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rs THICH TIENG ANH 1000 TU VUNG TIENG ANH CO BAN THONG DUNG Ss ait a a OO, a oe ll 1000 TU VUNG TIENG ANH CO BAN THONG DUNG NHAT siT Tw TU LOAL PHIEN AM NGHIA, i a ‘weak: /o strong /ei) mt, chit edi A 2 ability n Jo'bala.ti/ kha ning 3 able adj Fenbol/ 06 kha nang (adi) 4 about adv Jo"bavt! vé diéwgi, 46 khoang 5 above prep Jo'bavl tuén (6 pia trén) 6 accept v Jak’ sept __ dng ¥, chap nhan 7 according adv Jo'ka:diny dura theo 8 account Jo'kaont! {ai khoan \ngang qua, 6 bén kia, déi dién act v ‘Teokt) KL hanh dong, tng xir action n Pekfond hanh dong 12 activity n feck twv.a.tif hoat dong 13. actually adv Pwk.tfu.alil) —_ ted fodmitf Do red.att, va’ /o'fekt! adv ON Patton! agency Vat ferdgansif chi nhanh, van phong agent mth Leidgant/ dic vu, daily, dai dién ago, Ja'goo! vé trude | agree Jo'gri! i dong y agreement /o'gri-mant/ théa thudn ahead Jahed/ 6 phia true air n Jear/ khong ki (n), xt ly all adv bol tated L allow v Ja'lav cho phép almost _ — Paikmaust} va oo “alone Jo'loon/ | | 32 alony Ja'lon! doc theo 33. already Jo1'redaif 4, ri a4 also Ts1saol cing 35___although conjunction Ja:1'000) mic dit ‘Thich Tigng Anh - — Website chuyén bién soan tai ligu Tiéng Anh 1 [36 always adv To.wer! Tudn luda ] 37 American on fo'mer.ken/ ngudi My 38 among prep Jo'man/ 6 gitta dam dong, 39 amount n Je'maont/ s6 luong | 40 analysis adv fe'neel.asis/ su phan ti 41 and | conjunction lend) - va | 2 animal in Jeendi, fond dong vat _| 43 another adj Jo'nad.o0/ ___mOt cai... khde _| 44 answer vin fan.sor/ cu tra Ibi (n), tra Ibi (v) 45 any adv Fenif { batky 46 anyone n Feni.wan/ bat ky ai 47 anything a bait ky thir gi “48 appear _ v xt hien 49 apply v Ap dung, nop tuyén 50 approach vin Jo 'prootf! tigp cn (v), su tigp cén (n) 51 area a Veriof Khu vue, dign tich 52 argue Fargjus \ ban lug, tranh lugn 53 arm n Jasm/ a cénh tay 54 around adv fa'raond/ xung quanh 55 art A Jat! nghé thuat 56 arrive v Je'rav! | dn | 57 article = Pact.kall bai bi “| (58 artist Lastist) gh | 59 | as leezbiech a 60 ask lash) hoi 6 assume v __fe'sjum/ dam nhi¢m eo at Jeet tai noi | 63 attack pe twk/ ta | | 64 attention n Jo'ten ford syt cha | | 65 attorney n Je'ts:nif Tuat sur 66 audience «on [o.dicons/ khan gia o7 author on ['a:.00/ tée gid 68 authority |) on {a'0or.0.t/ chinh quyén 69 available adj Jo'verla.bal/ 6 70 avoid ev fo'vard tranh, phong, 71 away adv jowey xa 2 baby n Moerbil tré nho 73 | back adv Poack/ | quay lai 7 bag Ibeeg/ di tai B bad Posed xi 7 ball Poo:l/ trai banh 77 bank n Poeenk/ ngin hang 78 bar n Poar/ thank, thoi ‘Thich Tigng Anh - — Website chuyén bién soan tai ligu Tiéng Anh [79 | base v diya trén ] 80 be “thi, 1a, BL & 81 beat v 82 beautiful adj bju:ti.fol/ (83 because adv Mor'ka:z/ 84 become vb kam) - | 85 bed a | Teed _| | 86 before adv Pox'fo _| 87 behavior a Por her-vjor/ 88 begin n Pov'gind 89 behind prep Pov hand/ 90 believe v Pox'liew/ 91 - 2 best! 3 /'bete/ 94 {bi jond 95 Por'twicrd 96 Fora! 97 ill a Pol 98 billion A [bikjonf i 9 (fit n fou” f ) mot it | 100 black adj Poleek - mau den _| [101 blood ne fla - miu | 102 “mau xanh.budn 103 > cai bang, 104 J co thé 105 quyéh sch | 106 | - dugesinhra | | 107 chai | | 108 fi hop 109 ‘con trai 110 break nv I pha vo mm bring Sv fering mang di 112 brother a [orsda/ anh, em trai 113 / budge) on [addsit/ ngan sich 14 build v old) xy dung 115 building a [eildin/ toanha 6 business on [iznis/ | doanh nhan 47 but adv Pot! hung 18 buy v esi mua 9 by adv Moai { bang, boi 120 all v Pksel/ | 121 camera a Pkeemara/ my anh ‘Thich Tigng Anh - — Website chuyén bién soan tai ligu Tiéng Anh 3 122 campaign n ‘Pkzem' pein] chién dich | WB an — tkeenf 6 thé 24 cancer n Pkeensa! ung thir 125 candidate n keendidit/ thisinh 126 capital n Tkzepitl/ thir do 127 corn Mal XO - 128 card no Ike:d/ ‘dim the _| 129 care vo “fkeat quan tan _| 130 career n Ikra nghé nghiép Bl carry v Peer { ‘mang di 132 case n Ikeis/ trudng hop 133 catch v ‘Pkeet{) bat 134 yr 135 4 t€ bao 136 center n /sento/ ) trung tim 137 central ad ['sentrol/ trung tam 138 | century on Jsentfrif thé ki 139 certain adj fsaitnd chic chin 140 certainly adv ['sostnlif mat cich chée chin aa chair A Neal cai ghé 142 challenge n Mfeclinds/ thir thach 143 chance ferns, co hoi _| M44 change feindds! thay | 145 character on Pkeetikto/ cnhan vat, tinh eich _| 146 charge n f shards) ‘rach nhigm 147 check vl ek ig tra 148 child ne dtfaila! dia tre 149 choice “Isis! [ sulvachon 150 choose Musa! Iya chon _| 151 church gett nha this 152 citizen sitizn/ cng dan 153 city siti thanh pho 154 civil Isivl/ cng dan 155 lass, Ikla:s/ lop hoe 156 clear ‘liof [ sach 157 clearly Ikliolif mat cach sach s@ 158 close v Jklous/ dong lai 159 coach Pkout{/ | hudng dan vién 160 cold adj Pkould/ lanh 161 collection n ko'lekjn/ bé suu tap 162 college n Polidsy trudng cao ding 163 color n Palo) mau sic 164 come v kam) den ‘Thich Tigng Anh - — Website chuyén bién soan tai ligu Tiéng Anh 4 [ 165 commerical adj DkaimafV - quang cio | 166 common adj. [koman/ pho bign, chung 167 community n Jko'mjusnitif céGng dong 168 company n 'kamponi/ cng ty | 169 compare v /kam'peaf sosanh_ 170 computer n __ Ikom'pjusto/ | a71 concern v Jkon'sa:n/ _| "172 condition a _Jkan'difng | _| 173 conference n Pkanforons/ 174 congress n Pkongres! | 175 consider v Akan'sido/ 176 consumer n v v | diéu khién vlad} tri gid v c6 thé n quée gia A cap doi n khéa hoe n toaan vo chuyén d6i | v che day _| e : | f-> ti pham. 190 adj __ 'kaltferal/ tinh vin héa 191 Ikaltfa/ van héa a - = a | 193 current k: gan day, dong, luéng | 194 customer n {'kastama/ khdch hang, 195, cut wy Tkatl cat 196, dark niadj Idack/ t6i 197 data n Pdeitay di liéw 198 daughter n I'dasto/ con gai 199 day a Hae! i ngay 200 death n {de0/ cai chet 201 deal njv (dil thea thudn 202 debate v ait | tranh lun 203 decade n {airbeit) thap ki 201 decide v Idi'said) quyét dink 205 decision n Idi’sidsny sur quyét dinh 206 deep adj [dip sad 207 | defense v ai'fens) phong thi ‘Thich Tigng Anh - — Website chuyén bién soan tai ligu Tiéng Anh [ 208 | degree n agri? cip 46 | 209 democrat. =n Fdemekrect/ dan chi 210 democratic adj /.dema'kroetik) tinh dan cha 211 deseri v /Mis‘kraib/ mé ta | 212 design v Idi’zain/ tht ke 213 despite prep. /Mis'spaiz/ mic dit | 24 detail on Pditeil/ chi tit _| _ 215 determine vo /Ai'tsmin/ quyét tam _| 216 develope v velopt/ phat trig 217 development n [di'velopmont/ sw phat trign 218 | dail 219 [difront) khéer 20 - TT ( surkhde bigt zai | khé khan 222 dinner n Pdinolry) 5 anti 223 direction no Jai'rekjn/ phuong huéng 224 director n /di'rektofr]/ gidm de 225 discover v Hiskavofr]/ Khdm phi 226 discuss v Idl’skas) thao Iuan 227 discussion A Idi’skafof sur ban lugn 228 disease n oO bénh | 229° do vy fu a _| | 230 doctor on __fdoktalel _| 21 dog, n A Hapglet me 232 door n > Vestry 233 down prep. /daon/ draw v eR Idrsd |. ae: | 236 | Jaraiv/ _| | 237 drop v /drop/ 238 drug drag 239 during“ prep Pdjvorin 240 each pronoun/adv_ hitsl 21 early adj fosli 242 east n Fist! ‘phia dong, 23 easy adj fizif dé ding 244 electric adj Jilektriky thude v8 dign 25 eat |v fit! an 246 economic adj J cka'nomik/ thude vé kinh té 247 economy n Fikonomif én kinh t& 248 eam font kigm duge 249 education n Ledjorkeifn/ gido duc 250 effect v fi'fekt! anh hudng. ‘Thich Tigng Anh - — Website chuyén bién soan tai ligu Tiéng Anh [251 ‘effort v [! nd lve _] 252 edge “eds a bi 253 eight on Jet! 368 254 either pronour/adv Laidor] /' ‘méi, mgt, trong hai | 255 election n ile fond bau chon 256 employee fam'plouii/ —_mhanvign | 257 else dels! cai khde, edn lai “| | 258 end v Jend/ et thiie | 259 energy a Fenadsil nang luong 260 enjoy sv sin'dh3a0/ 261 enough _pronoun/adv ienat! 262 v Fentor/ | 26: adj intr] : 264 | n jm'vauran. 265. enviromental adj jin vau.ron' 266 especially adv Mspef.alif 267 establish. =v H'steeb.lj/ 268 even adviadj Fivond 269 evening A nin) 270 event A Avent 271 ever adv Tevarl ) | 272 every Jrev.ti. _| | 273 everybody in Fey-tibod.if - 274 everyone n Jevai.wanl moi ngudi | 273 everything n SS Kev.ri.8my tatea 276 evidence n | fev.i.dens/ bang chang. 277 exactly ‘hg’ z2ekt mt cach chinh xe | 278 example ~fig’zz2m.pal/ — idu _| 279 executive adjin g'zek Rei ee ey 280 | exist ig’ zast/ ton tai 281 expect. /ik’spekt) ‘mong ch | 282 experience [ik spri.ons/ inh nghigm _| | 283 expert Pek.sps:tf chuyén gia 284 explain ‘ik'splein’ giai thich 285, eye Jail mat 286 face Hers! mit 287 fact ack) su that 288 factor Pfaok.tor! hain 6 | 289 T Heal _| | 2% ol - 291 n Pfeom.olif 292 adj Fiat! ‘Thich Tigng Anh - — Website chuyén bién soan tai ligu Tiéng Anh 7 Hast! nhanh _] PF fa:8er cha fhiarf noisy Pfed.o.ol/ | lien bang, HN cam nhan /iclmy/ | ~ cam gic, | ‘ju! modt it ‘fitd/ anh dong ait! chign dau iga/ | il) ile) faint - - - fainlif f (ai'nzenfol/ . Hfaind/ aird a Sfingal finish Paice! | Foam) Host J6iff. aiv/ - | \/floor/ Jy! it Ffoukesy ‘tap trung Ffoloul theo doi Hud) aan Heat ingén chan Ixia! { cho, vi —_ uc sang, thée nude, ste manhlép bude, ap luc Pforin/ rngoai quéc __Hfe'gett_ és —___| Mom | kigu, mau. [fo:mal trade day, xua, c@, nguyén Pis:wod/ phia trude “fs 64 | rie! min phi, te do 2 frend ban be | 333 from prep Jétom/ dén tir 334 front prep fran) ding trude ‘Thich Tigng Anh - — Website chuyén bién soan tai ligu Tiéng Anh 335 full adj Hall - diy | 336 fund on Mand , uy 337 future n Pfjustloy tuong lai 338 game n /geim/ tr choi 339 garden n Pgardn/ vuon 340 gs [gees ga, hoi dat M1 yeneral ad ['dgenoral/ __ phd bin, chung _| 342 generation n Jdgeno'reyiny the he _| 343 get v Jget! nhan due Mt gil Joa I con gai give v Jaw! glass n Igla:s! fs i fue a igaul /gud/ “ngoan, ding 350 government a / gavamant/ chink phir 351 great ad Igreit! ‘an in, vidai 352 green adj orice’ a ‘mau xanh Id cay 353. ground n Igraund/ mat dat group n Jgrwph rnhém, ban grow v Joroul phat trig rowth on Jaro08/ ssw phat trign “| ‘guess v I9es/ phéng don, dy doan | gun n Igani/ sing a guy n foil ‘g8, anh chang hair n | fheo/ Hong, t6c half n ‘ha:f] mot intra ‘hand naend/ [ ban tay | ‘hang Than! treo, mic | happen v Phaepanl xay ra happy Theil hhanh phic hard Iha:d cling rn, Kho have Ihaev) 8 he hid nd, anh dy head on Jed) cai du health n ‘hel0/ tinh trang stte khoe Tear v ria! nghe heat on fat] | trai tim heat Pht stte néng, hoi néng 374 heavy Phevil nang né 375 help shetp/ giip do 376 her pro(n) Pra! 16, c6, ba dy 377 here adv rio! oday ‘Thich Tigng Anh - — Website chuyén bién soan tai ligu Tiéng Anh [378 | herself pro(n) ‘hs self/ turnd | 379 high adj, adv Ihail cao, 6 mite d6 cao 380 him pro(n) Ihion/ né, anh ay 381 himself pro(n) Jhum’selff chinh n6, chinh anh &y |_382 his pron) Ihizi ita né, ciia anh & 383 history Phistori/ [3 hit hit) __danh, dim, n _| 385 hold ven Mrauld) cam, nim, gitt _| 386 home n Proum/ nha 387 hope yn fhoup! I hy vong._ 388 hospital n P’hospitl/ benh wien 389 hot adj hot? ning 390 hotel “fro'tel/ | © khéch san 391 hour n Fauo/ gid ting (dng Hd) 392 house n haus! ha 6, cdn nha 393 how adv haul nhu thé nao 394 however adv fhav'eva(r)/ tuy vay 395 huge adj Ihjusds/ nm! Khding 1 396 human adj n Phjurman/ thude con ngudi, loai ngudi 397 hundred number Phandrad/ trim 398 husband n Phazband) | ngudi ching I tai | 400 idea i o im, ¥ tudng, “| 401 identify =v fai dentifai/ ——nhanra, nhén dang 402 if conj > Ait néu 403 image nA 5 Simiasy inh anh 404 imagine vie Fi’ meedsin! tudng twong, 40 impa —Fimpakt/ sw va cham, anh huong, | 406 important adj __/impottont/ _quan tron; | | 407 improve v fim’ pruw/ cai thign 408 in prep sin 6, tai 409 indude\v Jin'Ku:d) bao gm 410 including |» prep fin’klucdin/ bao gom 411 increase vn fin’kris/ tang len 412 indeed adv fin’ dicd/ qua thue 413 indicate v Findikeit/ chira 414 individual adj n Jind’ vidjuol/ mot mimh, riéng lé 415 industry on Findostri/ | nganh cong nghiép 416 information n /,mnfa’meyf/ théng tin 417 inside adv, n, ad fin’ said/ bén trong, 418 instead adv fin’sted/ thay vi 419 institution n /anstfju:fnl thé ché, sy xy dung, 420 interest ny Fintrast/ su chity, quan tam ‘Thich Tigng Anh - — Website chuyén bién soan tai ligu Tiéng Anh 10 [421 interesting adj P'intrastin/ havi ] 422 international adj “finte’naefonl/ quiet a 23 inte nv Fintayjus ‘cude phong van ory into prep Pinta) vio trong | 425 investment n ‘in’ vestmant/ tien dau tu, sur dau ter 426 involve vino) sf quan | issue ny Jiu! phat hanh | it pro(n) Atl n6, _| item n [sito] khoan, mén its det its) | cia n6, cua anh ay itself pro(n) At'selff ban than n6, chinh né job n JA30b/ vigc lam, 435 keep v Ikicp/ gin gite 436 key 2, adj Iki hia khéa, phim a7 Kid fkid/ tréem 438 kill v kill giét 439 kind 2, adj /kaind/ tot bung 440 kitchen n Pkitfiny bép 441 know v Inowl diet | 442 knowledge on Fnolids/ su hidu bist | | 443 land nv flzend/ dit _| 444 language 4S flengwids! _ngon ngit _| 445 large adj lad3/ rong, Ién 446 last adv,n Vo fla:st/ kéo dai 447 late adj, adve Aeit/ cham, muén. | 448 later advyadj Pleita(n)/ - sau | | 449 laugh vn Na:ff cud _| | 450 law n fo: phap luat 451 lawyer 4 on Plorjol Tuat su 42 lay g v ‘ei dat, dé 453 dead 1S vn Ned dan duong, huéng din 454 leader n Plisda(ry ngudi dan during 455 lean ov lox) - hoc - 456 least adv fli:st/ itnhat 457 leave v fis bé di, bé Iai (adi) (adv) 8 | ett —@) Mey | | 459 leg. Aegh | 460 | legal adj Mga =I 461 less adv ‘es! 462 let v Net ‘Thich Tigng Anh - — Website chuyén bién soan tai ligu Tiéng Anh u [463 7 ieter n Fetal thu ] 464 level adj Fevl/ mic, ting. 465 lie ven Mail loi n6i doi 466 life n aiff su sing, cude sng, | 467 light n, adj, v ait anh sing, 468 like) v,conj Maik ‘gidng nh | 469 likely adjadv lak’ ob kha nai; | (470 line “laird “during ke, durdng nét | a7 | list nv ist! danh sich a listen ov [isn Ling nghe_ 473 litle adj, adv Piitl/ ho bé 474 live adi, adv iv) _séng, & 475 local adj _/loukol/ ( diaphuong 476 long. a Non! dai 47 look vin fuk/ ) akin 478 lose vo Puz) mat 479 Noss nt fos! sy mat mat 480 Tot adv oy mé, dng 431 love nv flav) tinh yéu, yeu thich 482 low ad, adv foul > thip 483 machine n mea'finl cS may 484 magazine | on __ |mago'zin! tapchi _| main T {mein/ chinh, quan trong nat | poaintan /mein'teinf __tigp tue duy tri as ‘major SEmeidsa/ ‘chil y6u, In majority “fmo'dsorati/ da sé Jmeik/ Jam, tao ra pio OU th ee — ng [ P'maenid3/ __ quan ly _| management n {'meenid3ment/ vvige quan ly manager. P'meaenidza(r)/ ngudi quan ly many \ pro(n) /'meni/ nhiéu, Lim market 1 Pmackit/ cho marriage a /'merids/ dam cudi material =n adj {ma 'tioriol) nguyén vat liéu ‘matter nv [meta/ chu dé may vo Imei] 6 the maybe adv ['meibi/ cé thé me pro(n) Ireit/ t6i mean v /mi:n/ 6 ve la measure nv. meal | su do hrdng media n [midia/ | phurong tign truyén thng dai chting ‘medical adj 'medikol/ thudey hoe ‘Thich Tigng Anh - — Website chuyén bién soan tai ligu Tiéng Anh 2 [506 [meet ov “Imit] : gap 6 ] 507 meeting on P'mi:tmy/ “ ude hop | 508 member n 'memba/, thanh vién memory n /'memori/ trinnhé mention v P'menfan! dé chp message n Tmesids/ tin tic, thong digp method n I'me@od/ ___phuong phép _| middle | nvadj midi - gira _| might modal (v) /mait qua khit cia “may” military adj P'militori/ { million number P'miljon/ mind nv /maind/ “minute ~_fmai just) i "phil (hi gian) miss mis! f tnrgt, 16 mission n P'mifon/ ) sirménh model n P'modl/ ow m6 hinh modern adj I’ modon/ ‘an hign dai ‘moment n Pmoument! ea money n /'manif month A /man6/ more img!” (J morning P'mo.nin( _| most {must _| “mother | P'mada/ - ‘mouth {mau move ) imuv/ 532 movement n /musvmant/ musa! Jot J mju:zib! mast) 539 my det Jail cia 838 540 myself pro(n) ‘mat’ self] chinh tai 541 name nv neim/ ten 542 nation n Pneifan/ qusc gia 543 national adj /naefonal/ | thude vé qué gia, dn toc 544 natural adj J cetforal/ tu nhién 545 nature n Pneitjo/ thign nhién adj, adv, oe near prep nial gan 517 nearly adv /niali/ sin nh ‘Thich Tigng Anh - — Website chuyén bién soan tai ligu Tiéng Anh 13 [548 necessary aj Tnesisari/ in thigt | 549 need vn Ind) i an 550 network n Pnetwsk/ mang ludi 551 never adv Preval Khong bao gid | 352 “new adj Injus moi 553 news Injucel | tin tue | 554 newspaper in _Pnju:zperpotey/ bio _| | 555 “next adj adv, n Inekst! - tigp sau _| 556 nice adj Inais/ ‘6t bung 557 night on Inait/ | dem 558 exclamation. Jnou/ Khong chat nio 559 pro(n) Jnan/ khOng ai, khong cdi gi con, aw Ino == “ caing khong adj, adv in0:01 phurong bac adv not! | khong nv Inout! __ gid nhdn, nhdcnhd, nu ¥ pro(n) J'nain/ x khong 6 gi nv ['noutis/ a théng béo, cha ¥ adv Jnau/ ign nay Font) short form of not n Pnambarl con sé Low Ja'korl xiyra _| prep Pew. cia | off adv, prep _ lof! - tat _ offer vin Siscl moi office nA) Pots! vn phong, officer nC Poftsatey/ vvign chite fi edn fe’ | _thudechinhquyén often adv Fofn/ thudng xuyén _| oh exclamation Jew at (cam than) ol on foil dau ok adj, adv Jou'kei/ duge, t6t old adj Jould/ gid on. prep Jon! trén, 6 trén. once adv, con Jwans} mot fan one number jwan/ 36 mot only adi, adv /ounlif chi onto prep Fonta/ | den open adj, v foupan/ mo 587 operation n /,opa'reuln/ vige phdu thuat 588 opportunity sn __fopa'tjurmati/ co hoi 589 option n Lopfon! su lua chon 590 or conj fol hole ‘Thich Tigng Anh - — Website chuyén bién soan tai ligu Tiéng Anh 4 [501 [order | oy o:dal ralénh | 592 organization n eganar'zeifinl co quan 593 other adj, pron) Lada! cai con lai 594 others [r-erz/ cdc cai con lai (sé nhiéu cua "other") | 595 _our det Jaua/ ciia ching ta 596 out __prep faut “bén ngoai | 597 outside ‘prep Lautsaid/ - a _| 598 over prep Fauvof _| _| 599 own adj, pro(n) Joun/ 600 owner n Leona(r)/ ool page. n Ipeidsf 602 pain a Ipein! 603 painting n E fpemtin/ i 601 paper n 1 peipa/ ¢ 605 parent a /'pearont/ . 606 part n fpa:tl 607 participant n {fpa:'tisipant/ 608 particular adj [po'tikjule/ | t, daic bigt 609 particularly adv Jpa’tikjalali dacbiét 610 partner n Ppactnar! cong su 611 party n Lpatil & } bira tige A bese eareWiel i Ipash Gingang qua =| | -past adj, n, prep Jpaist! - a _| 614 patient adj J peifent: - 615 pattern n i pxtan/ 616 pay vin *, ‘pei! 617 peace rx wy Ipics/ hoa L. Jpeople. peo EME is pe | 619 per Ipa:! mii _| | 620 perform v Ipa'fo:m/, tign han, 621 performance « ipo formons/ sy thye hign 622 pethaps Ipo'haps/ 6 the 623 period I piariad/ giai doan 624 person n /pasn/ ngudsi 625 personal adj /'pxsanl/ canhan, 626 phone nv foun} dign thoai, goi dién 627 physical adj /'fizikol/ than thé 8 pick pik I chon 629 picture n I'piktfa/ tranh, anh 630 piece n Ipics/ mau, miéng 631 place nv Ipleis/ noi 632 plan nv fplanj ké hoach 63 plant ny plant thuc vat, moc ‘Thich Tigng Anh - — Website chuyén bién soan tai ligu Tiéng Anh 15 | 634 play Town Ipleid - trd choi, né dia 635 player n J'plera(r)/ nguvi choi 636 PM n /.pi:‘em/ thu twong 637 point ny point) iu nhon, chi | 638 police n fpa'lics! ___canh sat 639 policy n [ chinh séch | 640 political = adj __ thude chinh tri _| 641 politics /'politiks/ _| — chinh tr _| 642 poor Ipua/ nghéo 643 popular adj / popjulaf ndi tiéng, phd bign 644 population n J,popju'leyin/ dan sé 645 position n [o'zifon/ _ tthe 646 i {'pozativ/ { 6 rang, chic chin adj I'posabl/ f 6 thé n /'pauol | kha ning nv Upreektisy thu hanh v [ Ipri'peo/ WN chudn bj nv V'preznt! qua ting, cb mat U'prezidant/ chia tich ap suat adv, adj } prevent vO L | price [prais! _| 657 private adj {'praivat) a 658 probably adv > biprobebli/ | 06 kha nang 659 _ problem nF J fproblom/ vain dé 660 process _ Pprauses/ qué trinh 1 _| produce —_fpre’diue/ | sanixut | 662 product n /'ptodakt/ két qua, sin pha _| | 663 production n Ipra'dakjin/ san luons 664 professional «adj, n pro’ fefonl/ chuyén nghiép 665 professor on Ipra'fesal gido sir 666 program n / provgreem/ chuong trinh 667 project n ['prodgekt/ dydn 668 property on I propoti! taisan 669 protect v Ipra'tekt/ bio ve 670 prove v /prucv/ ching minh 671 provide v /pro'vaxd/ [ cung céip 672 public n I'pxblik/ cong cong, cong khai 673 pull v fpol/ kéo ranhé ra 674 purpose a 'px:pas! | muc dich 675 push v fpol! day 676 put v pot! dat ‘Thich Tigng Anh - — Website chuyén bién soan tai ligu Tiéng Anh 16 [677 | quality n Tkwoloti! chat lugny | 678 question n /kwestfan/ cau hoi, 679 quickly adv Pkwtklif nhanh chong, 680 quite adv /kwaut/ kha | 681 “race n freis/ Dua, cudc dua 682 radio n 1 J rerdiov/ Ra-di-6 « = ng King | raise v surnang lén.ting len day, hang(ndi,d6i..), pham vi, inh oe range n Jremd3/ vate, sip x8fSRép loai 685 rate ny frest/ anh gid, su dénh gid ude lugng 686 rather adv Pra:Bo(r) hon 687 reach v frist! (él téijcham 688 read v [ridl/ Pe Nd toe 9 | ready adj P'redif | sin sing 690 real adj [rial/ — that that su 691 reality a {ri'zelati/ <9 thuc taisu the 692 realize v ['rialaz/ oS nan ra 63 really adv Privakif that.that ra 694 reason n fim Kido 5 receive v In'sivh nhan.tigp nhin | 696 recent adv [rtsnty. = _| Cs ec ay (pho ta) 698 recognize v4 /'rekognaiz/ ~_ han ra, thiza nhan | 699 record nv i teka:d/_ thanh tich, tiéng tam, thu, 700 red ny adj | frea/ mau do 701 reduce v fev dju:s/ gidm,giam bat [" reflect y {n flekt/ phan chiéu “| [ region a Pid ond viangamién | | relate vu let lien he “| relationship on /n'leyiniip/ ‘méi quan hé 706 religious’ adj dn’ dsas/ thudc tin ngudng,ton gido 707 remain v Jev'mein/ con lai 708 remember v /rr'memba(n)/ nhé. 709 remove v in’'mu:v/ di,g5 bo 710 report ny fev past bdo cho TIL represent v J.reprr zent/ migu ta,trinh bay 712 Republican n /tv'pablikan/ céng hia, dang vién dang cong hoa 713 require vo Jet kwwaua(e)/ yeu ciu,ddi hoi 74 research ny. [n'ss:tf/ nghién cir 715 resource n ir'so:s/ tai nguyén.nguén 716 respond /nr'spond/ phan hoi 717 | _ response Jn'spons) sur phn hi ‘Thich Tigng Anh - — Website chuyén bién soan tai ligu Tiéng Anh 7 [718 responsibility n Jn sponsa'bilati/ ‘rach nhiém ‘TI9 rest v fest thu gin 720 result fv zaltt { ket qua 721 prt L Anvil! [ tg | rast! | Jraval Jnisk/ Jrood/ frok/ [rool/ Beceem Vv rant Jseut/ {serm/ v serv) | v Ise, 737 | scene a til PN | 738 school n Iskull) (9 trudng hoc | 739 science nl T'saions/ Khoa hoc _| | 740 scientist == in _af'satontist nha khoa hoe “| “74L “score no 8 Bho dim so - san aN i {| bin 743 season n LS Psiznl mia 744 seat ne ist | chd ngoi (745 second adj. Psekond/ thir hai (36 the ty) _| - \ sekfi/ phan tach ey ct, muc (tai 747 | LK far kjvaratil I anninh 748 v [sil bin | 749 vo Isick/ - tim | | 750 sem) ov sim) dudng nhu Tl sel Jsel/ { bin 752 send Isend/ | git ngudi lon tudi, ngudi e6 tham nién lau 758 senior a Psimnia(e)/ cee piléequan 756 serious. adj ['starias/ | nghiém trong 757 serve v fsxv/ phue vu 758 service n f'sxvis) dich vu ‘Thich Tigng Anh - — Website chuyén bién soan tai ligu Tiéng Anh 18 v set] qualifier —Psevni qualifier ['sevral/ n Iseks/ adj L’sekfuall Lfeik) Meats) Aid [fut [ott fot! 77 TA 775 significant adj cd nghiadiy ynghia | 776 similar adj [simala(r)/ FiGng,turong tw _| 777 simple adj P'sumpl don gian 778 simply adj /'sunplil / gidn dizmdc mac 779 since adv fsins) ke tir hat don ddedddethin chiem gai | sit! ngoi 784 | Isat! | dia chi,dich déh 5 J sift ea) —_ holin ein 786 Isis) su ‘787 fsarz/ kich co 788 {skal/ Kinang 789 Iskin/ trang phycda 790, Jsma:l/ - imho bé | 71 Jsmaul/ mim cudi,cudi 792 soo! a rit 793 Psa0fll | 794 Jsa'saratif 795 | soldier n / savldza(r)/ 796 | __ some qualifier lero 797 n 798 someor n Zz 799 something n 800 sometimes adv ‘Thich Tigng Anh - — Website chuyén bién soan tai ligu Tiéng Anh 19 [sot Fsand con trai | 8020 __ {sont | bai hat - 803 fsun/ | som 804 fso:t/ | kiéu cach,tht,loai hang | 805 sound n fsaond/ am thanh gun min Nam | thude vé phia Nam _| hosing tring khong gian,khéng,gian ‘ty | 810 joy Ispick/ | sit a I'spefil | | 812 specific adj Spa 'sifk/ _| 813 speech n Ispi:tff sit spend v /spend/ -__ tiéu,chi tiéu 815, sport n Ispoit/ - thé thao a _/sprinl * Ee ees | 817 staff n staff | | 818 stage n sted: 819 stand v fsteend// 820 standard n /'staendad// 821 star n #sta:(r)d 822 start v x Fsta:tl) 823 state no ___Isteiti tinh trang,bang,phat biéu,tuyén bo statement n (> Pstenmant/ | su bay té,su trinh bay 825 station a Z) fstesin/ tram diém,dén 326 | stay | vy ME fstey/ | 6 87 step a /step/ bude giai doan 828 still adv /stlf vvan,van con 829 stock ny /stok/ ____kho,kho dur tri, vn,c6 phan 830 stop ¥ {stop { img lai 831 store y D fsto.(e)/ cia hang | 832 story ne I'sta:rif - ____ cau truyén | | 833 strategy n ['stratod 3i/ high luge 834 street n istrist/ [ con pho 835 strong adj {stron/ | manh mé structure A P'straktfo(e)/ cal trig két cata student n /'stjucdnt/ | hoc sinh study = Pstadif | stuff no tall style no style __Phongedch | subject n I'sabd3ikt/ | chit d8,mén hoc success n Isak’ses! su thanh céng ‘Thich Tigng Anh - — Website chuyén bién soan tai ligu Tiéng Anh 20 843 successful adj Hsak’sesfll thanh cong a4 such pronoun Isati/ = nnhu thé thi dy 845 suddenly adv F sadonti dot ngoLbat chot 846 suffer v Psafo(ry! trai qualudt | 847 suggest v ‘50’ dsest/ oi 848 summer on 'sama(rif mia he [849 support Js0' pot! hétro _| | 850 “sure adj Jfoa(ryt | chic chin _| 851 surface n ssi) be mat 852 system A ['sistom/ | he thong 853 table n Fteibl/ ‘efi ban 854 take v Ieik/ ly 355 v 7 nd 856 n sta:sk/ > ahiem vu 857 n [tacks tue 858 teach v ity! day 859 teacher n Peetfo(ey) .. gido vien 80 team n him) bi 861 technology n ‘ek’noladsif cong nghé 862 television n Ftelwisnf TV, v6 tuyén truyén hinh tell v sel) | “ten qualifier ten os _ | {rong nom, chim soc hudng t6i,e6 tend ev CN Khuynh huréng. 866 term a > em! hgcki 3 thang. 867 test ay ZS test! iém tra bai kiém tra 868 than —_conjunction [oan | hon Lo Joxenk/ cim on (Oz0t/ kia Po | edijcon dy nay (chi dinh,..) Peer) cia ho sau do [ /Ororif ly thuyét Pea(r)/ [ ché dé,noi day determiner [i:2/ nhiing cai nay pronoun Pei! ho foun/ | vat |. —_ 10ink/ - ___nghisuy nghi _| [Osa (the ba (68 thir tw) ss! day,cai day Booz! nhiing cai kia ‘Thich Tigng Anh - — Website chuyén bién soan tai ligu Tiéng Anh a [ 885 though adv _[Bav/ dau cho,mae dix 886 thought n thought sutsuy nghiy nghi 887 thousand /eavznd/ hang nghin 888 threat n threat sude doa | 889 ‘three [Oris sba_ 890 through preposition JOru:/ théng qua.qua | 891 throughout preposition (Oru:'aoth _sudttir dau dén cud _| 892 throw {0rav/ I —ném di _| 893 thus Pas! theo cach dé,nhwr vay;nhu thé 894 time tam) { thdi gian 895 to preposition tol dén,dé 896 today n to’ dev! hom nay 897 together adv _fto’ geda(r)/ i © cig nhau 898 tonight n eo'natt/ r’ t6inay 899 too adv Jeu awa 900 top n ftop/ laa inh, so total n ['tootl/ f téng.ting cong 902 tough adj Ataf » deo dai,Khdc nghiét,Chiu dung... 903 toward adv Ita’ woidz/ nham,véi muc dich adi véi 904 town A Htaon) thi tin 905 trade nv trend! | 906 traditional adj — ftra’defonl/ _| training, a Ltremun! _| 908 travel oy “Perwevle _ 909 treat v SO hei 910 treatment n | eri:tmant/ sur d6i xit n cdi cay “thi nghigmsy thir nghi¢m | chuyéh di | F rhe ro true! ding feru:0/ cai ding fray thir [tein vvong quay chiéu hudng,luot,. I tis ‘vid TY, v6 tuyén truyén hinh feu:) hai taup/ kigu 922 under __preposition Panda(e)/ dui 23 understand v J,ando’steend/ hiéu 924 unit n [jut don vi 25 until = adv Jon'til/ cho dn khi 25 up preposition Ispl 6 trén,lén tren lén 27 upon preposition /o'ponl lic,trong liewvao hie ‘Thich Tigng Anh - — Website chuyén bién soan tai ligu Tiéng Anh 2 928 us pronoun es! ching ta 929 we ov ual - diing.sir dung 930 usually adv Fju:sualif thudng xuyén 931 value n 'vaelju:) sid tr) | 932 various adj f vearias/ hdc nhau,da dang 933 very adv veri. rit [934 victim Pviktn) ——_bénhnhan | 935 view ny “fj — hin, tm nhin,quan dim... 936 violence a P'varalons/ bao le 937 visit v [vat | tham 938 voice n Ivars) giong ndi-giong hit. 939 vote v Ivaut! binh chon bau chon x a {Agi chi, v wack! 4 dibo a Iwo bo tudng,bite tung, v jwont/ ‘mudn n fwoxtr)/ % \. “cuge chién chidn tranh ny Iwo] xem, Ding hi deo tay,... a Lwarta(ny nude A fw con duing,Cach pronoun dail £ ) ching t6i nF wepan/ _| vo afwea(ey/ | Pyke | — < fweit | canning well [well tuy¢t west 3 Jwest/ phia tay __wes vé phia Tay, phuong Tay | 956 what_——_—pronoun “Iwo : céi gi | | 957 whatever____pronoun Jwot eva(ey/ bit cd diéu gi 958 when |. pronoun wen! khindo 959 where \pronoun Iwea(e)/ odiu 960 whether! conjunction Fweda(e)/ du ligu 961 which. pronoun wot) cai gi 962 while conjunction fwal/ trong khi 963 white 2, adj wat] mau tring 964 who pronoun fh! ai 965 whole adj hoot) | todn bé,toan thé 966 whom pronoun Jum) ai (tan nga) 967 whose pronoun thu:z/ cca ai 968 why pronoun [wal | q 969 wide adj ward) | rong, 970 wife n waif! agudi vo ‘Thich Tigng Anh - — Website chuyén bién soan tai ligu Tiéng Anh B gio ita 86 [ wee : i | 977 within preposition for un trong khosiny | 978 without preposition wr Bat) khong cin dén thigh 97 woman _ Twomon/ phu nit tu hoi 0 nw ney didu Ki digu,ki cong Jwa:d] tinting twsikr lam vie — Pwsko(e)/ | cing nihansngudi lam céng thé gidi Joling 58 (qua khut eta" | vigt | writer Prata(r)/ \ ngudi viét nha van | | wrong, fron saigcai saidiéu khong ding, 990 yard a fagi® 7 yo | di sin 991 yeah__ exclamation feat tuyet year a fel nim [- "yes | exclamation es! trebvangda yet cho dén nay you ban,cae ban young, tre trung (7M. NOUR. es _\ 998 yourself than ty minh 999 yell lahét 1000 zip tigng xé vai, nghi tue ‘Thich Tigng Anh - — Website chuyén bién soan tai ligu Tiéng Anh 4

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