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Speech and Theatre Arts

1.This type of character opposes the protagonist in their goals and actions. Their opposition to the
character leads to the crisis of the story.
b. Dynamic character
c. Static character
d. Antagonist
Rationalization: Antagonist a person who is opposed to, struggles against, or competes with another;
opponent; adversary. the adversary of the hero or protagonist of a drama or other literary work

2.What is the purpose of a monologue in theater?

a. To show off an actor's talent
b. To provide exposition or backstory
c. To showcase the play's theme
d. To entertain the audience
Rationalization: Monologue is a speech presented by a single character, most often to express their
thoughts aloud and to provide a backstory of a character, though sometimes also to directly address
another character or the audience. The purpose of a monologue is to communicate information regarding
a character’s thoughts or emotions efficiently to the audience and/or to another character

3.In theater, what do you call the signal used by actors and actresses to indicate what actions and events
should happen next.
b. Cue
c. Critique
d. Character
Rationalization: Cue is a prearranged sign that indicates to a performer, crew member or stage technician
that it is time to proceed to the next line or action. Actors also listen for cues in the text so that they know
when it's time to say or do something.

3.What is the purpose of a soliloquy in theater?

a. To provide exposition or backstory
b. To entertain the audience
c. To show off an actor's talent
d. To reveal a character's inner thoughts and feelings
Rationalization: A soliloquy is a literary device in the form of a speech or monologue spoken by a single
character in a theatrical play or drama. The purpose of a soliloquy is for the character to express
their inner thoughts and feelings that are not intended to be heard or known by other characters in the play
or the audience members.

4.This refers to the periods where the director and the actors practice polishing their performance for the
b. Plot
c. Rehearsal
d. Cold Reading
Rationalization: A rehearsal is an activity in the performing arts that occurs as preparation for a
performance in music, theatre, dance and related arts, such as opera, musical theatre and film
production. It is undertaken as a form of practising, to ensure that all details of the subsequent
performance are adequately prepared
5.It is a plan that indicates the positioning and movements of actors on the stage.
b. Plot
c. Rehearsal
d. Cold Reading
Rationalization: Blocking is the precise staging of actors in order to facilitate the performance of a play,
ballet, film or opera. During the blocking rehearsal, the assistant director, stage manager or director takes
notes about where the actors are positioned and their movement on stage

6. It refers to the time and place in which the story of the play exists.
b. Character
c. Rehearsal
d. Plot
Rationalization:Setting is the time and place (or when and where) of the story. It’s a literary element of
literature used in novels, short stories, plays, films, etc., and usually introduced during the exposition
(beginning) of the story, along with the characters.

7. Which of the following is not a type of theatrical stage?

a. Proscenium stage
b. Thrust stage
c. In-the-round stage
d. Linear stage
Rationalization:All of the choices are type of theatrical stage except letter D.

8. What is the primary purpose of a monologue in a play?

a. To express the character's inner thoughts and feelings
b. To engage the audience in dialogue
c. To convey important plot points
d. To showcase the actor's vocal range and abilities
Rationalization: Monologue is a speech presented by a single character, most often to express their
thoughts aloud and to provide a backstory of a character, though sometimes also to directly address
another character or the audience. The purpose of a monologue is to communicate information regarding
a character’s thoughts or emotions efficiently to the audience and/or to another character

5. Which of the following is not a basic element of drama?

a. Plot
b. Setting
c. Character
d. Camera angles

6. What is the difference between a comedy and a tragedy?

a. Comedies have happy endings, while tragedies have sad endings
b. Comedies focus on light-hearted subjects, while tragedies focus on serious subjects
c. Comedies use humor to highlight the absurdity of life, while tragedies use serious themes to explore
human suffering
d. Comedies are meant to make the audience laugh, while tragedies are meant to make the audience cry

7. What is the purpose of a stage manager?

a) To direct the actors
b) To design the set
c) To coordinate backstage activities
d) To sell tickets

8.The length of time use in the actual production of sound within a word

9.The relative position or a tone in a scale as determined by its frequency


10.A speech which given someone attempts to defend why certain actions were taken or will be taken.
a.Speech of Apology
b.Speech for Commencement
c.Speech for Justification
d. Speeches for Public Relation

11.Intangible asset that is made up of the favour or reputation of an individual or organization

a.Speeches to ensure Goodwill
b.Speeches for Public Relation
c.Inspirational Speaking
d. Speech for Justification

12.Which of the following is a type of theater that originated in Japan and emphasizes stylized movement
and gesture?
A. Kabuki
B. Mime
C. Improvisational theater
D. Musical theater

13.What is the term for the process of rehearsing a play without costumes, scenery, or props?
A. Technical rehearsal
B. Dress rehearsal
C. Blocking rehearsal
D. Table read

14.Very interesting and peculiar because it is designed to both praise and good- naturedly insult a person
being honoured
a.Toast Speech
b.Roast Speech
c.Farewell Speech
d. Inspirational Speech

15.The special literary style in which plays are on stage

a.dramatic structure
d. Play

16.Involve the power of the drama to evoke images and to denote abstract ideas and the power of
arousing feelings and emotions
a.sensory values
b.analytical values
c.emotional values
d.emphatic values

17.What is the purpose of projection in public speaking?

a. To make the speaker appear larger
b. To make the speaker's voice louder
c. To make the speaker more visible
d. To make the speaker appear more confident
Answer: b. To make the speaker's voice louder.

18.Manifested by the author in his analysis of character and his undertaking of the motivation of human
beings and the reader discovers the personality pattern of the character
a.emphatic values
b.analytical values
c.sensory values
d.emotional values
19.In a play, what element refers to the series of events that the characters go through in the story?
20.In theater arts, what element refers to the personality portrayed in the story. They are played by actors
and actresses.
21.What is the purpose of using vocal variety in public speaking?
a. To make the audience laugh
b. To keep the audience engaged
c. To make the speaker feel more comfortable
d. To impress the audience
Answer: b. To keep the audience engaged.
22.What is blocking in the theater?
a. The way an actor moves on stage
b. The way an actor speaks their lines
c. The way an actor expresses their emotions
d. The way an actor interacts with the audience
Answer: a. The way an actor moves on stage.
23.In a play's plot, what do you call the period wherein the dramatic tension caused by the conflict is at its
highest. It is the turning point wherein the rising action ends.
24.Among the characters in a play, this type is the primary figure in the story. Often, the story is told in
their point of view.
b. Dynamic character
c. Static character
d. Antagonist
25.This type of character opposes the protagonist in their goals and actions. Their opposition to the
character leads to the crisis of the story.
b. Dynamic character
c. Static character
d. Antagonist
26.What is the purpose of a monologue in theater?
a. To show off an actor's talent
b. To provide exposition or backstory
c. To showcase the play's theme
d. To entertain the audience
Answer: b. To provide exposition or backstory.
27.In theater, what do you call the signal used by actors and actresses to indicate what actions and events
should happen next.
b. Cue
c. Critique
d. Character
28.This refers to opinions and comments from observers regarding the quality of the elements of a play.
Collectively, they create the overall reception to a theatrical performance..
b. Cue
c. Critique
d. Character
29.What is the purpose of a soliloquy in theater?
a. To provide exposition or backstory
b. To entertain the audience
c. To show off an actor's talent
d. To reveal a character's inner thoughts and feelings
Answer: d. To reveal a character's inner thoughts and feelings.
30.This refers to the periods where the director and the actors practice polishing their performance for the
b. Plot
c. Rehearsal
d. Cold Reading
31.It is a plan that indicates the positioning and movements of actors on the stage.
b. Plot
c. Rehearsal
d. Cold Reading
32.It refers to the time and place in which the story of the play exists.
b. Character
c. Rehearsal
d. Plot
33.A written copy of the dialogue that the actors will speak.
b. Script
c. Playwright
d. Play
34.The special literary style in which plays are on stage.
a.dramatic structure
b. Audience
c. Playwright
d. Stage
35.Part of the play which the thread some untangled and the obstacle removed
b. Conflict
c. Conclusion
d. Exposition
36.Part of the play that furnishes the information essential to understanding the situation out of which the
problem arises
a.turning point
b. Exposition
c. Resolution
d. Conclusion
37.In a play's plot, what do you call the period wherein the problem is being introduced.
b. Rising Action
c. Conclusion
d. Exposition
38.What is the purpose of an aside in theater?
a. To provide exposition or backstory
b. To entertain the audience
c. To reveal a character's inner thoughts and feelings
d. To communicate directly with the audience without other characters hearing
Answer: d. To communicate directly with the audience without other characters hearing.
39.What is the purpose of a dress rehearsal in a theater?
a. To allow actors to wear their costumes
b. To fine-tune technical aspects of the production
c. To rehearse the play without an audience
d. To rehearse the play with an audience
Answer: b. To fine-tune technical aspects of the production.

40. Which of the following is not a type of theatrical performance?

a) Play
b) Musical
c) Opera
d) Painting
Answer: d) Painting
41.What is the term for the introductory speech given by an actor before a performance?
A. Overture
B. Prologue
C. Monologue
D. Epilogue
Answer: B. Prologue
42.Which of the following is a type of theater that emphasizes physical movement and non-verbal
A. Musical theater
B. Mime
C. Improvisational theater
D. Shakespearean theater
Answer: B. Mime
43.Which of the following is a type of theater that involves improvisation and audience participation?
A. Musical theater
B. Mime
C. Improvisational theater
D. Shakespearean theater
Answer: C. Improvisational theater
44.What is the term for the area of the stage closest to the audience?
A. Upstage
B. Downstage
C. Stage right
D. Stage left
Answer: B. Downstage
45.Which of the following is a type of speech that is meant to honor or pay tribute to someone?
A. Persuasive speech
B. Informative speech
C. Ceremonial speech
D. Demonstration speech
Answer: C. Ceremonial speech
46.What is the term for the person who designs the costumes for a stage production?
A. Set designer
B. Lighting designer
C. Sound designer
D. Costume designer
Answer: D. Costume designer
47. What is the difference between a soliloquy and a monologue?
A. A soliloquy is spoken to another character, while a monologue is spoken to the audience.
B. A soliloquy is a long speech, while a monologue is a short speech.
C. A soliloquy is spoken by a character who is alone on stage, while a monologue can be spoken by any
D. A soliloquy is a musical number, while a monologue is spoken dialogue.
Correct answer: C. A soliloquy is spoken by a character who is alone on stage, while a monologue can be
spoken by any character.
48. What is the purpose of vocal warm-ups for actors?
A. To increase vocal range and flexibility
B. To improve enunciation and articulation
C. To prevent vocal strain and injury
D. All of the above
Correct answer: D. All of the above.

49. What is subtext in acting?

A. The hidden meaning or underlying emotions in a character's words or actions
B. The dialogue that is spoken offstage
C. The physical movements and gestures of the actor
D. The set design and lighting of a production
Correct answer: A. The hidden meaning or underlying emotions in a character's words or actions.
50.In a play, what refers to the central idea or belief?
a. Theme
b. Setting
c. Character
d. Climax

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