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Pending Technician Completion

When the case is in Pending Technician Completion, you will need to call the CE
every 30 minutes, ask him for:
1. Updates
2. Or if the CE needs Technical Assistance.
If the CE is done onsite and the machine is functional, you should proceed and
close the case in BAM. If NOT, escalate to tech-support and transfer the CE to
ext. 172.
To work a case in Pending Technician Completion, you must follow the below steps:
► Check the arrival time and the memo section.
► If the CE has been onsite or the last note left in the ticket is older than 30 minutes,
immediately call the CE for updates.
Ask CE if he is done onsite or if he needs TS (Technical Support).
► If the CE is done onsite, you should update and close the ticket in BAM.
► Select his trip.
Click Pending Technician Completion Button at the top of the page.
A new window will pop up. Fill out all the required information with the CE on the phone. Ask him
every question.
When done entering all the required information click Finish/Trip Closure.
Case will automatically move to Pending Call Close.
Closing notes will be generated as below:

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