Chatbot Briefing-1

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password: InfiHealMiRo#@2019




I have anxiety
I have been diagnosed with anxiety
I have GAD
I was diagnosed with panic disorder
I get panic attacks
Since I lost my job in 2021, I have been experiencing intense anxiety. Whenever I have to give
an interview, I end up having heart palpitations and feeling like i will just pass out.
I have anxiety, I just refuse to let it control my life
What is your main anxiety physical symptom? For me, it’s a feeling in the pit of my stomach
like i’m constantly on the downhill part of a rollercoaster. I have no appetite some days
feeling nauseous but never actually throwing up or even being close. It’s sorta a cross between a
physiological and physical symptom.

I’ll also add, as of recently the combination of anxiety and the fact I barely speak to any one has
started to make me stutter and stumble my words occasionally, this usually happens when I’m
racing to get my point across


I hated myself for so long, I couldn't understand why I couldn't control my emotions and the
fear of rejection in certain areas. I couldn't explain why and it was maddening. And when I first
read about RSD, I broke down because it was the first time anyone put into words what I'd felt
for so long. It was the most therapeutic to finally know it wasn't just me and wasn't my fault. It
was my ADHD
ADHD sufferer here; I think for me part of what happens when I get mad is I tend to stay mad
because it’s embarrassing to get so worked that you intentionally want to stay worked up so the
anger doesn’t feel like a waste
ADHDers are impulsive, and not just when we buy office supplies” I feel personally called out
I’m in a hyper-focus mood about ADHD (yes I see the irony) and just sorta look at YouTube
and must say, “ FINALLY! A video that is made FOR people with ADHD!”
I'm a long time sufferer of adhd diagnosed at 7 medicated in my 40's. No idea of the time in
between. Was told I'd grow out of it. So I had no idea what was wrong with me
I usually avoid tasks a lot, but the fact that I could do anything else with ease except for the
work that requires me to sit in one place and focus describes that I'm not actually lazy. Im so
glad she makes me realise this in this video. To usually get myself to work, I always remind
myself that I love doing work and that its actually engaging and stimulating. And I challenge
myself to see if I feel anxious after beginning the work, as opposed to before starting it. Thanks
to my ADHD
I remember actively trying to NOT mask during my diagnosis process, and even then, and even
though the test results indicated I had ADHD, the evaluator was still like mm I guess you
"probably" have "mild" ADHD. Just cause I'm good at handling it doesn't mean it is mild!!!
I went to get my ADHD diagnosis and they said “well you are definitely on a spectrum but you
might be dealing with it too good to call it a disorder” and I’m like… I just told you I haven’t
cleaned my room in a year and can’t call a tax office for 7 months bc I just can’t make myself.
Honestly it feels like I’m being punished for being smart and putting extra effort in.
I spent 28 years unconsciously masking my undiagnosed autism and ADHD. Spent years trying
to work out why I was so depressed and anxious when I felt I had no reason to be. Only to find
out it was because I was constantly trying to mask who I was, even from myself.

It caused an awful lot of damage to my mental health, damage I'm slowly (very slowly) healing,
although it doesnt often feel that way
I have just been diagnosed with ADHD Inattentive Type recently, and I gotta ask, do people
with partners who have ADHD actually have miserable lives? I have read countless threads on
reddit and see people commenting on how much they are tired of adjusting to their partners
needs and their problems due to ADHD.

I am worried that I will become one of those people who ignores their partner's and family's
problems. Any tips on how to avoid this? I actually want to improve myself ever since I was
I have and ADHD partner, and also have ADHD. I love her to death. I'm a bit older and went
longer (e.g. my whole life up to about a year ago) unmedicated so I have a lot of coping
strategies to get around ADHD issues, so I guess I'm the "responsible" one. I have few to no
complaints about her, she's amazing. If I have an issue I have a healthy conversation with her
rather than post on the internet, because we've established that kind of trust.

Don't let the internet skew your perception. This is the kind of shit that makes people conclude
that all men or women or this kind of person or that kind of person are garbage and turn into
bitter, sad internet goblins.


It's like depression is my normal mental state while being happy is always temporary
I have been suffering from major depression disorder due to which my cognition is impaired.
How could I raise up my self-esteem? I been rejected my entire life, my self esteem is so low, I
feel worthless, like I’m too weird to be loved.


Growing up, I was obsessed with magazines, psychology, astrology and self help books trying
to make sense of how I related to the world with a kid with Autism.
When I was a child I practiced facial expressions in the mirror lol. I had specific smiles for
different things (lol), and even worked on my walk since I thought (and other people pointed
out) that I "walked funny". Being autistic has always pulled me down.
I was diagnosed with Autism when I was 4
Sometimes I even have trouble being me. On the inside I just wanna be alone forever. People
see me now as extroverted and good with people. But I wanna be in some house by the water in
the middle of nowhere in peace. This is what is looks like having autism
"I've noticed that I don't respond when someone calls my name, and it might seem like I'm deaf
even though I can hear just fine, but they need to look up that this is what autism looks like


My partner's participation in hook up culture made me feel like I was competing with a constant
stream of other people. It eventually led to our break up because I couldn't handle the jealousy.
We broke up because my partner was more interested in the thrill of hooking up with strangers
than in building a strong foundation for our relationship.
My partner's lack of boundaries in hook up culture led to trust issues and eventually the end of
our relationship.
I ended things with my partner after they repeatedly prioritized hooking up with other people
over our relationship. It was a painful realization that I wasn't their priority.
Hook up culture made my partner feel like they always had to be searching for something better.
It eventually led to our break up as they couldn't appreciate what we had.
I ended things with my partner because they were more interested in hooking up with other
people than in building a meaningful relationship with me.
My ex and I broke up because their participation in hook up culture made me feel like they
didn't value our relationship.
I realized that I couldn't be with someone who didn't prioritize emotional connection over casual
sex, which ultimately led to our break up.
My partner's interest in hook up culture made me feel like they were always searching for
something more, which created an unhealthy dynamic in our relationship.
I broke up with my partner after they repeatedly broke my trust by hooking up with other people
behind my back.
My ex and I grew apart because they were more interested in the excitement of hook up culture
than in building a stable, committed relationship.


The biggest challenge I’ve had is trying to do everything myself. It’s easy to forget that I can
delegate tasks.
I have a solid idea of the product but don’t know how to build and operate a business.
I hired people because I thought they could do what I could — That was a mistake. I should
have been hiring people who could do specifically what I couldn’t do.
I am struggling to recruit the best and the brightest specialists locally.
I think I have hired the wrong people. They don’t seem to be performing well/fit in with our
one person just ruins even the best efforts of my entire team
My team lacks dedication and vision of the product. They simply don’t get the idea.
I’m afraid of failure (and the team feels the same way)


I feel shy to talk to people due to my AVPD

I get very awkward with people around me. I have been told this happens in AVPD
I am very self conscious when I have to interact with others. My AVPD is to be blamed for
I have AVPD. I fear Il do something wrong when I talk to others
I have AVPD. I fear il just embarass myself when I talk to others
I have AVPD. and it makes me feel like I dont feel like trying anything new
I dont feel like taking chances with anything. I blame my AVPD diagnosis for the same
I just feel so inferior to others that I just want to be alone in my comfort zone, is this because of my
I dont feel like taking any risks, possibly because of my AVPD


I think I have a problem with addiction.

i cant get my mind off of alcohol
i cant help but think about when im going to have my next smoke
i m pretty sure that im now addicted to pills
my withdrawals are so bad today please help i dont know what to do
know I need to stop, but I can't seem to no matter how hard i try.
My addiction has taken over my life
I feel like I'm stuck in a cycle I can't break
I'm afraid to ask for help because I don't want to be judged for my alcoholism


I have autism

I was diagnosed with autism

I have aspergers

I have ASD



Another thing, as a person with body dysmorphia:

Body checking.
There is the avoiding mirrors thing, yes, but alternatively also looking at yourself a lot.
You stare into every reflective surface you can find, judging yourself, observing yourself, even if
sometimes that brings you pain.

Not only through mirrors, of course, but this was just about that part
As a person who suffers from BDD, the hardest thing is looking at your reflection in mirrors, cameras and
reflective surfaces.
All I see is the things which I hate about myself, people always tell me I look fine and ok but because I
have OCD as well I obsess about my flaws and I struggle to leave the house most days
the worst thing, bc of BDD i started being insecure about every little thing i do or my looks, it literally
ruined my life.
btw love your video! Thank you for talking about it and bringing awareness about different disorders.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
When I told people that I was diagnosed with BDD, people thought I was making it up...
As someone with Body dysmorphic disorder, I am constantly fixated on perceived flaws in my
appearance that may not even be noticeable to others.
Living with Body dysmorphic disorder means that I often feel immense anxiety and distress over my
physical appearance, even when others assure me that there is nothing wrong.
Body dysmorphic disorder has made me extremely self-conscious and has affected my ability to
socialize and form meaningful relationships.


I have BPD

I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder

I think I have BPD

I resonate with a lot of BPD traits

Borderline Personality Disorder


I have bipolar disorder

I have mania

I have been swinging between mania and depression for the past 7 years


As someone with DPD, it's difficult for me to do anything alone by myself.

I think I might have DPD because I can't take responsibility for anything.
I was diagnosed with DPD, and I fear things will go wrong and I won't be able to handle them.
As someone with DPD, I want someone to guide me always.
I want someone to give me the assurance that I am doing the right thing, especially considering my DPD.


I have dissociative identity disorder

I have dissociative fugue
I have dissociative amnesia
I have Derealization disorder
I have depersonalisation disorder


I have Anorexia
I have an eating disorder
I have PICA
I have bulimia nervosa
I binge and eat

I have HPD
I have been diagnosed with HPD
I have histrionic Personality Disorder
I think i have histrionic personality disorder


I cant stop myself from stealing

I started gambling because i was bored now i cant stop, it is so much fun
My anger gets out of control and i throw everything i see
I am short tempered and i become violent . I once broke all the glasses with stone
I am expelled from school because of my violent behavior.


I cant fall asleep

I cant stay asleep for too long
I feel sleepy throughout the day that i cany concentrate on anything
I suffer from sleeplessness
I struggle with insomnia


I think I could have dyslexia

Could I have dyscalculia?
I'm worried I might have dysgraphia I hadn't thought much about it but my writing had been bad since
childhood and I struggle a lot with spellings I often mistake letters too. I much prefer to type.
I have dyslexia. I can't read it's hard to go through life I can't Pass my tests idk what to do anymore
Idk even know if I can get a job because of this I tried and tried to read but it's not working

I have multiple LD, which made my life very painful, I was told I would never graduate
from any school.


I have a phobia of heights. Even standing on a tall ladder makes me dizzy and nauseous.
I have a phobia of spiders. The mere sight of them makes me break out into a cold sweat.
I have a phobia of flying. I get panic attacks whenever I have to board a plane.
I have a phobia of enclosed spaces. Being in an elevator for more than a few seconds makes me feel
I have a phobia of clowns. Their exaggerated features and unpredictable behavior terrify me.


My NPD makes it hard for me to admit when I'm wrong. I feel like I always need to be right and in
control, and it's causing me to push people away.
I know I have NPD, but I don't want to change. I feel like I'm better than everyone else, and it's causing
me to alienate the people who care about me.
My NPD is causing me to constantly seek validation from others. I feel like I need to be praised and
admired to feel good about myself, and it's affecting my mental health.
I struggle with NPD, and it's hard for me to see how my behavior is affecting others. I feel like I'm entitled
to everything I want, and it's causing me to be selfish and uncaring.
My NPD is causing me to feel like I'm never good enough. I constantly need validation from others, and
it's causing me to engage in harmful behaviors to maintain my sense of superiority.


I have OCD


Obsessions and compulsion

I have been diagnosed with OCD


I have PPD and I think people are plotting against me.

I have PPD and I can't trust people easily.
I have PPD and I can't let go of grudges easily.
I have PPD and I prefer to be alone. People might just gossip behind my back.
I have PPD and I always feel like people are talking about me behind my back, and I can't trust anyone.
It's causing a lot of problems in my personal and professional life.


I have schizoid PD

I have been diagnosed with Schizoid Personality Disorder

Schizoid PD



I have schizophrenia
I hate when I tell people I have schizophrenia and their whole demeanor changes
I experience delusions
I experience hallucinations


My girlfriend and I are interested in exploring voyeurism and exhibitionism. While we

both find the idea of watching and being watched by others a huge turn on,

I have a lot of curiosity around watching a gay/bi male couple but I don’t know how to
approach it. Also is this “a thing”, beyond just a specific flavor of voyeurism?

my sadism stops me from normal relationships

My masochism is all about a sadist administering the pain....preferably a woman. Its about not having
control, having to endure...


struggling with accepting my sexuality

I feel like I'm stuck between what I was taught growing up and my own feelings and desires.
I'm afraid of being rejected or discriminated if i come out
I feel like I'm the only one going through this whole questioning my sexuality thing and it's isolating
I'm questioning if my attractions to the same sex are real or if it's just a phase


I have trauma
I am traumatized
I have PTSD
i went through some traumatic shit some days back and now im having all these flashbacks of it
i have all these symptoms of trauma but dont remember what caused it
I avoid certain places, people, or situations that remind me of the trauma
I feel disconnected from myself and others...its so difficult to express my emotions
I feel like I'm in a constant state of fight or flight


My parents won't let me go out to meet with my friends, they're very strict and never let me go anywhere.
All of my friends make plans to go to the mall or to the movies and I'm always the only one left out. I'm so
frustrated and angry with them how can I get them to let me go?
My mother is very strict and she won't let wear the clothes I want saying things like "girls shouldn't wear
clothes like this" or "that's showing too much skin" I don't think it's fair she tries to police everything I
My parents monitor my phone all the time and never let me have any privacy
My grandmother is very nosy and orthodox and she's always on my head about me not "behaving like a
girl" and she thinks I should be more subservient and should just do anything they say blindly without
question it's so annoying
My class is going on a field trip to another city and my parents won't allow me to go, I've fought with them
a lot over it they never let me do anything


"I don't feel like I'm doing a good job as a parent, and it's making me anxious and stressed."
"I'm having a hard time managing my child's behavior and discipline."
"I'm worried that I'm not spending enough quality time with my children."
"I feel like I'm constantly nagging and yelling at my kids, and it's not helping our relationship."
"I'm having a hard time getting my child to listen to me and follow rules."


I procrastinated a lot in my college, to the point all my classmates and teachers knew that they can never
expect any assignment on time from me. However hard I tried, i could never bring myself to complete the
task and over time I got so used to it that I stopped caring about the assignments all together.
I do regret those times and wish I could've done better
Recently I had the whole week to finish an assignment , but I only did it at 3 am in the morning right
before it was due for school. I did that so much that I felt too much self doubt .
i procrastinate alot so much to the point that For me there was only two option:
Done it
Or never do it
It was a bad habit (my professor said) because if there was 10 assignment, I will only do 7 and ignore
the three so I can get C to pass the subject.
i have board exams and I'm still procrastinating. God help me, I'm trying to do better
the most annoying thing about procrastination, at least for me, is that it works. at the end of the day, or in
this case, deadline, you still get it done no matter the stress. it's literally what unconsciously motivates
me to keep procrastinating because eventually, it'll be done.


i really hate public speaking I hate it, I can't even read a small paragraph in front of my class. even with
zoom I still get the same symptoms. I am 20 and still struggles with this make me cry every time
i am so sacred of social interactions that When I face people my heart is racing

When i face a group of even a small people i feel nervous , and my body shivers i want to overcome fear
and anxiety and become bold.


I spent so long trying to convince myself to be with someone I knew I wasn’t

compatible with

my ex-boyfriend and i were madly in love and so attracted to each other. but as soon
as we started talking about the future (i’m talking work, kids, money, where to live
and most importantly values!) our disagreements were really in the way of us being
a healthy and compatible couple. one of the most important things out there: please
introduce your partner to your loved ones. you can’t possibly know how much it hurt
me when he didn’t. when he made me feel like i was not good enough.

i feel sick when they think about actually being in a relationship and all that entails,
but also incredibly lonely?
I always feel this weird, disgusting feeling when I get too close to somebody. I will fall
for someone, work towards them liking me back and just be happy. But then, when
they reciprocate the feeling and they want an actual relationship with me, I get that
disgusted feeling. I dislike physical contact in any way, but i do crave it sometimes
anyways. I always get told "oh its probably bc you dont love yourself enough", but i
am pretty self-confident, self-loving and know my worth. I tried figuring out the
problem, but I cant really find the solution. I am ready for commitment tbh, but I cant
get away from this feeling. I think I just need to push myself through this feeling and
do what I REALLY want to do instead of listening to my disgusted feeling, but I'm
afraid I won't get rid of it after that and hurt my partner.


I am burned out because of work

I am struggling with work-life balance

I want to quit my job, but I don’t know how


I am a 25 yo with no money or family who is just about ready to give up on life. I have no idea what to do.
I am in serious financialn trouble and I need help. I feel like I am drowning.
I have developed a pretty bad shopping addiction that is putting me further and further from my goal of
paying off all of my debt. It occurred to me yesterday that things really started when I began taking
lexapro about a year ago. My Dr recently put me on abilfy in addition to the lexapro and it’s reaaaaally
accelerated my shopping. Instead of putting things in my cart and waiting a week to see if I still want it I
will literally buy things as soon as I think I want them.
My meds stop working a week or two before I get my next shot, and I ALWAYS end up impulsive and not
thinking clearly and take a lot of shit I don’t need on bills because voices in my head tell me to. I’ve
already talked to my doctor about adjusting the dosage and keeping closer contact with my therapist, but
what else can I do to stop myself from overspending money I ain’t got?
Sticking To A Budget Hurts

DISORDER FLOW (yes + yes) + SUSPICION FLOW (no + yes)
1. I remember that my anxiety peaked 3 years ago when I lost my job due to covid.
2. Yeah, it is extremely difficult for me to trust the people and the Universe in general. I just
constantly feel like I am so scared of others that I even get panic attacks when I am
forced to be around people.
3. I have been isolating myself from everyone for 3 years. I never was a people’s person,
but loss of job and covid all exacerbated my situation, making me end all the
interpersonal relationships i once had.
4. I have often tried to engage myself in books, trying to make myself intellectually
competent so that I never have to face failure, and rejection again.
5. I want to be informed of my condition as much as possible
6. Yes, I feel drained when I have to work in teams at my new workplace
7. Well I enjoy reading as I mentioned earlier, but I do also like to play video games. It’s an
easy and safe escape from reality.
8. I do struggle to love myself, but I don’t think that’s important. It’s just that I believe I need
to be better at everything I do.

(write anything for the first 8 questions)
Then I want to vent->I am extremely furious right now, because my partner left me for someone

(write anything for the first 8 questions)
Then I want to vent->I am extremely scared because I have my exams next week

ISSUE FLOW (Select No > No)
Select Relationship Issues tab >> go in depth and explore and get recommendation >>
Understand root cause
Q1. I am going through a breakup, and it is devastating.
Q2. I haven’t been able to concentrate on anything, I feel like my life has come to a standstill
Q3. I am scared of living the rest of my life alone, without the love of my life.
Q4. I don’t know, I guess I should have given him a bit more space, and trusted him
Q5. Yeah I feel devastated whenever people leave me. It’s like a pattern that no matter how
much I give to others, I never have anyone in my life
Q6. I think that others feel I am easily replaceable
Q7. I am just someone who really cares for others around me, and would prioritise their
happiness over my own
Q8. I want a relationship where my partner never gives up on me, and stays no matter how hard
things get

(write anything for the first 8 questions)
Then I want to vent->
My mother died last week due to covid, and I am grieving. I don’t know what to do.
DISORDER FLOW (yes + yes) + SUSPICION FLOW (no + yes)
1. I have heard that autism is something is that we have been born with and I feel that I was born
with autistic behaviours
2. I live in my own world and I do not like to interact with others, I guess that comes with autism right
not being social with others
3. It is very hard for me to interact with others , the only people I talk to is my dog and my mom
4. I have tried to engage myself extensively and in understanding the facts of life , you can say I'm
kind of a nerd
5. I want to be informed about my illness and how I can get better

6. I also have something similar I feel drained when I'm around others

7. I like penguins and often I end up watching penguin documentaries

8. I often struggle to love myself when the downside of autism take over my life it often usually
happens when I'm over stimulated

DISORDER FLOW (yes + yes) + SUSPICION FLOW (no + yes)
Q1. I have been depressed since I was in class 10th, basically after my bullying incident
Q2. I feel a bit helpless, like things won’t get better now. And as a result it gets difficult for me to follow
through the activities I used to enjoy earlier
Q3. I feel like I have been losing out on everyone I love, and it’s just draining. I wish things were better
Q4. I live alone, and that’s making it even more difficult. I lost my parents 2 years ago in an accident.
Q5. I want to get better, I want to know my life’s purpose, I want to enjoy things more
Q6. I always feel drained, without a reason
Q7. I hardly enjoy anything these days, but talking to my friend helps me pull through these difficult times
Q8. I struggle with self-love all day everyday, have been for the past many years

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