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First of all, I feel that I haven't fully utilized the money and effort spent on the Advanced English

Management course. As Mr. Khoa mentioned, each class costs me around 200k, including tuition,
transportation, and other expenses. However, when I am in class, I sometimes don't pay 100% attention
when my classmates are presenting, and I often get distracted by other things. This lack of focus is my
fault and stems from my poor concentration skills; I know I need to change this. I also haven't been
reading the supplementary materials provided by the teacher. Instead, I only refer to them during my
classmates' presentations to check if they cover the points from the book. I have mainly concentrated
on the chapter my group presented, which is another mistake, and I only took notes during the first few
presentations from other groups. Recently, I have just listened without taking any notes. Moreover, I
often overlook concepts I don't understand instead of asking questions, which is another shortcoming
of mine.

Furthermore, today when the teacher reminded us, I realized that I have not considered my parents.
They spend money for me to learn knowledge that they themselves have not had access to because they
want to give me a better future. Reflecting on my time, I see that I have wasted a lot of it because the
purpose of attending school is to accumulate useful knowledge for my future work and earning
potential. And I realized that now, while I'm in the lecture hall, if there's something I don't understand
and ask, the teacher explains it to me. However, in the future, when I'm working, I won't have this
opportunity and might instead be criticized and lose my job if I make mistakes. I see that my
management of time and money has been ineffective. If I continue like this, I fear that I will become an
undisciplined person.

This realization applies not only to this course but also to other courses where I need to improve my
study habits. I took a gap year, and I still have many courses left to complete, while my classmates will
be starting their internships next semester.

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