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500 Rules
100 Concepts
Based on 80/20 Rule (Pareto Principle)

Written by

Dear Learner,

This book is based on the Pareto Principle,

focusing on the top 20% of grammar mistakes that
cause 80% of the problems.

By studying this book, you will achieve maximum

results in a short amount of time, especially in
understanding grammar concepts.

If you read and understand the concepts in this

book, you can significantly reduce the number
of grammar mistakes you make.

Each concept is explained with two sentences: one

incorrect and one correct. This approach will
provide you with clarity and help you learn a lot in a
very short time.

Remember, "speaking comes by speaking" To

achieve fluency in English, consistent practice in
speaking and conversation is essential, especially
when practicing with an expert.


follow these simple guidelines:

1. Read Each Concept Carefully:

Begin by reading each grammar concept
thoroughly. Take your time to understand the
rules and their applications.

2. Compare Correct and Incorrect Examples:

Each concept is accompanied by two sentences:
one correct and one incorrect. Compare these
examples to see the differences and understand
why one is right and the other is wrong.

3. Practice Regularly:
Consistency is key. Set aside some time each
day to go through a few concepts and examples.
Regular practice will reinforce your
understanding and help you remember the rules.

4. Apply What You Learn:

Use the grammar rules in your daily
conversations and writing. This will help you
understand and remember them better.

1. Grammar Concepts 1- 28
2. Exercise 29-30
3. Answer Key 31-32
Concept 1:

Singular Subjects with "and": Use plural verbs.

Incorrect: Hari and Ram is here.

Correct: Hari and Ram are here.

Concept 2:

Singular Nouns Referencing Same Person/Thing: Use

singular verb.

Incorrect: The Secretary and Principal are coming.

Correct: The Secretary and Principal is coming.

Concept 3:

Subjects Preceded by "Each" or "Every": Use singular


Incorrect: Every boy and girl were ready.

Correct: Every boy and girl was ready.

Concept 4:

Singular Subjects with "or/ nor/ either... or/ neither

...nor ": Use singular verb.

Incorrect: Neither he nor I were there.

Correct: Neither he nor I was there.

Concept 5:

Subjects of Different Numbers with "or/nor": Place

plural subject nearest the verb and use plural verb.

Incorrect: Neither the Headmaster nor the Assistant

Masters was present.

Correct: Neither the Headmaster nor the Assistant

Masters were present.

Concept 6:

Subjects of Different Persons with "or/nor": Verb

agrees with the nearest subject.

Incorrect: Either he or I is mistaken.

Correct: Either he or I am mistaken.

Concept 7:

Collective Nouns: Use singular verb for a whole, plural

for individuals.

Incorrect: The Council have chosen the President.

Correct: The Council has chosen the President.

Concept 8:

Nouns Singular in Form but Plural in Meaning: Use

plural verb.

Incorrect: Mathematics are a branch of study in every


Correct: Mathematics is a branch of study in every


Concept 9:

Singular Subject with Parenthetical Words: Use

singular verb.

Incorrect: The chief, with all his men, were


Correct: The chief, with all his men, was massacred.

Concept 10:

Relative Pronoun Agreement: Verb agrees with


Incorrect: I, who is your friend, will guard your


Correct: I, who am your friend, will guard your


Concept 11:

Verbs Followed by "Object + To + Infinitive": Use

correct structure.

Incorrect: He advised me do it.

Correct: He advised me to do it.

Concept 12:

"Know" Followed by "how/ where/ when/ why +


Incorrect: I know how write a letter.

Correct: I know how to write a letter.

Concept 13:

Bare Infinitive after Certain Verbs:

Incorrect: I heard him to speak on several subjects.

Correct: I heard him speak on several subjects.

Concept 14:

Bare Infinitive with Modal Auxiliaries:

Incorrect: You need not to work hard.

Correct: You need not work hard.

Concept 15:

Expressions with "Had" Followed by Bare Infinitive:

Incorrect: He had better to go now.

Correct: He had better go now.

Concept 16:

"Than" Followed by Bare Infinitive:

Incorrect: He had better to read than write.

Correct: He had better read than write.

Concept 17:

Preposition "but" with "do" Followed by Bare


Incorrect: He did nothing but to wander.

Correct: He did nothing but wander.

Concept 18:

Participles Need a Subject of Reference:

Incorrect: Being a rainy day, Vijay decided to stay at


Correct: It being a rainy day, Vijay decided to stay at


Concept 19:

"Having + Past Participle" for Completed Actions:

Incorrect: The leader having killed, the followers ran


Correct: The leader having been killed, the followers

ran away.

Concept 20:

Participles Without Subject of Reference:

Incorrect: Considering the case, the decision was


Correct: Considering the case, I took the decision.

Concept 21:

Different Number Subjects Require Separate


Incorrect: Three were killed and one were injured.

Correct: Three were killed and one was injured.

Concept 22:

Single Verb for Two Subjects with Same Form:

Incorrect: I am seventeen years old and my sister


Correct: I am seventeen years old and my sister is


Concept 23:

Auxiliaries with One Principal Verb:

Incorrect: He never has taken, and never will takes

such strong measures.

Correct: He never has taken, and never will take such

strong measures.

Concept 24:

One Auxiliary with Two Principal Verbs:

Incorrect: Ten candidates have passed, one have


Correct: Ten candidates have passed, one has failed.

Concept 25:

Past Tense in Main Clause Followed by Past Tense in

Subordinate Clause:

Incorrect: He succeeded because he works hard.

Correct: He succeeded because he worked hard.

Concept 26:

Universal Truths with Present Tense in Subordinate


Incorrect: Our teacher said that the earth moved

round the sun.

Correct: Our teacher said that the earth moves round

the sun.

Concept 27:

Subordinate Clause with "lest" Uses "should":

Incorrect: We start early lest we miss the train.

Correct: We start early lest we should miss the train.

Concept 28:

Avoid Split Infinitive:

Incorrect: I hoped to immediately reply to your letter.

Correct: I hoped to reply immediately to your letter.

Concept 29:

Infinitive in Present Tense Unless Representing Prior


Incorrect: I should like to have gone there.

Correct: I should have liked to go there.

Concept 30:

Pronoun with Gerund in Possessive Case:

Incorrect: He emphasized me going there.

Correct: He emphasized my going there.

Concept 31:

Present Perfect Continuous for Actions Still Ongoing:

Incorrect: How long are you working in this office?

Correct: How long have you been working in this


Concept 32:

Verb Preceded by Preposition Must Be Gerund:

Incorrect: They were punished for come late.

Correct: They were punished for coming late.

Concept 33:

Future Tense Not Used in Time/Place/Condition


Incorrect: I shall wait for you till you will finish your


Correct: I shall wait for you till you finish your work.

Concept 34:

Past Indefinite Tense with Past Time Adverbs:

Incorrect: I have bought a cycle yesterday.

Correct: I bought a cycle yesterday.

Concept 35:

Modal Auxiliaries Not Used Together:

Incorrect: He should must do it.

Correct: He should and must do it.

Concept 36:

"Need not" and "dare not" as Modal Auxiliaries:

Incorrect: He needs not do it.

Correct: He need not do it.

Concept 37:

Adjectives of Quantity for Uncountable Nouns:

Incorrect: I ate many rice.

Correct: I ate some rice.

Concept 38:

Numeral Adjectives for Countable Nouns:

Incorrect: I have taught you some things.

Correct: I have taught you a few things.

Concept 39:

Ordinal Precedes Cardinal:

Incorrect: Four first boys will be given the chance.

Correct: The first four boys will be given the chance.

Concept 40:

Later/Latest vs. Latter/Last:

Incorrect: I reached at 10 am. But he was latter than I


Correct: I reached at 10 am. But he was later than I


Concept 41:

Farther vs. Further:

Incorrect: He insisted on farther improvement.

Correct: He insisted on further improvement.

Concept 42:

Avoid Double Negatives:

Incorrect: He is not greater than me.

Correct: He is greater than me.

Concept 43:

"Each" for Two or More, "Every" for More Than Two:

Incorrect: Every of the two boys will get a prize.

Correct: Each of the two boys will get a prize.

Concept 44:

"Some" in Affirmative, "Any" in Negative /


Incorrect: Have you bought some mangoes?

Correct: Have you bought any mangoes?

Concept 45:

Comparative for Two, Superlative for More:

Incorrect: Which is the best of the two?

Correct: Which is the better of the two?

Concept 46:

Use "More" for Two Qualities of Same Person/Thing:

Incorrect: He is wiser than brave.

Correct: He is more wise than brave.

Concept 47:

Exclude Compared Thing with "Other":

Incorrect: He is cleverer than any boy in the class.

Correct: He is cleverer than any other boy in the


Concept 48:

Include Compared Thing with Superlative:

Incorrect: He is the strongest of all the men.

Correct: He is the strongest of all men.

Concept 49:

Compare Same Parts of Things:

Incorrect: The population of Bombay is greater than
Correct: The population of Bombay is greater than
that of Delhi.

Concept 50:
Avoid Double Comparatives/Superlatives:
Incorrect: He is the most cleverest boy in the class.
Correct: He is the cleverest boy in the class.

Concept 51:
Use "Than" with Prefer/Preferable:
Incorrect: I prefer reading than sleeping.

Correct: I prefer reading to sleeping.

Concept 52:
"Else" with "than" for Comparison:
Incorrect: I have no other shirt but this.
Correct: I have no other shirt than this.

Concept 53:

Article Agreement with Vowel/Consonant Sounds:

Incorrect: He is a M.P.
Correct: He is an M.P.

Concept 54:
General vs. Specific Reference with Articles:
Incorrect: A man is mortal.
Correct: Man is mortal.

Concept 55:
Use "A" with Profession:
Incorrect: He is teacher.
Correct: He is a teacher.

Concept 56:
Articles with Superlatives:
Incorrect: He is a best boy in the class.
Correct: He is the best boy in the class.

Concept 57:

Use of "The" with Proper Nouns/Adjectives as Nouns:

Incorrect: A brave soldier lost his life.
Correct: The brave soldier lost his life.

Concept 58:
Omission of Articles Before Nouns with Possessives:
Incorrect: His the father's house is beautiful.
Correct: His father's house is beautiful.

Concept 59:
Definite Article with Names of Holy Books, etc.:
Incorrect: A Ramayana is a holy book.
Correct: The Ramayana is a holy book.

Concept 60:
Avoid Repeating Definite Article Before Similar
Incorrect: The Hindi and English languages.
Correct: The Hindi and the English languages.

Concept 61:

Use "The" with Oceans, Rivers, Groups of Islands:

Incorrect: Nile is a famous river.
Correct: The Nile is a famous river.

Concept 62:
Use "A" with "Hundred" and "Thousand":
Incorrect: Hundred men were present.
Correct: A hundred men were present.

Concept 63:
Avoid "The" with Proper Nouns:
Incorrect: The Delhi is the capital of India.
Correct: Delhi is the capital of India.

Concept 64:
Use "The" with Comparatives Indicating Degree:
Incorrect: More you read, better you will understand.
Correct: The more you read, the better you will

Concept 65:

Use "No Sooner...than" for Immediate Actions:

Incorrect: No sooner he had left than the rain started.
Correct: No sooner had he left than the rain started.

Concept 66:
Use "Hardly/Scarcely...when" for Immediate Actions:
Incorrect: Hardly he had left when the storm broke.
Correct: Hardly had he left when the storm broke.

Concept 67:
Inversion with "So...that/Such...that":
Incorrect: So great his anger was that he forgot
Correct: So great was his anger that he forgot


Concept 68:
Use Active Voice Over Passive When Possible:
Incorrect: A letter has been written by me.
Correct: I have written a letter.

Concept 69:

Keep Subject Close to Verb:

Incorrect: Declared the winner he was.
Correct: He was declared the winner.

Concept 70:
Past Participle for Passive Voice:
Incorrect: I am impressed by his performance.
Correct: I was impressed by his performance.

Concept 71:
Prepositions to Avoid Dangling Participles:
Incorrect: Studying hard, you can succeed.
Correct: By studying hard, you can succeed.

Concept 72:
"Enough" for Emphasis After Adjectives:
Incorrect: She is enough old to understand.
Correct: She is old enough to understand.

Concept 73:

"If" for Conditionals in Past Subjunctive:

Incorrect: If I was a bird, I would fly.

Correct: If I were a bird, I would fly.

Concept 74:

Use Singular Verbs for Uncountable Nouns:

Incorrect: Rice are grown in India.

Correct: Rice is grown in India.

Concept 75:

Use Singular Verbs for Collective Nouns:

Incorrect: The team are winning.

Correct: The team is winning.

Concept 76:

Use Singular Nouns After "One of":

Incorrect: One of my friend is coming.

Correct: One of my friends is coming.

Concept 77:

Avoid "Double Consonants" in Negative Forms:

Incorrect: He can not be trusted.

Correct: He cannot be trusted.

Concept 78:

Avoid "Double Negatives":

Incorrect: I have no any money.

Correct: I have no money.

Concept 79:

Use "Less" for Uncountable Nouns:

Incorrect: There is fewer water.

Correct: There is less water.

Concept 80:

Use "Few" for Countable Nouns:

Incorrect: Less students were present.

Correct: Few students were present.

Concept 81:

Correct Use of "Any" and "Some":

Incorrect: Do you have some books?

Correct: Do you have any books?

Concept 82:

"Since" for Past Events, "For" for Durations:

Incorrect: I have lived here for 1990.

Correct: I have lived here since 1990.

Concept 83:

"Its" as Possessive, "It's" as Contraction:

Incorrect: The dog wagged it's tail.

Correct: The dog wagged its tail.

Concept 84:

Use "The" for Unique Objects:

Incorrect: A sun rises in the east.

Correct: The sun rises in the east.

Concept 85:

Avoid Using "Would" in If-Clause:

Incorrect: If I would be you, I would study harder.

Correct: If I were you, I would study harder.

Concept 86:

Use "Which" for Specific Choices, "That" for General:

Incorrect: The book which you gave me is interesting.

Correct: The book that you gave me is interesting.

Concept 87:

Avoid "Had of":

Incorrect: If he had of come, we would have gone.

Correct: If he had come, we would have gone.

Concept 88:

Use "Since" for Starting Points:

Incorrect: She has been here for Monday.

Correct: She has been here since Monday.

Concept 89:

Use "On" for Dates/Days, "In" for Months/Years:

Incorrect: He arrived in Monday.
Correct: He arrived on Monday.

Concept 90:
"A" Before Consonant Sounds, "An" Before Vowel
Incorrect: A hour ago.
Correct: An hour ago.

Concept 91:
Avoid "Double Comparatives":
Incorrect: She is more intelligent.
Correct: She is the most intelligent.

Concept 92:
Avoid "Double Superlatives":
Incorrect: This is the most best book.
Correct: This is the best book.

Concept 93:

Correct Use of "Nor" with Negative Statements:

Incorrect: He did not come, nor he called.
Correct: He did not come, nor did he call.

Concept 94:
Use "Not Only...But Also" for Emphasis:
Incorrect: He is not only intelligent but he is also
Correct: He is not only intelligent but also

Concept 95:
Use "Between" for Two, "Among" for More:
Incorrect: Divide the money between the children.

Correct: Divide the money among the children.

Concept 96:
Use "Who" for People, "Which" for Things:
Incorrect: The man which called is my friend.
Correct: The man who called is my friend.

Concept 97:

Omit Indefinite Article with Uncountable Nouns:

Incorrect: We had a very bad weather yesterday.

Correct: We had very bad weather yesterday.

Concept 98:

Prepositions for Specific vs. General Locations:

Incorrect: I have car.

Correct: I have a car.

Concept 99:

Use of "A" in Exclamations:

Incorrect: What beautiful scene this is!

Correct: What a beautiful scene this is!

Concept 100:

Avoid "The" with Languages:

Incorrect: I know the English.

Correct: I know English.

Practice Exercise

1. Hari and Ram ______ here.

2. The Secretary and Principal ______ coming.

3. Bread and butter ______ my breakfast.

4. Each boy and each girl ______ given a prize.

5. Neither he nor I ______ there.

6. Either he or I ______ mistaken.

7. Mathematics ______ a branch of study in every


8. The news ______ very good today.

9. Cattle ______ grazing in the field.

10. His politics ______ sound.

11. He advised ______ by me.

12. I know ______ write a letter.

13. I heard him ______ on several subjects.

14. You need not ______ hard.

15. He had better ______ now.

16. He had better read ______ write.

17. He did nothing but ______.

18. It being a rainy day, Vijay decided to stay ______.

19. The leader having been killed, the followers ran


20. Considering the case, I took the ______.

21. He never has taken, and never will ______ such

strong measures.

22. Ten candidates have passed, one has ______.

23. He succeeded because he ______ hard.

24. Hardly did I reach the station ______ the train left it.

25. He insisted on further ______.

Answer Key

1. are

2. is

3. is

4. is

5. was

6. am

7. is

8. is

9. were

10. are

11. me

12. how to

13. speak

14. work

15. go


17.wander home








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