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Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 4: Leadership and Management (5036)

Submission date 10/04/2024 Date received (1st submission) 10/04/2024

Re-submission date 17/04/2024 Date received (2nd submission) 17/04/2024

Student name Hoang Thi Minh Phuong Student ID BH00706

Class BA06301 Assessor name Dao Thi Thanh Binh

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature: Phuong

Grading grid

P4 P5 P6 M4 M5 D2
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I. INTRODUCTION. ...................................................................................................................... 4
II. THEORY OF MOTIVATION. ................................................................................................... 4
2.1. Difine motivation. ................................................................................................................ 4
2.2. Theories of motivation. ......................................................................................................... 4
2.2.1. Alderfer's modified need hierarchy model. ..................................................................... 4
2.2.2. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory. .............................................................................. 5
2.2.3. Herzberg's two-factor theory. ......................................................................................... 5
2.2.4. McClelland's achievement motivation theory. ................................................................ 6
III. MOTIVATIONAL STRATEGY PROPOSAL FOR FPT TELECOM. ...................................... 7
1. Introduction. ............................................................................................................................ 7
2. Strategy. .................................................................................................................................. 7
3. Activities. ................................................................................................................................ 8
IV. APPROPRIATE LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT METHODS...................................... 9
1. Overview................................................................................................................................. 9
2. The Democratic Model ............................................................................................................ 9
3. Laissez-faire (genuine) style. ................................................................................................. 10
4, Mintzberg's theory of management. ....................................................................................... 10
V. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 11
VI. Reference: ............................................................................................................................... 11
In the dynamic landscape of modern business, the role of the Director has evolved into a
multifaceted responsibility. The integration of leadership and management is a strategy that
motivates employees to achieve organizational goals optimally. In pursuing this goal, understanding
theories of motivation is important. As Director, coordinate strategies to enhance performance while
effectively addressing internal and external motivation and all factors related to employee
motivational actions. Through meticulous analysis of motivational theories as well as leadership
and management methods, it is possible to implement a comprehensive motivation plan for
performance management and continuous organizational development.


2.1. Difine motivation.

Motivation is the creation of incentives and working environments that enable people to perform
to the best of their ability . The aim of motivation is to engage people with the work they are doing
in order to achieve the best possible outcomes for individuals and the organisation as a whole.
Motivation drives you to act in ways that bring you closer to your goals. Motivation includes the
biological, emotional, social, and cognitive forces that activate human behavior. Motivation also
includes the factors that guide and sustain goal-oriented behavior. (Cherry, 2010)

2.2. Theories of motivation.

2.2.1. Alderfer's modified need hierarchy model.

Clayton Paul Alderfer is an American psychologist who developed Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
into a theory of his own. Alderfer’s ERG theory suggests that there are three groups of core needs:
existence (E), relatedness (R), and growth (G)—hence the acronym ERG. These groups align with
Maslow’s levels of physiological needs, social needs, and self-actualization needs, respectively.

Existence needs concern our basic material requirements for living. These include what Maslow
categorized as physiological needs (such as air, food, water, and shelter) and safety-related needs
(such as health, secure employment, and property).

Relatedness needs have to do with the importance of maintaining interpersonal relationships.

These needs are based on social interactions with others and align with Maslow’s levels of
love/belonging-related needs (such as friendship, family, and sexual intimacy) and esteem-related
needs (gaining the respect of others). Finally, growth needs describe our intrinsic desire for personal
development. These needs align with the other portion of Maslow’s esteem-related needs (self-
esteem, self-confidence, and achievement) and self-actualization needs (such as morality, creativity,
problem-solving, and discovery).

Alderfer proposed that when a certain category of needs isn’t being met, people will redouble
their efforts to fulfill needs in a lower category.

For example:

Intern at Google:
 Need for Links (R): A new intern at Google may have a high need for links. They want to
build relationships with colleagues, find mentors, and feel included in the company culture.
Google is known for its collaborative culture and orientation programs, which can help
satisfy interns' need for affiliation.
 Developmental Needs (G): Interns may also have high growth needs. They want to learn
new skills, be challenged and grow their careers. Google offers many learning and
development opportunities, such as in-house training programs, real-world projects, and
opportunities to work with leading experts.

2.2.2. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a five-tier model
of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid. The five levels of the
hierarchy are physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, and self-actualization.

Physiological needs are the most essential things that humans need to survive such as shelter,
water, food, health,... The survival instinct is the driving force that motivates people. The need for
safety and security for people to feel safe in life. Motivation comes from the need for law, order,
and protection from dangerous things. The need for love and esteem comes from the need for
interaction with others. Humans need to give and receive love in return. When this need is lost, the
individual feels lonely. Esteem needs are related to a person's recognition and respect. Maslow
divided esteem needs into two categories, including the need to be respected by others and the need
to be respected by the self. Ultimately, self-actualization involves realizing the individual's
potential. People will try to be the best. This need manifests itself in different ways such as: having
many skills, pursuing dreams, and seeking happiness. (Mullins, 2019).


Maslow's hierarchy of needs at work

By investing in employee happiness, a business can increase satisfaction while boosting

motivation in them, which will have an effective impact on work productivity.

Application of removing

Maslow's needs in education Maslow's hierarchy of needs was created for the purpose of
understanding and analyzing human motivation and needs. Therefore, applying this theory to
education can help parents understand their children. From there, they can accompany in educating,
nurturing and monitoring their children's growth process. Corresponding to each level will be
different needs of the child. (Writers, 2022)

2.2.3. Herzberg's two-factor theory.

Herzberg established the relationship between motivation, job design, and satisfaction. Responses
from the interview revealed that there are two sets of factors affecting motivation and work
including the hygiene factor and the motivational factor (Mullins, 2019).

These are two important factors that encourage personal satisfaction and prevent job
dissatisfaction. First, the hygiene factor is a set of factors that may not motivate employees, but the
lack of it will cause dissatisfaction. The individual is interested in the work environment and things
outside of work. Hygiene factors such as salary, workplace policies, relationships with colleagues.
(Mullins, 2019).

Second, motivational factors are the set of factors that motivate individuals to excel in their efforts
and increase performance. These factors can be considered growth factors and affect an individual's
sense of satisfaction. These include factors such as achievement, recognition, and promotion
(Mullins, 2019).


Hygiene Factors: Amazon offers high salaries to its employees, helping them feel valued and able
to meet their basic needs. Amazon provides a modern and comfortable work environment, helping
employees feel at ease and focused on their work. Amazon has a clear and transparent reward
system, helping employees understand how they are evaluated and rewarded.

Motivational Factors: Amazon provides many opportunities for employees to learn and develop
themselves, helping them feel invested in and able to grow their potential. Amazon has a dynamic
work culture that encourages innovation, helping employees feel excited and motivated to work,
and empowers employees and trusts them to do their jobs well, helping them feel respected and
motivated to contribute.

2.2.4. McClelland's achievement motivation theory.

David McClelland's Achievement Motivation Theory, born in 1960, is a psychological theory that
influences individuals' motivation to achieve success. The theory emphasizes three main needs: the
need for achievement, the need for power, and the need for affiliation. (, 2019)

The need for achievement is the desire to do well, exceed one's standards, and become excellent.
People with a high need for achievement are motivated by challenges and take pride in their
achievements. They are often competitive and set high goals for themselves.

The need for power is the desire to influence and control others. People with a high need for
power are motivated by the ability to make decisions and lead others. They are often determined
and ambitious and enjoy taking on positions of responsibility.

The need for affiliation is the desire to have close relationships with others. People with a high
need for affiliation are motivated by the approval and acceptance of others. They are often friendly
and cooperative, preferring to work in groups (Kurt, 2021b).


The need for achievement: As an employee-centric company, Tesla believes in collectively

celebrating achievements at every milestone and believes in appreciating employees for their hard
work and dedication. them for the company's development.

The need for power: The CEO believes that communication at Tesla should not go through the
chain of command. Instead, they give each individual the power to make decisions based on his or
her abilities and communicate these decisions to management in the shortest possible path.
The need for affiliation: Testa has always believed in keeping employees happy with certain
teams or management and bringing revolution at the same time. This gives them the freedom to
socialize and come up with new and creative ideas that can support the company's growth. (Miller,


1. Introduction.
Employees at FPT are facing various issues related to motivation and job commitment.
Maintaining a happy and productive work environment can be difficult given the diversity of
requirements and motivations. To encourage workers and steer the business in the direction of
growth, the organization needs a strong motivational plan.

2. Strategy.
Combining Nohria's four-drive model with Alderfer's (ERG) growth needs model could be a
game-changer in creating a strong motivational strategy that boosts worker happiness and
productivity. An elaborate strategy to combine these two concepts is shown below:

Empowerment and Satisfying Basic Needs (Existence Needs):

Creating a Safe Work Environment: To help employees feel appreciated and protected, a safe
work environment should be established together with standard operating procedures and equitable
compensation. Encouraging and providing employees with the means to grow their networks of
influence within the company can help them feel more empowered and valuable.

Building Connections and Relationships (Relatedness Needs):

Planning Activities for Team Building: Organizing team-building exercises to improve

communication and connections between staff and managers, cultivating a solid work environment
and support system. developing social and cultural events to improve bonds amongst staff members
and promote a feeling of community and camaraderie.

Encouraging Individual Development (Developing Needs) and Success:

Offering Advanced Training Programs: Encouraging staff members to achieve self-actualization

and personal development by providing them with opportunities for personal growth and advanced
training. Acknowledging and praising staff members' accomplishments helps to foster a culture
where goals are met and exceeded.

Opportunities for Decision-Making and a Feeling of Belonging

Promoting Data-driven Decision Making: Incorporating workers into data-driven decision-making

processes can enhance their perception of worth and significance inside the company. empowering
staff members to suggest and carry out fresh concepts in order to promote creativity and innovation.
3. Activities.
FPT can deploy a set of targeted activities to maximize employee satisfaction and motivation
when it employs a strategy that combines Nohria's four-drive model and the ERG model. These are
a few of the tasks:

Meeting Basic Needs and Empowerment:

Enhancing Conditions of Work: modernizing infrastructure, technology, and equipment to

improve the working environment. Creating Reward Schemes: establishing a fair and competitive
rewards system based on team and individual accomplishments to encourage recognition and

Building Bridges and Creating Relationships:

Organizing Team Building: To improve relationships among employees, regularly plan team-
building activities like outings and yearly trips. Establishing a Mentorship Program: Create a
mentorship program that matches recent hires with seasoned workers in order to foster professional
growth and relationship building.

Promoting Personal Development and Encouraging Achievement:

Training Programs: Conducting training sessions on soft skills, technical skills, and leadership,
and encouraging employees to participate in online courses or scholarships for personal

Establishing Recognition Systems: Setting up a system to reward and recognize employees

quarterly or annually for outstanding work and contributions to the company.

Enhancing Decision-making Participation and Delegation:

Participation Ideation Sessions: Holding regular open-door sessions where staff members can
suggest creative ideas and enhancements will allow them to participate in decision-making.

Implementing Delegation Policies: Creating detailed delegation policies that enable staff members
to oversee projects independently and make decisions within their purview will increase their
motivation and sense of autonomy.

Enhancing Interaction and Promoting Honest Discussion

Organizing Meetings for Feedback: organizing frequent meetings where staff members can voice
opinions and suggestions to management.

Online Instruments for Feedback: creating an online feedback system to give staff members a
confidential, secure way to offer suggestions and feedback.

1. Overview.
I suggest applying Fayol's administrative management, a laissez-faire (real) style, and a
democratic style to oversee performance and guarantee ongoing development for FPT. Both
democratic and laissez-faire (genuine) styles promote individual accountability and autonomy,
which in turn stimulate innovation and creativity inside the organization. Furthermore, FPT is a
sizable, intricate company with several divisions and departments. The administrative management
theory developed by Fayol will help FPT run these departments more efficiently while maintaining
consistency, boosting output, and encouraging ongoing improvement. At the same time,
departmental collaboration and team spirit will be increased by the Democratic and laissez-faire
(genuine) styles, forming a cohesive unit for long-term growth.

2. The Democratic Model


Democratic managers are adept at dividing up their authority, soliciting input from subordinates,
and letting them take part in deliberations to reach choices. Still, the leader makes the majority of
the decisions. The democratic leadership style is thought to provide the best level of productivity.
But to use this style most effectively, the following circumstances must be met: The manager is
someone who has a clear understanding of the issue, but to address it, they require further input and
details from their subordinates. The team's members must have a thorough understanding of the
work, its responsibilities, and how to carry them out, and the team's routine and personnel must be
somewhat steady.

Using the Democratic Method

Consulting and Listening: Before making a final choice, discuss it with the staff and get their
input. This can be accomplished at FPT by conducting frequent meetings or by using online tools to
obtain input.

Promoting Innovation and Creativity: Foster an environment where workers are inspired to come
up with fresh concepts. For instance, FPT may hold yearly competitions for innovative ideas to
identify and honor the top efforts.

Goal-Based Management: Establish specific objectives and work with your staff to clarify them
so they may be accomplished on their own. This procedure improves teamwork and promotes self-


Opinion surveys: Conduct employee opinion surveys on important issues such as work
environment, company policies, etc.

Organize the "Creative Ideas" program to encourage employees to come up with new ideas and
improve processes, products, and services.
Personal development plan: Support employees in building personal development plans to achieve
work goals and develop them selves.

3. Laissez-faire (genuine) style.


Freestyle managers seldom take on the role of a direct supervisor, usually just delegating duties or
outlining broad ideas. They assign tasks to staff members, give them autonomy over decisions, and
hold them accountable to higher authorities.

With this leadership style, managers have plenty of time to increase productivity, while
subordinates have a high degree of autonomy in finishing their work. This management technique
must be applied correctly though, or it may lead to instability within the team. The following
circumstances make this strategy most suitable for managers to use:

Workers who possess strong competence and the ability to work autonomously can guarantee
productivity. Effective tools enable managers to monitor the work progress of their staff.

Applying Laissez-faire (genuine) style

Ownership & Autonomy: Give workers the freedom to choose how they want to work as long as
they achieve their objectives. This can be done at FPT by implementing flexible work policies.

Assistance When Required: When employees encounter difficulties or require assistance, provide
them the tools and support they need, but refrain from micromanaging their day-to-day tasks.

Promote Employee Self-Learning and Development: Provide online courses, workshops, and
professional events to help staff members learn and develop.


FPT empowers managers to make their own decisions about the recruitment, training, and
development of employees.

FPT provides employees with laptops, software, and the necessary tools to work, grants
employees access to an online library with a variety of courses, and offers training programs on soft
skills, professional skills, and industry knowledge.

4, Mintzberg's theory of management.

According to Mintzberg, managerial activities can be seen as a set of ten managerial roles, which
may be divided into three groups. This set of ten roles is a somewhat arbitrary division of the
manager's activities. It presents one of many possible ways of categorizing the view of managerial
roles. These ten roles are not easily isolated in practice but form a unified whole: communication
role, information role, and decision role (Vecchio, 2007)

Mintzberg's theory of management can motivate employees to increase organizational

performance. This theory helps managers clearly understand their roles and responsibilities, so they
can communicate with employees about what they expect from them. This helps employees be
more motivated to work. Emphasize the importance of employee participation in decision-making
and problem-solving. This helps employees feel respected and have a voice in the organization,
which can boost their engagement and motivation. This theory emphasizes the importance of
relationship-building and employee development. This helps employees feel supported by
leadership. Mintzberg's theory of management is a general theory, not applicable to all
organizations and industries. This theory also has some weaknesses. It divides a manager's roles
into many subgroups, which can be difficult for managers to grasp and apply. This theory is based
on the assumption that managers can perform all roles well. However, in reality, there may be
managers who are not suitable for certain roles (Peek, 2018)

An illustrative example is the case of Google. Google has a clear goal management (OKR)
system, helping employees clearly understand what they need to do and how to do it to achieve
organizational goals.

Google applies a team management approach, encouraging employees to participate in the

decision-making process. Google has a positive corporate culture that encourages employees to help
each other and develop themselves. These measures have helped Google motivate employees,
thereby boosting their performance.

V. Conclusion
In conclusion, a thorough examination of motivational theories and management and leadership
philosophies has shed important light on the intricate relationships that control organizational
performance. To support and promote the best possible achievement of corporate goals, it is your
responsibility as a director to develop the organization's motivational strategy and assess how well
internal and external motivation are managed, as well as all other aspects of employee motivation.
The report also assesses management and leadership strategies that aid in the organization's ongoing

VI. Reference.

Lumen, L. (2022) Introduction to business, Lumen. Available at:
(Accessed: 10 April 2024).

Kurt, Dr.S. (2022) Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory: Two-factor, Education Library.

Available at:
(Accessed: 17 April 2024).

Phong Cách Lãnh đạo là gì? Có Các Loại Phong Cách Lãnh đạo nào? (2020) CÔNG TY TNHH
dao-la-gi (Accessed: 17 April 2024).

Writers, G. (2022) Tháp Nhu Cầu Maslow LÀ GÌ? Ứng Dụng Trong Cuộc Sống ra sao?, Glints
Vietnam Blog. Available at: (Accessed:
17 April 2024).
Motivating your team, Checklist 068, Chartered Management Institute, November 2015. Mullins, L.
J. (2019) Organizational Behavior in the Workplace 12th Ed. Harlow: Pearso

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