Visual Studio Code Guide

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Installing Visual Studio Code

➔ Download the Installer:
◆ Visit the official Visual Studio Code website: Visual Studio Code
◆ Choose the version compatible with your operating system (Windows,
macOS, Linux).
➔ Run the Installer:
◆ Follow the installation prompts.
◆ Accept the license agreement and select your desired install location.
➔ Launch VS Code:
◆ Once installed, open VS Code to start setting up.

2. Familiarising Yourself with the Interface

➔ Explorer: Accessible via the icon that looks like two stacked papers, this is where you
manage your files and projects.
➔ Search: The magnifying glass icon lets you search through your code.
➔ Source Control: The branch icon allows integration with Git for version control.
➔ Run and Debug: The play icon with a bug used for running and debugging
➔ Extensions: The square icon opens the Extensions Marketplace.

3. Basic Operations
➔ Creating a New File:
◆ Go to File > New File or use the shortcut Ctrl+N (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+N
➔ Saving a File:
◆ Save your file by clicking File > Save or using Ctrl+S (Windows/Linux) or
Cmd+S (macOS).
➔ Opening a File:
◆ Open a file through File > Open File or using Ctrl+O (Windows/Linux) or
Cmd+O (macOS).
4. Working with Extensions
➔ Installing Extensions:
◆ Open the Extensions view by clicking on the square icon on the Sidebar.
◆ Search for the desired extension (e.g., Python, C++, etc.) and click 'Install'.

5. Basic Keyboard Shortcuts

➔ General Shortcuts:
◆ Open Command Palette: Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P - Access all available
commands based on your current context.
◆ Switch Between Open Files: Ctrl+Tab (Windows/Linux), Cmd+Tab (macOS).
➔ Editing Shortcuts:
◆ Cut Line: Ctrl+X when line is selected (Windows/Linux), Cmd+X (macOS).
◆ Copy Line: Ctrl+C when line is selected (Windows/Linux), Cmd+C (macOS).
◆ Move Line Up/Down: Alt+Up or Alt+Down (Windows/Linux), Opt+Up or
Opt+Down (macOS).
➔ Navigation Shortcuts:
◆ Go to File: Ctrl+P (Windows/Linux), Cmd+P (macOS) - Quickly navigate to a

6. Tips and Tricks

➔ Multiple Cursors: Hold Alt and click in different spots to create multiple cursors for
simultaneous editing.
➔ Zen Mode: Access Zen Mode via View > Appearance > Toggle Zen Mode to focus on
your code without distractions.
➔ Integrated Terminal: Access the integrated terminal via View > Terminal or Ctrl+
(Windows/Linux), Cmd+ (macOS) for command-line operations within VS Code.

7. Customising VS Code
➔ Themes: Change your theme by going to File > Preferences > Color Theme to
choose a visual style that suits you.
➔ Settings: Customize further by opening Settings via File > Preferences > Settings.
You can modify editor settings, keybindings, and more.

8. Getting Help
➔ Documentation and Resources:
◆ The official Visual Studio Code Documentation is an excellent resource for
detailed guides and tutorials.
◆ Community forums and Stack Overflow are also valuable for specific
questions and troubleshooting.

This guide should help you get started with Visual Studio Code as a beginner, enabling you
to explore more complex programming tasks as you grow more comfortable with the

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