OUB 805 UNIT 1 Assignment 1 (1) - 8

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Assignment 1

Content of Assignment – UNIT 1

MARKS: 100

Date due: 26 June 2024

UNIT 1 On Page 13 of your study guide there are SIX questions –

Respond to all the six questions - You all come from a family - your family of origin think of
your family of origin as you respond to the questions provide - Try to use each question as
a heading - ensure that each question is on its own page and at minimum 1 page - I am not
interested in thumb sucking - you need to use theoretical references provided and more to
respond to the questions - I am not interested in quotations - I need to see that you are
able to critically apply theory and to provide your own critical view of the knowledge
provided. - You are expected to present 5 slides in the next class of this work - it will be peer
marked - The question is the rubric - -

1. Think of a family of origin.

2. Think of the genogram you created on our first meeting.
3. Think of theories you learned in Part 1 of this Module – this is a continuation –

Use the Assignment 1 Link – it’s created.

Content of Assignment (as in Study Guide)

Suggested references to get you started:

1. Walsh, F. (2012). Normal Family Processes. Fourth Edition: Chapters 1, 2.

2. Judy Haefner, D. N. P. (2014). An Application of Bowen Family Systems Theory. Issues in
Mental Health Nursing, 35, 835-841.
3. Crossno, M. A. (2011). Bowen family systems theory. Marriage and family therapy: A
practice-oriented approach, 39-64.
4. Brown, J. (1999). Bowen family systems theory and practice: Illustration and critique.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 20(2), 94-103.

Reflect on your understanding of Unit 1:

1. What theoretical principles do you employ to decide whether a family that presents for
treatment is average? Use at least three principles – (20)
2. Try to describe an average family in South Africa. (10)
3. How did the social and political history of South Africa influence family life and what is
considered to be standard family life? (20)
4. What are the main differences between individual and systemic approaches to
intervention? (20)
5. How do your own family experiences contribute to your views of normality in family life?
6. How can you use “framing” to normalise family distress? (20)


Title of Assignment


Student Number:

Declaration of originality:

Table of Content


Headings -


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