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RISK ASSESSMENT TEAM APPROVAL Reference No._ McS3-Ms-0379 (Rev-00) Department/Company: Location: TTSIV/MCSC/ACG —_Facility/Unit: unit-50 Job Title: [BROWN FIELD INSTALLATION MODIFICATION ‘AND DISMANTLING OF ‘SCAFFOLDING WORK ‘Assessment Date: 10-Mar-24 Issue Date/Rev.No. 10-Mar-24 REV-00 I have participated in the review and approval of this Risk Assessment Department/Company nae pases J score slate vate |SCAFFOLDING/ACG /BASUDEV 34873, SUPERVISOR 18-S- Bony mci Udlerrshuars -C lesapex| ME Vue _| aj jis ese Sansve sp & BeBe (ese td dled: Hs (7939v Basu Yau. essyse| sé é 15 /eB/v0r Pipe Raves Absete cxbsa) Frm MA Ty |b fos) 252 BMP. Age Clrowtian |4neny 1° 97 Grsh ol )7-8 724 Rue-1e mT Bhared RD, Rezee| = PSE. Pra | 9-324 Rod 2TF Vi Reoisaanin 28 b OTe wen Do) s) 24 Page 1 of 1 Bapco Form No. BP4514 (11/21) RISK ASSESSMENT NARRATIVE MCS3-RAMS-0379.Rev-00 Reference No. MCS3-MS-0379 (Rev-00) Department/Company: Trsiv/mesc/acs Facility/Unit: BROWN FELD ‘Assessment Date: 10-Mar-24 TRSTRIIATION MODIFICATION AND DISWARTUNG Location: Unit-5o Job Title: (OF SCAFFOLDING WORK. Issue Date/Rev No, 10-Mar-24 REV: (vos Purpose: The purpose of this risk assessment 50, Brown field area. The allocated supervisor in support of HSE officer sh: members referring the approved risk assessment prior to the start of work. The br toiidentify the hazard & control measures associated with the scaffolding work for BMP project job in BMP at Uni hazards, risks and ways of doin isk in a safe manner to performing crew 1g details will be recorded in the START form. List the steps or activities associated with this job: 1. Mobilize Manpower & scaffolding mater 2.Storage of scaffolding materials at site which involve unloading of scaffolding boards, tubes, coup of scaffolding materials, carry out general housekeeping at site storage. 3. Working Environment:- Working in brow field areas. 4.Working in High noise area. 5.Working in Extreme weather condition. 6.Working near to hot surface /Hot lines. 7-Simultaneous Operations occur when two or more potentially conflicting activites are being coordinated in the same location at the same time. 8.Survey of working area by foreman/ Supervisor prior to erection of scaffolding and supervision during scaffolding job. ‘9.Erecting main members of Scaffold & Modifiction of Scaffolding. "y 6 Wheels, Pickups. , Unbanding of scaffolding boards, Tubes, ing materials from site storage area by use of articulated boom truck Scaffolding trolley , 6 Wheel 13 Scaffolding work affecting adjacent facilities. 14. Working at night or extended hours. Pickups. 15. General. body safety harness,6 Wheel Truck, Articulated boom truck, Bus, Pick: Person affected by this work: Scaffolding supervisor-04, Safety officer-2, Scaffolding foreman-2, Scaffolders-30, Scaffold Inspector-02, Drivers-02, Hiab operator- 01, Grade 2 Riggers-2. ‘All employees invloved in this job shall attented Bapco and TTSIV HSE required induction trainings and tade tested. List of Hazardous substances/Chemical Used : Nil Page 1 of 1 Bapco Form No. BP4514 ( RISK ASSESSMENT FORM MCS3-RAMS-0379.Rev-00 Reference No, MCSi-MS-0379 (Rev-00) Department/Company: TTSJV/MCSC/ACG BROWN FIELD Assesoment 10-Mar-24 INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTLING OF Location: Unit-SO Job Title: SCAFFOLDING WORK Tesve Date/ReY yo-Mar-24 REV-00 (Unit-50) ‘Activity 7 Job Severity of Likelihood No. Task HAZARD — CONSEQUENCE consequence Existing Control Measures acme RISK rt ks lc, T [Mobilize Manpower @ [Sips Tres lost time niuy Eyes on pat Tool box Ta (TET) to Gow required 2 se of verides | Nejprijures Fractures in working areas. No addeional - x required * jr nes, Facars| No additonal 4 a requred ? No ational ‘ 7 requred _ No addtional a required z Page 1 of 20 Bapco Form No. BP4514 (1 RISK ASSESSMENT FORM. MCS3-RAMS-0379.Rev-00 Reference No, MCS$-N5-0379 (Rev-00) ‘Assessment Department/Company: TTSJV/MCSC/ACG BROWN FIELD sment s0-Mar-24 INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTLING OF Location: Unit-50 Job Title: SCAFFOLDING WORK Tasue D=/RO¥ oar 24 REV-00 (Unit-50) Aetivity 7 Job ‘iketinood ‘sation | ‘panuast | Acioo No. Task HAZARD — CONSEQUENCE weer | RISK | = Cece | meine, | Rie. ajrnpes, acu No atonal - required - hares No ational a requred . Toatime iy, Proerty Damage No ational - required . T | Storage of eatfoiding [Sips Tips rest one wy materials a site which 7 No ational 7 requied lost bine Try, Proverty Damage 3 from ences. a 3 Page 2 of 20, Bapco Form No. BP451: RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Department/Company: TTSJV/MCSC/ACG Unit-50 Test ime Tory MCS3-RAMS-0379.Rev-00 Reference No, MCS5-MS-0379 (Rev-00) Facility/ Assessment 45,445, z inet BROWN FIELD Danek, 10-Mar-24 INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTLING OF ‘SCAFFOLDING WORK Issue Date/Rev (Unit-50) ee Job Title: 10-Mar-24 REV-00 io aaditonal required [tat te tory, property Damage Lest time roy No adltonal required No actonal requred 3 | Working Environment Working in brown field states No adtional reauired be delivored tothe scafo Page 3 of 20, Bapco Form No, BP4514 (11/21) RISK ASSESSMENT FORM MCS3-RAMS-0379.Rer-00 Tate] nesaserscen | Department/Company: TTSJv/Mcsc/acc —Facilty/ BROWN FIELD ‘Assesoment 19-24 INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTLING OF Location: Unit-50 Job Title: ‘SCAFFOLDING WORK eave DAE/REY oay24 _ REV-00 (Unit-50) HAZARD CONSEQUENCE [rat weather cad] “oan about the weather |seather wind sto measure, rink cool water, arrane| 3 7 |Working in High noise [Bposure to Hh} ea er No addeional z requires 5 [Working im Extreme [Pate weather lweather condition righ wind No asational leonation requeed + eat Stes to ational requred - € Working near hot surface/ive No acttonal requeed 7 7 [Serous~ major Injures] No acational : requred - Page 4 of 20, Bapco Form No. 8P4: Location: RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Department/Company: ‘TTS3V/MCSC/ACG Unit-50 (CONSEQUENCE Serious Injury to ACS scafotdors MCS3-RAMS-0379.Rev-00 (Unit-50) BROWN FIELD INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTLING OF Job Title: ‘SCAFFOLDING WORK [Serous injury to Sra party oa te ry [Survey of working area [by toreman/ Supervisor Leste wow Eyes on path 8 Tool ox Tak (TOT) F-Superasion to mapa erection area before work Page § of 20 ‘Assessment 10-Mar-24 Issue Date/Rev No. No atonal required No addtional, required No acdtonal requied No ational required No acational requred Bapco Form No. BP4514 Reference No, MCS3-MS-0379(Rev-00) 10-Mar-24 Department/Company: RISK ASSESSMENT FORM MCS3-RAMS-0379.Rev-00 Location: : TTSIV/MCSC/ACG BROWN FIELD INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTLING OF (Unit-50) Activity / Job ‘Severity ikelinood ‘Additional are WGA CONSEQUENCE Gente Siacminte SN |e No addtional requred No acationat required No ational required McS3-M5-0379 (Rev-00) Unit-50 Job Title: ‘SCAFFOLDING WORK tesa pene Residual Action’ REV-00 Page 6 of 20, Bapco Form No. BP4514 (11/21) RISK ASSESSMENT FORM MCS3-RAMS-0379.Rev-00 BROWN FIELD INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTLING OF ‘SCAFFOLDING WORK seeee nee (Unit-50) 10-Mar-26 10-Mar-24 No acctionat required No aaitonal requed Page 7 of 20 Bapco Form No. BP4514 (11/21) Reference No, MCS3-MS-0379 (Rev-00) Reference No. MCSS-MS.0379 (Rev-00) (MCS3-RAMS-0379.Rev-00 RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Department/Company: TTS3v/Mcsc/ace —Fasility/ BROWN FIELD Assessment 9.Mar-24 INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTLING OF unit-50 SCAFFOLDING WORK (unit-50) 10-Mar-24 REV-00 Location: aman Datarhev CONSEQUENCE [operat rom heigt Page 8 of 20 Bapco Form No. BP4514 RISK ASSESSMENT FORM MCS3-RAMS-0379.Rev-00 Reference No. MC33-MS-0379 (Rev-00) Department/Company: TTs3v/mcsc/ace —Fasity/ BROWN FIELD fewecement omer INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTLING OF Location: Unit-50 3ob Title: SCAFFOLDING WORK TssueDAE/REY io ar24 REV-O0 (Unit-50) "| Seventy of Uiketnood ‘sional a No. Task HAZARD — CONSEQUENCE consequence Existing Control Measures Rise: “creme | eens’ | aaa rewomerene Measures Y Fradeqate [Suspension rauma feecu rad perenne, Rescue procedure |procedure. 4 Rescue and Retrieval of a Scaffolder procedure to be Laer ew-—val 4 pe reaued erecta a date and ev ground, Scie, $1 Rat frowmated extended a raruen of im past te acces po. : - Noaditon! —g 3. ispection program every months and tag —e Federer use spec of air and Mantan 3 Prt ant Rnding No zctonal 3 required = 4 Mateals to be loaded vOut dose tothe panto Mt ih yan Matra nang waning & TB bes, 2 Use of heavy tty Nand loves n good coon, 5.Do not kep body pats Line offre and ch pot 3 ‘ Sikes the noght of catoking members and an ‘oper Randing techniques proto starting the ask jor riers, {arcade the work reo es, mute 2. ey authored personnel nit work area jinjuries 4 '3.display incomplete scaffold signage "DO NOT USE eee 4 ‘SCAFFOLD" as soon as possible on scaffolding requeed Page 9 of 20 Bapco Form No. BP4514 (11/21) Department/Company: Trsav/i RISK ASSESSMENT FORM MCSC/ACG Unit-50 Job Title: ‘Severity of MCS3-RAMS-0379.Rev-00 BROWN FIELD INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTLING OF ‘SCAFFOLDING WORK (Unit-50) HAZARD — CONSEQUENCE Consequence Existing Control Measures Reet eno) [Catapse of ]senousars trom] — T Castor fied correc and secured propeny Hobie ee |scaffotding 3 1 linury to user Page 10 of 20, Reference No. MCS5-NS-0379(Rev-00) ‘Assessment, 10-Mar-24 YeoueDae/ReY sotan24 REV-00 io ational required No adstcnal required No adltiona required No action requred No action required Bapco Form No. BP451 Department/Company: RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Location: ‘TTS3V/MCSC/ACG Unit-50 (CONSEQUENCE [Damage to propery Facility/ Unit: Job Title: MCS3-RAMS-0379,Rev-00 (Unit-50) BROWN FIELD INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTLING OF ‘SCAFFOLDING WORK Tse DRY otan2e nev-00 [MCS5-MS.0379 (Rev-00) ‘Assessment 10-Mar-24 No adatonal requred batt by scaffold user No adatonal required TO inspection and Tagging lof Scaffolding Fas fom laders i: Maintan 3 Pant cortad, ToT Sips, Tops Test tne Tnary ives on path, Too! Box Tak (TT) No adaltonal requred Page 11 of 20, Bapco Form No, 8P4514 (11/21) Location: RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Department/Company: inadequate inspection of caf by inspector TTS3V/MCSC/ACG Unit-50 fest ome Tnary MCS3-RAMS-0379.Rev-00 BROWN FIELD INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTLING OF ‘SCAFFOLDING WORK (Unit-50) |maintaned Pinch by pias, [tte juny [Use of heavy duly hand gloves & THT, 2 Materials handing taining, Sanspectar to check and very no material Let on scat on i Tag, 2. Scatold Inspector shal prepare and update a [Dismantling oF scaffolding ajar aes, cures, multiple [Fre iepection of scaffold fo determine any defect caused by sca user and necessary modification workin progress") posted to warn others. Close supervision, Fotow Bapco RAMS and Permit 13. Ensure no loase material inside the scaffolding Page 12 of 20 Reference No, MCS#MS.0379(Rev-00) © to-mar246 Issue Date/Rev Rev 10-Mar-24 REV-00 No acitonal required No axonal required ‘No adestional requred Bapco Form No. BP4514 (11/21) RISK ASSESSMENT FORM ‘TTS3V/MCSC/ACG Unit-50 Facility/ MCS3-RAMS-0379,Rev-00 BROWN FIELD MCSE.MS.0279 (Rev.00) INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTLING OF ‘SCAFFOLDING WORK 10-Mar-24 (Unit-50) REV-00 JOperatves tating FrBoarde shal be removed From Below to prone =e from height access and shal be stand insie a fully guarded No adtionat required a low Perm intructons pes where chance of all could ocur [rate rom ladders No adational required 5 ancal handing Sprains, MSD: musculoske asorcers, hernias 3 No acatonal 2 requred arenas ton ptt by 3 3 cao user. [Era rosea nantes] Taadecral | required Page 13 of 20 Bapco Form No, 8P45: ———_ RISK ASSESSMENT FORM MCS3-RAMS-0379.Rev-00 Reference No. MCSS-MS-0379 (Rev-00) Facility) )WN FIELD Unit: oe 10-Mar-24 Department/Company: TTSJV/MCSC/ACG INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTLING OF Job Title: SCAFFOLDING WORK (Unit-50) Unit-50 10-Mar-24 REV-00 HAZARD CONSEQUENCE rnc by panes, [lost time oy tudes, |catoling Jnaterials while aneing, and by No addtional searing , roquied : Material Let on latfoem [other employees |ajormiures, |workrg in areas [fractures multiple ating materials eyures 4 [2cispiay Res tag ana incomplete scaffold sonage "OO ened a lojects INoT USE SCAFFOLD" as soon as posite on requred scaffolding [Unwanted [Damage to propery i-Fre inspection oF working @wvronment pro To Sar materials kept in tne activity. scaffolding tubes} la.identiied pressurized equipment, Sensitive [cusng cropped Jequiment mark with warning tape to warn objects. a eaters i No actional i standard Lack 2 Fallow Manual Handling Training Requirement. required pins removed by other contractor. Damaae, Damage t property i. Pre mapection of working Gnvronment prior To Sar arcken to tne activity. 2 lderiie pressurzed equipment, Sensitive lequpment marking with warning tape to warn 4 scaler, 1 sosioanat 4 [Fallow Manual Handling Training Requirement sonnet Page 14 of 20 Bapco Form No. BP4514 ( RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Department/Company: TTSJV/MCSC/ACG Location: Unit-50 HAZARD CONSEQUENCE [Sp Tepe Yost ime Roy MCS3-RAMS-0379.Rev-00 BROWN FIELD ‘SCAFFOLDING WORK (Unit-50) INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTLING OF Reference No, MCS3-MS-0379(Rev-00) t oMarz4 Issue Date/Rev naa | Ba Rey i0-Mar-24 —REV-00 No addtional '9.Ne iting operation when te wind speed is 20Knots Page 15 of 20 .£yes on pth, Tool Box Tak (TBT) to crew required 3 [Ose or wericies Major mjunes, Ractures| ln wocking areas " No adatonal _ requted [Matera Tats — [ajo ries, facture fom venice on road we No aciticnal a lransporina |naterils TET wth deve. requred lose oF Fal extanded oatioge', lequiprent 2.SWL of equipment to be fotowed. 5.Equipment coried and tested by Bapco and 3d mutipe juries pat. ‘Trained and authorized operator, 3d Party sing i Inspect. Jcolison ‘Grade 2 rigger for signaling, 4 Bapco Form No. BP4514 (11/21) RISK ASSESSMENT FORM MCS3-RAMS-0379.Rev-00 Reference No. MCS3-MS-0379 (Rev-00) ‘Assessment Unit: Date: INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTLING OF Location: Unit-50 Job Title: SCAFFOLDING WORK (Unit-50) 10-Mar-26 Department/Company: TTSJv/Mcsc/acc —Facility/ BROWN FIELD Tame Date/ReY onarre nev.00 CONSEQUENCE [ros ome Inury, Property Camage .Assigned personnel to conta the load movement roley (Four personnel to contro in Irom ste. No ational a 2 required Si TS [Scaffolding work |Enwronmentar [Environmental impact laftecting adjacent —_|azaros Iaciities No adational 2 1 dere 2 Page 16 of 20, Bapco Form No. BP4514 ( RISK ASSESSMENT FORM MCS3-RAMS-0379.Rev-00 Reference No. MCS3-MS-0379 (Rev-00) feet tomer - Oepartment/company) — Trsav/mescace Peal] eRown FIELD INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTLING OF Location: Unit-s0 Job Title: SCAFFOLDING WORK Yea Dae/Re so nand _REv-00 (Unit-50) Activity / Job ‘ditional No. Task HAZARD — CONSEQUENCE RISK Contr ko, Risk Na. Ta Working on Night or Poor Pyaar ny lextended hours laimeaton stcepy an tres lpersonnel, ane [Becca Hazard |eleare Shock Jelecrcen during day ight, prior to their actual use ater sr 2. Earthing shal be provided to the equipment. be in good condition and tagged by | No addtional requred Page 17 of 20 Bapco Form No. 8P4514 (11/21) RISK ASSESSMENT FORM MCS3-RAMS-0379.Rev-00 Reference No. MCS3-MS.0379 (Rev. 00) Facility Department/Company: TTSJV/MCSC/ACG ia BROWN FIELD f s0-mar24 INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTLING OF Location: Unit-S0 Job Title: SCAFFOLDING WORK Hesue Date/ WY 10-Mar-24 REV-00 (Unit-50) ‘| [Eneaency 7 Jstuston—_frescve/Fatalty 2 M 2 15 [Generat Deteaine & Fst Ad Tes {easy Toots 2 no improvise tos shal be used 3 emeioyees shal ensure that ther concton andi a defects obsrved 2 fevaced . No ational i: sense al workers are trained in proper use of hand required oot 5 Superior shall ensure that required proper toosae| Javaiable and they ae in god condton. eer Property Damage & i: Ensure the work aes, ring area and mess 6 Kept Housekeesing [Fst ad injuries. No ational 2 be absorbed using sandor J — ai 3. Provide proper sqnage for housekeeping Page 18 of 20 Bapco Form No. BP4514 RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Department/Company: TTSJV/MCSC/ACG Unit-50 Worse pay & lotering, unsafe rst ad Tries MCS3-RAMS-0379.Rev-00 BROWN FIELD ‘SCAFFOLDING WORK (Unit-50) T Horsapay i arly nov alowed nthe work area 2. stoping is strcty ot allowed on ste regardless of circumstances. 3. Employees are nat afowes to leave thelr job ste INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTLING OF ‘Assessment Date: Issue Date/Rev Rev to-Mar-24 required MCS3.m5.0379 (Rev-00) Sippery saace [Fest Ad Innes Ai sipparysuraces Sal be Geaned inmeciathy using sonst or saa. JEmeraency | Minor injury & Sars ire emergency F HSeyArea OWNER] SH Supervise Provide the required details: + wnat services are requred? 2. tn case offre Ralse an alarm and shout Fe...Fre. 5. Regortto the emergency assembly 6. Report any misting employees to area S€/Supervsor/TTSI/IPMT/BAPCO. No addtional requred Page 19 of 20 Bapco Form No. 8P4514 RISK ASSESSMENT FORM MCS3-RAMS-0379.Rev-00 Reference No. MCS3-MS-0379 (Rev-00) Department/Company: TTsav/Mcsc/acc | Fasilty/ BROWN FIELD ‘Aesesement 10-Mar-24 INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTLING OF Unie-50 Job Tite: 'SCAFFOLDING WORK Yeo Daten (Unit-50) ‘Severity of CONSEQUENCE Consequence [Special Notes 1, Strict adherence to Bapco Permit to Work System. All necessary Permits must be obtained prior to commencing the work. 2. The entire required ‘STARRT/TBT record, copies of Risk Assessment and Method Statement,, etc. shall be available on site before starting the job. 3. Necessary safety meas le working near lve lines and existing facilities 4. All workers shall wear mandatory PF luding reflective jackets the work site on completion of each day’s work, the area shall be checked for proper house-keeping, barricade, elimination of all possible sources of fire, shutdown of all construction equipment’s, proper storage of tools and tackles etc. 6. In case of any emergency, proceed to nearest Safe Assembly Point and follow instructions of Emergency Response Team (BAPCO emergency number 17755555. ‘separate bins and disposed in the approved waste disposal area, provided for site crews. sncy management provision at site. prohibited from the work area ‘employees must know the emergency procedure Incidents, near miss shall be report promptly to the supervise or HSE department vehicles shall follow the road traffic rules, and site traffic rules and defensive driving. 14, Heat stress precaution shall be taken such as rest shelter, drinking water will be made available. Page 20 of 20 Bapco Form No, BP4514 (11/21) Ver High Rsk Hes nian ei gr 9 gan pln Health & Safety Matrix igh Rok ie koa ae sagt cin eed Manet pro mustered reaconaty er Low Risk ‘Very Low Risk rete) Pores as) FISK CATEGORIES No wpacter mor Fath ein lWertorce Operational People Heath & Safety [Reauisa one mayo any pbc ba rt serous pubic rma Public Department/Company: Location: Unit-50 TTSIV/MCSC/ACG Facility /Unit: RISK ASSESSMENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT and COMMUNICATION T have read and understood the hazards and controls associated with this / my job Reference No, MCS3-MS-0379 (Rev-00) Dopartment/Company Name Badge Number Job Title Signature Date Page 1 of 1 Bapco Form No. BP4E

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