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BAPCO MODERNIZATION PROGRAM aS. ees MECHANICAL WORKS AREAS. = eo semoosrartuenrrornstauanownopmeanovano (ISS (AS9) DISMaNTEING OF SCAFFOLDING WORE UNIT) Project Code | Mess DoamertNe S059 (Rev) [AREA 6:-BROWN FIELD (UNIT-50) (0765516) TISCoNo0034 ‘lent (Con/Subcon) BaPCO/TTSIV/MCSC Date ofreview meeting | 1003-2024 ACG ACG aC csc : csc TTS Prot Seoored | Reviewed | Appoved | Approved | Screened sven | semen | ron [ay abel Smsoers | Soom seo | erate | some | goa toig | Ceaaryss. | 386996/0 _ ‘= Pa Heo | tse Hse BLE | (le |e Ue De 13] 8}2024- tzles\au s3fesfrars | Wa)esfaq | lesley | res frock) Tisw Tisw | sarco | BAPco | BAPCO | BAPCO BaPCO Joproves | Approved | Sreened | Aoproved | Approved | Approved | Approved * ae Baer Faak Mamet ae | Portaes) Ral” lds | oxo, | ig36030I | GH8IB) Bee? agmme.te, [seerreur] sam Ise | Pat [ASE we [eee [RTP Qe Bt DLA pons al Bre: lof fh jypocdbt rg 93 [tn -324)17-524 [pofslay | age 1 28 — eg BAPCO MODERNIZATION PROGRAM TTS IV Bapco & e| | UsToF conrents Contents 1 pera. 2. WEALTH AND SAFETY COMPETENCE, 7 . ‘A. FquIPMENT LAvoUT PLAN - 4. nerenences: . 5. ResPonsiUmis: A. OPERATION/PROIECT MANAGER 1 sresuPenuision - SCAFFOLD MODFICATIONS/ALTERATIONS: as PRE-OISMANTUNG PROCEDURE: 1s Di MANTUNG OPERATION: as 8. HOURS OF WoRK 16 PERSONNEL 16 Page 024 “us| __ tiptoe cr 89pC0 | sgerHoo STATEMENT FOR NSTALATION MCDIICATION AND l | DISMANTEUING OF SCAFFOLDING WORK (UNIT), Scams : one : Em ot mis ; 2 SNee : * Soe con : ccenmianm : BAPCO MODERNIZATION PROGRAM MECHANICAL WORKS ~ AREAS [METHOD STATEMENT FOR INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTELING OF SCAFFOLDING WORK (UNIT-50) ie and safety precautions tobetaken while carrying out BMP Project. [aR ra ae S| a | 2 nena ano sarery competence '84PC0 aperoved safety fice sal be avaabe atthe ste dng he execution of heb. The ef the str ofeers ate below Pres se Monger | Requirements. Other safety precaution are brief in the attached risk assessment | ape 4024 | 4. REFERENCES: a8 Ane ATION coe ve METHOD STATEMENT FOR INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND seins or ssoraume ae 5. RESPONSIBILITIES: 2% Operation/Project Manager ~ The Project manager has overall responsibilty and accountability for the safe erection, petent person forthe safe scaffolding management on the project. The ers shall be designated asthe supervisor, Db. site Supervision Shall ensure thescatfld erection, alteration and dismant ‘withthe international standards, Bapco/TTSIV 8 ACG Pro ~ The supervsor must be present at the job ste during scaffold erection, alteration, and diamant supension of al scaffolding work under his responsiblity. He shal that could interfere in is superviory respon, Inspect scaffold materials before, during and aftr erection to ensure that they meet al project Fequirements, aren good condition, andar ree of defect, ~ Mack any scaffold component that is damaged, weakened, or does not meet the applicable ‘odes and standards with orange paint and immediately rove trom jo site ~The Site Supervision is responsible for implementing the specie requirements of ths | procedure. Has the overall responsiblity for ensuring compliance to the scaffold erection, contol and ‘aging procedure Scaffold inspector He has overall respons ~ Independently vey scattoldsaery and conformance to Jn, aceptance, and tivovgh inspection of wor altered safes recorded, by a Scaffold inspector, The Seafold for not more than one week, to the | ret the Grienesandupnand etachonte cen ao Tt sspcte 4 Design Engineer ~ Solely responsible to examining the engineering designed scaffold structure after completion, na wry sald conic arin arn th pond Sse ung | Fequiremens, after completion he shall do through inspection and isue final approval for Issuing green tag forthe structure Page of BAPCO MODERNIZATION PROGRAM MECHANICAL WORKS - AREA.6 METHOD STATEMENT FOR INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND. 'DISMANTELING OF SCAFFOLDING WORK (UNIT-50) (6. HSE Personnel = The HSE personnel have overall responsibility for ensur ive implementation ofa ‘company procedure, owner's plant requirements, Natinal/ Federal, State and Local safety requirements 1. Allemployees ~ Carey aut thei duties and work requirements, National/ Federal 6. PRE-RECTION PROCEDURES: ~ Prior to erection, cient scaffold erection request shal be obtained fr any scaffold erection. ~The work are shall be barricaded, and warning sens prominenty displayed throughout the process | accordance wi company procedures, tate and Local safety requirements of scaffolding works. ~ Toolbox meeting/START shal be conducted prior to scafol erection. Full body Safety th double lanyard shall be provided and always worn by scaffolds ‘during work and shall aways be anchored to frm structures during the scaffold works. | Prior to scaffold erection, the proponent representatives (eg. work permit issue) and scaffold Supersor shall survey the ob ste and take measures to mitigate potential hazards such a: debs ‘overhead power lines, electrical cables, excavations, roads, et, For scaffolds requiring scaffold lan, the supervisor shall verify that scaffold plan was prepares and approved Before sung 3 scaffold component that OF does not meet the 26 standards shall be marked and immediately removed from site These ‘quarantined to ensure that they ae not re-used on any projec it, able codes and terials shall be 7. SCAFFOLD CONSTRUCTION: = The entire scaffold construction must be done under the direct supervision of 3 qu competent, and experienced scaffold supervisor Al saffolders must wear afllbody safety harness with double lanyard while working at a elght more than ensuring 100% te off at al times, ~ During scaffold construction, all material must be raed or lowered in an orderly manner either items must be handle in secure bags or baskets, ems es suitable barricade must be installed to prevent any unauthorized entry below or near the scaffolding under construction, of scaffolding must be free from corosion and damage and must to the relevant standards, thatthe base of the scaffold is trong and fm and capable of carrying the imposed load for als members) replaced atthe center ofthe Base Plate. The spacing ofthe Standards must not exceed the following. Page 7of 28 BAPCO MODERNIZATION PROGRAM gag MECHANICAL WORKS ~ AREAS Bapco METHOD STATEMENT FOR INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND [ISMANTELING OF SCAFFOLDING WORK (UNFT-50) ida ‘a Permited Span ae] 2ib/R2 7 — ee sean mst never m ceed? | W5ibea 15m | ~ Ensure that footie kicker lift) are installed 3t 250mm fem ground to the standards to prevent swaying of the scaffld and offer stablty to the seafold structure standards must be plumb by er longitudinal members) and Transoms (transverse members) must be staggered. Al ledgers and trnsoms must be level and horizontal. The ledgers and transom tubesin the ticker lift must be connected tothe standard using fe couplers ony. After the Kicker ifthe subsequent lift height should not exceed 2m. ‘the scaffold diagonaly at angle between 35" to 55" to the horizontal ‘of standards and Facade/sway bratngs are to ‘be fied at every bay interval and at each end ofthe scaffold. Bracing isto be done up t full eight and eng 1m shouldbe spaced such that boards are evenly supported. not more than 1.5m to support the boards platform must rest squarely and eveniy on accurately spaced transom suppor. ll scaffold boards must be Inspected 0 ensute that they are free from knots, cracks, and warps prior to use. Boards must aot extend over the end suppor transoms by less than SOmm and more than 250mm. The ledgers, transoms and bracing tubes must not protrude beyond 150mm from the general outline of the scaffold to prevent injury to passer = fll protection system comprising of double guardrails and Toe boards must be installed on sides where there a potential offal of personnel and from more than 1.5m height {top guard rail must be installed at east 1m and a mid ral atthe middle of the board and top ‘The toe-board are fted to prevent materials from falling. The height ofthe toe board should atleast 150mm above the working platform level ‘Scafols ladders most extend atleast 900 mm above the working be constructed within the scaffold The ladder should be eet every avert 75 deg angle to vertal. Inspect ladders before each use. Hoes o gape in Scaffold platforms and star/ladder landings shall have 2 guardrall system erected around them or they shall be securely covered with structurally substantial material. Whenever the horzontel stance from the edge ofa scatfeld platform or landing tothe face ofthe wall or structure exceeds 3e erected along the edge or personal fal arrest, form. Ladder access should io 41 (Am horizontal spread to BAPCO MODERNIZATION PROGRAM MECHANICAL WORKS - AREAS [METHOD STATEMENT FOR INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTEUING OF SCAFFOLDING WORK (UNIT-50), "Se to Use is affied the scafods iar safely and securely stowed or returned torack orstorage yard. No scaffold operation fs "Complete” unt this task has been performed, |. SPECIFIC SCAFFOLD ERECTION METHODS: 8. Manging Scaffold (Underhung Seafold): Hanging scaffold constructed as per approved designed drawing. TTSIV Approved drawings be shared with Barco. Ensure under hung safolds shall be hung from structure capable of supporting a east the load imposed on them bythe scaffold i Suspension points of hanger tubes to prevent ther being ing upon them ~ Hangers shale installed from the structural beams by means of girder couplrs/beams lamps. Girder couplers shall always be used in pats ‘The hanger tubes shall be provided with rapeze tube, nealed approximately 600mm (2 ee!) below the runners (ledgers) to asst n erection, modifeation, and dismantling, prio to theit fty) couplers shall be installed at the tops & bottoms ofall hanger tubes. check (safety) coupiers shal also be installed diecty beneath al trapere tubes, | ~ After the hanger tubes ae installed, the ladder beams or runners shall be connected to the | hangers by means of 90-degree coupler a the top & bottom chor, ~ Transom shall be connected tothe top chord ofthe ladder beamsor runners by means of single | ~ Diagonal braces shal then be installed to the bottom chord ofthe ladder beams diagonally by means of swivel coupler, ~The boards shal then be ins have been put in pace. After the boards have been securely placed, hand habe fitted into appropriate location. = After completing the platform, the next span / bay wi above procedure unl the jobs completed to length ~ Ensure there shall be atleast two entry/ent points at every S0-meter distance of dancing platform. (Once the scaffold has been erected the structure will be inspected by 3 design engineer or Seaffold inspector and a caf tag issued and fixed to the srvture. i. Independent/srdcageSeaold: leé when all the necessary board bearers and claganal braces soe boards and other scaffold materials roceed inthe same manner with the = Before commencing erection of he scaffold, check the footings or soft grounds and ensure the rounds fm and stable, ~ Sole boards are checkedto ensure no shiting. Ensure sole board shall etend under posts, unless not ea ‘The standards are then inserted vertically into the baze plates and spaced no more than 2m apart te] BAPCO MODERNIZATION PROGRAM MECHANICAL WORKS ~ AREA-6 [METHOD STATEMENT FOR INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTELING OF SCAFFOLDING WORK (UNIT-50) ~ Base lift or Kicker lift to be erected 300mm from the ground and leveled inthe appropriate ~ Ledgers & Transom to be placed inthe lower cups andthe upper cups ied by hand at fist. The ledgers and transoms are tobe spaced at vertical intervals of not more than 2m, | ~ evel the lowest horizontals by atustng the jacks and make sure the verticals ae upright ~ Lock the upper cup witha hammer bow ~The scaffolds braced by using swivel couples ont the ledger, transom, or standards. Bracing must be fixed to the outside of the scaffold diagonally at angle between 35°to 55° to the | horizontal Ledger bracing shall be fred at every alternate pair of standards and Facade/sway bracing are tobe fined at every 5 bay intervals anda each end ofthe saffold. Bracing sto be = Boards for the workin en be installed closely boarded, ensuring support is Provided for boards every 1.2m. The minimum and maximum board overhangs willbe observed (in Somes, max 150m). The guardeails are installed on all four sides Immediate handrail at 0.6m above the platform the scaffold at 1m above the platorm and ~The ladder is placed on the inside ofthe seaffold and is secured to the scaffold using ladder {amps at the top and the base and middle of the ladder. The ladder shoud prot 1.0Sm above the working Platform, ~ Allstandards and ledgers must be staggered when the height and/or length of the scaffolds ‘over 6m Upon the installation of ladder unto the scaffold, Scaffold Tap with red workings ingicating "Not Safe for Use i affixed to the saffold to prevent unauthorized sage unt the ‘scaffold is fully completed and a thorough fal inspection ofthe scaffold is caried out and 3 Scatfold Tag with green wording indicating "Safe to Use’ is ffired the satis ~ Ties are tobe fitted progressively, Saffolders wil use the “tunneling technique" as per SG4.05to access unprotected it This process wll continue until completed to height. ‘After completing the platform, the next level wl proceed in the same manner with the above rocedure until the jobs completed to height. ~ Once the scaffold has been erected the structure wil be inspected by a Scaffold Inspector and a scffag issued and fred tothe structure, Seafols Tower: ~ Free standing towers support ony single working platform, which hall nt project beyond the base area. Access tothe platform shal be by vertical adder lashed internally tothe tower at ‘one of the shortest sides. ‘The bas it salle erected toa maximum height of 300mm from the wheel and leveled inthe appropriate manner, | ~ Thon the second) nen if wl be erected ~The diagonal braces shall be installed prior to the placing of boards <3 the base it, top lt and atleast every third ft to prevent racking be used in going up the completed board atleast 105m above isa BAPCO MODERNIZATION PROGRAM MECHANICAL WORKS ~ AREAS [METHOD STATEMENT FOR INSTALLATION MODIFICATION ANO DISMANTELING OF SCAFFOLDING WORK (UNIT), | equipment, Ladder access points shouldbe as smallas practically possible but tobe no es than | {850mm x 600mm. into appropriate locations 3 be more than 2m apart. 1 oF designed to ensure stability with ground anche he scaffold has been erected the structure Individual scaffold inspector and a Scaff tag issued and fixed to the structure. The taszing Procedure wil then be e-nspected every 7 days & updated according. towers are fited with castors or wheels with locking devices for mol free-standing static towers. They support. single working platorm only, wh ‘beyond the base area, Acces othe platform shal be by vertical ladder lashed in mobile tower. ~ 4 xcaster wheels shall be inserted int the lower part ofthe upright tubes prior tothe assembly lof the base it or Kick caster wheels must be fited with lacking devices to hold the iin position when erected or in use. [SWL must be clearly stamped). Then the base ‘halbe erected to-a maximum height of 300mm from the wheel and leveled in the appropriate or erected 36 2t project, to the Thanh seco net be rected | The dagen oir the lig of boards braces shallbe installed atthe base lif, top Ift and at east ever thir lit to prevent racking sting) ~ _Alodder shal be used in going up the completed board | atleast 105m above its landing place. The land equipment, Ladder access points should bea: small as pra 50mm x 500mm. ina ‘more than 2.5m apart ‘The height ofa mobile scaffold tower shal not exceed 3 times the minimum base dimensions. Design must be approved | Under no circumstances will mobile towers be moved with men or material onthe working platform, | ~ Mobile towers wl Once the saffld | scafftagssued and fixed to the structure, © Cantilever Satta ~ Design drawings tobe submitted for approval on all cantilever platforms exceding 15m. jenn: Bapco [ee | ewrconsoemanpov cana MECHANICAL WORKS — AREA'S [METHOD STATEMENT FOR INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTEUING OF SCAFFOLDING WORK (UNIT50), ~ For small or shorter cantilever up to 2 meters long, tubes canbe utilized an ladder beams | longer span. For short cantilever, fist the horizontal tube transom) shal be securely Tied top ofthe runners o edger ofthe tower, I be provided with temporary diagonal braces if cantilever is Fe than im) to support the materials manpower inputting the ledgers atthe end ver should be tied fist to permanent ent to carry the load imposed on the For cantilever using ladder beams or unit beams, the beoms shall be securely fixed to the standard ofthe scaffold tower. cantever ~ Then the handrals, tee boards and other scaffold mat locations. ~ Alter completing the platform, the next spans / bays wll roceedin the same manner withthe above procedure until the job is completed to lngth, Bridged Seatolds: ~ Appropriate scaffolds are to be erected to provide a platform at each end ofthe area that requires abridged span, using the methods detailed above, depending onthe typeof scalfod required. um beams, or unit beams. The beams will be raised by the ves, with one operative at each end of the scaffold using re of by passing between It and secures to the standards of each scaffold using double couples and check couplers/ftings ~_Thebeams wil then be laced with horizontal tubes atthe top (tobe used as board bearers) and As well as diagonal braces an plan braces to form aii frame. 10 be carried out from within the confines ofthe scafol-on-scaold boards The boards toe boards shall be fired at appropriate locations to create afirished uly boarded sd wahway between towers, rocedure Is to be followed to complete the sequence of bridged sections and quired length ofthe jo. The above achieve the tC etzerte | oy) “Bamregegeee CISTI] 2°) | umoomutanttantisertcremowe EY ES erences rman tarel a |B Staircase Access Tower: A staircase to be erected to provide landing platforms every 2m and ted tothe building st on and 12m, Base lift or Hicker lit to be erected 300mm from the ground and leveled in the appropriate laced inthe lower cups andthe upper cups fxd by hand at ist to be ited in the cup ae in place the upper cup canbe tightened. = Level the lowest horizontals by adjusting the jacks and make sure the verticals are upright 4 with a hammer blow. ~The 1st/net lift can be erected ensuring supports are provided for boards every 1.2m. The ‘minimum and maximum board overhangs wil be observe (Min SOmm, max 150mm) fixed in place Paced onthe upper evel tallow the net if to be erected ata minimum height of Im above the hal anding, aed othe end pairs of standards and at alternative pats of standard, using Fs within 150 mm ofthe node point. Facade bracing to be fired tothe standards close to the ground and within 150 mm of the node Point, using swivel couples ~ Once the scaffold has been erected the structure willbe inspected by a qualified individual and a scafftag issued and feed to the structure. fh. Tanks & Other Vessels (fin case applicable) ~ Where a seafoldis erected around tanks or other spherical vessels it willbe permissible to cape ‘and corneroverap) the boards forming the working pltform ~ Working Platform can be overlapped on at the splays with Boards ni Cveriapping of boards not permitted onthe straight run ofthe wer Fixed ladders with backing hoops which normally provide acces be used as scaffold access laces. = Ina espects except forthe above, the seafold will comply requirements 1. iting Frame Seatolé ~ ling Frame scatfol ‘be used fr iting activites such as movement of heavy items across scaffold, anchorage points torino sips pe os sn rm soos en os | nar abe mata | Page 13 oF 24 TIS a wneco wocerezaionpagonan SIV 2 recientes ao) | umoostartanniventcnorenne SY C5 acermne seins yee oat ing Frame Scaffold shall be built as per approved design drawing, Stel/akaminum ladder ‘beams wll be ite othe scaffold post, tobe used as liting frame, After the erection the iting frame shall be inspected by a competent scaffold inspector and tagged with Red Colour iting frame inspection car ‘through inspection and issue fina approval for ising green tag forthe structure “The Scaffold Supervisor who i responsible or the scaffold shall personally inspect the scaffold te a5 soon as possible after completion by his craftsmen, Laer design engineer led for through inspection and inspection deal shall be recorded. = Scaffold inspector will update the information on green tag which mey include, ~ Date of erection; scope/duty; subcontractor; competent supervisor; wer inspection records, scaffld-number; restrictions or warnings, sch a: anesses always, eine foreach worker secured to an independent anchor, et ~ Each green scaffold tag (insert) sal be securely and completely inserted into the red scaffold uch that hides the red "D0 Not Use" warning message. The fran face ofthe low scaffold tags (with signatures) shall aways be clearly vise, All green scaffold ~ Red or green satold tags shall not be removed or re-used since prior to dismanting the seafold ‘to-which they ace attached. Anyone who makes an unauthorized removal or alteration of 2 ‘scaffold tag shall be subject to disciplinary action. Acceptable scaffolds are signed off a5 “APPROVED FOR USE’ on Scaffold Register. Not approved scaffold shal rework - captance by Client a gren Scaffold Tog representing scaffold "SAFE FORUSE” shall have ofthe seaffold written and hung on a prominent area of the scaffold ind ing that the not be used the Scaffold Tag with green workings "SAFE FOR USE'ishungon the scaffold |e Periodic inspection: ‘Seafolé tags shall havea maximum tagged scaffolds before the ~Allfindings and recordings of Mealfcation works and are unsafe. ll laspeetions on madifiation wor and requirements, Atleast every week, each scaffold shall be re-nepected by a Scaffold Inspector, Weekly tyot one week, Scafold Inspector shall renew all green erconocemzaioneRooe aus Petras uray ap’ METHOD STATEMENT FOR INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND a Se unsafe the Scaffold Inspector shall ensure it is tagged with ard scaffold tag, Alternatively, he ‘may immedately fold supervisor to correct the Deficiencies and sign and attach another green scafolé tags) -as applicable, ~ Scaffold modification works wil be carried out under the direct sup scaffold supervisor/Foreman, Scafold mi scaffold superisor/toreman, and they should ens | ‘modification was done without their consent. Scaffold Supervision team will ensure the valid SWP and pre-start Safety briefings before that start of scaffold modification works ~ Scaffold supervision team will survey the scaffold structure to be modi necessary precautionary measures. Scaffold foreman/Inspector wil then change the St 10 Red, scaffold medication works wil be dane with red tag by po scaffold platform. ~_ Forhole opening modification in dancing platform shall be cated out by closing effected area ‘of scaffold by hard baie and warning tape, ance hole opening made, hard bari 3 lnstalled around and only authorized personne! trom piping crew wil b hhle opening area with 100% te off full body hares ~ Once the scaffold is modified superviso/foreman wil check the modification works and inform the scaffold inspector for final scaffold Inspection, accordingly geen scat tag issved | |. Seafolé Moifiations/Aterations: that no unauthorized or unsafe scaffold im. Presismanting Procedure: ~ Onreceit of instructions Inspector fora pre-sman ‘be made good before asmar ‘The Scatfld supervisor the Scaffold superuisrstallinform the Scaffold the scaffolds found defective or unstable, t must WBcommence, > wll ensure tat al tes are in positon and thatthe scaffolds ~The seafois of falling mat Bo seafolds is panne, ery, and performed evel by be dismantled in the reverse order of the erection procedure = Dismantling shall be done in sucha planned and ordery way a not to destabilize the scaffold steucture at anytime. | ~ Scaffold shall never be dsmantiedin vertical sections, rather al scafoldsshall be dismantled in horizontal sections and pars Intermediate transoms or guard als frst Rather Tis, be progressively dismantled it wise or section wise [ garg MECHANICAL WORKS AREAS 'apco METHOD STATEMENT FOR INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DBMANTELNG OF saPFOLON WORK (UNITS) Special care salle taken withthe ties ofthe scaffol, wherever possible tes shall be removed 3 shal be covered the workforce on the 10. PERSONNEL All scaffolds shall hold the relevant qualifications and thr: party respective postions provided bya Gahran based company suchas TOV o scatflders, no helpers apeo/TTSV Appeoved Mi SLMo Postion Noo 2 os 5 [BAPCOTrade Test nd approves @ 7 Rieger? {ARCO Trade Test nd approved een Page 160f 28 ja ee pees ai tanks essai creatine ta 11, QUPMENT Genera: Vehicle & Equipments shal be inspected and tagged by Bapco prior to entry inside refinery. bag ie found unfit for ute during daly removed from sence and the curent record amended accordingly. ey willbe 3rd party cette, Polyarbonate Safety Helmet [Orange Colo) with chin strap Ful bod Warnes wth Double Shock Absorbing Lanyard Suspension trauma strap (in case of high potental for suspensio ar Plugs ye protection / Goggles lees | eee ee st cere - METHOD STATEMENT FOR INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND 12, MATERIAL HANDUNG: Shallbe conducted in accordance with ACG Scaffolding Operations Procedure 2, Chaining of eafold materia: assed up and down Supervisor should ensure following points wh 1e commencement of operations, a drop zone shall be barricaded of to prevent unauthorized access with notices ceplaed crash deckistobe ied onthe battom lor recetvng material a ground level. A cing Out suficiently to protect the workers pass gap isto be left open forthe passing of materials. ivals at ground level ae to position themsives tec rom fal under the 13. Equipment aydown plan Materia: Materials to conform to current Scaffold Tube & Fittings & Cupok Sato System, = Ladder Beams, Aluminum Beams & Unt beams, = LvLtaminated Scaffold boards Pre ~ Aluminum Ladders & Ste! Ladders ~ Caster Whee | ~ Scaffold Access Gates b. Seating Tubes: ~ Sefolding tubes sal be checked to ensre that hey te straight, fe fom cracks, splits, bod | debts; Excessive corrosion and the ends shal be cut square withthe ax of the tube and chamfeved ‘No cutting f tubes is permitted on ste; ACG shall ensure thatthe correct sizes of tubes are aval forthe required works prior to moblation ~ Any scatfolé tubes found tobe defective sal be quarantined an removed fom ste, Page 18 of 2 gary MECHANICAL WORKS - AREA. Pp [METHOD STATEMENT FOR INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTELING OF SCAFFOLDING WORK (UNI50) ‘all tbe shall be drm hick Scatold Boards: | [ACG shall ake use of laminated (LV) scaffold boards / pre galvanized steel boards that are painted | ‘on either end for company ident ‘purposes. The LVL boards shall be square cut tothe axis and | not fallint the follow Have a knot larger than Som dlameter, an edge knot exceeding SO% ofthe thickness ‘warped orsplt, acked, burt ol stained or have any projecting nals. Not painted or treated in any way that could conceal any defects Notching of Scaffold Boards ls stvictly prohibited, if found they will be removed from service immediately 4. Couplers: ‘Any coupler found tobe broken ar damaged or found to have rusty or damage threads wil be Alscarde ~ Coupler il be sorted by type. They willbe kept clean and lightly oiled to prevent rust. bility of @ work permit before the start of any activites yo ire extinguisher. posted inthe area, cuss the posible hazards of activites ty of TSWV trade tex for all workers ibe given toall employees. 45, SITEACCESS AND EGRESS (VEHICLE ROUTES) Al Vehicles & Personnel shal enter/exit va designated access points only and folow the direction of allaccess/egress points shall remain clear ofan items that can prevent access their work locations via designated pots loading/unloading/in any shall nt be Blocked in any crcumetances ‘Access should not be blocked by HIAB/S:wheel vehicle during the mat Fire hydrant/safety equpme 16, WELFARE FACILITIES ‘The crew will use the provided Lunchroom faites at MCSC ares during Lunch breaks. Water coolers ‘willbe kept at the ste and the personnel will use the tots inthe MSC facity area or where possible ees re snoat ana er — METHOD STATEMENT FOR INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND pre llr be for agreed/approved roads ony level ground with the brakes applied, engine switched off and activates during loaing/unloading operations. Vehicles are prohibited nthe main road a pat 1 scaffolder to erect, a ays worn and attached and dismantle scaffolding secure anchorage point with 3 100% ~ Fullbody namesses tbe ff policy tobe adhered to Too! lanyards shouldbe attached to all the tools used fr scaffold works. ~ Scaffold works to be barricaded wit Sutablebarirs (Hard or Soft) & splay relevant safety signage — Suitable asset protection arrangements shallbe made if requited = Taskinstrction/toolboxtalk shal be carved out at the beginning of each working day to dscuss the curren task, SWP or RAMS points, the associated hazards and current contol measures implemented. 100% supervision & safety officer presence when scaffolding being erected/mosiied/removed, = Unwanted materiale hal be disposed of regularlyto maintain proper housekeeping andtiness daly Hard overhead protection sto be provided for men on the ground when chaining materials This isto be constructed to prevent access rom the sides. Ensure eelevant Safe work permits and certificates shall be approved and issued by the Permit coordinator prior to starting actives Suitable Personnel protective equipments shall be worn by al the employees including Safety helmets, protective eyewear, leather gloves, safety shoes, FRC coveralls, gas monitors, escape asks ear plugs/muffs tc, All personnel to have undergone Bapco/TTSV induction traning and other safety training ‘equred by BAPCO/TTSN. ~ Visual inspection ofthe area and equipment s constretion activities and any unwanted mat removed, ~Altcompeted seafeling be RED tagged be cated out prior to commencement of and non-essential equipment shall be Ibe green tagged. Scaffolding under erection or not for use shall tess campaigns and heat stress otto be stored on the scaffolding unless authorized by the scaffold supervisor and design calculations have been produced and approved by Bapco/TTS. = Allperzonnel must be trained in Bapco workal height traning ana H25 essential for wor 25 designated rea), BAPCO MODERNIZATION PROGRAM MECHANICAL WORKS ~ AREAS [METHOD STATEMENT FOR INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTELING OF SCAFFOLDING WORK (UNI:50) immediately. ~ Wooden baa temperature ny scatfold over 125m, le scaffold ids require design and calculations before erection, lever saffolds. Suspended scafods ‘Any scaffold with pan beams. Sheet scatflds/sign boards scaffolding works sal be conducted in an exclusion zone. The use of consists of Red & white arming tape shal be employed to prevent unauth scafflding zones. BAPCO MODERNIZATION PROGRAM MECHANICAL WORKS ~ AREAS [METHOD STATEMENT FOR INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTELING OF SCAFFOLDING WORK (UNIT.50) ~ Appropriate safety shal be aeplayed a I batriading zones. = Any breach of Barrcaded Areas by unauthored personnel wil result in the cessation of | activities immediately = Only authorized persons shall do the Scaffolding modification work ~ Any scaffolding tubes shallot hinder any owner aseets Safe Work Permit (SWF) the scheduled wo be followed. Below is thelist of area the BRPCO SWP system in SWP [ACG shall attend the BAPCO SWP training on the procedures for rit applicant must ensure that allpersomelundet The supervisor subsequently present ifr cancelation by Allequipment, materials and conditions Is leared. This isthe responsibilty ofthe receiv a sae state before the Safe work permit thority. SIMULTANEOUS OPERATIONS (siMOPS) = _Simutaneous operations (Simops).Simops otcur when two or more acts are performed at the same time by diferent groups which due to their proximity coud have an adverse impact, ‘an each other, ~ Where SioPS ocur, should ACG be required toalter/madiy the working platform or anyother ‘area ofthe scaffel, this willbe natiied formally to ACG, Shoulda permit be required, the permit red as Simops activity ~ Where ths should occur, ACG will submita Simops Tas Plan Form involving relevant personnel ‘rom the Subcontractor, TSIV and Bape, NOTE: Presenty, there i no plan for this to occur, should tbe required mitigated an) te Future, this enced, 3rd party certified sctfolders, permitted to perform scafolding works, before the start of any activities she. | be posted inthe area Page 2 oF 28 BAPCO MODERNIZATION PROGRAM MECHANICAL WORKS ~ AREA.6 [METHOD STATEMENT FOR INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTELING OF SCAFFOLDING WORK (UNFT-50) 419, EMERGENCY PROCEDURES IF any emergency NOTE: Every Wednesday In case of any emergency shi (17735307/36037010) 2:00 the BAPCO fie alarm il be sounded as an audible function test, supervisor contact number: lon procedure: Inthe event ofan emergency, ~The area must be immediatly evacuated on fot and personnel ee ease | ans | See MECHANICAL WORKS ~ AREAS [METHOD STATEMENT FOR INSTALLATION MODIFICATION AND DISMANTELING OF SCAFFOLDING WORK (UNFT-50) pulled on to the 1). Te suspended person !himmediate medical care then evacuated ASAP to ground level, and provided they ay have | under the guidance of trained fist aider who should prove spinal management. 20. WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN = Waste generated onthe site wil be collected and stored in skips. Contractors key Pecronna Det ‘ons are permited to the method statement without review and prior approval ofa interested partes 23, RISK CONTROL COMMUNICATION ad or have explained to them in comprehensible language the method statement

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