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TWP Exam #1 - 2021 (TWP-130056-

1.Academic posters can be regarded as a _________ genre.
(1 Point)
2.A ______ speaker looks into the eyes of the audience.
(1 Point)
3.The difference between poster and oral presentations is that you should let
your poster do most of the 'talking'.
(1 Point)
No way!
Who cares
4.Academic posters include:
(1 Point)
texts, images and graphs
5.To be able to give a good presentation, presenter need to
(1 Point)
Use the loud voice
Watch the pace
Read the text
Hide the hands
6.Subject line in the E-mail does not use
(1 Point)
All capital
7.The conclusion of a research report:
(1 Point)
is the same as the abstract except that it is presented at the end of the report
can introduce new information
should focus only on the findings of the research
must be based only on material presented in the report
8.The correct order for handling your content when creating a presentation from
scratch is:
(1 Point)
Design, organize, collect
Collect, design, organize
Collect, organize, design
Organize, design, collect
9.The most effective way of closing an email is
(1 Point)
With a clear, actionable
With a social message
With a proverb
Repeating the subject line
10.What do not you need to control while presenting?
(1 Point)
Eye contact
Your Pace
None of these
Body language
11.What should you do if you are not sure the question from audiences?
(1 Point)
Explain the other question
Guess the audience’s idea and answer
Answer even though the explanation is not related to the question
Do not make up the answer
12.Proofreading emails before hitting send is
(1 Point)
It can be done sometimes
Not important
A best practice
Waste of time
13.Which of the following is NOT a common format guideline in writing technical
(1 Point)
Generally use double spaced typing
number the title, summary or contents pages
report must be printed single sided on white A4 paper
1 or 1.5-inch margins for all four margins of the report
14.A conclusion should be
(1 Point)
short and easy
difficult words
specific key points
15.The email signature must capture all necessary contact details.
(1 Point)
Yes. It makes it easier for the recipient to reach out to you
It is not important
16.Which type of body language is encouraged when delivering a presentation?
(1 Point)
Touch your face
17.In the methods section of the report, the researcher needs to:
(1 Point)
set out in detail how data was gathered and analyzed
discuss the theoretical background for the research
discuss the results of the research
recount in detail the daily research activities conducted during the research process
18.Why do not you use all capital letters in a sentence?
(1 Point)
All of these
It makes text hard to read
It conceals acronyms
It denies their use for emphasis
19.Which of these must be avoided in any presentation?
(1 Point)
Complex words
Clear voice
Proper grammar
Short sentences
20.Which of the following is an easy to read font?
(1 Point)
Informal Roman
Sego Script
21.Supporting sentence would be
(1 Point)
Providing more detail
All of these
Evaluating content
Comparing sentence
22.Technical writing demands ……… use of language.
(1 Point)
23.What's the most important aspect of your presentation slides?
(1 Point)
The amount of information
The visual engagement
The font and color
The way you interact with them
24.To be a good presenter, you need to be _________
(1 Point)
Good at making animations in PowerPoint
Well prepared
Good looking and pleasing
A naturally talented and charismatic speaker
25.Feature of a body paragraph contains:
(1 Point)
Supporting sentence
All of these
Concluding sentence
Topic sentence
26.What is presented in the discussion section of a research report?
(1 Point)
The reasons for undertaking the study
A comment on the results presented in the findings section
The numerical data that was collected
Your plans for future research
27.A speech must be prepared with _______ in mind.
(1 Point)
the result
an audience
28.Good descriptive writing uses which of the following?
(1 Point)
Precise language
All of the above
Strong action verbs
Specific adjectives and nouns
29.What is the abstract?
(1 Point)
A dataset
A brief summary of the article
A conclusive statement
A theoretical framework
30.To give a good power point, it needs to contain:
(1 Point)
Clear graphs
None of these
Confusing charts
As much colors as possible

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