Human Relation Sense

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Tolerance – be able to deal with working under supervisors and managers that are difficult
to deal with
and handle work place disagreements when they arise.


1. Providing job security to employees by employing them on permanent and
pensionable basis or
signing of long contracts.
2. Providing meaningful and challenging job.
3. Proving scope for opportunity and advancement through, for example, promotion,
training and
development programmes.
4. Maintaining open communication channels particularly upward communication.
Employee handbooks,
grievance procedures, suggestion schemes, etc enable management to understand the
feelin gs,
problems, fears and aspirations of employees.
5. Providing adaptive leadership, that is, the leader should adapt his approach to the
requirements of the
situation. In order to develop healthy human relations, managers should carefully
understand the
employees and handle them with sympathy. They should uphold the dignity of the
6. Issuing clear instructions to employees
7. Reducing and minimizing interpersonal and intergroup conflicts. Identify the needs of
both parties to
the conflict and handle the situation so as to satisfy the interests of both.
8. Offering rewards.
9. Offering personal counseling to solve problems faced by workers by listening to
them to reduce
worker’s tension and improves their self confidence. The employee feels at home on the four
walls of
the factors or office.
10. Offering praise, appreciation and word of thanks when due
11. Delegate authority so that employees feel they have personal responsibility for the
accomplishment of
12. Encourage employee participation in decision making, provision of a job description
13. Provision of staff welfare facilities e.g. staff canteen, vacations or holidays, indoor games,
TVs, radios,
transport to and from work, workers cooperativeness, rest room, lavatories/toilets, etc.
1. Increased productivity by the workers which pays financial dividends to the organizations.
2. Ensures employee retention in the job, therefore, avoiding high labour turnover which is
costly to the organization in terms of recruitment and training new workers.
3. Employees are human beings like managers and owners and are entitled to be treated with
the same
respect and dignity as any other human being.
4. It increases morale and motivation of the workers so that they have a positive attitude
towards one
another, their employer, management and work.
5. Establishes a harmonious working relationship amongst workers enabling a worker to fit
well in the
organization and have a sense of belonging.
6. Leads to development of personal morals by workers.
7. Increase job satisfaction which gives workers greater interest and pride in their work.


1. Each must view the other as a professional and recognize the interdependence of roles
2. Each must accept that the other has his/her own objectives regarding work

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