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empId empName empAge empAddress empSalary

1 gashaw 25 Jinka 32000

2 Ananya 30 dimka 37000

3 Aargaw 32 Jinka 35000

4 mohhamed 30 dimka 40000

5 hermila 28 Jinka 39000

1. Write the query to create a table named 'employees' with fields like empId, empName,
empAge, empAddress, and empSalary.
2. Write the query to insert values in the above 'employees' table.
3. Consider the 'employees' table and write the query to delete record of 'empId=1' from the
'employees' table:
4. Consider the 'employees' table and write the query to update the age of 'empId=5' in the
'employees' table:
5. Consider the 'employees' table and write the query to select all records from the 'employees'
6. Consider the 'employees' table and write the query to select the 'empName' and 'empSalary'
columns from the 'employees' table:
7. Consider the 'employees' table and write the query to select distinct values from the
'empAddress' column in the 'employees' table:
8. Consider the 'employees' table and write the query to filter and select those records where
empAddress='Jlnka' using a WHERE clause:
9.Consider the 'employees' table and write the query to sort records of the 'employees' table in
descending order.
10. Consider the 'employees' table and write the query to sort records of the 'employees' table in
ascending order.
11. Consider the 'employees' table and write the query to count the number of rows in the
'employees' table.
12. Consider the 'employees' table and write the query to retrieve all employees whose salary is
between 35000 and 40000 in the 'employees' table
13. Consider the 'employees' table and write the query to add another column called

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