Full Syllabus Elliott Wave Ebook

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English Version

Founder of Elliott Wave

🔴This is the founder of the Elliott Wave technique, Ralph Nelson

Elliott, and he is also a United States Treasury Accountant.

🔴In 1930, he got the inspiration of this Elliott Wave technique

from the Dow Theory which was studied in the stock market
annual chart, monthly and up to the chart every 30 minutes
which is worth 75 years past manually without using a computer.

🔴He said, "The stock market moves in a wave (Wave) that keeps
repeating itself."

🔴Almost 100 years of proven results, many Big Traders &

Investors use this technique.

English Version


What is Elliot Wave?

For EW, movement in the direction of the trend is unfolding in 5
waves (called motive wave) while any correction against the
trend is in three waves (called corrective wave). The movement
in the direction of the trend is labelled as 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. The
three wave correction is labelled as a, b, and c. These patterns
can be seen in long term as well as short term charts.

English Version

In addition, smaller patterns can be identified within bigger

patterns. In this sense, Elliott Waves are like a piece of broccoli,
where the smaller piece, if broken off from the bigger piece,
does, look like the big piece. This information (about smaller
patterns fitting into bigger patterns), coupled with the Fibonacci
relationships between the waves, offers the trader a level of
anticipation and/or prediction when searching for and
identifying trading opportunities with solid reward/risk ratios.

In Elliott Wave, there are two types of waves:

🔴Motive Wave (5 Waves):

Motive Wave is an upward wave or known as Impulsive. It is an Uptrend.

🔴Corrective Wave (3 Waves):

Corrective Wave is a downward wave. It is Downtrend and only for

English Version


🔴The Five Wave Pattern or better known as Motive Wave.

🔴There are 3 upward waves (Uptrend) which are Wave 1,3 & 5.
🔴Only focus buy at Wave 3 & 5.
🔴And 2 Waves decrease (Downtrend) namely Wave 2 & 4.
🔴And you can find opportunities to sell at Wave 4.

English Version


🔴The Three Wave Pattern or better known as Corrective Wave.

🔴There are 2 downward waves (Dowtrend) namely Wave A & C.
🔴And only 1 Wave is up (Uptrend) which is Wave B.
🔴You can look for sell opportunities after Wave B is over until
the market completes Corrective Wave C.

English Version

Elliott Wave Degree

There are 9 Elliott Wave Degrees. It is used to identify the degree

for the wave in the Time Frame that has been set 📊
🔴Grand Super Cycle: Monthly
🔴Super Cycle: Weekly
🔴Cycle: Every day
🔴Main : 4 Hours
🔴Intermediate: 1 Hour
🔴Minor: 30 Minutes
🔴Minutes: 15 Minutes
🔴Minutes: 5 Minutes
🔴Subminute: 1 Minute

English Version

3 Cardinal Rules

🔴RULE 1:
➡️Wave 2 cannot exceed the starting price of Wave 1.
➡️If Wave 2 breakout is the starting price of Wave 1, it is
considered invalid.

English Version

🔴RULE 2:
➡️Wave 3 cannot be the shortest wave compared to Wave 1 & 5.
➡️Except if Wave Extension occurs in Wave 1 or 5.

English Version

🔴RULE 3:
➡️Wave 4 cannot be the same level or touch Wave 1.
➡️Except if there is a Diagonal Pattern that causes the price to be
allowed to touch Wave 1.

Malay Version

Elliott Wave Extention

Extention will occur when the market price moves beyond the
target and beyond expectations‼️

English Version

Extension will occur when the market price moves above the
target and beyond expectations‼️

🔴Extention Rule 1:
➡️If the extension occurs at Wave 5, Wave 3 must be longer than
Wave 1. If Wave 3 is shorter than Wave 1, the Elliott Wave
estimate is wrong.

English Version

🔴Extention Rule 2:
➡️If extension occurs in Wave 1, Wave 5 should be shorter than
Wave 3.

English Version

🔴Extention Rule 3:
➡️If the extension happens in Wave 3, Wave 5 is likely to be the
same length as Wave 1 or Wave 5 has the potential to be a

English Version


🔴Truncation usually happens when the market price is unable to
move to create a new higher high or pass Wave 5 because the
volume is decreasing.

🔴And truncation often happens if wave 3 makes an extension.

English Version


🔴ZigZag Pattern is for Corrective Wave.
🔴There are Wave A, B & C and have Sub Wave 5, 3, 5.
🔴Wave A (1, 2, 3, 4 & 5), Wave B (A, B & C) & Wave C (1, 2, 3, 4 & 5).
🔴Wave A & C usually have the same distance.

English Version

➡️Divided into 3 patterns namely Regular Flat Pattern, Running

Flat Pattern & Expanded Flat Pattern.

➡️There are 2 types of waves, namely (3,3,5) & (5,3,5,3,5).

English Version

🔴Regular Flat Pattern:

➡️Having Sub Wave 3, 3, 5.
➡️Wave A (A, B & C), Wave B (A, B & C) & Wave C (1, 2, 3, 4 & 5).
➡️Wave B usually ends close to the starting price of Wave A.

English Version

🔴Running Flat Pattern:

➡️Has the same Sub Wave as the Regular Flat Pattern which is 3,
3, 5.

➡️Wave A (A, B & C), Wave B (A, B & C) & Wave C (1, 2, 3, 4 & 5).
➡️Wave B exceeds the starting price of Wave A.
➡️Usually Wave C is rarely the same as Wave A.

English Version

🔴Expanding Flat Pattern:

➡️Having Sub Wave 3, 3, 5.
➡️Wave A (A, B & C), Wave B (A, B & C) & Wave C (1, 2, 3, 4 & 5).
➡️Wave B also exceeds the starting price of Wave A & Wave C will
move above the ending price of Wave A.

English Version

Triangle Pattern


Triangle Pattern also occurs during Corrective Wave which is
caused by lack of Volume & Liquidity in Market 📊
The Sub Wave found in the Triangle Pattern is 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

English Version

🔴Ascending Triangle:
➡️Wave A, B, C, D & E.
➡️Wave C cannot exceed Wave A & Wave E cannot exceed the
starting price of Wave C.

➡️If Wave E breakout of the starting price of Wave A & C, then the
Ascending Triangle is cancelled.

English Version

🔴Descending Triangle:
➡️The shape is more or less the same as the Ascending Triangle
but it is upside down.

➡️Wave C cannot exceed Wave A & Wave E cannot exceed the

starting price of Wave C.

➡️If Wave E breakout of the initial price of Wave A & C, then the
Descending Triangle is cancelled.

➡️Often happens when sideways occurs during a downtrend.

English Version

🔴Contracting Triangle:
➡️Wave C cannot exceed Wave A & Wave E cannot exceed the
starting price of Wave C.

➡️If Wave E breakout of the starting price of Wave A & C, then the
Contracting Triangle is cancelled.

➡️Wave D cannot exceed Wave B.

➡️ After Wave E ends, the market will make an increase &
breakout of Wave B & D to continue its journey.

English Version

🔴Expanding the Triangle:

➡️Wave C exceeds Wave A & Wave E exceeds the starting price of
Wave C.

➡️While Wave D is higher than Wave B.

➡️Expanding Triangle often happens when the market is

English Version

🔴Skewed Triangle:
➡️Wave C cannot exceed Wave A & Wave E cannot exceed the
starting price of Wave C.

➡️If Wave E breakout of the starting price of Wave A & C, then the
Skewed Triangle is cancelled.

➡️Wave D exceeds Wave B.

➡️ After Wave E ends, the market will make an increase &
breakout of Wave B & D to complete the Market Cycle.

Malay Version

Pengasas Elliott Wave

🔴Ini adalah pengasas teknik Elliott Wave iaitu Ralph Nelson

Elliott dan beliau juga adalah seorang Akauntan Perbendaharaan
United States.

🔴Pada tahun 1930, beliau mendapat inspirasi teknik Elliott Wave

ini daripada Dow Theory yang dikaji dalam pasaran saham carta
tahunan, bulanan dan sehinggalah carta setiap 30 minit yang
bernilai 75 tahun yang lepas secara manual tanpa menggunakan

🔴Katanya, "Pasaran saham bergerak dalam gelombang (Wave)

yang sentiasa berulang- ulang."

🔴Hampir 100 tahun terbukti hasilnya ramai Big Trader &

Investor menggunakan teknik ini.

Malay Version


Apa itu Elliott Wave?

Untuk EW, pergerakan dalam arah aliran berlaku dalam 5

gelombang (dipanggil gelombang motif) manakala sebarang
pembetulan terhadap arah aliran adalah dalam tiga gelombang
(dipanggil gelombang pembetulan). Pergerakan dalam arah
aliran dilabelkan sebagai 1, 2, 3, 4, dan 5. Pembetulan tiga
gelombang dilabelkan sebagai a, b, dan c. Corak ini boleh dilihat
dalam carta jangka panjang dan juga jangka pendek.

Malay Version

Di samping itu, corak yang lebih kecil boleh dikenal pasti dalam
corak yang lebih besar. Dalam pengertian ini, Elliott Waves
adalah seperti sekeping brokoli, di mana kepingan yang lebih
kecil, jika dipecahkan daripada kepingan yang lebih besar,
kelihatan seperti kepingan yang besar. Maklumat ini (tentang
corak yang lebih kecil yang sesuai dengan corak yang lebih
besar), ditambah pula dengan hubungan Fibonacci antara
gelombang, menawarkan pedagang tahap jangkaan dan/atau
ramalan apabila mencari dan mengenal pasti peluang dagangan
dengan nisbah ganjaran/risiko yang kukuh.

In Elliott Wave, ada dua jenis wave iaitu :

🔴Motive Wave (5 Waves):

Motive Wave adalah gelombang yang menaik atau dikenali sebagai
Impulsive. Ianya bersifat Uptrend.

🔴Corrective Wave (3 Waves):

Corrective Wave pula adalah gelombang yang menurun. Ianya bersifat
Downtrend dan hanya untuk retracement.

Malay Version


🔴The Five Wave Pattern atau lebih dikenali sebagai Motive

🔴Terdapat 3 Wave yang menaik (Uptrend) iaitu Wave 1,3 & 5.
🔴Fokus untuk buy di Wave 3 & 5.
🔴2 Wave menurun (Downtrend) iaitu Wave 2 & 4.
🔴Dan boleh cari peluang untuk sell di Wave 4.

Malay Version


🔴The Three Wave Pattern atau lebih dikenali sebagai Corrective
🔴Terdapat 2 Wave yang menurun (Downtrend) iaitu Wave A & C.
🔴Dan hanya 1 Wave sahaja yang menaik (Uptrend) iaitu Wave B.
🔴Boleh cari peluang sell setelah Wave B tamat untuk pasaran
menyiapkan Corrective Wave C.

Malay Version

Elliott Wave Degree

Terdapat 9 Elliott Wave Degree. Ia digunakan untuk mengenal

pasti degree untuk wave tersebut di Time Frame yang telah
ditetapkan 📊
🔴Grand Super Cycle : Monthly
🔴Super Cycle : Weekly
🔴Cycle : Daily
🔴Primary : 4 Hour
🔴Intermediate : 1 Hour
🔴Minor : 30 Minute
🔴Minute : 15 Minute
🔴Minutte : 5 Minute
🔴Subminutte : 1 Minute

Malay Version

3 Cardinal Rules

🔴RULE 1 :
➡️Wave 2 tidak boleh melebihi harga permulaan Wave 1.
➡️Jika Wave 2 breakout harga permulaan Wave 1, ianya dikira
tidak sah (Invalid).

Malay Version

🔴RULE 2 :
➡️Wave 3 tidak boleh menjadi wave yang paling pendek
berbanding Wave 1 & 5.

➡️Kecuali jika berlaku Wave Extention di Wave 1 atau 5.

Malay Version

🔴RULE 3 :
➡️Wave 4 tidak boleh sama paras atau sentuh Wave 1.
➡️Kecuali jika berlaku Diagonal Pattern yang menyebabkan harga
dibolehkan menyentuh Wave 1.

Malay Version

Elliott Wave Extention

Extention akan berlaku apabila harga pasaran bergerak melebihi

dari target dan di luar jangkaan‼️

Malay Version

🔴Extention Rule 1 :
➡️Jika extention berlaku di Wave 5, Wave 3 mestilah lebih
panjang daripada Wave 1. Jika Wave 3 lebih pendek daripada
Wave 1, kiraan Elliott Wave itu adalah salah.

Malay Version

🔴Extention Rule 2 :
➡️Jika extention berlaku di Wave 1, Wave 5 hendaklah lebih
pendek berbanding Wave 3.

Malay Version

🔴Extention Rule 3 :
➡️Sekiranya extention berlaku di Wave 3, Wave 5
berkemungkinan sama panjang dengan Wave 1 atau Wave 5
berpotensi menjadi truncation.

Malay Version


🔴Truncation selalunya berlaku apabila harga pasaran tidak

mampu bergerak untuk create new higher high atau melepasi
Wave 5 kerana volume semakin berkurang.

🔴Dan truncation kerap berlaku jika wave 3 membuat extention.

Malay Version


🔴ZigZag Pattern adalah untuk Corrective Wave.
🔴Terdapat Wave A, B & C dan mempunyai Sub Wave 5, 3, 5.
🔴Wave A (1, 2, 3, 4 & 5), Wave B (A, B & C) & Wave C (1, 2, 3, 4 & 5).
🔴Wave A & C selalunya memiliki jarak yang sama.

Malay Version

➡️Terbahagi kepada 3 pattern iaitu Regular Flat Pattern, Running

Flat Pattern & Expanded Flat Pattern.

➡️Terdapat 2 jenis wave iaitu (3,3,5) & (5,3,5,3,5).

Malay Version

🔴Regular Flat Pattern :

➡️Mempunyai Sub Wave 3, 3, 5.
➡️Wave A (A, B & C), Wave B (A, B & C) & Wave C (1, 2, 3, 4 & 5).
➡️Wave B selalunya tamat hampir dengan harga permulaan Wave

Malay Version

🔴Running Flat Pattern :

➡️Memiliki Sub Wave yang sama seperti Regular Flat Pattern iaitu
3, 3, 5.

➡️Wave A (A, B & C), Wave B (A, B & C) & Wave C (1, 2, 3, 4 & 5).
➡️Wave B melebihi harga permulaan Wave A.
➡️Kebiasaannya jarak Wave C sama dengan Wave A.

Malay Version

🔴Expanded Flat Pattern :

➡️Memiliki Sub Wave 3, 3, 5.
➡️Wave A (A, B & C), Wave B (A, B & C) & Wave C (1, 2, 3, 4 & 5).
➡️Wave B juga melebihi harga permulaan Wave A & Wave C akan
bergerak melebihi harga pengakhiran Wave A.

Malay Version

Triangle Pattern


Triangle Pattern juga berlaku semasa Corrective Wave yang
berpunca daripada kurangnya Volume & Liquidity in Market 📊
Sub Wave yg terdapat dlm Triangle Pattern adalah 3, 3, 3, 3, 3💬

Malay Version

🔴Ascending Triangle :
➡️Wave A, B, C, D & E.
➡️Wave C tidak boleh melebihi Wave A & Wave E tidak boleh
melepasi harga permulaan Wave C.

➡️Jika Wave E breakout harga permulaan Wave A & C, maka

Ascending Triangle terbatal.

Malay Version

🔴Descending Triangle :
➡️Bentuk yang lebih kurang sama seperti Ascending Triangle
tetapi ianya terbalik.

➡️Wave C tidak boleh melebihi Wave A & Wave E tidak boleh

melepasi harga permulaan Wave C.

➡️Jika Wave E breakout harga permulaan Wave A & C, maka

Descending Triangle terbatal.

➡️Kerap berlaku apabila berlakunya sideways ketika downtrend.

Malay Version

🔴Contracting Triangle :
➡️Wave C tidak boleh melebihi Wave A & Wave E tidak boleh
melepasi harga permulaan Wave C.

➡️Jika Wave E breakout harga permulaan Wave A & C, maka

Contracting Triangle terbatal.

➡️Wave D tidak boleh melebihi Wave B.

➡️ Selepas Wave E tamat, market akan membuat kenaikan &
breakout Wave B & D untuk meneruskan perjalanannya.

Malay Version

🔴Expanding Triangle :
➡️Wave C melebihi Wave A & Wave E melepasi harga permulaan
Wave C.

➡️Manakala Wave D lebih tinggi daripada Wave B.

➡️Expanding Triangle kerap berlaku apabila market dalam
keadaan sideways.

Malay Version

🔴Skewed Triangle :
➡️Wave C tidak boleh melebihi Wave A & Wave E tidak boleh
melepasi harga permulaan Wave C.

➡️Jika Wave E breakout harga permulaan Wave A & C, maka

Skewed Triangle terbatal.

➡️Wave D melebihi Wave B.

➡️ Selepas Wave E tamat, market akan membuat kenaikan &
breakout Wave B & D untuk melengkapkan Market Cycle.

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Tom sediakan recording class dari Chapter 1 - Chapter 8
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Sebab Tom tahu ramai yang mungkin susah nak faham teknik
Elliott Wave hanya dengan belajar dari Ebook sahaja.

80-100% akan faham selepas tengok recording class sebab

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signal scalping & intraday setiap hari.
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Tom ajar sampai korang profit dengan syarat hati kena kental
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Ada hari untung & ada hari rugi.

Try to minimize your risk & maximize your profit.

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Sebab dalam trading, teknik bukan segala-galanya dan

tak ada satu teknik pun dalam dunia ni boleh win 100%.

Tapi dengan menggunakan Money & Risk Management yang

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Elliott Wave :
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3. Hantar details kepada admin @TommyKillerZone

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Tom doakan kepada yang support IB Tommy,
semoga sentiasa konsisten profit. Aamiin.

Dan semoga Ebook Elliott Wave ini dapat membantu

dan dapat menambah skill in your trading journey.

Jangan lupa backtest & forward test.

Happy decoding & Thank you very much guys ♥️
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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