Lesson Plan

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Maridel S. Orit
BSEd 18/30 – 216K


Mrs. Inocencia M. Cañon


I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

1. Identify the part of seeds.
3. Illustrate understanding on the function of each part.

II. Contents:

Topic: Part of a Seeds in its germination

Reference: Science Textbook and Internet
Materials: Picture, Visual Aids

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


“Good Morning Class...” “Good Morning Ma’am!”

“Let us pray first...” (One Student will lead the


(Checking of Attendance) (Students will tell who’s absent

for the day)

“So how’s your day? Is it good so far?” “It was great Ma’am!”

“That’s good to know. So, are you ready to discuss “Yes Ma’am!”
our new topic today?’


(The teacher will ask some questions)

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

(The teacher post a picture of a seed)

Have you seen a seed? “Yes, ma’am!”

What kind of seed do you know? “They differ in size and shape.”


“Now I have here a short story and I want you to

listen carefully and we will answer few question

(The teacher will present “The Tiny Seed” by Eric


“In autumn, a strong wind blows flower seeds high

in the air and carries them far across the land. One
by one, many of the seed are lost, burned by the
sun, fallen into the ocean, eaten by a bird. But
some survive the long winter and come the spring,
sprout into plant, facing new danger, tramped by
playing children, picked as a gift for a friend. Soon
only the tiniest seed remains, growing into a giant
flower and when autumn returns, sending its own
seeds into the wind to start the process again.”

“Did you enjoy the story?’ “Yes, ma’am.”

“Are you ready to answer some question?” “Yes, ma’am.”

Discussion Question:

 “Who is the main character of the story?” “The Tiny Seeds”

 “What blows the seeds?” “Air”

 “Did the tiny seeds fell on the ground during “No, ma’am.”

 “Why do you think the tiny seeds was the “Pupil will response”
last one who grew?”
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


“What do you think is the purpose of the flower

losing its seeds?”


“Seeds have been an important development in the

reproduction and spread of flowering plants.
“Seeds, though too small, they have their own
parts, like an ordinary living thing,”
“Today, we are going to learn the different part of a
“A seed only develops its parts only when it
undergoes a process called SEED

“What is GERMINATION?” “Pupil will answer”

(The teacher will post the definition of (Let the pupil will read it loud)

“GERMINATION is the process by which plants

emerge from seed and begin growth.”

“Okay, thank you.”

“I have here an illustration of a seed during

(The teacher will post the illustration on the board

and explain it.)

“These are the part of a seed during germination

which a new plant grow under proper condition.”
 RADICLE – it is the embryonic root in a

“Can you point out where is the radicle in the “A pupil will go in front and
illustration?” point out radicle in the

“Thank you. You got it class.”

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“Within the seed, there is usually a store of

nutrients for the seeding that will grow from the
embryo. The seed has its own food supply called

 SEED COAT – develop from tissue,

originally surrounding the OVULE. The seed
coat help protect the embryo.

“So, where’s the seed coat in the illustration?” (A pupil will response)

“Okay, thank you. So you see the SEED COAT is in

the outer part of a seed.”

“Any other question?” “None maam”

“Did you understand the lesson?” “Yes maam”

“Again, what is a very young plant from which a “Seedling plant”

new plant grow under proper condition?”

“What do you call the seeds have its own food “Cotyledon and Epicotyl”

“Very good class”


Group Activity

Group 1. Identify the parts of the seed from the figure.

Group 2. Answer the question on the board.


Direction: On your answer sheet, answer the following;

1. It protect the embryo.

a. roots
b. leaf
c. seed coat
2. It grow into a young plant.
a. seed coat
b. endosperm
c. embryo
3. It provide food to the young plant.
a. epicotyl
b. cotyledon
c. both a and b
4. The process by which plants emerge from seed and begin growth.
a. seed
b. germination
c. radicle
5. The epicotyl is a part of embryo that grows into ___________?
a. leaves
b. root
c. stem


Answer the following question in your notebook.

1. List down the factor that affect seed germination and growth.
2. Where does a flowering plant start?
3. What is a primary root?
4. What are the seeds that germinate even without soil?
5. How does a seed grow into a plant?
Term Paper A. Write a detailed Lesson Plan. Discuss and identify the type of
curriculum design of your lesson plan.

The type of curriculum design of my lesson plan is learner-centered design. The

learners will interact with the teacher and they are allow to learn by doing. It require the
students to be active and participative in the lesson, responsible participants and pace
in their own learning. This aim to develop learners independence and by group/peers
through putting them in responsibilities, focuses on skills, and practices that enables a
life-long learning and problem solving.

Term Paper B. A reflection on some classroom processes

Reflect on the statement given below. Make your own personal stand on each.
A. School that adhere to the subject-centered approach make robots out of the children.

In my opinion there is also a positive outcome for a school that adhere to the
subject-centered approach because as we all know subject-centered approach mostly
the thoughts of a teacher are comes from the book/textbook and the school using this
kind of approach aim for excellence of the subject matter content. It is the students will
do everything just to strive what was the teacher given to them and they will work
independently. But in the other hand as I think, children are also human being they have
feelings and emotions too. The school are right in some ways, they want the children to
learn but not in the extent that they make the children a robot. The teacher must teach
them with love for them to motivate to learn on themselves.

B. In school which embrace the child-centered, discipline is weak.

For me this approach is a great type of learning because it actively creates,

construct meanings and understanding for learners. It gives the learners freedom to
explore and do things on their own, learners also considered to be an active constructor
of their own learning, but it doesn’t mean that a teacher will stop guiding them the dos
and don’ts, right and wrong. This will help the learner to motivate there study to make
them better.

C. Why should lesson revolve around problem? There are many to be solved.

In my own opinion, we have to make the lesson revolve around a certain problem
because in using this we can build creative and critical thinking inside the student mind,
they can use it to analyse problem so that they will develop a better person that will be
considered them as a competitive member of our society. It also stimulate every student
comprehension ability in the real world, not in fictions to motivate them to be mature,
responsible and making them as one of the people that are concern on what really
happening to the society and able them to be part of the solution.

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