System Administration Scripts

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System administrators often use scripts to automate tasks, troubleshoot issues, and

manage systems more efficiently. Here are some useful script examples for system

1. Backup Script: Automate the backup process for critical files and databases.
You can use tools like rsync or built-in utilities like robocopy for Windows or
rsnapshot for Linux.
2. System Health Check Script: Write a script to perform regular checks on
system health, including disk space, CPU usage, memory usage, and network
connectivity. This can help identify potential issues before they cause
3. User Management Script: Develop scripts to automate user management
tasks such as creating, deleting, or modifying user accounts, resetting
passwords, and managing user permissions.
4. Patch Management Script: Automate the process of downloading and
installing software patches and updates for operating systems and
applications to ensure systems are up-to-date and secure.
5. Monitoring Script: Write scripts to monitor system services, logs, and
performance metrics in real-time. Tools like Nagios, Zabbix, or Prometheus
can be integrated with custom scripts for comprehensive monitoring.
6. Log Rotation Script: Implement a script to rotate and compress log files
regularly to prevent them from consuming too much disk space. Utilities like
logrotate or built-in tools like cron can be used for this purpose.
7. Security Audit Script: Develop scripts to perform security audits, including
checking for open ports, outdated software versions, weak passwords, and
unauthorized access attempts.
8. Network Configuration Script: Automate network configuration tasks such
as setting up IP addresses, configuring DNS settings, managing firewall rules,
and establishing VPN connections.
9. Disk Cleanup Script: Write a script to identify and remove temporary files,
cache files, and other unnecessary data to free up disk space and improve
system performance.
10. Automated Deployment Script: Create scripts to automate the deployment
of software updates, configurations, and applications across multiple servers
or workstations.
11. System Inventory Script: Develop scripts to collect hardware and software
inventory information from systems, including details such as CPU, memory,
storage, installed software, and network configuration.
12. Troubleshooting Script: Build scripts to assist with troubleshooting common
system issues, such as network connectivity problems, service failures, disk
errors, and performance bottlenecks.
13. Email Notification Script: Implement scripts to send email notifications for
important system events, alerts, and status updates using tools like sendmail or
SMTP libraries.
14. Backup Verification Script: Develop scripts to verify the integrity of backups
by performing test restores and comparing checksums to ensure data
15. Disaster Recovery Script: Create scripts to automate the disaster recovery
process, including server failover, data restoration, and service reconfiguration
in case of system failures or disasters.

These are just a few examples of useful scripts for system administrators. Depending
on your specific requirements and environment, you may need to customize these
scripts or develop additional ones to suit your needs. Always test scripts in a
controlled environment before deploying them to production systems.

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