is the relation between electric field(E) and drift velocity

SIGMA CLASSES , SEC 32. PH.8566941605

(a) vd ∝ E2
(b) vd ∝ E
(c) vd ∝
(d) vd ∝

(iii) When a current flows in a conductor, the order of magnitude of drift velocity of electrons through
it is

(a) 10–7 cm/s

(b) 10–2 cm/s
(c) 104 mm/s
(d) 0.5 mm/s

(iv) Two nichrome wires of equal lengths but having radii in the ratio 1 : 3 are connected in series
across an electric cell. The drift velocities of free electrons through them will be in the ratio of

(a) 3 : 1

(b) 1 : 3
(c) 4 : 9
(d) 9 : 1

(v) The path of electrons (I) in the absence (II) in the presence of electric field is

(a) straight line in case (I) and (II)

(b) curved in (I) and straight in (II)
(c) curved in (II) and straight in (I)
(d) curved in case (I) and (II) both

Ans :

SIGMA CLASSES , SEC 32. PH.8566941605

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