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Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek

and the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945)
by Ng Yi Ming

INTRODUCTION and were frustrated with Chiang’s

policy of appeasement towards the
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek
(30 October 1887 to 5 April 1975)
was a Chinese statesman, Director- Although warlords Zhang
General of the Chinese Nationalist Xueliang of Manchuria and Yang
Party, or Kuomintang (KMT), and Hucheng of Shaanxi province had
served as President of the Republic been ordered by Chiang to suppress
of China (ROC) from 1948 to his the communists in Xi’an, Zhang
death in 1975.1 This article will instead attempted to form an anti-
relate Generalissimo Chiang’s Japanese coalition with the CCP.6
policies and actions as the leader Chiang was taken prisoner when
of the KMT and China during the he flew to Xi’an to investigate the
Second Sino-Japanese War. activities of the warlords and was
released only when he agreed to a
ceasefire with the CCP and set up a
United Front against the Japanese.
Through technically not part
of the Second Sino-Japanese War, MARCO POLO BRIDGE
the Xi’an Incident of 1936 played INCIDENT – WAR BREAKS OUT
an important part in establishing
The Marco Polo Bridge Incident,
a truce that united both the KMT
also known as the Lukouchiao
and the Chinese Communist Party
Incident,7 marked the outbreak of
(CCP) against increasing Japanese
the Second Sino-Japanese War. The
aggression in northern China
relatively minor skirmish between
throughout the early 1930s.
Japanese and Chinese soldiers
Despite the threat posed by quickly escalated to full scale war.8
Japan, Chiang had decided to After capturing Peiping (Beijing)
focus on defeating the CCP first,2 and Tianjin, the Japanese set their
creating discontent among the sights on Shanghai. Chiang decided
Chinese populace.3 He claimed that to take a stand during the Battle
the Japanese “were a disease of the Of Shanghai (August 1937), as he
skin” and the communists “were a believed that this would trigger
disease of the heart.”4 On the other foreign intervention to expel the
hand, CCP rhetoric that “Chinese invaders.9 The battle destroyed
don’t fight Chinese” won over most of the elite KMT forces, built
many supporters who advocated up with German assistance over the
active resistance against Japan past decade.10 However, foreign aid


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Dawei to oversee the evacuation resulted in the execution of three

of industrial technology, books, public officials and the sacking

gold and other items to Chungking of the governor.18 Ironically, the
in Sichuan province and set up his Japanese were forced to halt well
military headquarters in the city of short of the burning city due to
Wuhan in 1938.13 He promulgated logistical problems.19 Furthermore,
the strategy of “trading space for the defenders of the city were able
time,” which was to delay and to repel three Japanese assaults
exhaust the Japanese through between 1937 to 1944, only
numerous engagements, allowing succumbing in August 1944.20
China time to recover and regain
the initiative.14 After the fall of Wuhan,
the ROC government moved to
In June 1938, in order to delay Chungking and the city served as
the Japanese advance onwards to its wartime capital from 1939 until
Chiang Kai Shek, leader of wartime Wuhan via Zhengzhou, a plan to the Japanese surrender in 1945.
destroy the dikes of the Yellow River The wartime ROC government thus
largely did not materialize: only the near Zhengzhou was proposed. became known as the Chungking
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics It was hoped that the Japanese government.
(USSR) provided assistance to the would be deterred from invading
Chinese. Stalin did not want the through northern China by the AMERICAN AID TO CHUNGKING
Japanese government to conclude resulting floods. Though conscious With the Japanese attack
that the USSR was a military ally of of the fact that there would be on Pearl Harbour in Hawaii in
the ROC, and thus stopped short of many casualties and refugees, December 1941, America joined
providing overt military aid. Chiang nevertheless ordered the the war on the side of the Allies.
proposal to proceed; deciding that The Americans promised aid to
As a result of the Second the strategic benefits outweighed Chungking in the form of loans
United Front, the CCP reorganised the costs. The waters ravaged and matériel, although this
themselves as part of the National numerous provinces and there were was extremely limited since the
Revolutionary Army (NRA) and were almost a million casualties as a Japanese had occupied most of
assigned to the Eighth Route Army result.15 Despite the tremendous China’s ports and land routes
and the New Fourth Army.11 These sacrifice, the Japanese were able to Xinjiang from Soviet Central
two units initially assisted KMT to detour around the floods and Asia were too remote.21 The fall
units in engagements such as the captured Wuhan just a few months of British Burma in 1942 cut the
Battle of P’ingsing Pass, nominally later in October 1938.16 only other land route into China
under the command of Yen Hsi- and Chungking could only receive
shan.12 After his defeat, both units Following the capture of Wuhan, supplies flown in over the Himalayas
focused on guerilla warfare against the fall of Changsha, capital of from Assam, northeastern India, to
the Japanese primarly in northern Hunan province, seemed imminent Yunnan province.22
China till the surrender of the as the governor of Hunan, Zhang
Japanese in 1945. Zhizhong, was told that “Japanese American aid also came with a
cavalry were within twenty miles” price; General Joseph W. Stilwell
CHUNGKING GOVERNMENT – of the city.17 This report probably was appointed the Chief of Staff
TRADING SPACE FOR TIME contributed to the decision to of Chiang’s China Theatre, but
After the fall of Shanghai set the whole city ablaze to deny also as “commander of American
and the subsequent “Rape Of its resources to the invaders. The forces in the China-Burma-India
Nanking,” Chiang ordered Yu official investigation by Chiang theatres and supervisor of Lend-


personality profile 90

Lease matériel” in 1942.23 He spoke CONCLUSION 6. Commire, Historic World Leaders, 94

fluent Mandarin and was one of 7. Chinese Ministry Of Information,
The Second Sino-Japanese War
the United States (US) Army’s China Handbook: 1937-1945: A
had profound consequences for
China Experts, having served as a Comprehensive Survey of Major
Chiang; it exposed the inadequacies Developments In China In Eight
Military Attaché in the US Embassy
of the KMT government and Years Of War (New York: Macmillan
to the ROC from 1935 to 1939.24 He drove disaffected peasants and Company, 1947), 299..
was known as “Vinegar Joe,” for his intellectuals into the CCP camp. 8. Commire, Historic World Leaders, 94
caustic remarks and prided himself The cost of eight years of war with
on giving “untarnished opinions.”25 9. Jay Taylor, The Generalissimo: Chiang
the Japanese reversed most of the Kai-Shek And The Struggle For Modern
This proved problematic for Chiang gains made by the KMT during the China (Cambridge, Massachusetts:
later on during the war. Nanking Decade (1928-1937). His Belknap Press Of Harvard University
policies and decisions must be Press, 2009), 148.
Initially, the relationship
viewed in light of the desperate 10. Ibid., 150.
between the two men was circumstances at the time, as 11. Wu T’ien-wei, “The Chinese
rather cordial; Chiang was in Chinese cities fell one after another Communist Movement,” in China’s
fact optimistic about the whole to the Japanese. Bitter Victory: The War With Japan
arrangement and actually pushed 1937-1945, eds. James C. Hsiung
to let Stilwell have supreme The benefits, however, were that and Steven I. Levine (New York:
M.E. Sharpe, 1992), 80.
command over both British and China obtained great power status
Chinese troops in Burma. Chiang by earning a seat with the great 12. Ibid., 83.
lost faith in Stilwell’s abilities powers of the era such as Britain 13. Taylor, The Generalissimo, 152.
due to the bungled First Burma and the US. Chiang’s international 14. Ch’i Hsi-Sheng, Nationalist China At
Campaign in May 1942, which prestige rose during and after the War: Military Defeats And Political
resulted in a general retreat of war and he was recognised as the Collapse, 1937-45 (Ann Arbor,
the Allies to Assam and Yunnan.26 legitimate ruler of China until the Michigan: University Of Michigan
Press, 1982), 54.
Stilwell’s obstinate insistence US withdrew recognition of the ROC
on carrying out his own plans in 1979. ß 15. Taylor, The Generalissimo, 154-155.
led to a deterioration of the 16. Ch’i, Nationalist China At War, 50.
relationship between the two 17. Taylor, The Generalissimo, 159.
men.27 Chiang’s brother-in-law T.V. ENDNOTES
18. Ibid., 160.
Soong unsuccessfully attempted to
1. Anne Commire, ed., Historic World 19. Ibid.
relieve Stilwell of hid duties from
Leaders, Vol. 1 (Detroit: Gale
command in September 1943.28 20. Ch’i, Nationalist China At War, 77.
Research, 1994), 90; The World
Stilwell was only removed in 21. Taylor, The Generalissimo, 208.
Book Encyclopedia, Vol. 3 (Chicago:
September 1944 after demanding
World Book, 2009), 419. 22. Ibid.; Ch’i, Nationalist China At
full control of the China theatre; War, 63.
Chiang responded by asking 2. Ainslie T. Embree, ed., Encyclopedia
23. Taylor, The Generalissimo, 192.
Roosevelt to send a replacement.29 Of Asian History, Vol. 1, (New York:
Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1988), 24. Embree, Encyclopedia Of Asian
261. History, Vol. 4, 11.
General Albert C. Wedemeyer
was appointed by Roosevelt to 25. Taylor, The Generalissimo, 191.
3. World Book Encyclopedia, 504.
relieve Stilwell. He was a “self- 26. Ibid., 202-209.
confident, tactful, and observant 4. Commire, Historic World Leaders, 94.
27. Ibid., 202.
officer”30 and was much less 5. New Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol.
28. Ibid., 237-238.
confrontational. He remained until 16 (US: Encyclopedia Britannica,
the Japanese surrender in August 1997), 137; Embree, Encyclopedia 29. Ibid., 288-295.
1945. Of Asian History, Vol. 1, 275. 30. Ibid., 296.


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