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Shirk (Polytheism)

Quranic Verses

 Not believing in Allah is shirk.

Translation: And most of them do not believe in Allah except that they are
infidels. (Yousaf: 106)

 Infidelity is the Greatest Sin

Translation: And whoever associates partners with Allah, he has committed a

great sin. (Alnisa: 48)

 Shirk is the Greatest Injustice

Translation: Verily shirk is a great injustice. (Luqman: 13)

 Shirk is the Greatest Deviation

Translation: And whoever associates anyone with Allah has gone astray far away.
(Alnisa: 116)

Types of Shirk

 Shirk of Love

Translation: And those who take partners other than Allah, they love them like the
love of Allah. And those who believe, are intense in the love of Allah.

 Shirk of Attention

Translation: Verily, I have done my attention (face) towards the One who created
the earth and the heavens and I am not among the polytheists.

 Shirk of Preaching

Translation: And let them never stop you from the commandments of Allah
Almighty after it has been revealed to you and you (peace and blessings be upon
him) call towards your Lord, and never be of the polytheists.

Translation: you (peace and blessings be upon him) say: O people of the book!
Come to this one thing which is equally common between you and us, that we
should not worship anyone else except Allah, and do not associate anyone with

Translation: And call towards your Lord, and don’t be among the polytheists.

 Not Offering Prayer is also Shirk

Translation: And fear Him (Allah Almighty) and establish prayer and don’t be of
the polytheists.
(Slackness, laziness, busyness and the third satan prevent from prayer. If one, leaving behind the orders of
Allah Almighty follows slackness, laziness and command of satan, he will also commit shirk.)

 Not having the Right Intention is also Shirk

Translation: You (peace and blessings be upon him) say: Verily my prayer and
my sacrifice and my life and my death is for Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and He
has no partner.

 Shirk of Command

Translation: And He (Allah Almighty) does not associate anyone with His Order.


 Shirk of Humbleness

Translation: So when it became obligatory upon them to fight, one (group) of

them was shy of humans. They began to act as if they should respect Allah
Almighty, but even more.
 Shirk in Sincerity

Translation: Then when they board on boat, they call upon Allah Almighty, being
sincere to His religion, and when He saves them to the land, they start doing shirk.
(Alankaboot: 65)

 Whispering leads to shirk

Translation: And Verily, the devils put (whispers) into the hearts of their friends
so that they should argue with you, and if you accept it, then you have committed

Hadith of Prophet (PBUH)

 Indeed, the person is successful who purified his heart for faith, and cleaned his heart from
shirk and disbelief, kept his tongue clean, made his self contented, kept his attitude right,
made his ears listen to the truth, and made his eye to see.
(Masnad-e-Ahmed, Muntakhib Ahadees)

Love of Allah Almightyt and love of Holy Prophet PBUH

Who Does Allah Almighty Love?

Translation: Verily Allah loves those who adopt piety.

Translation: Verily Allah loves those who do good.

Translation: Verily Allah loves those who ask for Forgiveness and those who
remain clean.
(Albaqra: 222)

Translation: Verily Allah loves those who trust in Him.

Translation: Verily Allah loves those who do justice.

Translation: Verily Allah loves those who fight in His cause in a row as if they are
a leaden wall.

Translation: And Allah loves those who persist patience.

Translation: You (O Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH) say to these (believers and
women believers) if you love Allah Almighty, then follow me (i.e. Holy Prophet
PBUH), Allah will love you, and forgive your sins, and Allah is the most
Forgiving and Merciful.

Translation: And those who take partners other than Allah, they love them like the
love of Allah. And those who believe, are intense in the love of Allah.
(Albaqra: 165)

Blessed Hadiths About the Love of Allah Almighty

The Prophet PBUH described various actions to gain the love of Allah:

 The Messenger (PBUH) of Allah said that Allah says those who love each other for Me, sit
together, meet each other, spend their wealth for Me, My (i.e. of Allah) Love has become
obligatory for them.
(Mauta Malik, Riazus Saleheen)

 The Messenger (PBUH) of Allah said that best deed is i.e. Love
for Allah and hate for Allah.
(Mishkaat, Tarteeb Shareef, Amjad-ul-Ahadees, Jawaher-ul-Ahadees)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that Allah loves that man more who is more beneficial
for his family.
(Alkunz, Jawaher-ul-Ahadees)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that when Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Loves
someone, He Puts him in some trial.
(Kunzul Amaal, Jawaher-ul-Ahadees)

 When Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Loves someone, He calls

Hazrat Jibrael AI, and Says to him that I (Allah the Most Eminent in Glory) Love that man
(whoever is the man or woman of Allah the Most Eminent in Glory), and Allah the Most
Eminent in Glory Says to Hazrat Jibrael AI that you should also love him. So, Hazrat Jibrael
AI also starts loving him. Then, Hazrat Jibrael AI announces among all the sky angels that
Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Loves that person, and when angels also start loving him,
then Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Puts his love among the people of earth, and whoever
are the people of Allah the Most Eminent in Glory in world, they also start loving him.
(Muslim, Bukhari Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that your faith cannot be complete until your
friendship, enmity, love, hatred, malice and hostility is not only for Allah the Most Eminent
in Glory.
(Muslim, Bukhari)

Who Does Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Not Love?

Translation: And Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Dislikes mischief.

Translation: And Allah the Most Eminent in Glory does not Like every (any)
ungrateful and sinful.

Translation: Hence Allah the Most Eminent in Glory does not Like the infidels.

Translation: Allah the Most Eminent in Glory does not Like the oppressors.
(Aleimran:57, Alshura:40, Alhadeed:23)

Translation: Verily Allah the Most Eminent in Glory does not Like that person
who has pride, (and) boasts.
(Alnisa: 36, Luqman:18)

Translation: Allah the Most Eminent in Glory does not Like the one who is
treacherous (deceitful) sinful.
(Alnisa: 107)

Translation: Allah the Most Eminent in Glory does not Like the disclosure of
(any) bad thing.

Translation: And Allah the Most Eminent in Glory does not Like those who do
(Almaida:64, Alqasas: 77)

Translation: Verily Allah the Most Eminent in Glory does not Like those who
exceed the limits.

Translation: Verily (Allah the Most Eminent in Glory) does not Like those who
spend in vain.
(Alinaam: 144, Alaraf: 31)


Translation: Verily (Allah the Most Eminent in Glory) does not Like those who
have pride.
(Alnahal: 23)

Translation: Verily Allah the Most Eminent in Glory does not Like any deceitful

Sayings About the Love of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW

Translation: (O Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW) You (SAW) say these (Muslims
male and female) that if you love Allah the Most Eminent in Glory, follow me
(i.e. Holy Prophet SAW), Allah the Most Eminent in Glory will Love you, and
will Forgive your sins, and Allah the Most Eminent in Glory is the most
Forgiving and the most Kind.

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that I swear upon Allah the Most Eminent
in Glory Who has my life in His Hands that there cannot be any Muslim (Momin)
until his love for me is not more than his love for his father, offspring, and all
other people.
(Bukhari, Mishkaat)

Excellences of Holy Quran

Quranic Verses


Translation: O People! You have an advice (Holy Quran) from you Lord which is
the cure of the diseases of hearts, and is guidance, and is blessing for whoever
believes in it.
(Younas: 57)

Translation: And We (Allah the Most Eminent in Glory) has revealed a book on
you (SAW) in which everything is mentioned, it is guidance, blessing, and good
tidings for Muslims.
(Alnahal: 89)

Translation: (Quran) guides towards the right, and the straight path.
(Alahqaf: 30)

Hadees-e-Qudsi (Holy-Words-Of-AlRahman-As-Quoted-By-Holy-Prophet-SAW)

 To whom the engagement of Quran makes him ignore supplication and remembrance, I
(Allah the Most Eminent in Glory) Grant him better than the others who ask.
(Tirmazi, Muntakhib Ahadees, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that the Word of Allah has such excellence on other
words as Mine (Allah the Most Eminent in Glory) excellence over all creatures.
(Tirmazi, Muntakhib Ahadees, Tarteeb Shareef)

Holy Sayings SAW

 The best among you is the one who gets the knowledge of Quran and teaches to others.
(Bukhari, Daud, Sunan Abi Maja, Fazael-e-Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

Translation: Holy Quran is a very strong rope of Allah the Most eminent in Glory.
(Tirmazi, Tarteeb Shareef)

 The man of Allah the Most Eminent in Glory takes so much benefit from Holy Quran in
getting the nearness of Allah the Most Eminent in Glory as he does not take from anything

(Masnad-e-Ahmad, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Whoever recites Quran by looking at it, his sight will be benefitted by Allah the Most
Eminent in Glory.
(Kunzul Amaal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Reciting Quran during prayer is better than not reciting Quran during prayer, reciting Quran
is better without prayer than Praises-and-Exaltation-of-Allah, Praises-of-Allah is better than
propitiatory offering (Sadqa), propitiatory offering is better than fasting, and fasting is shield
from hell.
(Mishkaat-ul-Msabeeh, Tarteeb Shareef)

 If you want the life of good fortunes, death of martyrs, salvation on the Day of Judgment,
peace on the day of fear, light in darkness, shadow on the day of heat, water on the day of
thirst, weight on the day of humiliation, guidance on the day of deviation, recite Quran
because it is the remembrance of Rahman, and safety from Satan, and bend in the scale.
(Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said, excellent propitiatory offering is that man teaches
knowledge to his some Muslim brother, and then he educates to his other Muslim brother.
(Ibn-e-Maja, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Get blessing from Quran because that is the Word of Allah the Most Eminent in Glory.
(Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Whoever recites Quran gets one reward, and whoever listens to Quran gets two rewards.
(Sunan Darmi, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Whoever recites Quran and acts upon it, his parents will be awarded two crowns on the Day
of Judgment whose light will be more than sunlight.
(Daud, Fazael-e-Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Whoever recites Quran, gets its knowledge, and acts upon it, he will be awarded such crown
on the day of judgment whose light will be like that of moon, and his parents will be granted
such dress that there will be no value of world in comparison to that.
(Mustadrak-e-Hakim, Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Quran is Clear Light, Remembrance of Wisdom, and the Straight Path.

(Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 The Ranks of the heaven are equal to the numbers of Quranic verses.
(Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Verily, these hearts also get rusted like iron. It was asked, what is their cleanliness? Holy
Prophet Muhammad SAW said! Recitation of Quran.

(Fazael-e-Amal, Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Whoever gives education of Quran, that teacher becomes the lord of student, so neither the
student should disgrace (his teacher) nor prefer himself on him.
(Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

Excellence of Bismillah
Holy Sayings SAW
 When Bismillahe Rahman-er Raheem is said, the Satan becomes as small as a flea.
(Masnad-e-Ahmad, Tarteeb Shareef)

 The work which is not bagun with Bismillahe Rahman-er Raheem is incomplete and without
(Aneesul Waezeen, Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Bismillahe Rahman-er Raheem is the key to every book.

(Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Bismillahe Rahman-er Raheem is one of the names of Allah the Most Eminent in Glory.
This name and the great name are so near as the blackness and the whiteness of the eye.
(Ghunyatu Talebeen, Tarteeb Shareef)

 That supplication is not rejected which begins with Bismillahe Rahman-er Raheem.
(Ghunyatu Talebeen, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Whoever says Bismillahe Rahman-er Raheem, Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Writes the
reward of four thousand virtues for each alphabet, Forgives his four thousand sins, and
Uplifts him four thousand ranks.
(Nazhatul Majalis, Tarteeb Shateef)

 Whoever says Bismillahe Rahman-er Raheem while entering in his home, Allah the Most
Eminent in Glory Upgrades his ten lak ranks, Forgives his ten lak sins, and Writes ten lak
virtues in his Book of Deeds, and if that person dies that day he will be martyr.
(Tazkaratul Waezeen)

 When anyone says Bismillahe Rahman-er Raheem with true heart, Allah the Most Eminent
in Glory Orders the angels to the right and left of man that his four lak ranks should be
uplifted in his Book of Deeds and for lak evils be deleted.
(Tazkaratul Waezeen)

 Whoever says Bismillahe Rahman-er Raheem while doing ablution, his sins, even that of
forty thousand years, will be forgiven and he will be lifted with faith from world.
(Tazkaratul Waezeen)

Excellence of Chapter Alfatiha


Recite as many times as you can easily during the day and night.

Hadees-e-Qudsi (Holy-Words-Of-AlRahman-As-Quoted-By-Holy-Prophet-SAW)

 Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Said! O Muhammad SAW, I have respected your SAW
Ummah with such holy chapter which is not in any other heavenly books. Whoever will
recite it with full devotion of heart; I (Allah the Most Eminent in Glory) will make his body
forbidden from the fire of hell.
(Namaz Ki Sab Say Bari Kitab)

Holy Saying SAW

 Chapter Alfatiha is the cure to every disease.
(Sunan Darmi, Namaz Ki Sab Say Bari Kitab)

 Should I tell you such Chapter of Quran which is the greatest? That is Chapter Alfatiha. This
is the Seven Repetitions (Saba Masani), and great Quran which I have been granted.
(Bukhari, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Chapter Alfatiha gives such reward and advantage that no other chapter gives, equal to this,
in the whole of Quran. If on one side of scale, Chapter Alfatiha is put, and on the other side
rest of Quran is put, Chapter Alfatiha will be seven times heavier than the rest of Quran.
(Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

Excellence of Ayatul Kursi

 Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi, Allah the Most Eminent in Glory will Love his self.
(Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Whoever wants that Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Fill his home with welfare and
immense goodness, so he should recite Ayatul Kursi. Whoever recites this one time with
ablution, Allah the Most Eminent in Glory will Upgrade his forty thousand ranks, and for
every alphabet will Create an angel who will pray for the forgiven of that man who will
recite this. Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi while going to sleep, Allah the Most Eminent in
Glory will open the gates of blessing for him till morning, and for every hair on his body
will Grant him one city of Light. If this person dies during the night, he will be a martyr.
Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi after every Compulsory Prayer, he will be safe from the
hardship of death, and Allah the Most Eminent in Glory will Take his soul Himself. In the
home where Ayatul Kursi is recited, Satan runs away from there.
(Namaz Ki Sab Say Bari Kitab)

 Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi after every compulsory prayer, his rank is such that he wages
war in the favour of prophets AI until he gets martyrdom.
(Tarteeb Shareef, Namaz Ki Sab Say Bari Kitab)

 Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi while going to sleep, Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Grants
peace to all his and his neighbours and houses around him.
(Mishkaat, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Whoever Muslim (Momin) recites Ayatul Kursi, and gives its reward to the people of the
graves, Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Lets forty Lights enter into every grave from east
and west, Broadens their graves and Upgrades their ranks. Its reciter gets the reward of sixty
prophets, and for each alphabet, Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Creates an angel who
does Praises-of-Allah for him and asks for his forgiveness.

 Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi while going out of home, Allah the Most Eminent in Glory
Orders seventy thousand angels to pray for his forgiveness until he returns.
(Rahatul Qaloob)

 The height of Holy Quran is Chapter Albaqra, and its one verse is the head of the whole
Quran! That is Ayatul Kursi.

Excellence of the Last Two Verses of Chapter Albaqra

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that whoever recites last two verses of Chapter
Albaqra during the night, these will be sufficient for him.

(Nama Ki Sab Say Bari Kitab)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that whoever recites last two verses of Chapter
Albaqra, he gets the reward of Midnight Prayer (Tahajud)
(Daud, Tarteeb Shareef)

Excellence of Chapter Yasin

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that there is heart of everything, and the heart of Holy
Quran is Chapter Yasin. Whoever recites Chapter Yasin, he does the recitation of Holy
Quran ten times.
(Tirmazi, Sunan Darmi, Namaz Ki Sab Say Bari Kitab, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that the recitation of Chapter Yasin for the Will of
Allah is forgiveness from sins.
(Masnad-e-Ahmad, Muntakhib Ahadees, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said to recite Chapter Yasin quite often because Allah the
Most Eminent in Glory Grants ten blessings to the one who recites it:

 When a hungry man recites it, his belly will be filled

 If a thirsty recites it, his thirst is quenched
 If a man without dress recites it, he is dressed from the unknown
 Whoever wishes to get married, he is married
 If a fearful recites it, he becomes brave and fearless
 If a prisoner recites it, he gets freedom
 If a traveler recites it, he gets help in travel
 If anything gets lost, with its blessing it is found
 If a diseased and patient recites it, he gets health
 Whoever will be punctual in Chapter Yasin, he will get the rank of martyr.
(Tibrani, Namaz Ki Sab Say Bari Kitab)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that whoever recites Chapter Yasin for the Will of
Allah the Most Eminent in Glory, he will be forgiven that very night.
(Sunan Darmi, Fazael-e-Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

Excellence of Chapter AlRehman

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that there is beauty of everything, and the beauty of
Holy Quran is Chapter AlRehman.
(Mishkaat, Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Whoever recites Chapter AlRehman, he has thanked the favours of Allah the Most Eminent
in Glory.
(Tafseer-e-Kishaf, Tarteeb Shareef)

Excellence of Chapter Almulk


 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that I want that Chapter Almulk should be in the heart
of every Muslim.
(Namaz Ki Sab Say Bari Kitab)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that whoever recites Chapter Almulk it is as he has
found the Valuable Night (Shab-e-Qadr).
(Tarteeb Shareef, Rahatul Qaloob)

 Chapter Almulk is the Chapter to save from the torment of grave.

(Tirmazi, Rahatul Qaloob, Tarteeb Shareef, Majmua-e-Wazaif)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that whoever recites Chapter Alif Laam Mim Sajda
and Chapter Almulk after Evening Prayer (Maghrib), his face will be bright like the
fourteenth of moon, and he will pay the right for that night.
(Ghunyatu Talebeen)

Excellence of Chapter Muzzamil

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that whoever will recite Chapter Almuzzamil, Allah
the Most Eminent in Glory will remove the hardships of the world and hereafter from him.
(Tafseer-e-Kishaaf, Tarteeb Shareef)

Excellence of Chapter Alaala

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW has liked Chapter Alaala a lot.

(Masnad-e-Ahmad, Tarteeb Shareef)

Excellence of Chapter Alqadr

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that whoever recites Chapter Alqadr, he will be
awarded the reward equal to the fasting of Holy Ramazan and remaining awake on the
Valuable Night (Lailatul Qadr), (moreover) he will get the reward of one fourth of Quran.
(Tafseer-e-Kishaaf, Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

Excellence of Chapter Alikhlas

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that whoever recites Chapter Alikhlas twelve times
after Morning Prayer (Fajr), it is as he has recited Holy Quran four times, and he will be
excellent than all the people on earth when he will adopt abstinence.
(Tibrani, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Whoever will recite after every Compulsory Prayer, Allah the Most Eminent
in Glory will Make His Will and Forgiveness Compulsory for him.
(Faqri, Majmua-wa-Wazaif, Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Whoever abides by reciting and Ayatul Kursi ten times during the day and
night, he will get the greatest Will and Favour of Allah the Most Eminent in Glory, and he
will be with prophets AI, and will be safe from Satan.
(Faqri Majmu-wa-Wazaif, Dar Manshoor)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that whoever recites while entering into
home, this Chapter removes the poverty and poorness of the members of his home and
(Nama Ki Sab Sa Bari Kitab, Faqri Majmua-wa-Wazaif, Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

Excellence of Chapter Alikhlas, Alfalaq, and Alnas

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that you should recite three times, during the day and
night, Chapter Alikhlas and the Twin Chapters (Chapter Alfalaq and Chapter Alnas)

and Reading this, is benefit from everything.

(Namaz Ki Sab Say Bari Kitab, Tohfa-e-Khawateen)

Beauty of Manners and Service of Humanity

Quranic Verses

Translation: and talk to the people with goodness. (Albaqra:83)

Holy Sayings SAW

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that the better among you are those whose manners are
the best.

 The man with faith gets the rank of such people due to his good manners who offer
voluntary prayers throughout the night and always keep fast during the day.
(Daud, Muntakhib Ahadees)

 The most perfect Muslim (Momin) is the one among faithful, whose manners are the best.
(Masnad-e-Ahmad, Muntakhib Ahadees, Minhajul Muslim)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that it is enough for a person to lie if he listens to
anything he conveys i.e. he does not verify.
(Muslim, Tarteeb Shareef)

Finding Faults

Translation: And do not find faults of one another among each other.

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW went to the pulpit, and pronounced loudly in address that O
people! who have believed with tongue, and the faith has not completely set in their hearts,
do not do the backbiting of Muslims, and do not go after their hidden faults, because
whoever goes after the faults of Muslims, Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Goes after such
man’s faults, and when Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Goes after anyone’s faults, he will
definitely be defamed even if he is inside his home.
(Daud, Muntakhib Ahadees)

Backbiting and Spying

Translation: And do not spy each other, and do not do backbiting of one another.
Does anyone like among you to eat the flesh of his dead brother.

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that back-biter will not enter into heaven.
(Mishkaat, Tohafa-e-Khawateen)

Veiling the Sins

 Whoever removes the troubles of any Muslim (Momin) in the world, Allah the Most
Eminent in Glory will Remove his trouble on the Day of Judgment. And whoever veils the
sin of any Muslim, Allah the Most Eminent in Glory will Veil his sin in the world and
hereafter, and whoever brings ease for penniless, Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Brings

ease for him in the world and hereafter; and Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Remains with
Muslim (Momin) until he keeps on helping his brother.
(Masnad-e-Ahmad, Tarteeb Shareef)

Causing Quarrel

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that Satan spreads his throne on water (sea), and orders
his armies sitting on it to go and lead people astray and engage them in quarrel. The lowest
Satan of that group of Satan is the one who extremely causes quarrels. One of the Satans
comes to his head and says that I did such and such (i.e. did such acts). Head (Lucifer) says,
you have done nothing. After this, Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that another Satan
comes and says that I did not leave human till that time until I did not cause quarrel
(separation) between he and his wife. Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said, after this, that
Satan (Lucifer) gives him a place near himself after listening to this and says that you have
done a very good act, and Satan embraces him.
(Muslim, Tarteeb Shareef)

Bringing False Accusation

Translation: when you listened to that false accusation, why didn’t Muslim males
and females have good notion about theirs’, and why didn’t they say that it is
clear false accusation.


Translation: There is destruction for every (person) who taunts and finds fault.

Excellence of Gaining Knowledge and Preaching Religion

Holy Sayings SAW

 Do ease in religion, don’t do harshness, give good tidings, and don’t make others repulsive.
(Bukhari Tarteeb Shareef)

 The best among you is the one who learns the knowledge of Quran, and teaches to others.
(Fazael-e-Amal, Sunan Ibn-e-Maja, Tarteeb Shareef)

 The Learned are the heirs of prophets.

(Tirmazi, Daud, Sunan Darmi, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that one moment of the learned which he spends while
resting on pillow on bed is better than the worship of seventy years of a worshipper.
(Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that the learned has such excellence on the worshipper
as fourteenth of the moon has on other stars.
(Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that the learned has such excellence on the unlearned
as my excellence on my followers (Ummah).
(Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that the learned is the trustworthy of Allah the Most
Eminent in Glory on earth.
(Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said to respect the learned of religion, because they
are the heirs to prophets AI; whoever respects them, he respects Allah the Most Eminent in
Glory and Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW.
(Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that on the Day of Judgment, first the prophets AI will
favour, then the learned and then the martyrs.
(Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that the hidden knowledge is one of the secrets of
Allah the Most Eminent in Glory, and is one of the knowledge of Allah’s the Most Eminent
in Glory, Wisdoms. Allah the Most Eminent in Glory reveals in the hearts of his men
whomsoever He Desires.
(Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that the learned has such excellence over the
worshipper as I (i.e. Holy Prophet SAW) have on any common worshipper. Moreover,
learned is more excellent seventy ranks than the worshipper, the distance between two ranks
is like the distance between the sky and the earth.
(Mishkaat, Sunan Darmi, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Knowledge from which profit is gained is continuous propitiatory offering (Sadqa).

(Sunan Darmi, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Does goodness to anyone, He Grants him the
understanding of religion, Disinterests him from world and Show him his faults.
(Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Whoever gets knowledge without the Will of Allah, the Most Eminent in Glory, his abode is
(Tirmazi, Sunan Abi Maja, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that whoever dies in this condition that he is getting

knowledge for the revival and refreshment of Islam , there will be the
difference of one rank between him and the prophets AI.
(Mishkaat, Sunan Darmi, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Whoever covers distance for the sake of knowledge, Allah the Most Eminent in Glory
Makes easy for him the way to heaven.
(Tirmazi, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW regarded the gathering of knowledge better than the
gathering of worship, and said, I have also been sent as the teacher.
(Sunan Darmi, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Knowledges are three, and the rest is extra: (1) Ordering Verses (2) Established Sunnah (3)
Justified Duties (Deliberation of Ummah, and speculation). Moreover knowledges are two:
knowledge of heart, this is beneficial knowledge, and the knowledge of tongue which is the
desire of Allah the Most Eminent in Glory on the offspring of Adam AI.
(Sunan Ibn-e-Maja, Sunan Darmi, Mishkaat, Tarteeb Shareef)

 It will be questioned about knowledge how it has been acted upon?

(Sunan Darmi, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Whoever learns the knowledge of one verse of Allah’s the Most Eminent in Glory book, or
any part of knowledge, Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Keeps on increasing its reward till
the Day of Judgment.
(Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that the best among my ummah are the learned, and
the best among the learned are merciful. Beware! Allah the Most Eminent in Glory
Forgives forty sins of a learned before Forgiving one sin of an ignorant. Beware! Merciful
learned will come on the Day of Judgment, and his light will shine from east to west as the
star of far off distance shines.
(Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that there is no connection of anyone else except that
of the learned and the learner.
(Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that it is propitiatory offering (sadqa) that a man gets
knowledge, then acts upon it, and then teaches it.
(Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that doing morning while teaching knowledge is better
than offering one thousand sections of prayer.
(Sunan Ibn-e-Maja, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that the knowledge of heart is one of the secrets of
Allah the Most Eminent in Glory. He (Allah the Most Eminent in Glory) Puts in the heart of
any of His men He Desires.
(Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that knowledge is treasures and the questions are their
(Kunzul Amal, Sunan Darmi, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that when, on the Day of Judgment, the ink of the
learned and the blood of the martyrs will be weighed, the ink of the learned will be heavier
than their blood.
(Quwatul Qaloob, Kunul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that whoever learns and teaches knowledge is like the
fighter in the Way of Allah.
(Mustadrak-e-Hakim, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that the deed or those virtues whose reward a Muslim
(Momin) keeps on getting even after his death, one of them is knowledge which he learns
and (then) propagates it, second is pious offspring which he has left behind, (third) that
Quran which he gives (for recitation) to someone, (fourth) that mosque which he gets built,
(fifth) that inn which he gets built, (sixth) that canal which he gets started, (seventh) that
alms or propitiatory offering which he gives in his life and with his health in tact from his
possession. The reward of all these things keeps on reaching him even after his death.

(Sunan Ibn-e-Maja)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that Allah the Most Eminent in Glory has Revealed
(hidden) this unto me that whoever, for the desire of knowledge, covers distance, I will
Make the ways to heaven easy for him. And whose eyes I have snatched, I will give its
reward in heaven; and the abundance in knowledge is better than abundance in worship, and
the root of religion is abstinence.
(Behiqi, Mishkaat, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Hazrat Ali Karamullah Wajho said to act upon your knowledge because learned is that
person who acts upon his knowledge, and his knowledge is harmonizing to his act; and it’s
quite near that there will be such nations that those people will get knowledge, but it will not
cross their ribs. Their act will be contrary to their knowledge, and their inner will be
contrary to their outer; they will sit in groups, and will have pride in competition with each
other. Until man will get angry from the member of his group that he has started sitting with
another person and has left him. Their acts, which happen in their gatherings, will not go to
Allah the Most Eminent in Glory.
(Sunan Darmi, Tarteeb Shareef)

 It was requested in the service of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW, O Holy Prophet
Muhammad SAW, who is the greatest learned? Holy Prophet SAW replied, that person who
gathers people with his knowledge, and (every person) who is desirous of knowledge, seeker
of knowledge.
(Sunan Darmi, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that whoever gets nourishment in knowledge and
worship until he gets old, Allah the Most Eminent in Glory will Grant him the reward of
seventy Truthfuls (Siddiqqeen) on the Day of Judgment.
(Tibrani, Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that the learned and the learner are enjoined in
(Tibrani, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that there are three hundred persons special for Allah
the Most Eminent in Glory among the creations whose hearts are like that of Hazrat Adam
AI, and forty are such whose hearts are like that of Hazrat Moosa AI, and seven are such
whose hearts are like that of Hazrat Ibrahim AI, and five are such whose hearts are like that
of Hazrat Jibrael AI, and three are such whose hearts are like that of Hazrat Mikael AI, and
one is such whose heart is like that of Hazrat Israfeel AI. When this (one) dies, Allah the
Most Eminent in Glory Replaces him with one of those three; and when one dies out of
these three, Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Replaces him with one of those five, and when
one of five dies, Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Replaces him with one of those seven;
and when one of those seven dies, Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Replaces him with one

of those forty; and when one of those forty dies, Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Replaces
him with one of those three hundred; and when one of those three hundred dies, Allah the
Most Eminent in Glory Replaces him with one from the general creation. Hence, due to
these (pious and endeared persons), Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Gives life and death,
Showers rain, Increases Production, and Removes troubles. Moreover, Holy Prophet
Muhammad SAW said that Abdaal will be in Syria, they are forty, due to them, rain will
shower on you, and due to them you will have victory over enemies, and Allah the Most
Eminent in Glory will remove troubles and drowning in water due to them.
(Tarteeb Shareef)

Excellence of Gathering for Allah the Most Eminent in Glory

(Place of those who love mutually and gather for the remembrance of Allah the Most Eminent in

Holding Together the Rope of Allah the Most Eminent in Glory

 When we state Holy Quran for education and learning, and state the Holy Sayings of Holy
Prophet Muhammad SAW, some people have doubts in it, and try to find tilts in it. It is
important that we should know the actual wisdom and real religion in the light of Quran and
Holy saying SAW, so that no one should be successful in putting a doubt and evil
suggestion in our minds. Allah the Most Eminent in Glory has mentioned about holding
together the Holy Quran in Chapter Aleimran verse no 103:

Translation: And Hold together tightly the rope of Allah the Most Eminent in
( Aleimran:103)

means all together. If there had been no word like in this verse then the view
of getting individual education of Holy Quran might have been right. But no! This is not
enough, because Allah the Most Eminent in Glory has attached the word , so it means

that we have to hold together. This holding together is clear, but what is ? What is
the Rope of Allah the Most Eminent in Glory? If we study, the Rope of Allah the Most
Eminent in Glory has not been mentioned anywhere in the Holy Quran. About this has been
said in the Holy Sayings SAW as in the Holy Saying SAW of Tirmazi which has been
narrated by Hazrat Huzaifa RA and Hazrat Ali RA. Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said

Translation: And that (Quran) is the strong Rope of Allah the Most Eminent in
Glory. (Tirmazi)

i.e. Holy Quran is the strong Rope of Allah the Most Eminent in Glory, and we are all
supposed to hold it together. Now there is a question that how to hold Holy Quran together?
Its answer becomes clear from the Holy Saying of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW that
Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that the best among you is the one who learns and
teaches Quran.
(Bukhari, Sunan Abi Daud)

 Holy Quran was revealed on Holy Prophet SAW in 13 years’ period of Makkah, and many
Chapters were revealed in the Respectable Makkah Muazma. Holy Prophet Muhammad
SAW continued the education and teaching of Holy Quran despite of many troubles and
hardships. But where was the work of educating and teaching Holy Quran conducted? If we
study carefully, with concentration, the times of prophethood, we come to know that Holy
Prophet SAW used to do the work of education and teaching inside houses, and its hint is
also in Chapter Alnoor of Holy Quran. Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Says:

Translation: (this Light) will be found in those homes which have been Permitted
by Allah the Most Eminent in Glory to be raised, and the remembrance of the
Name of Allah the Most Eminent in Glory should be done there, and they should
do the praises-of-Allah in them during the days and nights.
(Alnoor: 36)

Where will the Light of Allah the Most Eminent in Glory be found? In which homes? Allah
the Most Eminent in Glory Says that the Light of Allah the Most Eminent in Glory will be
found in those homes where the remembrance of the Name of Allah the Most Eminent in
Glory is done. So, Allah the Most Eminent in Glory has Used the word Here, that
that is found in those homes where the remembrance of the Name of Allah the Most
Eminent in Glory is done. Holy Prophet SAW adopted this practice (Sunnah) in Makki Life
that Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW used to go to some companion’s RA home and educate
whatever from Holy Quran was revealed. This is how the Religion of Islam spread from
education and teaching inside homes. When Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW migrated to
Madina, the first mosqe was built at Quba, which is known as Quba Mosque, and after that
the Mosque of Prophet SAW was built.

Hadees-e-Qudsi (Holy-Words-Of-AlRahman-As-Quoted-By-Holy-Prophet-SAW)

 My Love is obligatory for those people who love among each other for Me, sit somewhere
due to Me, meet each other due to Me, and spend upon each other due to me.
(Mauta Malik)

Holy Sayings SAW


 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that Allah the Most Eminent in Glory will Raise such
people on the Day of Judgment whose faces will be full of Light, they will be on the pulpits
of pearls, all will envy them that they will be neither prophets AI nor martyrs. It was
requested that O Messenger of Allah SAW! please tell us their condition so that we could
recognize them. It was replied, they are the ones who love for Allah the Most Eminent in
Glory, who are from different families and cities, who meet for the remembrance of Allah
the Most Eminent in Glory, and remember Allah the Most Eminent in Glory.
(Tibrani, Tohfa-e-Khawateen, Fazael-e-Zikr, Muntakhib Ahadees, Fazael-e-Amal)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that (remembrance of Allah the Most
Eminent in Glory) to be present in the gathering of remembrance is more excellent than one
thousand sections (of prayer).
(Quwatul Qaloob)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that those who gather for the remembrance of Allah
the Most Eminent in Glory, and their purpose is only the Will of Allah the Most Eminent in
Glory, an angel, from sky (With the Order of Allah the Most Eminent in Glory, at the end of
gathering), announces to rise forgiven and accepted, your evils have been replaced by
(Masnad-e-Ahmad, Tibrani, Muntakhib Ahadees)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that the group who is busy in the remembrance of
Allah the Most Eminent in Glory, angels surround that group, blessing covers them, peace is
revealed in their hearts, and Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Mentions them in the
gathering of angels.
(Muslim, Muntakhib Ahadees)

 It was asked from Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW that O Messenger of Allah SAW! What
is the prize and reward of the gatherings of remembrance? Holy Prophet SAW said that the
prize and reward of the gatherings of remembrance is heaven, heaven.
(Masnad-e-Ahmad, Tibrani, Muntakhib Ahadees)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that when you pass from the gardens of heaven, then
eat a lot. Companions RA requested that O Messenger of Allah SAW! What are the gardens
of heaven? It was replied, the circles of the remembrance of Allah the Most eminent in
(Tirmazi, Muntakhib Ahadees)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW went to a circle of Companions RA and enquired them that
why were they sitting there? They requested that we are sitting here to remember Allah the
Most Eminent in Glory and to thank this that Allah the Most Eminent in Glory has Done
gratitude on us by guiding us to Islam. Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said, by Allah the
Most Eminent in Glory, are you here only for this reason? Companions RA replied that we
swear upon Allah the Most Eminent in Glory that we are here just for this purpose. Holy

Prophet Muhammad SAW said that I have not taken oath considering you liars, rather
Jibrael AI came to me and have given me this news that Allah the Most Eminent in Glory is
taking pride on angels due to you people.
(Muslim, Muntakhib Ahadees)

 It was said to Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW that who is better to sit with for us? Holy
Prophet Muhammad SAW said that the one when you see, Allah the Most Eminent in Glory
comes to your memory, whose talk develops your actions, and whose actions make you
remember hereafter.
(Abu Yaeli, Majma-e-Zawaid, Muntakhib Ahadees)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that sitting with the learned is worship.
(Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Being present in the gathering of knowledge is more excellent than visiting one thousand
sick and one thousand funerals.
(Quwatul Qaloob)
 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that you should only sit with the learned as he would
take you away from five things to five things:

 From the interest in world to disinterest

 For cunningness to sincerity
 From pride to humbleness
 From laziness to betterment
 From ignorance to knowledge
(Ghunyatu Talebeen)

Unity among Muslims

The reason for the weakness of Muslims is mutual disunity and sectarianism; there are clear orders
in Quran and Holy Sayings SAW to get rid of it.

Quranic Verses

Translation: And Hold together the Rope (Holy Quran) of Allah, and don’t get
(Ale-Imran: 103)

Translation: Uphold Deen (religion), and don’t divide.
(Alshura: 13)

Sectarianism is Cause of Punishment

Translation: and don not be like those people (the followers of previous prophets
AI), who did sectarianism, and differed even after getting clear orders. These are
the people (i.e. those who do sectarianism) who will get great punishment.
(Aleimran: 105)
Reasons for Sectarianism


Translation: It is He Who Revealed Book on You (SAW), some of its verses have
clear meanings which are the actual of book, and others are those which are multi-
meanings, those who have bad in their hearts, they go after the multi-meaning
verses to spread mischief, and to derive logic of their own, its right meaning is
known unto Allah the Most Eminent in Glory only, and those who have strong
knowledge say we believe in it, all is from our Lord, and no one admits advice
except the wise.
(Aleimran: 7)

A Best Saying to Get Rid of Sectarianism

Translation: And whose talk is better than the one who calls towards Allah the
Most Eminent in Glory, and does virtuous deeds, and says verily I am among
(Ha Meem Sajda: 33)

Recognition of Faithful and Muslims in Holy Quran

Translation: He (i.e. Allah the Most Eminent in Glory) has Named you Muslim.
(Alhajj: 78)

Holy Prophet SAW is said to be the First Among Muslims in Holy Quran

Translation: You (SAW) say that I have been ordered to worship purely Allah the
Most Eminent in Glory, and I have been ordered that I should be the first among
(Alzumr: 11-12)

Only Holy Quran Can Save Muslims from Sectarianism

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that I swear upon that Being Who Sent me as prophet
with Right, definitely my Ummah will get divided into seventy two (72) sects on the basis of
actual of Deen (religion) and group, each sect will be astray and more astray, and will call
towards fire. When you are in such condition, it is impertinent for you to be steadfast on the
Book of Allah the Most Eminent in Glory. There is news in it about your previous ones and
the next ones after you. It will decide among you. Whoever searched knowledge besides
this, Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Led him astray, and it is the strong Rope of Allah the

Most Eminent in Glory , His Clear Light. Whoever follows this, there is
salvation for him. Its wonders will not end. Repetitive reading of it will not make it old.
(Tirmazi, Tarteeb Shareef)

 The one end of this Holy Quran is in the Hand of Allah the Most Eminent in Glory, and
second is in your hand, if you hold this (i.e. Holy Quran) tightly, then have faith that you
will never be astray or get destroyed.
(Tibrani, Tarteeb Shareef)

 Jibrael AI came to me and said, O Muhammad (SAW)! After you SAW, there will be
difference among your SAW followers (Ummah). I (i.e. Holy Prophet SAW) asked that how
will there be salvation then? Hazrat Jibrael AI answered that, the Book of Allah the Most
Eminent in Glory through which Allah the Most Eminent in Glory will Break the head of
every Oppressor, whoever holds it, will get salvation, and whoever leaves it will be
destroyed. Quran talks decisive.
(Kunzul Amal, Tarteeb Shareef)

 It was requested to Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW that who was the excellent Muslim.
Holy Prophet SAW said, the one from whose tongue and hands, other Muslims remain safe.
 Verses of Allama Iqbal

Let Muslims be united to safeguard Haram

From the coast of Nile to soils of Kashghar
Profit of this nation is one, one is the loss
Prophet SAW is one, one is faith, religion,
One is Holy Haram, one is Allah, and one Quran
Nothing big, had Muslims been one
Somewhere is Sectarianism, and castes somewhere
Is this all to gauge in the world

Excellence of Those Taking Part in Holy War of Hind (Ghazwa-e-Hind)

Holy Sayings SAW

Translation: Allah the Most Eminent in Glory has Saved two groups of My
followers (ummah). One group is the one who will participate in Ghazwa-e-Hind,
and the other group will be with Hazrat Isa AI son of Maryam AI.
(Nisai, Tarteeb Shareef)

It is narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira RA that it has been promised by Holy
Prophet SAW to us of Ghazwa-e-Hind. So, if I find it, I should spend my life and
possession, then if I get murdered, I will be counted among the excellent martyrs,
and if I come back, I Abu Horaira RA will be free (i.e. from the fire of hell)
(Nisai, Tarteeb Shareef)

Importance and Examples of Forty Sixth Part of Prophethood (Dreams of

Muslim ‘Momin’) in the Light of Quran and Holy Sayings (Ahahdees), and
Importance of True Dreams

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that I am the pray of my father (Hazrat) Ibrahim AI,
the good tiding of (Hazrat) Isa AI, and the dream of my mother RA.
(Alfateh Rabbani)

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW is the last prophet SAW. The Chain of prophethood has
ended after the demise of Holy Prophet SAW. Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW says that
nothing from (the parts) of prophethood will remain, but Almubashiraat will remain. People
requested, O Messenger of Allah SAW! what are Almubashiraat? Holy Prophet Muhammad
SAW said, pious dreams.

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that the good dream is the forty sixth part of
(Bukhari, Tirmazi)

 Explaining , Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said, it is that true

dream which Muslim (Momin) sees about himself or anyone else sees about him.

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that whoever sees me SAW in dream, he will soon (i.e.
after death) see me SAW while awake, and Satan cannot create my image.

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that whoever sees me SAW in dream, he has definitely
seen me SAW. Because, Satan cannot adopt my image, and the (pious) dream of Muslim is
one of the forty six parts of prophethood.

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said whoever (in dream) sees me (Holy Prophet SAW), he
has seen the truth (Holy Prophet SAW).

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said, whoever sees me (Holy Prophet SAW) in dream, so
no doubt, he has seen me (Holy Prophet SAW), because Satan cannot resemble my (Holy
Prophet SAW) image.

 Hazrat Abudullah bin Muhammad RA narrates that he said that whenever anyone had dream
during the times of Holy Prophet SAW, he used to state in front of Holy Prophet SAW.
(Bukhari, Tarteeb Shareef)

Types of Dreams

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that there are three types of dreams. Some of these
dreams are seen due to the stimulus by Satan so that man should have pain, and some
dreams are such which come with that idea which is during awakening. Some dreams are
such which are one part of the forty six parts of prophethood.

True and Pious Dreams

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said when (the Day of Judgment) time will be near, (or
when there will be moderately equal time of day and night), the dream of the Muslim will
never be false (will always be true), and the dream of the Muslim (Momin) is the forty sixth
part of prophethood.

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said, pious dreams are from Allah the Most Eminent in
Glory, and bad dream is from Satan, then whoever has bad dream, he should take left
posture in sleeping and spit three times, and have refuge of Allah the Most Eminent in Glory

from Satan, and say that bad dream will not harm him in
any way, and Satan cannot show himself in my image SAW.

Satanic Dreams

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that if Satan plays with anyone of you in dream, don’t
mention it among people.

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that whoever tells a dream without having it (lie), (on
the Day of Judgment) he will be ordered to join himself with knots, and he will not be able
to do that, and will remain getting punishment on that.

Dreams of Prophets AI in Holy Quran

Dream of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW and its Interpretation


Translation: That time, Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Showed you infidels in
very less numbers, and if he had shown you in great numbers, you would have
lost heart, and would have started fighting in the work (at hand). But Allah the
Most Eminent in Glory Saved you (from this). Verily, He is Aware even of the
talks of hearts.
(Alanfaal: 43)

Translation: And at that time when you confronted each other, (Allah the Most
Eminent in Glory) Showed the infidels very less in your sight, and showed you
very less in their eyes, so that Allah the Most Eminent in Glory do what He
Approves of doing, and all actions belong to Allah the Most Eminent in Glory.
(Alanfaal: 44)

Translation: Surely, Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Showed the true dream
according to fact to His (Messenger SAW), with the will of Allah, you (SAW)
will go to the Sacred Mosque (Masjid-e-Haram) in complete peace, shaving your
head, and trimming your hair with calmness in bravery. He knows those matters

which you (SAW) do not know, so He Blessed you with a near victory before
(Alfateh: 27)

Dream of Holy Ibraheem AI

Translation: Then, when he (Hazrat Ismael AI) came to such an age that he would
walk along, Hazrat Ibrahim AI said, my dear son! I am watching in dream to
slaughter you. Now you AI tell that What is your AI opinion? He (Hazrat Ismael
AI) said, father, whatever order is given, you AI act upon it, with the Will of
Allah, you will find me among those who have patience.
(Alsafaat: 102)

Interpretation of the Dream of Holy Ibraheem AI in Holy Quran

Translation: so, when both became subdued, and father put the son with forehead
against the earth, then We Pronounced that O Ibrahim AI! Surely you have made
your dream true. We Grant reward to the virtuous like this. In fact, it was an open
test, and We Gave a huge sacrifice for its ransom.
(Alsafaat: 103-107)

Dream of Holy Yousaf AI


Translation: When (Hazrat) Yousaf AI mentioned to his father that father, no

doubt I have seen eleven stars, and the sun and the moon (in dream), that they are
prostrating before me.
(Yousaf AI: 4)

Knowledge of the Interpretation of the Dream of Holy Yousaf AI

O My Lord, You have Granted me Governance, and Granted me the knowledge
of the ends of talks (Interpretations of Dreams). O the Creator of Heavens and the
Sky, You are the Creator of Sources for me in the world and the hereafter. Raise
me (from the world) in the condition of Your Obedience, and (in hereafter) enter
me among your pious men.
(Yousaf AI: 101)

Interpretation of the Dream of Holy Yousaf AI

Translation: And (Hazrat Yousaf AI) placed his parents high on throne, and they
all went into prostration before him. And (Hazrat Yousaf AI) said, O My Father,
this is the interpretation of my first dream, my Lord has Made it true, and verily
He (Allah the Most Eminent in Glory) has Done Great Gratitude on me, when He
Took me out of prison, and Took you people here from desert, despite the
difference that Satan had created between me and my brothers. Verily, my Lord is

the best in Planning whatever He Wills, and He is the Most Knowledgeable, the
Most Wise.
(Yousaf AI: 100)

Other Dreams Mentioned in Holy Quran

Dream of the King

And the king said that I see (in dream) that there are seven fat and fresh cows,
which are being eaten by seven weak and thin cows, and there are seven fresh
grains, and others completely dry. O my Chief! Tell me the interpretation of my
dream if you are the one giving interpretation of dream.
(Yousaf AI: 43)

Interpretation of the Dream of the King in Holy Quran

Translation: He (Hazrat Yousaf AI) said (about the interpretation of dream) that
you will sow grain for seven years continuously (as habitual), then after
harvesting the crop, let it be with the covers, except eating a small quantity. After
this, there will be very tough (famines) for seven years, they will eat the grain
which you had left for them (stored), except that small quantity which you might
have stopped. Then, one year will come in which a lot of rainfall will be
showered, and a lot (grape juice) will be squeezed.
(Yousaf AI: 47-49)

Translation: He (Hazrat Yousaf AI) said, appoint me on the treasures of earth,
verily I am protector, and knowledgeable.
(Yousaf AI: 55)

Dream of Prisoners

Translation: Two other young men entered into prison with him (Hazrat yousaf
AI). One of them said that verily I see myself squeezing wine (in dream), and the
other said I see (in dream) this that I am carrying bread on my head from which
birds are eating. Tell us the interpretation of these, you seem a virtuous person to
(Yousaf AI: 36)

Interpretation of the Dream of Prisoners

Translation: (Hazrat Yousaf AI said telling about the interpretation) O my
companions of prison! One of you both will be appointed to serve wine to his
king, and the other will be hanged, so birds will eat from his head. Whatever you
were investigating about, it has been decided.
(Yousaf AI: 41)

Dream of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW

Dream of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW about Holy Pilgrimage (Umra) and acting upon it

 As per Bukhari Shareef, the background of Chapter Alfateh is that in 6th Hijri in the month
of Zeeqaad, Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW had a dream in which Holy Prophet
Muhammad SAW are getting hair trimmed in Pilgrimage Dress with Holy Companions RA,
and are performing Voluntary Pilgrimage (Umra). With this intention, Holy Prophet
Muhammad SAW with 1400 companions RA and according to some narrations with 1500
companions RA set off for Voluntary Pilgrimage with fewer weapons. When Holy Prophet
Muhammad SAW reached at Hudaibia near Makka, the infidels stopped Holy Prophet
Muhammad SAW and did not allow performing Voluntary Pilgrimage. Holy Prophet
Muhammad SAW sent Hazrat Usman RA as his representative to discuss with the infidels
and to get permission to perform Voluntary Pilgrimage. But the news of the martyrdom of
Hazrat Usman RA spread out that may be Hazrat Usman RA has been martyred. After this
new, the companions RA took oath on his SAW hand, which is known as Bait-e-Rizwan.
(Alseeratu Nabvia)

Dreams of the Companions of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW

Dream of Holy Usman RA

 Leader of Muslims (Ameerul Momineen) Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani RA told his wife that the
time of my martyrdom has come. The rebels will murder me now. The wife said in painful
tone that it cannot be. Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani RA said that I have just seen Holy Prophet
Muhammad SAW, Holy Prophet SAW said, “Usman! You have been besieged by these
people.” I requested, “Yes.” On this Holy Prophet Muhammad hung a pot of water from
which I drank water. The coolness of that water is still being felt between both of my
shoulders and chests. After this, Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said, “If you wish, you can
be helped against them, and if your heart desires, then come and open your fast here.” I
requested that I want to be present in your service. When he got up from bed, he demanded
the shalwar which he had never worn, and wore it. Then freed twenty slaves and indulged in
the recitation of Holy Quran. Rebels jumped over the wall and entered in home. Holy Quran
was open before him RA. The verse which got coloured with his RA blood, is:

Translation: And Allah the Most Eminent in Glory is Sufficient against them, and
He is All Knowing, All Listening.
(Albaqra: 137)

(Khawb Nama, Khawja Shamsuddin Azeemi)

Dream of Ibn-e-Abbas RA

 One day Hazrat Ibne Abbass RA got up before the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain RA
and said, people asked, what happened? He said, the oppressors have
murdered Hazrat Imam Hussain RA. People enquired, how do you know? He RA said that I
saw Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW that a glass full of blood is with him SAW. He SAW
said that O Ibn-e-Abbass, did you see how my followers (Ummah) behave with me? They
murdered my son Hussain RA, it is his and his companion’s blood. I am taking it to Allah
the Most Eminent in Glory for appreciation. There came news after twenty four days that
Hazrat Imam Hussain was martyred by the oppressors.
(Khawb Nama, Khawja Shamsuddin Azeemi)

Miscellaneous Dreams in the History of Islam

Dream of Sultan Noor-ud-deen Zangi RehmaAlai

 A very surprising historical incident took place with Sultan Nooruddin Zangi RH. The
Crusades between the Muslims and Christians were at height that time. The enemies
conspired to steal the Sacred Body of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW from Holy Prophet’s
SAW sacred grave. For the fulfillment of the plan, they appointed two Arab Jews. Both of
these people got settled in Madina in the disguise of Muslim sufis, and spent their day and
night in hypocritical worship and in service of the visitors of Holy Tomb. In a very short
while, they achieved a respectable place among the population of Madinah with their
hypocritical attitude. Meanwhile, Sultan Nooruddin Zangi RH was busy in crusades on the
front of Damascus. Sultan saw the same dream consecutively for three nights that Holy
Prophet Muhammad SAW says that “O Nooruddin, these two dogs are disturbing me”,
and showed him the pictures of those two men in the dream. Sultan remained perturbed for
three days. At last when he was sure that the voice is really of Holy Prophet Muhammad
SAW, and he properly memorized the pictures of those two men. He speedily set off
towards Madinah with an army of five thousand men. Reaching there he ordered to the ruler
of Madinah to besiege the city, and all the men living in Madinah should be presented one
by one before him. Order was implemented, and every man living in the city was passed
before him, but the people in the dream could not be seen. At last he asked if there was
anyone else left. The people told him upon this that only two elderly were there who spent
their day and night in worship. It was ordered that they should also be presented. When they
came before him, Nooruddin Zangi was surprised to see that those were the same men who
were shown by Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW in dream. It was investigated and found that
they had taken a home near the Holy Tomb from where they were digging a tunnel which
was quite near the Sacred Tomb at that time. They got the punishment which they deserved,
but considering the precaution that such incident should never take place again, Sultan
Nooruddin Zangi RH got a deep ditch dig and got it filled with melted lead which is still
there. In 1981, when (writer Dr Sultan Muhammad Bashir) was present in the court of Holy
Prophet Muhammad SAW, some friends pointed out that place from where the tunnel was
started which shows the seriousness of this incident that even after 1000 years the people
have not been able to forget this.

(Mavra: Dr Sultan Mehmood Bashir)

Visiting of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW by Tariq Bin Ziad RehmaAlai

 In 711 AD, Musa Bin Naseer sent Tariq Bin Ziad RH as general of army to conquer Spain.
There were almost 15000 in the army of Tariq. On his way, Tariq decided to take rest. In
dream he was blessed with the visiting of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW. In that visiting,
the Muhajreen and Ansar of Arabs were standing around Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW in
a circle with naked swords. They also listened to Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW saying,
“have courage O Tariq, and the work which has been written for you, complete that.” Then
Tariq Bin Ziad looked around, and then saw Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW and
Companions RA entering into Spain. Tariq Bin Ziad RH immediately smiled, and at that
moment he did not have any doubt on his victory. Tariq Bin Ziad RH proceeded towards a
small hill in sea. Here Tariq Bin Ziad RH stayed for night, then with the faith on victory, he
burnt his ships with fire, and announced before his army, “I have burnt my ships, now we
have no other way to go back. Either we will win or get martyred.” When the king of Spain
came to know about the siege of his area, he immediately prepared an army of one lak, and
proceeded with this faith that he will imprison every soldier of Arab. With this purpose he
proceeded towards Karoda to attack on the army of Tariq Bin Ziad RH. Tariq Bin Ziad RH
delivered a speech before war, in which he talked about the power of resolution, bravery and
life after death. After the speech, the soldiers of the army of Tariq Bin Ziad RH wearing
white turbans and spears in their hands arrived in the battleground. When Tariq Bin Ziad
RH arrived in the battlefield, he aimed at the king with his spear and murdered him, and
gave victory to Muslims. It is said that after the defeat, the Christian army hustled about so
much that the dead body of the king could not even be known. Muslims immediately
implemented Islam, and governed there for 800 years.

Dream of Sultan Shamsuddin Altutumish

 Sultan Shamsuddin Altutmish had a desire to build a memorable pond. He remained active
to find the suitable and excellent place. Finally, he found a place according to his taste, and
after marking that place went back to his palace. Altutmish was a very intelligent, brave,
God-fearing, abstinent, and attaching heart with Allah the Most Eminent in Glory, ruler.
Same night he had a dream that a big heighted and a beautiful being for whose praise the
vocabulary is humble, is riding on a horse and few other personalities are also coming with
him. He SAW called Sultan near him and enquired, “What is your intention?” Sultan
requested that the intention is to get an excellent pond built. Meanwhile some one said that
Altutmish! This is Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW. Make request to Holy Prophet SAW to
get the desired treasure. Listening to this Sultan put his head in the feet of Holy Prophet
SAW. At the same time Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW hit his leg on the soil, and a
fountain sprouted from that place. Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that O Altutmish!
Build the pond here; water will flow from here that such sweet water will not be found
anywhere else. Opening his eyes, he got up speedily and reached at the marked spot as per

dream, and saw that water was flowing from earth at that time. So, he got the pond built on
that very place which became famous with the name of “Shamsi Pond”. This pond is in
Mehrwali Old Delhi.
(Khawb Nama, Khawja Shamsuddin Azeemi)

Dream of Hazrat Mehr Ali Shah RH

 Hazrat Pir Syed Mehr Ali Shah RH says that in Holy Makka I met Haji Imdad Allah
Muhajir Makki RH. He said with a lot of emphasis and vehemence that a mischief was
about to start in Hindustan very soon. So I should go back to his country Hindustan. Even if
I sit in Hindustan silently, that mischief will not prosper much. So I, changing the intention
of settling down in Arab, went back to Hindustan. One day, in dream I saw that Holy
Prophet Muhammad SAW ordered me that, “this Mirza Qadyani is tearing to pieces my
sayings (Ahadees) with his evil recitation and you are sitting silently.”
(Khawb Nama, Khawja Shamsuddin Azeemi)

Dream of Professor Ghazi Ahmed (Ex Kirshan Lal)

 I saw in a dream that after covering some distance, we arrived at Holy Makka. When we
entered into Sacred Haram, Khana Kaaba was in front of our eyes, and there was a huge
sand field. We saw that many Respectable Companions RA, in clean and pure white dresses,
are sitting with their faces towards the House Of Allah, and Head of Both Worlds, the
Famous lord, Chief of Messengers, Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW is sitting with his back
to Khana Kaaba and Holy Face towards Respectable Companions RA. Holy Prophet
Muhammad SAW was sitting between Rukn-e-Yamani and the cornered wall of Hateem.
We recognized Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW from the distance. I (Krishan Lal) started
walking behind Muhammad Sadiq (Who was his classfellow) that he is a Muslim so that
Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW meet Muhammad Sadiq first and afterwards I will have the
honor to meet (it was the idea of Krishan Lal that this Muslim should meet Holy Prophet
Muhammad SAW first and then he would meet). Muhammad Sadiq extended his hands for
handshake; Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW shook hands with him in the condition of Jaloos
(sitting). (Muhammad Sadiq was a Muslim, and behind him was Krishan Lal, Holy Prophet
Muhammad SAW shook hands while sitting). After Muhammad Sadiq, I (Krishan Lal) went
on to shake hands in the great court, Holy Prophet SAW, the Mercy for All Worlds, stood
up and granted the honour to embrace a non-Muslim, valueless, and faulty human like me
(this is the teaching of our Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW to shake hands with a Muslim
child while sitting and stood up and embraced a non-Muslim child). Waves of happiness ran
through the pores of my body, and wanted to cry with happiness. The Mercy for All Worlds
SAW sat on his place and beseated near a faulty like me. Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW
says, why have you come? I requested that, I have come in the service of Holy Prophet
Muhammad SAW to become a Muslim. Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW took my right hand
in his sacred hands, and after reading something for a while said that you are Muslim now.

Dream of Dr Saroop Ji

 Famous Maha Munt Dr Sev Shakti Saroop Ji Maharaj of 54 years, who has embraced Islam,
says that:

“Before my embracing Islam, Islam accepted me. There is not effort or curiosity of mine
involved in it, it is only the Gratitude of Allah the Most Eminent in Glory that He has
Guided me, and has Granted me Guidance. At the night of 1984, after propagating and
preaching my religion I went to take rest at my residence at my ashram. I saw in a dream at
night that a crowd is following me. To any direction I go, crowd also comes to that
direction. I stumble at a place and fell. I felt that two worth seeing hands are lifting me. And
as I am rising, the spirituality and attraction of the personality of those worth seeing hands is
empowering me. In my unconscious, the question arises that who has such a Lightening and
attractive personality? I heard a sound as if someone is saying that this is the most loved and
the Prophet of Islam, the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad SAW. Listening to the voice, a
question arose in my heart that whose voice is this? This question immediately comes to my
unconsciousness that this is Hazrat Abu Bakr RA. During my study of Islam I was not only
acquainted with the names of these two personalities rather the greatness and awe was safe
in my subconsciousness. The familiarity of these names created a stir in my emotions and
such condition came which I cannot explain. Meanwhile a sound came that:

Say Kalma

I did not know Kalma. How should I have said that? Then I was taught to read
Meanwhile I felt that someone took my hand in his hands, and
after reading embraced me. When I had read kalma, I was told that, now teach this kalma to
this country.

From the above give Quran and Ahadees and in the light of history, the importance of the
forty sixth part of prophethood i.e. of true dreams becomes clear. To act upon true dreams is
the Sunnah of Prophets AI as Hazrat Ibrahim AI, Hazrat Yousaf AI, and our dearest Holy
Prophet Muhammad SAW acted upon their dreams. It becomes clear from the above
mentioned dreams of history that if the true dreams had not been acted upon, we would have
been deprived. Therefore, without any reason, not believing in true dreams and not giving
them importance is disrespect to the forty sixth part of prophethood. Whereas after the
visiting of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW in dream, Dr Saroop Ji and Krishan Lala became
Muslims. But if anyone criticizes, without any reason, the one who sees Holy Prophet SAW
in dream, it is his great blunder.

Our Belief
The details of our belief are given below:

1. Belief on the Elements of Islam

 Oneness: Pure Word (Kalma-e-Tayyaba)

Translation: there is no Lord except Allah the Most Eminent in Glory. Holy
Prophet Muhammad SAW is the prophet of Allah the Most Eminent in Glory.

 Second Word, ‘Testimony’ (Second Kalma Shahadat)

Translation: I testify that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah the Most
Eminent in Glory, He is the One, there is none unto Him, and I testify that verily
Muhammad SAW is the Servant and prophet of Allah the Most Eminent in Glory.

 Third Word, ‘Tamjeed’

Translation: Allah the Most Eminent in Glory is Pure, and all Praises are for Allah
the Most Eminent in Glory, and there is no Lord except Allah the Most Eminent
in Glory, and Allah the Most Eminent in Glory is the Greatest, and there is no
ability of virtue but from Allah the Most Eminent in Glory Who is the Highest,
and the Greatest.

 Fourth Word, ‘Oneness’


Translation: There is no Lord except Allah the Most Eminent in Glory, He is the
One, there is none unto Him, Kingship and Praise is for Him, He Gives Life and
Gives Death, and He is Alive, and Never Dies, He will Always Live, Very
Eminent in Glory and the Greatest, there is Good in His Hand, and He is
Omnipotent over everything.

 Fifth Word, ‘Forgiveness’

Translation: I ask for forgiveness from Allah the Most Eminent in Glory, Who is
my Lord, from every sin which I intentionally committed or in forgetfulness, or
committed openly; and I ask for Forgiveness in His Court, of that sin which I
know, and also of that sin which I do not know. (O Allah the Most Eminent in
Glory) Verily, You Know the Hidden, and Hide the faults, and Forgive the sins,
and there is no power to be safe from sin and to do virtue except the ability with
the Help of Allah the Most eminent in Glory, who is the Most Highly Dignified.

 Sixth Word, 'Rejection of Infidelity’


Translation: O Allah the Most Eminent in Glory! I seek Your Refuge from that
which I equalize with you while knowing, and ask for forgiveness from You of
that which I do not know, and I apologize from this, and I am disgusted from
infidelity and unfaithfulness, and from lie, and from backbiting, and from evil
innovation in religion, and from saying mean things, and from indecencies, and
from false accusations, and from all sins; and I say that there is no Lord except
Allah the Most Eminent in Glory, and Muhammad SAW is the prophet of Allah
the Most Eminent in Glory.

2. Prayer, Fasting, Zakat, Hajj

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that the building of Islam is raised on five things:
testifying that there is no true Lord except Allah the Most Eminent in Glory and Muhammad
SAW is the prophet of Allah the Most Eminent in Glory, and offering prayer correctly, and
keeping fast in Ramazan, and giving Zakat and performing Hajj.

3. Faith on ‘Concise Faith’ (Iman-e-Mufasil)

Translation: I have faith on Allah the Most eminent in Glory, and on His Angels, and
on His Books, and on His Prophets, and on the Day of Judgment, and on good and
bad fate that it is from Allah the Most Eminent in Glory, and on life after death.

4. Faith on’ Abridged Faith’ (Iman-e-Mujamil)

Translation: I have faith on Allah the Most Eminent in Glory as He is with His Names
and Qualities, and I accept all His orders, accept with tongue and believe from heart.

5. Faith on the Finality of Prophethood (Khatm-e-Naboovat)

Faith on the finality of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW that there will be no prophet after Holy
Prophet Muhammad SAW, and the range of prophets has ended after the demise of Holy
Prophet Muhammad SAW. (We have no connection with Qadyani, Ahmedi (Qadyani) Lahore
Ahmedi Movement or its any form).

6. According to the constitution of Pakistan whatever the definition of Muslim is given, we are
Muslims, and we have full right to act upon the rituals and Islamic teachings which are right
according to Quran and Sunnah.

7. We believe and follow Holy Quran, Holy Sayings (Ahadees) and the Sunnah of Holy Prophet
SAW. We respect and honour Ehl-e-Bait (the family of Holy Prophet SAW), Respectable
Companions RA, Aulia Allah RH (the friends of Allah), all Muslim, Momins and Mominaat,
males and females.

8. We (Allah Forbid) do not Claim anything from the following evil things:

 We do not claim prophethood or Mehdism in any form

 We do not have any claim to be the son of Allah the Most Eminent in Glory or Holy Prophet
Muhammad SAW.

 We do not propagate voluntary rituals by leaving the elements of Islam, duties and Sunnah.

9. Our emphasis for voluntary rituals (Nawafil) is only after performing duties and Sunnah, and it
is especially for those people who want to achieve the nearness of Allah the Most Eminent in
Glory as per this Hadees-e-Qudsi (Holy-Words-Of-AlRahman-As-Quoted-By-Holy-Prophet-

 Holy-Words-Of-AlRahman-As-Quoted-By-Holy-Prophet-SAW: Holy Prophet Muhammad

SAW says that Allah the Most Eminent in Glory has Said that:
“A Servant Keeps on getting My nearness through abundant voluntary rituals that I become
his tongue with which he speaks, become his eyes with which he sees, and hands with which
he touches.” (Bukhari)

10. The emphasis to perform voluntary rituals is for those people who want to revive the Sunnah of
love of voluntary rituals by Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW because our Holy Prophet
Muhammad SAW used to offer so many Voluntary Prayers that his sacred feet would swell. It is
in Holy Saying SAW that:

 Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW used to stay so much during the night that his both sacred
feet and ankles used to swell, and when Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW was talked about
this, Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW used to say that, shouldn’t I be the thankful servant of
Allah the Most Eminent in Glory?

11. If a person does not want to offer voluntary prayers, there is no compulsion on him, because
voluntary prayers should be offered with ease after performing duties and Sunnah.

12. The disgust with voluntary prayers and negative propaganda, without any reason, against these,
is in fact a conspiracy against the loved voluntary rituals of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW,
and it is also disrespect of these because offering of voluntary prayer, even if according to poor
Hadees, has no sin.

13. Any voluntary ritual, even its certification is weak, if anyone performs with ease after duties and
Sunnah, this voluntary ritual will not be written among sins. Allah the Most Eminent in Glory is
AlRehman, AlRaheem, He does not Waste the deeds of those who act happily. If any
certification is being considered weak and on the Day of Judgment, that Holy Hadees proves to
be true, the offerer of voluntary prayer will be successful both ways, i.e. he will get the reward
of voluntary prayer, and will also get the reward of reviving Sunnah.

14. Doubting, Blaming, Doing negative Propaganda against the beliefs and faith of any Muslim
(without any proof from Sarah), is in fact destroying one’s own faith. Holy Prophet Muhammad
SAW said:

“He is not a Muslim if from his hand and tongue other Muslim is not safe”

In the perspective of this Holy Saying SAW, hurting any Muslim with false accusations, back
biting, saying mean things, and doing negative propaganda/disinformation against his beliefs, is
equal to rejecting the following Holy Saying SAW of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW. If any

person says a Muslim as infidel, he does a grand oppression on himself, whose warning is in the
following Holy Saying SAW:

Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW says:

 It is narrated by Hazrat Ibn-e-Umar RA that Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said,

whoever called his brother an infidel, the infidelity returns to one of them, if the person in
front is such then whatever he says is right, otherwise it returns to the one who says.
(Muslim Shareef)


It is prayed to Allah, the Most Eminent in Glory, to accept our this effort, and Grant all of us
readers, teachers, and preachers strength to revive the Sunnah of Voluntary Prayers of Holy Prophet
Muhammad SAW while acting upon these Rituals with sincerity and steadfastness. (Amen)

Message for Readers

It is requested to respectable readers that we have made a tiny effort to gather the voluntary Rituals
of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW with the ability Granted by Allah, the Most Eminent in Glory,
and with a lot of hard work. Now it is your task to act upon this yourself with the ability Granted by
Allah, the Most Eminent in Glory, and incite others also. Although we have tried completely that
there should be no mistake in the book, but even if there is seen any mistake in the book, please
send it on the address given at the end of the book so that it could be corrected in next edition.


References of the Narrations Made in this Book

 AlQuran-e-Hakeem  Nazhat-ul-Majalis Wa Muntakhib-ul-

 Bukhari Nafais Aljuz-ul-Awal
 Muslim  Rahat-ul-Qaloob
 Abu Daud  Fawaid-ul-Fawad
 Jamia Tirmazi  Qoowat-ul-Qaloob
 Ibn-e-Maja  Jawaher-e-Ghaibi
 Sunnan Nisai  Maktoob Sharfuddin Yahya
 Sunnan Darmi Rehmatullah Alai
 Masnad-e-Ahmad  Asan Fiqa
 Mishkat Shareef  Bara Maheeno Ki Nafli Ibadaat
 Tafseer-e-Kishaf  Jawahir-e-Khamsa Kamil
 Mustadrak-e-Hakim  Namaz Ka Mukamal Encyclopedia
 Kunzul Amaal  Masa-e-le Namaz Ka Mukammal
 Tibrani, Majma-e-Zawaid Wa Munba- Encyclopedia
el-Fawaid  Afzal Namaz Ka Mukamal
 Amjad-ul-Ahadees Encyclopedia
 Muareful Ahadees  Namaz Ki Sab Say Bari Kitab
 Atlad Seerat Nabi SAW  Takarat-ul-Waezeen Urdu
 Ahya-ul-Aloom  Fakri Majmua Wazaif
 Mouta Malik  Fazael-e-Amaal-e-Saleh
 Jawahir-ul-Ahadees  Fazael-e-Zikr
 Riaz-us-Saleheen  Anees-ul-Waezeen
 Ghunyat-u-Talebeen  Hassan Hussain
 Amal-al-Yaum Bil Sunnah Tarteeb  Muntakhib Ahadees
Shareef  Tohfa-e-Khawateen
 Bahar-e-Shariat  Minhaj-ul-Muslim
 Kulyat-e-Iqbal

Arrangement and Editing of Book

 Effort, Arrangement and Guidance Asif Mehmood

 Editing Saqib Rasheed

Inaam Ullah Saeed

 Correction of Mistakes in book Rizwan Ullah Saeed

 Composing Lutfullah Saeed

For the correction or reformation of any kind, contact on the following telephone numbers/address:

 Asif Mehmood : 0321-9444111

 Saqib Rasheed : 0331-5022829

 Rizwan Ullah Saeed : 0321-5160371

 Asim Javed : 263/D PIA Employees Cooperative Housing Society, Lahore


 Inaam Ullah Saeed : 0300-9559569

O the Possessor of Beauty and the Head of Humans,

From your Lightul Face, the moon has been granted light.

Such praise is not possible as is right of your praise

The precise thing is that after Allah the Most Eminent in Glory, you are the


Page no. Word to replace Suggested replacement

103 the Most Eminent in Glory Almighty
103 great (false accusation) sin great sin (false accusation)
104 And those people who equalize And those people who consider
anything else than Allah the Most anything else equal to Allah
Eminent in Glory Almighty
104 Him Them
104 the Most Eminent in Glory Almighty
104 Very (remove very) doesn’t fit
104 Verily, I have done my attention Verily, I have turned my attention
(face), attentively, (face), attentively,
104 C (Created) c (created) (capiltalisation error)
104 you (SAW) you (Holy prophet peace be upon
105 the Most Eminent in Glory Almighty
105 you should have fear from Him you should fear Him
105 Uphold Establish
105 You (SAW) you (Holy prophet peace be upon
106 so when killing was made so when kitaal (struggle) was made
obligatory on them, one of the obligatory on them, one of the
groups started doing humbleness groups humbled infront of men as
to men as humbleness should be humbleness should be done unto
done unto Allah the Most Eminent Allah the Most Eminent in Glory,
in Glory, rather more than that. rather more than that.
106 Evil Suggestion Doubts
106 Holy Saying SAW Holy saying of Holy prophet (peach
be upon him)
107 Most Eminent in Glory Almighty
107 virtues. Good deeds
107 Verily Allah the Most Eminent in Verily Allah Almighty Loves those
Glory Loves those who kill in row who fight in His cause in a row as
in His way as if they are lead wall. though they are single structure
joined firmly.
108 manifest remain
108 And those people who equalize And those people who consider
anything else than Allah…. anything else equal to Allah
108 SAW Peace be upon Him
109 AI Blessings be upon him

109 hatred, malice and hostility Hate, hatred and bitterness

111 there cannot be any Muslim One can not be a Muslim (Momin)
(Momin) until his love for me until his love for me
112 Excellences Importance
112 you Your
112 and is guidance, and is blessing and is guidance, and blessing
112 Word of Allah Words of Allah (Quran)
112 said that the Word of Allah has said that the Words of Allah (Quran)
such excellence on other words as has such excellence on other books
Mine (Allah the Most Eminent in as I (Allah Almighty) have
Glory) excellence over all excellence over all creatures.
112 Holy Sayings SAW Holy prophet peace be upon him

113 propitiatory Charity

113 Some Remove it
113 To Remove it
114 Excellences Importance
114 bagun begun
115 lak Lac
115 For lak Four lac
115 respected Blessed
115 Excellence Importance
116 Excellence Importance
118 and Excellence Importance
119 AI Blessings be upon them
122 notion Assumption
123 Excellences Importance
123 AI Blessings be upon them
125 propitiatory offering charity
125 treasures treasure
128 hint Mention
130 heaven Remove it
133 Don not Do not
134 impertinent A must/ very important
135 Requested Asked
136 pray Prayer
137 and some dreams are such which and some dreams are such which
come with that idea which is during form with the idea which is ongoing
awakening when one is awake
137 he should take left posture in he should lie on his left side

137 Lie Tells a lie
137 he will be ordered to join himself He will be ordered (on the Day of
with knots, and he will not be able Resurrection) to tie two grains of
to do that, and will remain getting barley together, when he would fail
punishment on that. at it, he will be punished for that".
139 I am watching in dream to I dreamt of me slaughtering you.
slaughter you. Now you AI tell that Now you (peace be upon him) tell
What is your AI opinion? He that What is your opinion? He
(Hazrat Ismael AI) said, father, (Hazrat Ismael (Peace be upon
whatever order is given, you AI act him)) said, father, whatever order is
upon it, with the Will of Allah, you given, you should act upon it, with
will find me among those who have the Will of Allah, you will find me
patience. among those who have patience.
139 subdued Submissive towards will of Allah
140 Gratitude on Favour upon
143 RA May Allah be pleased with him
143 shalwar Dress

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