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Collected by Huỳnh Thiều_ Đăng ký tham gia các lớp ôn tập CDR chỉ với 700k


Causes and solutions:

Today, in some countries, children now have little leisure time and are under a lot
of pressure to work hard on their studies. What do you think are the causes of
this? What solutions can you suggest?

It is true that children in many countries today face immense pressure to excel
academically, leaving them with little leisure time. This essay will examine the causes
of this trend and suggest possible solutions.

There are a variety of reasons behind this phenomenon. To begin with, academic
competition is considered as one of primary causes for this trend. Many schools,
especially prestigious ones, place a strong emphasis on the academic excellence. This
oftend lead to extended study hours, extra classes or tutor sessions, depriving children
of already limited leisure time. Another contributing factor is parental expectation.
Many parents believe that children with excellent academic outcomes will be
successful in their future lives. As a result, they prioritize study time over engaging in
physical leisure activities, leading to burdens and pressure on children over time.

In order to resolve the problems related to this trend, concerted measures should be
taken. One primary solution is education reform. Schools should implement measures
to reduce the academic burden by decreasing the amount of homework and
supplementing it with extracurricular activities for students. This approach can
facilitate a balance between study and leisure, contributing to the healthy overall
development of children. Another solution to tackle these problems is parental
education. Educating parents about the importance of balanced lifestyles can shift
their focus from solely academic achievements to overall well-being. For example,
parents are encouraged to attend workshops related to STEM education to explore
scientific knowledge through practical and physical activities.

In conclusion, the above - mentioned facts have outlined the reasons as well as the
measures of this issue. The presented suggestions would be very good steps towards
solving them. People should have further consideration on this issue.
Collected by Huỳnh Thiều_ Đăng ký tham gia các lớp ôn tập CDR chỉ với 700k

Causes and solutions:

Some businesses find that new employees who just graduated from university
lack of basic soft skills needed in the workforce to be successful. What are the
causes and suggest possible solutions?

It is true that some newly graduated employees lack basic soft skills, which are
essential for success in the workplace. This essay will examine the causes of this trend
and suggest possible solutions.
There are a variety of reasons behind this phenomenon. To begin with, the lack of
practical skills is considered as one of primary causes for this trend. Most universities
and colleges require their students to complete theoretical major subjects rather than
focusing on courses related to soft skills training, such as communication and public
speaking. As a result, when these students graduate and enter the workforce, they
often encounter problems communicating with colleagues in the workplace. Another
contributing factor is technological impacts. In today’s digital age, over-reliance on
digital communication leads to a reduction in face-to-face interaction among students.
Most of the time, they text and interact online via social media platforms and mobile
applications instead of communicating in person, resulting in diminished interpersonal
In order to resolve the problems related to this trend, concerted measures should be
taken. One primary solution is to introduce mandatory courses focused on soft skills
along with vocational courses. Universities and colleges are encouraged to intergrate
soft skills training such as communication, leadership, and teamwork workshops into
their curriculum. Another solution to tackle these problems is that students are advised
to reduce their dependence on technology in communication by attending physical
classes. Participation in class activities, such as working in groups and role-play
exercises, will ensure that students develop their interpersonal skills.
In conclusion, the above - mentioned facts have outlined the reasons as well as the
measures of this issue. The presented suggestions would be very good steps towards
solving them. People should have further consideration on this issue.
Collected by Huỳnh Thiều_ Đăng ký tham gia các lớp ôn tập CDR chỉ với 700k

Causes and solutions:

More and more teenagers and young people choose to follow dangerous trends on
social networking sites. What are the causes of this trend? What should be done to
limit the negative impacts of this trend?

It is true that many teenagers and young adults tend to follow dangerous trends on
social networking sites. This essay will examine the causes of this trend and suggest
possible solutions.

There are a variety of reasons behind this phenomenon. To begin with, the influence
of social media influencers is considered one of the primary causes of this trend. To
attract followers and audiences, social media creators engage in and promote trends
without considering the potential risks and consequences, leading their young
followers to mimic these behaviors. Another contributing factor is the lack of proper
awareness and understanding among young adults. Teenagers may not fully
understand the risks associated with certain trends or challenges, leading them to
participate without considering the consequences.

In order to resolve the problems related to this trend, concerted measures should be
taken. One primary solution is for authorities to implement stricter regulations on
social media use. Social media platforms should take responsibility for monitoring and
removing dangerous content. This can include implementing stricter community
guidelines and using AI to detect and flag harmful trends. Another solution is to
launch education and awareness campaigns to inform teenagers about the dangers of
these trends. Schools are encouraged to implement educational programs that teach
teenagers about the risks of online trends and how to critically evaluate online content.
In conclusion, the above - mentioned facts have outlined the reasons as well as the
measures of this issue. The presented suggestions would be very good steps towards
solving them. People should have further consideration on this issue.

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