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American Welding Society ‘American Welding Society Forum Notlogged in ‘Tople Welding Industry | Technical Discussions / Hytrogen Bake-out of Refinery Piping By JoeWelder p Date 04-19.2005 16.21 Looking for other's experiences with welding of piping in M2 service, [At our refinery, we have 2 current dsciplines regarding such welding The iets a tle “Oulgassing” procedure for piping inal M2 service, operating over 400F, with a2 partial pressure greater than 40psia. This applies to carbon steel and Crome piping (up to 9C:). Although there are several variables to this procedure, the basics, include heating the pipe to 800F and holding for * hour to allow for proper 2 dfusion. This procedure has never been disputed ‘The second disciptine is an "old-school, rule-ofhumb*, which applies to piping in our Fuel Gas and Flare services, as well 8s some ther services known to contain H2 (nether temp or pressure dependent, Alfhough, these services do not meet the criteria ofthe Tet tiscpine, there has always been a request to "bake-out the pipng to OOF for 10 minutes to again allow for H2 afusion Recent tere aro quosions as th quirement fo a"bake-ouof his ping fas per scping 7). Questons include) 5 Lavan necessaty?,b) Itnecossary, ls 800F/10 minutes adequate or even potentially devimental?, and c) tis necessary. and the 8DOF/40 min is deemed detrimental o integrity, should the “outgassing” procedure of discipine 1 be followed (or is this "overk')? ‘Any thoughts, experiences, references, Inks, ete would be greatly appreciated thanks for your time, aw By GRoborts ppp Date 04-18.2005 19:19 ‘The 10 minutes a 800 wil do eaivey nothing or any hyrogen present in base metal. The difusion curve or H2 peaks near SOOF, Sa gong notte tan B00F actualy slows down the cusion of hysragen. Hyoragen lea esos slowly sooo thn 10 rants ‘id aryring ta When raking i¥80 castings, toy can 0 Dakad fo: days on ond before enough hyaregen is otgassed to trakea dferonce nina skgatsrs However ervchbey Sea yas val nt do ary alakargcal Gamage at Rat en an {Emperaure. Are you sure ta he SOD" for 1 minstes = not jo aur of errant of any vate element such 28 oF ‘reas rsd, which would in ur adic te chance of 2 eackng? By JoeWelder p Date 04-19-2005 20:57 HIGR, thanx or he eps, Orginaly, the bake-ou was forthe vole esas nour ct serves (Fuel gas Fuel OL, Fae, e), however sometime In the past, te procedure was adopted for use on clean systoms (ie. clean vont gases, and low pressitemp recycle M2 Tings, ae), the feasaning being: H2 entrainment inthe basemelal, Conveniently, no ane can fememBer whe or when iis Was incorporate. ‘Anyways, your statements coincide with aut “Outgassing” procedure. We shall review our useage of aur “Bake out” procedure. Ifyou nave anything else o ad that would be greally appreciated ‘Thanks for your tim. aw By Bonniweldor py Date 04-27-2006 12:41 | agree fully with GRobertson the point, Our DHT erteria fr steel materials fabrication isthe range OOF, +-25F, 2 hrs per inch, 2 hy. Lntorprt there is H bake-out after welding, and there is H bake-out ater service during a shut-down for maintenance. The time at temporature depends on the expected H concentration inthe meatal and the metal thickness. H concantralion fram servic ca” ba Signifeanly greater than H concentration after controlled welding, and the cad eraking risk that much greater, not to mention the ‘embriting effects of hydrogen aflack and methane or Hz bistenng of te steal mat In the refinery maintenance practice, | would expect there are very specific procedures for bringing steel materials out of high temp H2 servica, Bul the 800F for 10 mines rogime appears to bo misolaced from an original practical contexts an “old-Supervcore tao" thal seems more @ cultural artifact (nan a technica one ‘Topic Welding Industry | Technical Discussions / Hydrogen Bake-out of Refinery Piping Technical Discussions

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