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School Siaton National High Year Level Grade 8


Teacher Kilapkilap, Jane Quarter 3rd

Antoniette T.

Teaching Date Grade 8 Time Frame 2 hrs

PLAN and Time Section Kitane
March 15, 2023
Wednesday, 11:00 AM-
1:00 PM


A. Learning  Determine Various Social, Moral and Economic Issues Discussed in the
Competency Text Listened to (EN8LC-IIIh-7.4)

B. Learning K- Determine the social, moral or economic issue revealed in the text listened
Objectives to;
S- perform a role play portraying the social, moral or economic issue of our
country, and
A- express opinions on social, moral, and economic issues discussed in a text
listened to


A. Topic Social, Moral, and Economic Issues

B. Material(s) Laptop, PowerPoint, audio visual recordings


A. Reference(s) NegOr_Q3_English8_Module3_V2


Teacher’s Hint Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
Prayer I'm asking everyone to please remain silent [ Music video playing]
and feel the presence of the Lord.

Energizer Now let's have a short energizer!

Alright! Everyone must dance to the beat of

this famous song called Pak Pong Vong.
[Students dancing]
I know almost all of you know this song

[Music video playing]

Greetings Good morning students! Good morning Teacher

Good morning classmates!

Classroom Management Did you enjoy the dance? Yes, Ma'am!

That's great!

Now, I'm requesting everyone to please [Students arrange their

arrange your chairs and make yourself chairs, pickup trashes
comfortable before we start our class. underneath, make themselves

Checking Attendance I will now check the attendance. Please state

the name of your crush if your name is called.

[everyone is present]

Recall Before we formally proceed with the next Last meeting, we have
topic, may I call on someone to share prior discussed about using
knowledge about the past discussion as a sort propaganda techniques.
of recap?

Very good!
[students’ answer in chorus]
Again class, Teacher Chemae taught you that Card stacking, name-calling,
there most common types of propaganda. plain folks, glittering
These are… generalities, bandwagon,

I guess you are all ready for our next topic this

B. Motivation Activity 1:

A. Guess the Word Challenge! Yes, ma'am

I’m going to flash pictures on the screen and [Student answers]

each picture has its corresponding hints.
Everyone must try to guess what each picture
is trying to portray.

1. P _ _ E _TY

Clue: It is about not having enough money to
meet basic needs including food, clothing and



Clue: It is the abuse of entrusted power for

private gain.

3. _ _EMPLO_M_NT


Clue: Individuals who are employable and

actively seeking a job but are unable to find a
4. B_ _LYI_ _


Clue: An unwanted, aggressive behavior

among school-aged children that involves a
real or perceived power imbalance.

5. STEA_ _N_


Clue: To take another person's property

without permission or legal right and without
intending to return it.
6. CYBER_ _LL_ _ _G

Clue: Also known as online bullying

*see appendix 1.1 for answer key [students watch the video]

Activity 2:

I want you to watch and listen this video from

YouTube and note on the Cyber-bullying
Facts on Top 10 Forms of Cyber Bullying

D. Analysis
Process questions:

1. What is the video all about?

2. What are the top 10 forms of Cyber
3. How does cyber bullying affect child’s
[students answer the
questions orally and share
4. What do you think is the cause and effect of experiences about bullying]
the issue given to our lives?
5. Do you consider bullying as a social and
moral issue

Now, you have observed that those words

from our recent activity are some of the most
common social, moral or economic issues.

Poverty and cyber bullying falls under social

issues, unemployment and corruption fall
under economic issues, while stealing falls
under moral issues.

Today let us dig deeper on its definition and

later on provide examples of these issues.
Abstraction Discussing New Concepts

What is issue? - A subject or problem that

people are thinking and talking about
Social - relating to society or its organization.
Moral - concerned with the principles of right
and wrong behavior and the goodness or
badness of human character.
Economic - relating to, or based on the
production, distribution, and consumption of
goods and services

What is Social Issue? - Social issues are

problems that influence many citizens within a
society. It is often the consequence of factors
extending beyond an individual's control.
Moreover, social issues are the source of
[students listens and interact
conflicting opinions on what is perceived as
to the discussion by giving
morally correct or incorrect personal life or
examples or sharing their
interpersonal social life decisions. In other
experiences or observations]
words, social issues are issues affecting the
human relationship. An issue becomes a social
issue under the following circumstances:
• The issue involves people in the society.
• The public, as a whole, recognizes the
situation as a problem.
• A large segment of the population sees the
situation as a valid concern.
• The situation can be alleviated through the
joint actions of the citizens.

Example: Poverty, discrimination, drug abuse

What is Moral Issue? - Moral issues are

situations or actions that do not conform to the
shared norms and values, culture, and beliefs
distinguished by a certain community or social
setting. In other words, moral issues are issues
relating to principles of right and wrong. An
issue becomes a moral issue under the
following circumstances:

 It is against the values, beliefs, and

preferences of the people in the society.

 It involves behavior patterns that bring the

individual repeatedly into conflict with

 It involves actions that have the potential to

harm others or the persons themselves.

Example: Abortion, marriage, corruption, etc.

What is Economic Issue? - The economic

issues assert that there is a scarcity or that the
finite resources available are insufficient to
satisfy all human wants and needs. This
problem arises mainly due to the fact that
human wants are unlimited means to satisfy
human wants are scarce. In other words,
economic issues are issues involving the
country's economic resources. An issue
becomes an economic issue under the
following circumstances:

 It involves inflation or the increase of the

price of basic commodities and services
affecting a large number of people.

 It involves an increase in unemployment or

not having a job to earn ones living.

 It involves poverty caused by underlying

factors such as lack of education, cultural and
religious discrimination, overpopulation,
unemployment, and corruption.

Example: Environmental and health issues,


Social Issues as a Theme Literature

-has always been one effective way to explore

and address social issues in human culture.
Stories, plays, and other types of fictional
media often have some social or cultural
concern embedded in the thematic background
of a narrative.

A social issue is some problem or concern

connected to a larger issue that affects society
in general. Often, the social issues brought
forward in fiction reflect contemporary
concerns in the author's own world. This type
of issue in literature often shows up as a
theme that affects the plot and outcome of the
Locating the Social Issues

Before looking at some examples of social

issues in famous works, we must first
understand how we can identify the social
issues brought up. It's imperative to remember
that, as you read, new issues will be revealed.
Determine which aspects of societal problems
in the fictional world change the actions of the
characters and the outcome of the narrative.


The year Ayo was born, her mother, Rosalie,

founded See Us, an influential grassroots civil
rights group. Similar to Black Lives Matter,
See Us focuses on issues impacting Black
people—police brutality, racial profiling, and
an unjust prison system—but with a local
focus on Harlem. Despite being raised in the
movement, Ayo is ready to move on and
experience life like any kid her age. After an
emotional conversation, her mom lets her step
away from See Us. Then Rosalie is shot by
police at a protest and ends up in a coma, and
Ayo must decide if she can take on a
leadership role and resume the fight for

I RISE | Kirkus Reviews

Examples of Morals in Literature

Derived from the Latin term “morālis,” moral

means a message conveyed by, or a lesson
learned from, a story, a poem, or an event. It is
not necessary that the author or the poet has
clearly stated it. It can be left for the audiences
or the learners to derive. Keep in mind that the
morals in a story are different from the moral
of a story. Morals are rules that govern a
person's behavior. The moral of a story,
however, is the overarching teaching the
author is trying to present. Of course, the two
can align but they are separate entities.

When we refer to the moral of a story, we

mean the underlying message or lesson to be
learned from the story. Sometimes, moral is
interchanged with theme. Some texts have a
very clearly stated moral. Just like the fables
of Aesop often have a clearly stated moral at
the end of the text. In other texts, the moral is
implied rather than stated explicitly.

For example, a character might be fighting to

release his wrongly convicted wife from
prison because his morals tell him a man's job
is to defend his wife. In his quest to free her,
he will do anything, including lying and
deceiving (which we know to be in contrast to
sound morals), to get her out. In this case, the
moral of the story isn't, "Be honest," or, "Don't
lie." Rather, it could be "Family comes first."
Another example is in Harper Lee's To Kill a
Mockingbird, Atticus Finch is a white man
defending a black man named Tom Robinson,
accused of raping a young girl. In the Deep
South in the 1930s, this was scandalous, due
to pervasive racism. Nevertheless, his morals
tell him to protect and serve every member of
society, no matter the color of his or her skin.
When the narrator, Scout, asks her father why
he's defending Robinson, he says, "You really
never understand a person until you consider
things from his point of view -- until you
climb into his skin and walk around in it."
Atticus was teaching her empathy and not to
judge, both sound morals. Economic issues
facing the world economy, as well as regions
and countries, include prospects for growth,
inflation, energy and the environment,
inequality, labor issues, emerging markets,
and the impact of new technologies

*Use PowerPoint to enhance the activity

Application Activity (15 min)

A. Instructions: Read the text below and

complete the table by determining the
social, moral and economic issues
stated in text. This will be done by

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Philippine

President Rodrigo Duterte said that like his [Students answer the
fierce critics, he has also suspected that activity]
extrajudicial killings may have happened
under his drug crackdown that has killed
thousands of people. He said in televised
remarks Monday night he had once inquired
into the brutal deaths and was told some drug
dealers may have been killed due to rivalry
among syndicates or for stealing drug money.
More than 5,800 suspects have been killed
and 256,000 arrested since Duterte took office
in mid-2016. Human rights groups have
alleged many of the killings were rub-outs, but
Duterte and the police said that most were
suspects who were gunned down when they
fought back

News Excerpt adopted from Manila

Philippines (AP

*see appendix 2 for answer key

Activity: Pass the Ball!

The teacher prepares a ball out of crumpled

papers and the ball will be passed from one
student to another with music accompaniment.
Consequently, the music will stop and
whoever gets the ball will answer the
following questions.

I have learned that __________

I have realized that__________ [Student answers]


I. Identify the following texts as SOCIAL, MORAL OR ECONOMIC ISSUE. Write your
answers in your notebook.

1. Poverty and homelessness are worldwide problems. According to Habitat for Humanity, one-quarter of
the world's population lives in conditions that harm their health and safety. Many do not have shelter, a basic
human need for survival. This issue also goes beyond the 25% of the population directly affected. Because
of the lack of shelter for this vulnerable population, there is greater stress on government and social
programs, including schools and healthcare systems.

2. A warmer, changing climate is a threat to the entire world. Climate change affects the entire world
population, and the Union of Concerned Scientists calls this social issue "one of the most devastating
problems humanity has ever faced." The 800 million people already living in extreme poverty will be
impacted most severely. Around the world, people are already noticing warmer winters, more severe storms
and rainfall events, and more frequent wildfires. These issues already put stress on governments and systems
in many countries.

3. As the population of the world grows, resources become scarcer. The United Nation reports that the
current population of 7.7 billion people is expected to grow in coming decades, with a projection of 8.5
billion people by 2030. The fastest growing areas of the world, such as sub-Saharan Africa, often face
already scarce resources like land for farming. As the population becomes more than the country can sustain,
people will need to move elsewhere to avoid starvation and homelessness.

4. There is growing concern of an imminent debt crisis among low-income countries struggling to keep up
the payments on money borrowed from a mix of public and private creditors over the past decade. Both the
World Bank and its sister organization, the International Monetary Fund, have warned that poor countries
are being forced to cut back on health and education spending to keep up repayments on debts incurred
before their economies were hit by a collapse in demand for their exports and a drop in remittances (“World
Bank Calls for Debt Relief Programme as Amounts Owed Hit Record Levels,” October 12, 2020). 5. The
same percentage of Filipino respondents, 20%, found morally acceptable “sex between unmarried adults”
and “gambling.” The difference was in the percentage of those who found the two practices unacceptable:
71% for pre-marital sex and 61% for gambling. This means there more respondents who considered
gambling as a non-moral issue (18%) compared to sex before marriage (7%)

II. Choose if it is TRUE or FALSE.


Instruction: The class will be divided into 6 groups. Provided with a rubric, each group shall write a 5-
minute role play script portraying the social, moral or economic issue of our country and perform it in front
of the class. The group may explore from the following topics:
a. Climate Change
b. Poverty and homelessness
c. Cyber bullying
d. Unemployment


I think we have already covered up everything.

Thank you for listening and I hope you learned
something from our discussion.

Let us pray.

Goodbye class!
[Goodbye and thank you Ma’am!]



Prepared By: Kilapkilap, Jane Antoniette Tio

Appendix 1: Motivational Activity Answer Key
1. Poverty
2. Corruption
3. Unemployment
4. Bullying
5. Cyber bullying

Appendix 2:
Possible answers


Drug abuse extrajudicial killings
Stealing drug money

Appendix 3.1: Assessment A Answer Key

1. Economic Issue
2. Social Issue
3. Social Issue
4. Economic Issue
5. Moral Issue

Appendix 3.2: Assessment B Answer Key

1. False
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. False

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