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( LLM – SEM II )

1. What are Causes, Consequences, Remedies and various forms of

collective violence in India ? **

2. “Terrorism is an antihuman, dangerous activity”. Discuss causes and

remedies with indian perspective. Cite recent terrorist activities in

3. What are various measures that government of India can take to tackle
the problem of Terrorism ? ***

4. Discuss the role of Criminal Justice System to deal with Communal

Violence. *

5. Write in detail about atrocities on socially backwards in India. Cite

examples and cases.

6. Discuss Gandhiji’s Ahimsa, Jain Ahimsa, Lord Buddha’s Ahimsa. Is

ahimsa relevant in today’s violent global scenario ? ****

7. What are the objective and causative factors of collective Agrarian

violence ? **

8. Discuss Communal Violence in India ? Discuss influence of political

parites on such violence.

9. Explain the “Caste culture in India is a black spot”. Discuss the

atrocities committed on the socially backward and the role of
government to reduce such atrocities. **

10. Discuss the violence committed against women. What are measures
taken by government to deal with such violence ? What are the
judicial approaches towards such violence ? ***

11. Discuss collective violence during Telangana Struggle for Indepndent


12. Discuss past and present Telangana’s Struggle.

13. “Disrespect for Religion” - A cause of Violence – Explain with
appropriate citation.

14. Causes of Gender Based Violence ? Discuss the effective measures to

curtail it.

15. How ‘Babri Masjid Demolition’ resulted in Communal Violence in

India ? Discuss influence of political parties on such violence.

Write Short Notes :

1. Violence committed against women

2. Freedom of Speech *

3. Increase in Institutionalized Violence – Causes & Remedies *

4. Findings of Various Commssions of Inquiry *

5. Telengana Struggle

6. Arwal-Massacre *

7. Incidences of political violence in Maharashtra

8. Violence against Children in India **

9. Ram Mandir & Babri Masjid issue

10. Preaching of Lord Buddha is an answer to violence
11. Notion of Atrocities

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