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Assignment 3 Design a Minimal

Viable Product-Solution
This assignment requires your group to design a solution to the problem presented to the class in
week 2 and demonstrated in your video in week 5. Your group will follow a problem solving process
to identify creative solutions for that problem. In the next assignment your group will implement part
of you design. This project will include UML diagrams, algorithms and a written documents to explain
your group’s design. No coding is included in this assignment.

Timelines and Expectations

Due Sunday end of Week 10

Percentage Value of Task: 40%
Available marks: 40 marks (see “Marking Criteria” section)
Minimum time expectation: 16 hours each student

Learning Outcomes Assessed

The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment: K2. Relate goal
setting and plan formulation to problem solving
K3. Explain, compare, and contrast fundamental strategies for problem solving
K4. Investigate the value of reflection, collaboration, attitude and self-efficacy towards success in
problem solving
K5. Show an understanding of the norms involved with collaboration and team work
S1. Decompose a problem and create goals and plans to solve that problem
S2. Devise and implement problem solving strategies which can be applied to a range of IT problems
S3. Develop and verify algorithms based on conceptual models used in programming
S4. Construct documentation describing how to solve a problem
A1. Apply problem solving strategies, tools and techniques to solve problems in a variety of domains

TASK Details
Follow the Design Thinking Steps introduced in lectures to design a solution to the problem introduced
earlier in the semester, get feedback from your tutor, then implement two algorithms that realize part
of the solution.
a) EMPATHIZE and DEFINE In no more than 200 words describe the problem and its
b) BRAINSTORM HIGH LEVEL SOLUTIONS. High level solutions describe the main
components or elements in a solution. Details are left out.
i) Describe each high level solution (approx. 50 words). List at least 3 different
high level solutions.
ii) Describe how your group arrived at each high level solution. (In less than 50

c) EVALUATE HIGH LEVEL SOLUTIONS In this step your group will select a preferred
solution brainstormed.
i) Describe criteria and a processes your group used to select a preferred high
level solution (In less than 50 words).
ii) Explain the preferred solution and how its better than others (Less than 100
words and 2 images). Include the overall system and any algorithms you will


i) Draw a UML Use-Case diagram to capture the context of your solution
ii) Draw a UML State-Transition diagram to capture the high level states and
iii) Decompose your solution into components
iv) Draw an architecture diagram that identifies the components of your solution.
Label the components that will need an algorithm designed


i) Write 2-3 algorithms in full (pseudocode or flowchart) involved in your
ii) In less than 50 words write notes relevant to implementing the solution


i) Document your Implementation The documentation includes:
(1) the Scratch code
(2) a test plan and test cases

g) RECORD A PROJECT VIDEO to demonstrate your project during the

Tutorial/Lab classes in Week 11. Create a video recording of no more than 10
minutes duration. At the beginning of the video recording each group member must
identify him/herself (Show your face and say your name). You can have a
nominated presenter from your group, or you can present in turns. Save the file as
an mp4 using ITECH1101_<my group id>.mp4 Upload to the repository as
specified in Step 5 below for future students to learn from

Submission Instructions
Each member of the team, submits the same document containing your team’s response to a-f as a
PDF file called Assignment_Project_Group#.pdf ” via Moodle link before the due date and

Marking Criteria
Criteria Available Marks
Marks Awarded
Define 6
Extent to which the problem is well specified within the word limit
Brainstorm 6
Number and depth of alternate solutions

Evaluate high level designs 6

Extent to which the process of arriving at a preferred solution was systematic and well specified
The quality of the preferred solution to meet the needs of the problem as specified

High Level Model

Extent to which the UML diagrams, and decomposition are complete, match the solution and well 6

Detailed Design Solution 6

Extent to which algorithms and design notes are well drafted, elegant and appropriate for the task

Build Solution Scratch 4

Extent to which the Scratch program implements the 2-3 algorithms.

Build Solution Document and Test 6

The completeness and quality of test cases and documentation

Total 40
Out of 40%

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